Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
This is a radio program called Finding Emet, which focuses on understanding and living the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. It is hosted by Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. The program discusses the Hebrew letters, their meanings, and the messages they have for us from Yahweh. The current episode focuses on the ninth letter, Tet, and explores various topics such as the end of days, birth pangs of Messiah, the significance of the number nine, overcoming tribulation, practical advice on overcoming evil, the restoration of the Ruach, and the goodness of Torah. The program also mentions that CD copies of the teachings are available for free. Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer requests. That's, or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rendleman, as he helps us find the Emet. This message is continuing our series on Hebrew, the living letters, as we've been going through each of the letters of the Aleph Bet from Aleph to Tav, each of the letters seeing the message that Yahweh has for us. We've so far gone through these letters, and these are available on the Emet Ministries website with the videos and the audio, which you can listen to or you can watch. You can see the PowerPoint presentations for these teachings. And we've gone through and we've learned that these letters are numbers, these letters are pictures, they are symbols for us to learn from Yahweh, and Yahweh is always speaking to us through His Word. And so today, during this teaching, we're going to look at the ninth letter, in case you'd like to know, that is the letter Tet, also called Tate. So, in the series from Aleph to Tav, we've discussed the Aleph, the Bet, the Gimel, the Dalet, the Hay, the Vav, the Zayin, the Chet, and now the Tate. And as we look at this, we're going to look at several subjects in regards to this letter. One of those subjects we're going to discuss today is going to be the end of days, in Hebrew called the Aharit Hayamim, the end of days, what we call the end times, times of Jacob's trouble, Yaakov's trouble. And today, during the teaching, we're going to discuss that a little bit, the birth pangs of Messiah, significance of the number nine, how the Tate allows us to overcome tribulation, some practical advice on overcoming evil, the restoration of the Ruach, and the goodness of Torah, Torah. We're going to look at all that today and get a picture of what's happening. What is the message Yahweh has for us behind these letters? We look at them, we're saying, oh, that's just a Lama, that's just an L. But in the Hebrew, there's a message for us. There's a message for us. And his message today is very important for us to get and to understand. Now, I want to start out with the story that's been kid tested and mother approved. And I passed this to my wife to make sure this was OK. So a country doctor went away to the boondocks to deliver a baby. It was bad, we'd have to go towards the country to go to the country. It was so far out, there was no electricity. The doctor arrived and nobody was home except for the laboring mother and her five year old child. So the doctor said, hold the lantern high so we could see. And he helped the woman deliver the baby. The child did so and the mother pushed. And after a while, the doctor lifted up that newborn baby, just beautiful little baby by the feet, lifted him up by the feet, spanked him on the bottom to get him to take his first breath. The doctor then asked the five year old what he thought about it. The little kid said, well, hit him again, he shouldn't have crawled up there in the first place. Birthing babies. Now, we have five children. Our first born was delivered. Nicholas or Moshe. It was scary. I'm talking about for me, not for my wife. It was scary. True story, we're there, she's giving birth and the nurses are more concerned about me than they are her. I'm turning green in the face. I'm swaying. I'm about to pass out. Can we get you a chair, Mr. Rendleman? Are you OK? Are you going to be all right? I'm like, I think so. I think so. So since then, I know where to stand and when to look and when not to look. And, you know, you have to learn these things. Sometimes the hard ways, but birthing a child, it's an experience, right? It is an experience. Today, we're going to talk about birthing of a child, actually two children prophesied in the scriptures. And what we're going to talk about is, first of all, some birth pains. Now, we all wonder, are we living in the end times? We all wonder this, who is the Antichrist? You know, what's what's going on? When when when is it going to be the end of days? The question is, are we living in the end times? And the answer to that question is, yes, we are. So turn to your neighbors, say, yes, we are. Yes, we are. And it's not a matter of if Yeshua is returning. It's not a matter of if the anti-Messiah is