As the audio titled "Audio 04" begins, an eerie silence permeates the atmosphere, serving as a prelude to the spine-chilling events to unfold. The hauntingly familiar yet uncanny sounds of the theremin fill the air, setting the stage for a goosebumps inducing ambiance. Soon, the tranquillity is broken by a symphony of chilling and creepy sounds, reminiscent of a horror-thriller set in an alien land. The soundscape is a complex, fractal pattern, resonating with a sense of dread and anticipation. The sonic elements seem to be weaved together in such a way that they echo the spine-tingling dread associated with Halloween or Hallowe'en, as it's traditionally known. As the audio progresses, the sounds morph and fluctuate, creating a spectral soundscape that sends shivers down your spine. The rhythm is interspersed with spooky sonic elements, which serve as auditory jump scares, keeping you on the edge of