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cover of 052592_Vehicle Interior: Initiate, Change Gears & Speed Up
052592_Vehicle Interior: Initiate, Change Gears & Speed Up

052592_Vehicle Interior: Initiate, Change Gears & Speed Up


The audio clip titled "052592_Vehicle Interior: Initiate, Change Gears & Speed Up" begins with the sound of a vehicle being initiated. The unmistakable hum of the engine coming to life is heard, signifying the start of the journey. Next, the audio transitions into the sound of gears being shifted. The unique clunk and click of the shift lever moving into place, combined with the subtle change in the engine's tone, perfectly captures the act of changing gears in an automobile. The listener can almost feel the shift lever in their hand, the gear changing smoothly as the vehicle prepares to accelerate. Following the gear change, the sound of the vehicle speeding up takes center stage. The roar of the engine becomes louder and more intense, the revs rising in sync with the vehicle's increasing speed. The audio perfectly captures the sensation of acceleration, making the listener feel as if they are in the driver's seat, foot pressing down on the accelerator, the vehicle surging forward

Sound Effectsautointeriorsfxaccelerate

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