going to rear his ugly head. It's a matter of when. Not a matter of if, but it's a matter of when, yes, we are living in the end of days and we can look at a travailing woman and look at a pregnant woman and what this woman goes through and look at our days and say, are we getting closer? Because we are. The question, though, is how close are we? Don't we want to know? We want to know. I mean, we want to be prepared. We want to be like those five wise virgins who had oil in their lamps. There were 10 virgins, symbolic of the 10 tribes of Israel. Returning, the 10 lost tribes returning, but only a part of them, only a fifth of them, only half of them were wise and prepared. So we've got to make sure we are wise and we are prepared for the return. So how do we know? How do we look? Well, from having our children, we know when it's time. I mean, ladies, you know, when it's time, when it's getting close to start nesting a little bit, you know, you get the feeling rough, the the contractions get closer. I always say contraptions, but it's not a contraption. It is a contraction. So as the contractions, as the contractions get closer, you know, it's getting closer to have a baby. Now, we tried everything to have that first baby. Castor oil. She drank a gallon and then maybe not a pint, half pint. Maybe two liter. She drank castor oil to have that baby. She gave birth, but it was not to a child. It ran right through her, if you know what I mean. We drove over railroad tracks. She went walking. And he came right on his due date when the doctor said he was coming, he was coming, did everything we could to make it come a little faster. You know, she went bungee jumping, she did everything she could to try to have this baby. But it came when it was the right time. But as it was getting closer, guess what? The birth pains and the contractions got closer to one another and were more frequent and got heavier. So guess what? We know that there are birth pains, that the world is experiencing birth pains. In Romans chapter eight, it tells us that the whole earth prevails. The whole earth prevails. Why is the earth prevailing? Because it's getting ready to give birth and it has already given birth and it's getting ready to give birth yet again. We know that in Matthew chapter twenty four, turneth me there as we'll begin in Matthew twenty four, one of our favorite chapters. That in Matthew chapter twenty four, we hear about the beginning of birth pains. And the beginning is not very good. It says in Matityahu twenty four. There'll be many false messiahs, verse five, verse six, you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, see that you are not troubled, all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes. And all these things are the beginning. All these things are the beginning of sorrows. They shall deliver you up to be afflicted, shall kill you, you shall be hated for my name. Many shall be offended and betray one another and hate one another. Isn't that what we see today? And notice the pattern. Here's how it goes. You're offended. You felt like you were betrayed and then you hate the person. There's a whole sermon right there, many false prophets shall arise because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will grow cold. All these things are the beginnings of birth pains, of travailing, of sorrows. So what's happening in the world? What in the world is going on? Matthew twenty four, six, it talks about wars and rumors of wars. We know that more people have been killed in warfare over the past one hundred years than any other time in history. Most of these wars have not occurred on American soil, so we don't think about them, we don't see them, the genocide in Darfur and all these other places that has taken place. Daniel, twelve, four says, but now a Daniel shut up the word, seal them in a book, even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased. We are told that the earth's knowledge now doubles every 18 to 22 months. We are in the information age with the Internet, encyclopedias, I mean, you can find anything. On the Internet, even stuff that's true, I mean, it's amazing what you can find on the Internet. But knowledge and many will go to and fro, I mean, think about it, nobody sits still. I mean, people are going and traveling the world like we never thought possible. Zachariah, twelve, verses two through three, behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about when they shall be in siege, both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people. All that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. Another birthday that the world is focusing on, not on America, not on China, but on what this little piece of land, Jerusalem, Jerusalem. It is no coincidence that we are living in the time when Jerusalem has become the capital of Israel yet again. When Israel was born, the nation was born in a moment, in an instant, in a day. These are signs for