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cover of 04-Dream

In the audio titled "04-Dream", we journey through the mystical world of dreams and feelings intertwined with the state of sleep. The narrative begins with the soothing sound of a gentle lullaby, lulling the listener into a state of relaxation akin to the precipice of sleep. Here, the exploration of dreams commences. The audio captures the essence of the elusive and ethereal nature of dreams, often felt but not always remembered. The narrative continues, intertwining the fleeting images and emotions experienced in dreams. It paints a vivid picture of the subconscious mind at play, its mysteries unfurling like a story told in sleep. The soundscape is rich with the echoes of distant laughter, whispers of forgotten conversations, and the murmur of subconscious thoughts, embodying the blend of reality and fantasy often found in dreams. Towards the end, the narrative encapsulates the feeling of waking from a deep sleep, the lingering traces of a dream still fresh but rapidly fading away.

Sound Effectsdreamfeelingsleep

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