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Living Letters Zayin

Living Letters Zayin




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The Finding Emet radio program focuses on understanding and living the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The program features teachings by Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. The seventh letter of the Hebrew Aleph Bet is the Zayin, which symbolizes a crown or a head. It is associated with the number seven and represents Shabbat, the seventh day. The Zayin is a message from Yahweh and is adorned with crown marks in the Torah scroll. It also symbolizes the crown of man and the importance of a wife of noble character. The number seven is a spiritual number and is associated with spiritual perfection. Yeshua performed seven miracles on the Sabbath, highlighting its significance. Shabbat is the crown of creation. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the www.emetministries.com website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program or submit your prayer request. That's www.emetministries.com or www.findemet.com. CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rendleman, as he helps us find the Emet. We are continuing our series on the Aleph Bet, the Hebrew, the living letters. We discussed the Aleph, the Bet, the Gimel, the Dalet, the Hay, and the Va. Those are all available at www.findemet.com, F-I-N-D-E-M-E-T.com. And we're going to be discussing today the seventh letter of the Aleph Bet, the Zion or the Zayin. Everybody say Zayin. Zayin. This is the seventh letter of the Hebrew Aleph Bet. And as we begin to look at these letters, we see that these are actually a message from Yahweh. And today, during this teaching, we're going to talk about this letter. We're going to look at the number seven. We're going to discuss Hebraic spiritual warfare. Look at spiritual warfare from a Hebraic perspective. We're going to see how the Torah allows us to defeat the enemy, how to correctly remember the Shabbat. We're going to discuss the Queen, the Sabbath, and the importance of the kingdom of Yahweh. Now, as we begin, I want us to think for a moment about optical illusions. We've all seen them before, different things that look like something, but then they are something else. Some politicians, they look like a sheep, and they're a wolf in sheep's clothing, you know, optical illusions. But if you will, take a moment and look at this picture, and for those listening by CD, take a moment and look at this picture. This is... What do you think? Are these lines straight, or are they crooked? Now, they look very crooked, don't they? They look very crooked, but in all actuality, these lines are perfectly straight. Our eyes can play and will play tricks on us. How many Fs do you hear in this sentence, or C? Count with me. Finish files as a result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years. Finish files as a result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years. How many Fs? Let's pull them up together. Let's see who can name. How many Fs do we see there? Finish files as a result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years. Three? I hear three. Yehuda earlier counted four. Six, four, five? Finish files as a result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of years. Six? Now, come on now. Keep going. What do you see? Seven? How many Fs do you see? Finished files, that's two, are the result of, that's three, years of four scientific five study combined with the experience six of years. But at first glance, you don't see that, do you? You've all seen these pictures where it looks like a vase, but it's really two people staring at each other? Those are kind of fun as well. We think it's a Hebrew letter. It looks like a letter. It looks like strokes of ink on a page, but like an optical illusion, the Hebrew letters are more. There's a greater meaning and a message behind them. So when you look at a letter, when you pick up with a door or a Hebrew book, or when you see them on a banner, or you read it on the internet and, oh, it's just Hebrew, no. This is a message from Yahweh to us today. This is in so many messages. You can break apart different words and see, and you can break apart different letters and see all of these things that Yahweh has for us in His Word. It is absolutely amazing. So today, let me kick it again, today we're going to discuss the seventh letter, the Zayin. Everybody say Zayin. Zayin. And this letter is another message from Yahweh. It is more than just strokes of ink or so. In each of the letters, the Aleph, the Bet, the Gemel, the Zayin, the Resh, the Sheem, the Mem, the Nun, the Samech, the Chet, they are all messages from Yahweh. We discussed that the Aleph was the number one, how the Gemel was a picture of a camel and the number three, and how the He means to behold. The Vav was the nails. The Vav was the nails, and how Yeshua's body in Psalm 22, we read the prophecy that it would be nailed with the Vavim. Remember, we discussed how with the Vav, the word Vav appears throughout the book of Exodus, that the hooks that held together the curtains on the tabernacle were actually called Vavim. They were actually called this letter. Amazing what Yahweh has for us in His Word. But each Hebrew letter is a number, it's a message, it's a word, it's a picture, it's a code. So if somebody ever says, why are you learning Hebrew? You say, well, I'm learning the secret passcode to speak to Yahweh. I'm learning the secret code that Yahweh has given us His Word with, and each of these letters is that. Now, each letter is powerful. Now, the seventh letter is the Zayin. It gives us the Z sound. It's where we get the Greek Zeta from. Zeta, Zeta. Not Catherine Zeta Jones, but the Greek Zeta sound. The Z sound. Like hits, hits. It's got a hint of a T and an S. What other word would it be? Like a Z sound, I guess. But like hits, hits. It's got the TZ sound in the letter. And this letter symbolizes a crown or a head. And it was originally a picture of a, like a plow. It was, it was a picture of an ancient tool used to cut with. In the Paleo, in the early Hebrew, it was written more like a tool to cut with. And it began to change into what we have today as a modern letter, which looks very much like the Vav. They are similar in their designs. So the Zayin symbolizes a weapon or a crown or a head. So the Zayin symbolizes a weapon or a crown or a head. The number seven, the divine number. Now, what's interesting is that when written in the Torah, when written in the Torah scroll, the Zayin is one of the few