us, and it's time we wake up and see what's happening. Matthew 24, seven says there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. In 2008, there was a Chinese earthquake right before the Olympics took place. And the news covered up a lot about this, but over sixty nine thousand people died in that earthquake. The tsunami and the earthquake that happened in 2004, the tsunami and the earthquake that happened in 2004, killed hundreds of thousands. More than 80,000 people were killed in an earthquake in Pakistan, Pakistan, in 2005. These major earthquakes and major seismic activity is getting closer and more frequent. Much more severe. The question is asked, why don't they hit us? Well, they may hit us. First Thessalonians, five, three says, well, people are saying peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly as labor pains on a pregnant woman, they will not escape. As everybody, oh, it's better, gas prices are going down, there's peace, we've got a new president that's been anointed, I mean, elected, we've got all these things that have happened. Things are good. And then what happens? Peace and safety and then destruction will come suddenly as labor pains on a pregnant woman. Now, the thing about a pregnant woman is she knows she's pregnant. But she doesn't know when exactly those pains are going to get really hard. Notice it says they will not escape. These labor pains are there. Now, the context of this verse in Thessalonians relates to the tribulation period. The birth pains of Mashiach. Revelation chapter 12. Verses one through six says a great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, a crown of 12 stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain. She was about to give birth. This picture of labor and labor pains. Now, the Tet, our letter that we're discussing, is the ninth letter of the Hebrew Alephbet. And this letter is symbolic of the nine months of pregnancy where that child is growing, getting ready to be born. If you take a look at a Tet, it's an inverted letter and originally was it was a picture of a basket, something that would hold things together. It's the number nine. What's the number nine? The Tet, the ninth letter. And we actually see that there have been nine times three. There have been 27 sieges against Jerusalem. And that's symbolic for us to remember that the last siege, the 28th siege, will be by the anti-Messiah, anti-Christ. And we can read about that in Zechariah 14. Now, what does that have to do with birthing with all this? Well, we can see the similarity here that as it takes nine months for that child to be born, that the Tet is a picture for us of these birth pains and what's happening in the world today. It's picture something hidden like a fetus inside a womb or container with a basket in it, a basket container. When the birth pains get closer, we know that the child is going to come. So if these are called birth pains of Messiah, who do we think is going to come? Who's going to be born? The Messiah. Well, wait a minute. He already came and, you know, was born before. This means he's coming again. But there's another birth that's yet to take place, two births that have been prophesied that the birth pains of Messiah will lead to. Two births, the first of these being the birth of Israel as a nation yet again, but these birth pains leading to Israel being seen as a nation. Now, in 1947, the United Nations made a decree stating that Israel could have its land, that it could become a nation again. Now, we know that in May of 1948 is when it became official, but it was technically official in 1947 when the decree was made by the United Nations. Of course, we also know that this was already a nation, but it was invaded by Nebuchadnezzar in 602 BC, scattered by the Romans in 70 CE or AD, you could say. But this prophecy that Israel was going to be a nation again goes along with the birth pains. So turn with me to Jeremiah, the book of Yirmiyahu chapter 30, and we're going to see this very clear for us. Yirmiyahu, Jeremiah chapter 30, verse one, the word came to Yirmiyahu from Yahweh saying, so who's speaking? Jeremiah, Yahweh speaking through Jeremiah, thus speaketh Yahweh, Elohim of Israel, write all these words that I've spoken to thee in a book. Verse three, for lo, the days come, saith Yahweh, that I will bring again the captivity of my people, Israel and Judah. And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it. These are the words that Yahweh spoke concerning Israel and Judah, not just Israel and not just Judah. Verse five, thus saith Yahweh, we have heard a voice of trembling of fear and not of peace, asking now, see whether a man doth travail with child? Wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness. Alas, the day is great, so that none is like to it. It is even the time of Yaakov's trouble, but he shall be saved of it. Now, we want to speak of Jacob's trouble. Why is Jacob troubling? Jacob's just