As the audio titled "11-Lightning Strikes" begins, the foreboding quiet of an approaching storm fills the air. The distant rumbles of thunder gently punctuate the silence, hinting at the formidable weather conditions brewing in the backdrop. Suddenly, the tranquility is shattered by a blinding flash of lightning, illuminating the darkened sky with an electrifying intensity. The visual spectacle is immediately followed by a resounding crack of thunder, a raw and powerful sound that echoes ominously across the landscape. The storm intensifies, with flashes of lightning becoming more frequent and the thunder growing louder and more forceful. The weather takes a powerful turn, the lightning strikes creating a dazzling display against the backdrop of the stormy sky. The crescendo of the thunderstorm reaches its peak with a final, powerful lightning strike. The illuminating flash is so strong, it's as if day has momentarily overtaken the night. This is followed by the thunder's deafeni