letters that is crowned, literally. That when the Zayin is written in the Torah scroll, the scribe would write the letter and then place crown marks above the letter to symbolize its meaning and the kingship of Yahweh. In Hebrew, these are called Tagin. They're called tags that adorned it. It would have these three marks above it to give it a special meaning. To remind the reader of the crown and of the weapons and of the kingdom of Yahweh. Now, we know that the Vav was a picture of man. The number six, the number of man. The Vav was a picture of a man standing. While the Zayin is similar but is a picture of man's crown. If you look at the Zayin and the Vav, it's just very similar. But the Zayin is a picture of a crown. The Vav is the number six and is crowned or is added to or is made greater with the number seven. So, Vav is the man. What is man's crown? What is man's crown? I hear salvation, I hear Yeshua. Let's just think for a minute. What is most men most proud of? Their car. No, what is man's crown? Their job? Oh, wait a minute. I hear it. I hear it. The family, their wife. What is man's crown? Proverbs 12.4. Very good. Mishale 12.4 says, A wife of noble character is her husband's crown. A wife of noble character is her husband's crown. A wife of bad character is her husband's crown of thorns. Right? I mean, let's be honest here. A thorn in the flesh, right? Oy vey. Oy vey. Proverbs 12.4. A wife of noble character is a husband's crown. The wife, the Zayin, is the crown of man, the Vav. So, if Yeshua is the man or the bridegroom, what does that make us? If he's the number six, the man, the bridegroom, what does that make us? The number seven, the bride, hopefully a wife of noble character. A woman of valor. Hopefully, that's who we are. Now, the Vav was the number six. And the number six is symbolic of the six days of creation. So, if the Vav was the number six and symbolic of the six days of creation, what do we think the number seven and the Zayin is symbolic of? Shabbat, the seventh day. The Zayin is the number seven and is symbolic of the seventh day. So, when you look at the Zayin, you think of Shabbat. You think of what Yahweh has for us on His Sabbath. Now, seven is a special number. It is a spiritual number. It is the number of spiritual perfection. In Hebrew, the way you say seven, Sheva. Sheva, I've heard it both, Sheva or Sheva. Sheva or Sheva. Like the month Shavet. It's a divine number. You've got, the rabbis tell us there will be 6,000 years of man and then the Messiah. That you had 2,000 years before Torah, 2,000 years with Torah, 2,000 years with Yeshua. 6,000 years and then the 7,000 years of the millennium. Now, the number seven, you read like in Revelation, there's seven seals, there's seven trumpets. On the execution stake, on the cross, Yeshua gave seven comets. Here's a great study to do. If we read throughout the Newer Testament, we read that Yeshua did seven miracles on the Sabbath. Seven miracles on the seventh day. Shabbat is a day for miracles. Amen? It is a day of worship. He did seven days. He healed the man with the withered hand. He cast out an unclean spirit. He healed Peter's wife's mother. He touched a man with leprosy. He healed an impotent man. He restored sight to a person born blind. And another woman he healed in Luke 13, 11. Seven miracles on a Shabbat. Another picture that's going to correlate together with the number seven. A spiritual number. So, if the number six is the Vav, Zayin is the number seven, six is symbolic of creation, then seven is the number of Shabbat. Zayin is the letter of Shabbat. And it's a crown, remember? So, creation was crowned with what? Shabbat. Six days, shall you labor, do all your work, but the seventh day is the Shabbat of Yahweh. In it you shall not do any work. It is the Shabbat of who? Yahweh. And so, creation was crowned with Shabbat. Yahweh is the husband. And consider it this way. We crown Yahweh with Shabbat. Yahweh is our husband. Yeshua is our husband. And what do we do? We crown Him or we make Him king on Shabbat. Didn't He say that? Didn't Yeshua say that? The Son of Man is master on Shabbat? For thousands of years, the Jewish people have called the Shabbat a queen. The queen, the Sabbath. Even in the liturgy that takes place on Arab Shabbat, when the family gathers together at home or in the synagogue or in the shul, there's a welcoming of the queen. There's a candle lighting. There are blessings. Come, my beloved, to welcome the bride. The presence of Shabbat we receive. Observe and remember in one divine utterance. We head from one and the only Elohim. Yahweh is one and His name one. For renown, for splendor, for praise. Come, my beloved, let us welcome the bride. We sing a version of this with our kids on Friday nights. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. L'cha dodi, l'cha dodi, l'cha dodi. Oh, Shabbat's coming. Oh no, Shabbat's coming. Gotta hurry up, gotta hurry up, gotta hurry up, get it done. Shabbat's coming or, oh no, just gonna sit in my house all day. Shabbat's coming, whatever that is. But it is to be the Queen. Amen? I said, Amen? Now think about it. If you had the Queen of England, even the current Queen of England, who I hear is not very nice, but let's say the Queen of England sent a letter, a royal decree, coming to Bill and Nancy's house. Coming to Bill and Nancy's house. Gonna come down to Charleston. Gonna get lost. Gonna come to your house. What would you do? Now if you're honest, you wouldn't just say, oh, Queen's coming. Hope we got peanut butter and jelly or something. You would probably clean the place up a little bit. Have you got something special going on at your house? Or someone special coming? This is majesty, this is royalty. This is royalty coming to your house. Aren't you going to clean up? Aren't you going to prepare, maybe cook a little bit? Because you don't want to be cooking on the day when the Queen comes so you can be spending your time with the Queen instead. You don't want to be busy in the kitchen. You want to be there with the Queen. You don't want to be at Lowe's shopping. You want to be there with the Queen. You don't want to be doing this and that. You want to spend your presence and your time with the Queen. Think about it. If the Queen was coming to Gregory and Judith's house, how would we prepare? And I submit to you today that we should prepare for the Shabbat like we would the Queen. And the Zayin teaches us this. So let's look at a few verses concerning the Shabbat and the Queen, the Shabbat. So some of this may challenge you. Some of this may be new to you. But we're going to look at how