not troubled. He's travailing. He's about to be born. There's a birth taking place. A man is going to give birth. Verse eight, for it shall come to pass that in that day, says Yahweh of hosts, that I will break his yoke off of his neck and will burst thy bonds and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him. They shall serve Yahweh their Elohim and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them. Therefore, fear not, O my servant, Yaakov, says Yahweh, neither be dismayed, O Israel, for lo, I will save thee from afar and thy seed from the land of thy captivity. Jacob shall return and shall be in rest and be quiet and none shall make him afraid. Verse eleven, for I am with thee, says Yahweh, to save thee, though I make a full end of all nations, whether I have scattered thee. Yet I will not make thee a full end of thee, but I will correct thee in measure and will not leave thee altogether unpunished. Thus says Yahweh, thy bruise is incurable, thy wound is grievous. There is none to plead thy cause, thou make bound up. Thou has no healing medicines. All thy lovers have forgotten thee. They seek thee not, for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy and the chastisement of a cruel one for the multitude of thine iniquity, because thy sins were increased. Why cryest thou for thine affliction? Thy sorrow is incurable, the multitude of thine iniquity, because your sins have increased. I have done these things unto you. Verse sixteen, therefore, all that devour thee shall be devoured and all of an adversaries, every one of them shall go into captivity and all that spoil thee shall be spoil and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey. I will restore health unto you and I will heal you of your wounds, says Yahweh, because you've been an outcast saying this is Zeon whom no man seeketh after. Look at verse eighteen. Thus says Yahweh, behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents, have mercy on his dwelling places and the city shall be rebuilt upon her heap. The palace shall remain after the manner thereof. But he's restoring Israel. He's going to rebuild the palace. Look at verse 19 and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and a voice of them that make merry. I will multiply them and they shall not be few. I will also honor them. They shall not be small. Verse 20, their children also shall be a four time and their congregation shall be established before me. I will punish all that oppress them. Their congregation shall be established. Speaking again of the restoration of the temple, their nobles shall be for themselves. The governor shall proceed from the midst of them. I will cause him to draw near. He shall approach unto me. For who is this that engaged his heart to approach him to be safe? Yahweh, you shall be my people and I will be your Elohim. Behold, the whirlwind of Yahweh go forth like fury, a continuing whirlwind. It shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of Yahweh shall not return until he has done it, until he had performed the intent of his heart in the latter days. You shall consider it. Well, guess what? It's the latter days and it's time to consider these prophecies, time to consider what Yahweh is doing in our midst. Zechariah, Zechariah chapter three, verse nine says, For behold, the stone that I have laid before Joshua upon one stone shall be seven. Yes, behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, says Yahweh of hosts. I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. In one day. In one day. Israel became that nation yet again, so Israel was born in 1947. Prophesied in Jeremiah, prophesied in Zechariah, prophesied throughout the scriptures. Part of these birth pains began, all these were the beginning of sorrows. To give birth to Israel, think about the Holocaust, think about World War One, World War Two, to give birth to the nation. But how many know the birth pains have not stopped? Have they? No, they've gotten stronger, haven't they? We got one baby, it's time for another baby to come out. What other child is coming forth? What about the Antichrist, the anti-messiah? Matthew 24, 15 shows us this. Back to Matthew, chapter 24. So we see that these are the beginning of sorrows. Israel was born and then verse 15, when, therefore, you shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel, the prophets stand in the holy place, then you shall flee, which are in Judea, shall flee into the mountains. Here we see this abomination of desolation, we don't say, oh, on this day he was born, but we see him showing up on the scene. When can we see about him being born? Revelation chapter six speaks of this. In Revelation six, it says, and I saw the lamb open one of the seals and I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see. And I saw and behold, a white horse and he sat on him, had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer. Conquering and to conquer. Second Thessalonians, second Thessalonians, chapter two. Now we beseech you, brethren, verse one, by the coming of the master Messiah, Yeshua, by our gathering together unto him. Be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word, by letter, for the day of Messiah is at hand. Verse three. Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come except there be a falling away first and that the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Who is this man of sin, the son of perdition coming with a falling away, falling away from what the truth, the Torah, Israel. Verse four, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called Elohim or that is worshiped, so that he sitteth in the temple of Elohim, showing himself that he is Yahweh. Remember, you not that when I was yet with you, I told you these things, so he's going to come, he's going to sit in the temple, he's going to proclaim himself to be God, going to declare himself to be Yahweh, Messiah. This rebuilt temple coming into desecrated and because Yahweh sees this and the desecration occurs to the temple and what Yahweh wanted to be holy and set apart and righteous is made an abomination, what happens? That's when the three and a half years of. Great tribulation occurs of wrath is poured out upon the world, a new wrath, greater intensity. Notice back in first Thessalonians, it says the mystery of iniquity does already work. Only he who now let us will let until he be taken out of the way, the mystery of iniquity is already working. Torah lessons, sinfulness. Verse eight, and then. Shall that lawless one be revealed who the master shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. So when will the anti-messiah be revealed? At the time of this mystery of iniquity coming forward even more, even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all powers and signs and lying wonders. With all deceivableness of a righteousness in them that perish because they receive not the love of truth, they that might be saved. For this cause, Elohim shall send strong delusion that they should believe a lie. Have we not seen that? So they all might be damned to believe, if not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But this time is coming and has already come this birth, this birth pains are getting closer and closer and closer as we turn on the TV or turn on the radio or look at the Internet, we see all these things occurring, wars and rumors of wars, nation rising against nation, famines, earthquakes, spring about a baby. But do you know what? Get this, though. Do you know what birth pains really do? Birth pains in a woman prepare the body to give birth. And these birth pains that are occurring in the world should be preparing the body of Messiah for this birth. We've seen Israel, now we're going to see the birth of the anti-Messiah or him coming on the scene. They are to prepare us. So it goes back to our current letter, the Tet. It's interesting that the birth of a child makes the woman unclean, Hebrew, the word for unclean is Tamei. Tamei, and when this woman gives birth, she's unclean for a certain amount of days. Yet from the state of uncleanliness comes Tovah, or goodness. Think about it, you're giving birth, you're in pain, and yet a few minutes later, there's this beautiful baby. All this pain to give birth. Now, any mother who has a newborn baby in her arms, she'd probably say, yes, I'd do it again just to have this child. But guys, we can't understand that that much. Right? I mean, I remember the Cosby show when he gave birth to a six foot sub. Do you remember that episode? That was wonderful television. Bill Cosby gave birth to a six foot sub and then he held it in his arms and cradled it. I don't think it's the same holding a submarine sandwich and a newborn baby, but all that pain to bring new life. So what is this a picture of, again, of the tent, the container? It's a picture of a container or a basket, something hiding something that how we entered this world is a picture of how we live in it. Goodness and blessing is usually concealed. Goodness and blessing is usually concealed. To think about the letter good in Hebrew, Tov, everybody say Tov, Tov, spelled Tet-Aleph-Vet, we can look at the end of days, birth of Messiah, birth of anti-Messiah, birth of Israel, and we could be scared to death, batten down the hatches, run to the hills, stick your head between your knees, kiss your bum goodbye, whatever it happens to be, right? We could do that. Or we could see the good concealed behind it, maybe the silver lining there. Exile is compared to a womb in which Israel is pregnant and giving birth. So the rabbis tell us that when Israel was in Egypt, they were in the womb of Egypt. They were pregnant. The nation was pregnant, ready to give birth to greatness. That what we're going through right now is preparing us for greatness, for life, for what Yahweh really has for us. Now, the Tet is a number nine, it has a T sound. There's