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AI Summary Bath House

AI Summary Bath House

Dylan RedwoodDylan Redwood



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The party continues their adventure at the Elfsong Tavern, where Terina reveals a secret passageway into the underground of the bathhouse. Pirates show up looking for Terina, but the group deceives them and heads to the bathhouse. Mabel and Milo enter as customers while the others scout the outside. They find a peculiar outcropping and Mabel enjoys the baths until Milo enters, causing others to leave. Mabel is invited to the northern room for a massage, and the key offers to give her the massage himself. They gain access to the secret passageway and descend into a sewer. They come across a room with three doors, one containing dead bodies. Milo summons a skeleton, causing conflict within the group. They fight the undead and Key finds three spell books. The party picked up where they left off a tense game of boulders-bones with Terina at the Elfsong Tavern. Yakov emerged victorious with a damn lucky roll in the final round. A bet is a bet, and Terina honors this by revealing to the group a secret passageway into the underground of the bathhouse, sending the characters on their way. As the group leaves the tavern, a small roll-playing encounter unfolds. About eight pirates and their leader, Dead Eye, enter the tavern searching for Terina, who dramatically leaps from the second floor window, fleeing to safety. The group, acting with cunning, returns to the tavern to sow seeds of deception, sending the pirates in another direction while also ensuring Alan's safety. In the dying light of the day, the group makes their way to the bathhouse. Mabel and Milo enter as general customers, while the remaining members scout the outside. Their scouting reveals a peculiar outcropping on the northern side of this otherwise symmetrical establishment. Inside Mabel and Milo meet Jebaz, the current attendant and masseuse. Milo's investigation of the southern room reveals nothing more than some lovely bottles of fragrance oils, while Mabel enjoys the baths, sharing a pool with other occupants. However, the atmosphere sours when Milo enters, causing the others to leave in disgust, unwilling to share the waters with a half-breed. Mabel waits for a massage from the female attendant, who is currently preoccupied in the northern massage-room. Enter the ruse Yakov, Conrad, and Thorne act as escorts to the wonderful mystical key, the Enchanting Viper. They saunter into the establishment, hoping to secure the grounds to host a party. Unfortunately, Jebaz cannot agree to anything without management approval from Mortlock Vanthamper. While the family owns the bathhouse, Mortlock is the head of business, but is currently unavailable, leaving Jebaz in charge. After a few more checks and subterfuge, Mabel is invited to use the northern room for a massage from Comilla, the female masseuse. However, the stranger key, unbeknownst to Jebaz and company, offers to give her a massage himself, rolling highly on a performance check to persuade Jebaz that he has the skills to please her. They both gain access, allowing them to be left alone in the northern room while the others wait outside. Needing to distract Jebaz and Comilla, key offers to pay double for a two-on-one session for Milo in the southern room, lasting fifteen minutes. Milo lasts only three minutes before continuing for another quickie, all faded to black, of course. Pawn, denied entry to the waters by Jebaz, takes matters into his own hands, dispersing the other customers by dirtying the waters with his still muddy and bloody furs. Meanwhile, Conrad and Yakov stand guard and bolt the door with Conrad's mace. Mabel and key gain access to the secret passageway through a small brass tap, using their investigation skills to push the stone door open, revealing a foul-smelling subterranean lair below the bath-house. Unwilling to proceed alone, they gather the others and send them down into the passageway, awaiting Milo, Jebaz and Comilla. Suspicion is avoided through a web of lies, and Jebaz and Comilla are content with allowing Milo into the room with Mabel and key, believing the other three have gone outside. With everyone now in the passageway, the group descends into a sewer with nine-foot vaulted ceilings. The pitch-black darkness is punctuated by a few sputtering torches lighting the stone walls, while two feet of sewage water fills their immediate area. Pawn uses his twilight magic to grant dark vision to the party members who need it, including Gopi. They proceed down a long corridor to a room featuring three doors north, south and east, each depicting one of the three cults of the dead gods. Behind one of the doors lies a room with five dead humans in cloaks, arranged in a pentagonal formation, with a torch lighting the room situated between them. In anticipation of combat, Milo uses his bone of animation to summon a skeleton to fight by his side. This surprises Conrad, who attacks and drastically weakens the skeleton before the group manages to calm his anger toward the undead. Pawn investigates the bodies simultaneously, and they rise rapidly to fight off the invading party. However, they are no match for the group's might. As the fight concludes, Key stands in an adjoining room and discovers three spell books amidst the rubble of the partially collapsed ceiling.

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