the Zayin is brought into all this in a few minutes. In the book of Luke, Luke chapter 23 verse 54, we see a beginning of focus for the Shabbat. And in Luke chapter 23 verse 54, and that day was preparation. The Sabbath drew near. This is after Yeshua has died. They begged for the body. Verse 53, it says, they took it down, wrapped it in linen, laid it in the sepulcher, which was with stone, where no man had ever been laid. And the day was preparation, and the Sabbath drew near. But they treated the day before the Sabbath as preparation day. So for us, that would mean Friday is what? Preparation day. Not just Frodo's day or Frigga's day, I think is where the name Friday comes from. Greek Frigga god. But preparation day. Because to really enjoy your Shabbat, you've got to start preparing for it early, don't you? You do. To treat it like a preparation day. To prepare for it like a queen. Not coming to stay forever, but coming to visit. Not anything normal. It's not every day the Queen of England comes knocking on your door. But having a new thinking about this. Beginning here with preparation day. Similar verses in Mark chapter 15 verse 42. Mark 15 verse 42 says. Mark 15 verse 42. And now when the evening was come, because it was preparation, that is the day before the Sabbath. Isn't that pretty clear? The day before the Sabbath is preparation day. Now those people say, oh, there's only one name in the Bible given. I kind of like this. Call Shabbat Shabbat and call preparation day preparation day. That's kind of neat. You know, I like that. Don't call it Friday. Don't call it this day. Call it preparation day because you've got to prepare for Shabbat. The other thing we need to consider about this is if a queen was coming to your house, and if we're going to treat the queen right, then we might want to clean up first. Turn with me to Numbers chapter 15. This is one of the things that I really enjoy about Shabbat because my house gets cleaned. I know from head to toe it's going to be clean. No offense to my beautiful wife there. But I know on Shabbat it's going to be really clean. It's going to be extraordinarily clean because in Numbers 15.33 it says they prepared. In Numbers chapter 15 about a man that was out gathering sticks. Look at verse 32. And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Shabbat day. And they that found him gathering sticks brought him to Moshe and Aaron and all the congregation. They put him in a ward because it's not good. And Yahweh said to Moshe, the men shall surely be put to death and the congregation shall stone him. And Yahweh called the man for gathering sticks. Now, my children are young. Pick a number. That's them. Under 9, 9, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, lift off. I mean that's pretty much them. And they have chores. Every week they have chores. They have a list. They have an Excel spreadsheet. They have to update it. You know, there's a formula in there. They've got it. And they've got to make sure that they do their chores. One of their chores is outside work of picking up sticks. It's something so easy. Something you've got to do before you do lawn work, which I try not to do. I believe in an organic lawn. Just let it grow. It's organic. I don't want to stop it from growing. Right, Don? I bought a lawn mower this year. I finally broke down and bought one. Because of my organic lawn and my desire to not do manual labor. My opinion is that manual labor is some guy in Mexico. You know, that's his name. The President of Mexico, Manuel Labor. That's his name. So, that was supposed to be a joke, Judith. Thank you. So, anyway, I broke down this year and said, I've got to save money. I've got to teach the kids how to cut grass. So, I bought a lawn mower. Used it one time and broke it. I read the instruction book. In Spanish, but I didn't read it. It said nothing about putting oil in it. It said nothing about oil. Does anybody know the Spanish word for oil? Maybe that's where I messed up. So, we used it one time by cutting the grass. I teach the boys how to cut the grass. Dead as a doornail. Black smoke. I mean, it was bad. I mean, it was so bad the police came and thought that I was giving smoke signals so the Indians were fixing to come or something. It was so bad. My father-in-law tried to resurrect it. He worked on it some and we gave it oil treatment, facial massage and all that kind of stuff, but it's dead. It is dead. So, lesson to be learned. How do we get here? Talking about picking up sticks. You've got to pick up sticks before you cut the grass and you've got to put oil in the tank. But you don't want to do that on Shabbat. They were picking up sticks on Shabbat and this guy got killed for it. Now, perhaps, I submit to you today, maybe he was just cleaning up. Maybe the next day he had to pull out his lawn mower and he was going to put oil in it and he was going to cut the grass the next day. Maybe he needed a fire. That sounds like a good reason. He was kind of reasoning in his mind, well, I've got a lot of fire as soon as Shabbat is over so I might as well gather my sticks now. Whatever the reason, we don't know, but he was caught picking up sticks which tells us try not to pick up stuff on Shabbat. I will step over toys. I will step over dead animals. I will not change a diaper. That's me on Shabbat. Isn't that right, dear? Okay? Or maybe I'll change the diaper but I'll leave it. I don't want to do too much work on Shabbat. Our house, we have a name for Shabbat. Not Shabbat the Queen but Shabbat the Hurricane. After Shabbat, it looks like a hurricane has gone through our house. Brother Mark, he came over a few weeks ago on Shabbat and so much for preparation day. That's right. We worked really hard for it to be destroyed within 24 hours. Do you know what I'm talking about? So, I've gotten a little better on the diapers though. But the day should be a day of rest. A day of relaxing. A day of enjoying. Not picking up after, behind everything, which means you've got to prepare and when it comes down to this picking up sticks, try not to clean. Try not to do that. Get it done. And enjoy the day. So, when should you start working on Shabbat? Saturday night. Start working on the next week. That way you're ready to celebrate. Let's look at a few more verses that may upset some folks. Exodus chapter 16. Exodus 16 verse 1 through 5. And when they took their journey all the children of Israel came out to the wilderness which is between Elim and Sinai on the 15th day of the second month after departing. And the whole congregation murmured against Moshe. And the children of Israel said