some that teach and believe it actually used to have the sound, the sound, as in the letter, the word the. But today it has the T sound as in Tom. Tet. And what's interesting about the Tet is the rabbis tell us it's that each letter is made up of other Hebrew letters. And when you look at the design of the Tet, you can see one or you can see two things. Because you can look at anything in life and see either good or bad, isn't that right? You can focus on the bad, the bad news, the economy. You can focus on the good news. We'll be going somewhere where there's streets of gold. So as you look at a Tet, you can see a long Zayin. It looks like a serpent. Ready to bite, cause pain and problems. A long Zayin. It looks like a serpent. Or you can look at the letter. And see a Zayin and a Vav coming together to be crowned for goodness. It's all how you look at it. So when it comes back to the end of days, when it comes to what we're going through in our day, how do we see it? What's happening? It has an introverted meaning saying look inside. Now in paleo Hebrew, it was written as a circle with an X inside. Like a basket would look from looking down. And in modern Hebrew, it's kept this meaning of an introverted design. Think of the birth of a child. All the pain and problems that go through have been the goodness for about 24 hours. Maybe 12 hours. And then craziness sets in, right? Think of Moses' mother for a minute. You know Kevin? She gives birth, but she knows she can't keep him. What does she do with that child? She puts him in a basket, in a tent. The picture of a basket. And Yahweh protects him and uses him to be a witness to the world. Now when the tent is written in a Torah scroll, it's given tagen, or crowns that adorn the letter. They give it special meaning. Nine is a number of judgment. It's a number of sadness. It's the last of the digits. But it's also the number of hope. If you were to go read in the scriptures, what happened with the number nine? There were nine people stoned to death. Nine people with leprosy mentioned. Nine people with blindness mentioned. Nine specific widows. If you go to Haggai chapter 1, verse 1, there are nine judgments spoken against the world. Guess when we're going to see those judgments take place? During the birth pains of Messiah. We're going to see these take place all around us. During the birth pains of Messiah, so we can see a connection here. It's not just a letter. It's a story for us. Now the first tent is found in the Torah in Genesis chapter 1, verse 4. And by the way, the tent is used the least in the Torah scroll. In all the letters, the tent is used least. But in Bereshit chapter 1, verse 4, Yahweh saw the light that it was good and Elohim divided the light from the darkness. And in that verse, the tent is used and it says, Yahweh saw the light that it was good. And normally when the tent is written, it's given three crowns called the taggin written on top of it. But in this verse, guess what? It's given four crowns. And so the rabbis have looked at this and said, why is it given four crowns? And they say to pay specific attention to this verse. It says in Yahweh saw the light that it was good. It was Tov and he divided the light from the darkness. Where does light come from? From the darkness. Pay attention. It comes from the darkness, the rabbis say. Tov means good or beneficial. So even in the darkest of days, the darkest of times, whether it be the end of days or whether it be Thursday, Thor's day. Whatever darkness you're going through, whatever darkness we face, there is light. The light was concealed in the darkness. I bet she had a cover when she put the baby in the basket to protect the child and it was dark for that child. So you could look at that situation and say, oh, that's bad. Got to give up your baby. I mean, think about it. What if you're in the end of days, you had to give up your children that were being killed? Would you consider that to be a good thing? Would you consider, you know, one of the best you could do to save your child's life was to make a basket of wood and tar and stick it in the water and say, I hope the baby survives. Would that be a good thing? Light is concealed in darkness because it turned into a good thing, did it not? Yahweh protected the child. Yahweh kept that child. Exodus chapter 2. Shemot chapter 2, speaking of the birth of Moshe. Exodus chapter 2 talks about this. Exodus chapter 2, verse 1. And there went a man of the house of Levi, who took a wife, a daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived, bare a son, so she had birth pains. And when she saw him, that he was a goodly child. She told him that he was a goodly child. He was toved. She saw him and said, he's toved. She hid him for three months. And when she could no longer hide him, she took him an ark of bulrushes and dabbed it with slime and with pitch and put the child therein. And she laid it in the flags by the river's