The audio titled "Convolved Sound" is an auditory exploration of the effects of sound manipulation. It begins with a clear, singular tone that is gradually altered, giving listeners a unique perspective on how sound can be transformed using different techniques. The first noticeable change is a reverb effect, where the original sound is subtly echoed, creating an almost haunting echo that seems to fill a large, unseen space. This reverb effect gives a sense of depth and dimension to the sound, making it feel more alive and immersive. Following the reverb, the audio introduces an impulse response. This is a significant alteration that modifies the sound in a complex and intriguing way. The tone becomes more dynamic and layered, with the original sound seeming to bounce and ricochet in a fascinating pattern. The final stage of the audio is the convolution process, which is a sophisticated method of blending and reshaping the sound. The tone becomes even more complex, creating an intr