unto them, Would it be that we should just die at the hand of Yahweh in the land of Egypt? When we sat by the flesh pots and when we did eat bread to the full for ye have brought us forth into the wilderness to kill the whole assembly. And Yahweh said to Moshe, I will rain down bread from Shemayim, from heaven. And the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day. I may prove them whether they will walk in my Torah or not. They shall come to pass. And on the 6th day they shall prepare What? On the 6th day, preparation day, right? They shall prepare that which they bring in. It shall be twice as much as they gather daily. And Moshe and Aaron said unto the children of Israel these words. So they're told that on preparation day you are to prepare your food enough for the Shabbat day. If they gathered Let's say it's Monday and they gathered their manna and they gathered enough for two days, it would rot. It would spoil. But on Friday they were told, gather enough for Friday and Saturday because there was to be no manna gathering on Shabbat. You follow me? And we know that manna is sustenance, which is another picture of work. There should be no working on Shabbat. We all know that. But what about gathering food? And I'm not talking about chipmunks storing up for the winter. I'm talking about us. I believe that this is a picture to us to not cook. To get it done before Shabbat. That way we can enjoy the Sabbath. The Orthodox Jewish people have three big meals. Friday night, Saturday at lunch, Saturday night usually. Huge meals. It's all prepared early. And the other thing is, get this ladies, a lot of times they allow their ladies to do the work on Shabbat. And I don't agree with this. But here's what they say. It says you shall do no work. You nor your sons or your manservants or your maidservants or the cattlemen or the strangers within your gates. It never says your wives. But it doesn't say your wives. So therefore they reason, the Orthodox reason that it's okay for the woman to work and prepare on Shabbat. Now you can take these things too far. Isn't that right? Especially Shabbat observance. It comes down to cleaning and you don't change diapers. Then it's just smelly. Alright. Soggy. Soggy bottom. Pustakachi. Yiddish for soggy bottom. Pustakachi. You don't want Pustakachi on Shabbat. Say no to Pustakachi. But if we can, prepare. You don't believe me? Look at verse 23. Exodus 16, 23. He said unto them. This is that what Yahweh said. So who said it? Yahweh. Tomorrow is the Shabbat of Yahweh. Bake that which you will bake today and sieve that which you will sieve or bake what you'll bake. Cook what you're going to cook. Boil what you're going to boil. And that which remain will be kept until the morning. Get it all done the day before. We shouldn't be focused on cooking and baking. Eat cold foods. It won't kill us, right? So my kids know. They don't even use the toaster on Shabbat. Oh, I don't let my kids do it. I'm not saying you're going to hell if you do. I'm saying they don't. You know? I've gotten to where we use the microwave. We used to not even use it. But I'm just telling you we've kind of been through some of this, okay? But we're like, nope. Kids know. They get cold cereal or not much on Shabbat. So get this done. In Jeremiah, let's turn to Jeremiah real quick. Jeremiah was a prophet. He was a good friend of mine. Never understood a single word he said but he had some very fine yahyim. Yahyim. Why? Jeremiah 17 21. We just lost people subscribing to the CD club with that one. Jeremiah 21. Excuse me. Jeremiah 17 21. Thus says Yahweh. Who's speaking? Yahweh. Take heed to yourselves. Bear no burden on the Sabbath day. Nor bring it by the gates of Yerushalayim. Nor take the burden out of your houses on the Sabbath day. Neither do any work. But hallow ye the Shabbat. For I commanded your fathers the same way. But your fathers obeyed not, neither inclined their ear, nor made their necks stiff, and they might not hear nor received instructions. So here it says don't carry a burden. Now the Orthodox say, okay. You just can't carry things. You can't carry something outside to inside or inside to outside. But you can carry something inside to inside and outside to outside. But you can't be caught carrying something outside of the synagogue inside the synagogue. Or you can't take something outside of the house to inside of the house. But you can only carry it inside the house. That's okay. I was lost a few minutes ago. You know what I'm saying? You too, right? So what does that mean for us? It means don't have these burdens. Get as much as you can. And here it talks about going to the gates. At the gates of Jerusalem was a place of market. Was a place of marketplace. You know, save your shopping for later. Do what you can to get it all done beforehand. Shabbat is to be a day of rest and worship and reflection on Yahweh. I'll tell you about myself. I felt convicted one time we took a Shabbat off. We went to the mountains on vacation. And I felt really convicted because we were window shopping. I know that sounds crazy, but I did. Like, you know what? I shouldn't be doing this on Shabbat. I shouldn't even be looking for things that I want to buy. Making plans to buy tomorrow. And we stopped. Remember that, dear? We were kind of window shopping and I had a fit right there in downtown Hendersonville, North Carolina. We got to guard the Shabbat. We also got to have some sanity. Don't go crazy. Look at Nehemiah 13. Nehemiah 13. In Nehemiah 13, and when it came to pass, verse 19, that when the gates of Jerusalem began to be dark before the Sabbath, so preparation is ending, I commanded that the gates be shut and they should not be open until after Shabbat. No buying or selling. Some of the servants sat at the gates where they should not have been. Where there should not have been a burden. So the merchants and sellers of all kinds of where lodged without Jerusalem once or twice. And he says they were staying at the gates. They were waiting to buy and sell. Now, similarly, similarly, the Congress took off two days for Rosh Hashanah. They took two days off recently and they were supposed to be working on this $800 billion bailout bill. And there was a cry in the media. How dare they take off for Rosh Hashanah? They should be working in fixing this problem. Now in the book of Amos, it says that exact words. The people will say when will the Sabbath be over so that we can buy and sell as we choose. Isn't that interesting? Because Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets, is a commanded Sabbath. So these are things, these are areas that we can do. And of course we know in Exodus chapter 20 verse 8, don't work on Shabbat. Turn with me there. Exodus Shemot 20 verse 8. So have I helped you a little bit with some Shabbat observance? Alright, giving you some ideas here. In Exodus 20 verse 8 and 9, remember the Shabbat day to keep it holy, set apart. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Shabbat of Yahweh. Now in Christianity, it's like they will say remember the Sabbath to keep it set apart. That's the Ten Commandments. But they forget verse 9. Six days shall you labor and the seventh day is the Shabbat. You can't separate that. But the connection here with the Zayin and the Shabbat is very simple. First of all, there's seven days. But the connection is that where it says remember the Sabbath day to keep it set apart, the word therefore remember is a word that begins with the Zayin. It's the word Zakar. Now here's a few other things that show us this connection. First of all, in Gematria, the word Yayin, which is the drink, wine. You have a Kaddish, a line on the Arab Shabbat. In Gematria is Yod Yod Nun, is how you spell it, which is the number 70 or the number 7. Challah is the number 43 or 4 plus 3, which is the number 7. A lot of times people eat Gevelto fish on Shabbat. Fish in Hebrew is dog, which also is, you can count to 7. Sometimes people have soup. The Hebrew word for soup is mirach, which you count that together, equals 340. 3 plus 4 equals 7. Then, many times people have meat after that, which is basar in Hebrew, which is basar is bet sheen resh, which is 2 plus 300 plus 200, which equals 502. Add them together, 7. It's pretty amazing. But the connection here is in Exodus 20, verse 8. In the Ten Commandments, what's called the Ten Words, verse 8. Zakar et yom ha-shabbat le'kod sho. Zakar et yom ha-shabbat le'kod sho. Zakar et yom ha-shabbat le'kod sho. Remember, Zakar et yom yom ha-shabbat, yom ha-shabbat, the day of Shabbat, le'kod sho, and keep it set apart. How do you keep it set apart? Set apart means special, means different. There should be things you... Let's put it this way. Shabbat is not just about inactivity. Some people say, oh, with Shabbat, I get to sleep for 24 hours straight. It's just when I'm teaching, too. You know what I mean? Alright, now. I'll tell you it's bad. I was driving down the road a few days ago, listening to one of my CDs and fell asleep. You know it's bad. When you listen to yourself preach and you fall asleep. Anyway, people think... I'm surprised I didn't hear an amen back there. Maybe. Alright. People think Shabbat's all about inactivity. Shabbat's about what we do as well, special activities. Yahweh-centered. Freedom and joy, not exhaustion. Things that bring Yahweh's joy. And that's how we remember the Shabbat day. Remember the Shabbat day to keep it set apart. And that word Zakar begins with Zayin. Now, Zakar means to remember, to recall, to call to mind, to be thought of, to cause to remember, to make mention, to record, to make a memorial. That's what the word Zakar means. So we see the connection here. It means to focus. It means don't forget. Be ready. Shabbat waits for no one. If you're not ready at sundown, it's starting with or without you. So welcome it. Do what you can to welcome it. And this is also a connection for us to Psalm 119. So turn with me to Tehillim 119. And we know that Tehillim 119 is a psalm all about the word of Yahweh. All about the Torah of Yahweh. It is a love poem from Dawid about the Torah. And we've gone through this, and every eight verses or so, seven or eight verses, begin with a different Hebrew letter. The first few begin with the Aleph, the next with the Bet, the Gimel, the Dalet, the Hay. And the Zayin begins in verse 49. The Zayin begins in verse 49. This is Tehillim, Psalm 119, verse 49. Remember, Zachar, the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, for your word has given me life. The proud have me in great derision, yet I do not turn aside from your Torah. I remember your judgments of old, O Yahweh, and have comforted myself. Indignation has taken hold of me, because of the wicked who forsake your Torah. Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage. I remember your name in the night, O Yahweh. I keep your Torah. This has become mine, because I kept your precepts. Or this I had, because I kept your precepts. You heard the word remember three times. That's the word Zachar three times here. And it begins with remember the word unto thy servant. You know, I believe that there's power in praying Yahweh's word to him. It's saying, Yahweh, remember the covenant you made. Remember what you said in your word. You are faithful to this promise. And here in Tehillim 119, it uses the word Zayid, or arrogant. Zachar, to remember. Imran for song. Zed for this. Zachar is used at the beginning. Remember the word to your servant, which gives us a connection to remember the Shabbat day. To keep it set apart. So, just to review a little bit. We said the Bab was the head. The number six. It was crowned with the Zayin. We crowned Yahweh Yeshua with the Shabbat. The Zayin is actually the Hebrew word for weapon. It was a plow, or used like that. And we are told that there are seven grave sins that caused Yahweh to remove himself seven levels from the world. The word of seventh heaven. Seven heavens. That there are seven grave sins beginning with Adam in the garden, and then going on with Cain, and then Enosh who served idols. Seven of these causing Yahweh to remove himself. But then there were seven leaders in Israel. Beginning with Avraham, Yitzhak, and Yaakov. Until finally the seventh leader of Israel was who? Moshe. Who brought what? Went up to Yahweh and was able to receive Torah. That's powerful. But the seven leaders of Israel from Abraham to Moshe helped bring about the revelation of Mount Sinai. There were seven major sins you could say that really, you know, there were tons of sins. But seven major that are spoken of in the scriptures. And then seven leaders that are here. The Midrash talks about this. Yet after the Ten Commandments what did the people do? They sinned with the golden calf. And opened the door back to sin. So how do we conquer sin? We all deal with it. We all face it. We all battle every day. Sin and the flesh and the adversary. It's through the power of the Zayin. Everybody say Zayin. It's through the Zayin, the seventh letter that we can be victorious. Now remember again that the Zayin was a picture of the sword. The actual Hebrew word for weapons is Zayin. You're going to pick up your weapon. You're going to pick up your Zayin and fight. That's how we