brink. And his sister stood afar off to find out what had done to him. And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river. And her maidens walked among the riverside. And she saw the teva, the ark among the flags, and sent her maid to catch it. That here, guess what? The baby is being shown, being born and said, this is good. So the question is, can we be like Yocheved and see the good and the bad? That no matter what we face, no matter what we go through, even maybe giving up our own child. Humanly, no. You can't. Can greatness come after the ICU, hospital bills? Can there ever be an end to the grief of losing a child or a loved one? Can victory come from custody battles, all these issues? Yes. The tape shows us this. But the question is, can we and will we look past the trials and the tests and see Yahweh's hands? Because if we are here during the tribulation times, we're going to have to. Or we're going to be weak and give in. Here's some practical advice for you. You're going through something, you've got offenses, people irritate you, ignore it. The best advice I can give you, ignore the offender. And if somebody offends you, if it's a believer in Yeshua, think of that person as Yahweh does. Now this is tough. John offended me. John was just in a bad mood, he snapped at me, he was rude, or John's just a pain, or John did this, or John did that. John offended me. John wrote me an email that was nasty. John said something about me in the chat room. John cut me off in traffic. John's a believer. I'm just going to ignore it. And I'm going to look at John as Yahweh looks at him. And you know what, if John's a saint, how does Yahweh look at him? Pure and righteous and blameless. That's tough. Try to ignore it, first of all. Second of all, face the problems. So ignore the offense, but face the problems. What is in your life that you need to face? Because if you're offended over something, usually it's because you do the same thing. So in the bad times, think about that. And then finally, trust Yahweh through the pain. No matter what pain you're going through, trust Yahweh through it. Don't you think it was painful for Yehudah to put her baby in that basket, in that tent? And yet Yahweh's hand was with the child. I want to teach you a Hebrew phrase. Gamzu le-tovah. Say it with me. Gamzu le-tovah. Say it again. Gamzu le-tovah. In Hebrew it means, also, this is for the good. That when you face something, when you go through it, you can just reply, Gamzu le-tovah, you know what? This might not be good, but this is for the good. Sounds like Romans 8, 28. What does it say? For I'm persuaded that everything, everything works together for the good of him who loves Yahweh, and who's called according to his name. Everything. Gamzu le-tovah. Gamzu le-tovah. Now, the tent also teaches us about something else. The saddest day in the history of the Jewish people. Tisha B'Av. You ever heard of it? Tisha B'Av. Some of us have. Tisha B'Av. Tisha B'Av. Tisha B'Av. Some of us have. On Tisha B'Av, some horrible things have happened to the Israelites. The problem is we've been separated from the culture, the language, the calendar, the people, the Bible, Israel, for so long, most of us don't even know what Tisha B'Av is. We never kept Tisha B'Av. We're just now learning to keep Yom Kippur. But yet, Tisha B'Av was a day that some horrible things have occurred to Israel. Tisha B'Av in Hebrew means the ninth day of Av. And on this day, observant Jews fast and they recall some of the saddest things that have occurred. They might say, oh, that's not in Leviticus 23, I don't have to keep it. Well, it's something that occurred later. It's something that wouldn't hurt us to keep. Another day of fasting and seeking Yahweh. Zechariah 7, verse 3 says, should I weep in the fifth month as I have done for so many years? Guess what the fifth month is? Av. Because it's tradition on the ninth day of Av to weep, to mourn, to cry, to seek Yahweh. Over these things that have occurred and remember what has occurred. The misfortunes, calamities. So what occurred on that day? Number one, we're told that on this day, the sin of the spies. Yahweh said, you know, to go spy out the land and they gave a decree that it was not able. They weren't able to do it. And they gave that decree on what day? The ninth day of Av. You can look through history and find out the first temple was destroyed on the ninth day of Av. The second temple was destroyed the ninth day of Av. During the Bar Kokhba revolt in the year 135. The last fortress fell, sealing the fate of the Jewish people. Happened to happen on the ninth day of Av. One year later. Was the fall of Bitar, which was another area in Jerusalem. And the temple was plowed through. On the ninth day of Av. In 1492, King Ferdinand, Ferdinand and Isabella. King Ferdinand. Issued a decree and he said by the ninth day of Av on this certain day, not a single Jewish person. Not a single Jewish person.