are victorious. But many of us don't fight very well, do we? I mean we fight each other, but we don't fight our adversary. We don't fight our temptations. So we've got to learn how to do that. Because we are in a war. I said we are in a war. And the Zayin is our weapon. Now just as the Zayin is the crown. The seventh day is the crown. That the king would have a scepter he would rule with. But that Zayin is a picture of that weapon, of that scepter, that he would use his authority, his power, his rulership. How do we wage war? It's not by our own deeds, it's by Yahweh's power. His kingdom. Don't be fooled. Now here's what Judaism tells us. You ready? Judaism says, parts of Judaism says, that the devil doesn't really exist. That there's just the Yetzir HaRa, the evil and that's it. All you've got to fight against is the Yetzir HaRa. Parts of Christianity says, oh he's a defeated foe, he's a lion without any teeth. No problem. Right? Have you heard that before? But doesn't the word say that even the elect will be deceived if it were possible? John chapter 10 verse 10. Jochanan 10 verse 10 says that a thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly. How much clearer can it be? Didn't Job, Eo, face the enemy? Isaiah? Don't we read about falling in the Gospels? Yeshua said that he came to destroy the work of the enemy. That's what it says in the book of 1 John. How did he do that? He came proclaiming the kingdom of Yahweh is at hand. What was Yeshua's message? Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. When he preached that, what did the demons do? They said, throw us in that pig's. Get us away. You know? I'd rather be food for a Gentile than have to deal with Yeshua. That's what they thought. Yeshua said the kingdom of heaven is at hand. He had the authority of the king. And didn't that surprise the religious leaders? He spoke with great authority. He had power and the Shadim ran. Didn't he say all power and all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth and I give it unto you? But what happens? We're the ones that run sometimes. Here's, here's, just to make it clear. Many times we are, it's not that we're defeated by the enemy. But it's that we're blinded. The greatest weapon the enemy has is deception. The greatest weapon we have is the Torah, the truth. But the enemy, he knows if he can deceive us and get us believing a lie, isn't that what happened in the Garden of Eden, then he can win. Now the word of Yahweh is our weapon. In Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12, it talks about a two-edged sword. Remember that? The word of Yahweh is quick. Hebrews 4, 12. The word of Elohim is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, the joints and marrow, and it is the discerner of assaults and intents of the heart. I don't know a lot of Greek, but that Greek word there for sword meant a little small dagger with two edges that was really sharp. And I've always pictured this big long sword like in Lord of the Rings, like he had this huge sword. I mean it was like five foot tall. I always pictured the word of Yahweh like that big old sword. But in reality, it's more like a dagger. That Greek word there. Like at the end of a weapon, the end of a gun in World War II, they put the knife there. Why is that? So if they were doing hands-on battle, they could shoot them, but then they could just stab them if they had to. It's hand-to-hand combat sometimes. And when the enemy comes at us, guess what? It's not he's far away, it's he's this close and we've got to pull out that weapon and get him. Stab him. Stab him. Okay? And we've got the sword of the spirit. It's a small blade like the Zayin. Look at the Zayin. It's like a small blade, a handle. Many times we forget we're at war. And I am not one that believes there's a demon behind every bush. Unless it's George. But I'm not one that believes... Did I say that? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm not one that believes there's a demon behind every bush. Because then it gets into just rebuking everything. I know a preacher, used to be my preacher, his wife would rebuke everything, Gregory. She'd eat a piece of chocolate cake and rebuke the calories. She would. She would eat the chocolate cake. I rebuke you, demon of calories. Next thing you know, you're in the church. Next thing you know, the whole cake is gone. She's still over there, hallelujah, hallelujah. The devil's not going to win. And I'm just, uh-huh. I can't believe it. If there's harsh communication, Hafez Khan is in the middle of that. If there's hurt feelings or offense, he might not have caused it, but he's there. You follow me here? It's not just about witchcraft and spells and Halloween. But if there's a defeat on our part, he's there. If there's sin or rebellion or a lack of submission, when the flesh has its way, when we step into the flesh, we step into his realm of power. And we're giving him authority. See, I believe a lot of people, they give Hafez Khan glory by, I take authority over this, I take authority over that, I bind this, I bind that. There's no way. That's not what our warfare should be like. But listen to this, Ephesians 2, 2. The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that works in the children of disobedience. That's how the scriptures define Hafez Khan. He is the prince of the power of the air. When do you let out air? When you breathe and when you talk. Full of hot air? Just talking, talking, talking? Hafez Khan gets right in the middle of that. I've seen it in relationships. I have said, April, the shirt is red. And my wife heard me say, April, the shirt is purple. Literally, I've said, April, turn right at that road. I've got a recording of it. And she heard me say, do a U-turn. Turn around. Hafez Khan is the prince of the power of the air. And he will confuse and he will try to defeat us. Because what does he do? He works in the children of disobedience. We're not the children of disobedience, are we? But he tries. So we need to take up the Zayin and defeat the enemy. Our problems might not be Hafez Khan's fault, but he's in the midst when we step into the flesh. Let me ask you this. If you sin easily, if you complain a lot, if you speak harshly of others, if you sin or let rebellion happen, if you choose to hate rather than love, if you don't spend a lot of time in prayer or study, that's places where the enemy is getting in. And we've got to take up the Zayin and stop him. The Zayin is how we overcome. Two ways. Number one, the Shabbat, the Shabbat is Yahweh. Remember we said the Zayin is a picture of Shabbat? The Shabbat is Yahweh's day to energize us, to sustain us, to build in us. That's why it's so important that we come together for worship. That's why Brother Mark drove four hours to be with us today. Four hours. I wouldn't go across the street to hear me talk, but he drove four hours. No amens. Anyway, Shabbat is a day of rest. It's a day where Yahweh empowers us. Here's the only way I can look at it. Shabbat is like putting us in a battery recharging portal. It's like Yahweh's putting us in a battery charger and He's preparing us for whatever we're going to face that coming week. He's energizing us. He's infusing us with energy. He's giving us strength. And then we go out with the kingdom of Yahweh. For the kingdom of Yahweh is at hand. Now in Malachi or the Italian prophet Malachi Malachi. His name is Malachi. His brother is Luigi. In the Italian prophet Malachi chapter four verse four is a verse about spiritual warfare. Malachi 4.4 Malachi 4.4 This is a verse about spiritual warfare. Because we don't see it because we don't read in the Hebrew. But if you were reading this in the Hebrew in the Megillah, in the scroll when you got to the first word, which is by the way Zakar the Zayin is oversized. And it's not that the scribe ordered a supersized scribe that day. He made it big for a reason. And it's amazing. It's only about twenty times in the whole scroll in the writings there are oversized letters. Where Yahweh is trying to speak to us. Where Yahweh is saying, hey, look at this, look at this. There's some in the Shema. Oversized letters. Well in Malachi Malachi 4.4 it says, Zakar big Zayin. Remember the Torah of Moshe the servant which I commanded unto him and ordered for all Israel with the statutes and judgments. That is a spiritual warfare verse. Remember the Torah. Remember the Torah. Remember the Shabbat. Remember that you're at war. The Zayin is our scepter. The Zayin is our weapon. Take it up and go to labor. Go to battle. That's an amazing verse. It's one of the last verses in what we call the Old Testament. Don't you think that was a message they wanted people to get in the New Testament you could say? Remember the Torah. The Torah is our greatest Zayin. It is our greatest weapon against the enemy. What did Yeshua say? It is written. It is written. It is written. On Shabbat Yahweh sustains and blesses us for the week. We are given the weapon of Torah to overcome negativity and evil. That's what Shabbat is all about. That's why we come together. It's to be given that weapon to go to battle. To fight off the enemy. To be energized. The word Zayin means weapons and crowns. The Hebrew word for crowns is Zayanin. Doesn't it say in the book of Revelation? To he who overcomes I will give unto him the crown of everlasting life, of righteousness. We have to overcome. But we're not just going to partially overcome and wake up one day and realize we're an overcomer. So I want to give you, in closing, seven Zayins. Seven Zayins to help you in true spiritual warfare. Seven Zayins. Number one, put on the full armor of Yahweh. There's a teaching on the Emet Ministries website called the armor of Yahweh. Where I teach that the armor of Yahweh was not based on a Roman soldier's armor, but on the high priest garments. It's amazing. And it's yours for only $9.99 to download. I'm joking. No charge. It's amazing. Put on the full armor of Yahweh. In Ephesians chapter 6, it says put on the full armor of Yahweh that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the enemy. Ephesians 6, 11. Put on the whole armor of Yahweh that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Say this with me. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. You think that person's your problem. They're not your problem. Do you hear me now? It's a spiritual problem. Even if it's not the devil making them do it, if they are disobeying Torah and Yahweh, then they are playing in with the enemy. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Bob might be causing you pain and problems and issues at home, at work, at play, or whatever. Bob is partially responsible, but we do not fight against Bob, do we? We don't just take out a gun and just... Excuse me. We don't just take out a dagger and stab people when they get on our nerves, when they irritate us, when they cause problems and pain, do we? So what do we do? We take out the and we can stab the enemy with it. The weapons of our warfare. Listen to this. But we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore we take upon the whole armor of Yahweh that you may be able to withstand the evil day having done all to stand. Stand up with your loins girded with emet, truth, having on the breastplate of tzedakah, righteousness, your feet shod with the preparation of the besarot, the good news of shalom, peace, above all taking up the shield of emunah, faith, wherewith you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of Yahweh, praying always with supplication in the spirit, watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplications for the saints. The full armor of Yahweh. That's the first zayin. The second zayin is to be aware of the enemy. I didn't say be afraid, did I? I said be aware. There is a difference between being afraid and being aware. We need to be aware of the enemy, but we don't need to be afraid of the enemy. Second Kepha chapter 5. Kepha bet there isn't a second Peter chapter 5. But if there was one, it would say ... ... ... In the newly Daniel version, okay, first Kepha, first Peter chapter 5, praise Yahweh, verses 8 and 9. Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary of the devil is a roaring lion walking about, seeking whom he may devour. Whom resisteth steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. Be vigilant, be steadfast, be sober. Don't be drunk in the spirit, oh everything's okay. Know that the enemy is after us. You know the enemy has a counterfeit for everything Yahweh has. Yeshua is the lion of the tribe of Judah? What does it say the enemy is? A roaring lion. He's trying. But did you know that a lion usually only roars when it's afraid? When it's trying to make itself known. Give the enemy no glory. Ephesians chapter 4, this is the third Zayin. If you do these things, this will help your spiritual battle versus the enemy. Ephesians 4, verse 27. Pretty simple. Let's go to verse 22. Hold on to your canned tomatoes. Don used to bring regular tomatoes but they didn't hurt very bad so now he brings canned tomatoes with him. He feels if he throws those at me they'll hurt more. Look at verse 22. Hood off concerning the former manner of the old man which is corruption according to deceitful lust. Be renewed in the spirit of your mind. But ye put on the new man which after Yahweh is created in righteousness. Therefore put away lying. Speak every man truth with his neighbor for we are members one of another. Do not be angry in sin. Be not angry in sin let not the sun go down upon your wrath neither give the devil a place. Do you know what the best cure for anger is? I'll give it to you right now. Everybody get ready. If we had a band we'd have a drum roll right now. The best cure for anger is delay. Delay. Wait. Because what happens? We just jump to anger. We're angry, we're mad. You can angry at somebody really fast. But if you can delay that anger and pray about the situation and seek Yahweh and be angry and not sin you'll be successful. You will defeat the enemy. Yeshua was angry wasn't he when he went in and turned over the tax collectors and the money changers in the Beit HaMikdash but he didn't sin. Delay is powerful. Don't give the enemy a place. And don't give him glory. Proclaim the good news. Matthew chapter 10. This is power. In the spirit realm. Matthew 10. Verse 1 tells us And when he called the disciples unto them he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Verse 7. And he said Go preach saying the kingdom of Yahweh is in hand. Heal the sick. Cleanse the lepers. Raise the dead. Cast out the devils. Whatever you have received now freely give. Proclaim it. Do it. If you want to defeat the enemy begin praying for the sick and healing. Casting out the Shadim. Here's a big one for spiritual warfare. Matthew 5.43. This makes the fifth Zion. This one's tough. Matthew 5.43. You've heard it said that you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say unto you love your enemies. Bless them that curse you. Do good to them that hate you. Pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you. If you want to defeat the enemy and the person that the enemy is working through bless them. Pray for them. Do good to them. Pray for them. Bless them. Do good to them. Love them. It will be more for you than a dagger in their chest. And the room goes quiet. Zion number six. Exercise the victory. Say that with me. Exercise the victory. Say it again. Exercise the victory. Too much exercise? Romans 8. Yeah. It's alright. Exercise and health food makes me sick. Romans 8.37. You finally got that one. Health food makes me sick. Verse 37. Know in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Whatever it is. Whatever the battle. Whatever the problem. Through the Zion. Through Yahweh. Through his word. We are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of Elohim which is in Messiah Yahshua our Master. That is a powerful Zion weapon in your arsenal. So the seven Zions. Put on the full armor of Yahweh. Be aware of the enemy. Give the enemy no glory. Proclaim the good news. Bless those who curse you. Exercise the victory. And finally submit to Yahweh totally. Book of Yaakov, the book of James chapter 4, verse 7 it says It's a powerful passage. It's easy to know. Come near to Yahweh and he will come near to you. Submit to Yahweh. It says. Turn to James chapter 4 7 and 8 Submit yourselves to Elohim. Resist HaSatan and he will flee from you. Draw near to Elohim and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners. Purify your hearts, ye double-minded. You've got the victory. You've got the power. You've got the Zion. When you're doing the hand-to-hand combat use the weapons. Submit to Yahweh. Resist HaSatan and he will flee. It's pretty simple. People that are in bondage, people that have oppression, depression, anxiety, fear, disorders, diseases, whatever it happens to be here's the cure. Submit to Yahweh. Resist HaSatan and he will flee. Draw near to Yahweh. Cleanse your hearts. And it's amazing what the power of Yahweh will do. Zachar, the Zion to walk in your victory. What is Zachar Hebrew for? What's Zachar Hebrew for? Remember! Zachar, the Zion to walk in your victory. In the book of Joel chapter 2, which is prophetic of the end of days, the Spirit is poured out sevenfold. Like a Zion to give us power. Your weapon is the Word. Your weapon is the Spirit. Joel chapter 2 look at verse 27. You shall know that I am in the midst of Israel. I am Yahweh your Elohim and none else. My people shall never be ashamed. Look at verse 28. Seven times. It shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. Number one. Your sons and your daughters. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall see visions. And upon the servants and upon the handmaidens in those days, I will pour out my Ruach. Sevenfold. I will pour it out upon all flesh. One. Your sons, two. Your daughters, three. Old men, four. Young men, five. Servants, six. And then it says handmaidens, seven. The pouring out of the Ruach for power is sevenfold like the Zayin. There is no illusion. The Hebrew letters are messages from Yahweh and the Zayin, the letter of the seventh day, is the letter of might and power. Yahweh is empowering us today to take up this letter and to wage warfare against the enemy. And Shabbat is a day for that. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday are days for that. To know that we are in a battle. That Yahweh is looking for people who will be strong. Who will overcome. Who will be a dream. The Zayin is a powerful letter. It's a letter of a weapon, a letter of a crown. Our weapon is the crown of Yahweh. It is the Shabbat. It is the word. It is the kingdom. But what we do with it is our choice. I implore you, I encourage you, do not let the enemy defeat you. Go to battle. 2 Corinthians chapter 10 says, take every thought captive to the obedience of Messiah Yeshua. For the weapons of our warfare are mighty in Yeshua HaMashiach for the pulling down of strongholds. What's the weapons of our warfare? The Zayin for Shabbat, his name. Amen. Thank you again for listening to the Finding Emet radio program. Please visit our website to learn more about the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. Search the Bible, submit your prayer request, or read an article on various subjects. The website is www.findemet.com That's www.findemet.com CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website or write to us at Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108 That's Emet Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108 Thank you again for listening to Finding Emet with Daniel Rendleman. May you find the Emet, and may the Emet, may the truth, set you free. Find Emet. Find Emet. Find Emet. Find Emet. Find Emet. Find Emet. Find Emet.

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