Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Hello, and welcome to the Finding Emet radio program. Emet is the Hebrew word for truth. This program will help you understand and live the truth of the Bible from a Hebrew perspective. The Finding Emet radio program features the teaching ministry of Brother Daniel Rendleman of Emet Ministries. Prepare your heart to receive the Emet, the truth of the scriptures. More audio lessons and teaching articles are available at the website. Please visit our site to find all things spiritual, including a free online Bible search program, or submit your prayer request. That's, or CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website. Let's welcome our teacher, Daniel Rendleman, as he helps us find the Emet. The name of this teaching is called The Good News and Bad News of Heaven and Hell. The Good News and Bad News of Heaven and Hell. So as you can imagine, we're going to share some good news, isn't that nice, and we're going to share some bad news. So I don't know about you, but when somebody says, do you want good news or bad news first, I usually take the bad first and then the good. There was this doctor, and he had been doing some blood work for his patient, and he'd been doing this, and he called his worried patient, and he said, look, I've got some bad news, and I've got some really bad news. What do you want to hear first? And the lady's like, oh my goodness, I guess I'll hear the bad news first. So the doctor says, well, the bad news is you have a rare disease, and you have 24 hours to live. The bad news is you have a rare disease, and you have 24 hours to live. And the lady's like, oh my gosh, I can't believe you just said that. If that's the bad news, I can't even imagine what the worst news is. What in the world could be worse than that? The doctor says, well, we've been trying to get a hold of you since yesterday. Bad news, right? That's some pretty bad news, if you can imagine the doctor stating that. So this teaching today, though, is going to reveal some good news and some bad news. And we're going to reveal some truth and some error about our subject. We're going to talk about heaven. We're going to talk about a place called hell, salvation, eternal life, about evangelism. That's the purpose of this teaching, is to clear up what we've been taught in error and to reveal what we've been taught in truth. Because we're going to see that there's some truth and there's some error to what we know already about the subject. We've got to be open to what Yahweh will show us. We're also going to expose some errors in this teaching regarding these same issues. Heaven and hell and something called two-door theology, soul sleep, purgatory. You ever feel like you live in purgatory sometimes? But we're going to clear up some of that and expose some of those errors. This teaching today and this issue that we're going to talk about affects every man, woman, and child ever born. However, it's rarely discussed in messianic circles. How many messages from rabbis have you heard about heaven or even hell or even in between? We hear a lot about in between. We hear a lot about life on earth, how to do the mitzvot, how to tie the tzitzit, how to blow the shofar. We hear a lot about these things as we're learning. We have a lot to learn. However, what about eternal life? Judaism focuses on life today. Did you know that Judaism is actually called the religion of the now? It's actually called that. We know that Christianity and certain sects of Christianity and groups of Christianity preach what? Hellfire, brimstone, hell. They do that. Other groups preach what? The bliss of heaven. Heaven's so great. Heaven is a wonderful place filled with glory and grace. You ever heard that before? Thank you. Who said yes? Who said yes? Leah? Come on. You've never heard that song before? We used to sing it in our youth group. Heaven is a wonderful place. Up above my head, there's music in the air. You know all these songs about heaven? When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. We've heard those before, haven't we? I'll fly away, oh glory. I'll fly away. There you go, Henrietta. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. You got it. 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And way back when Yeshua came, this was an issue of contention. Is there a resurrection? Is there eternal life? Is there not? Because many will say that the Torah does not speak of it. I'm going to prove to you that's incorrect, and it does. I'm going to show that to you today. So we know that each day, 150,000 people have to deal with this issue. Loved ones. I mean, we all have lost someone close to us in our past. Maybe this year. Maybe the past couple of years. Did they go to be with Yeshua? Did they go to a place called hell? Are they in limbo? What's going on? And you ask different people, you're going to get different answers. Romiah, the book of Romans, chapter 14, says that we will stand before Yahweh's judgment seat. Hebrews 9.27 says that appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment. So we're going to stand before Yahweh's judgment seat and then have to give an account before Yahweh. That's what the Brit, or the New Testament, says and speaks about. That we should have one chance. One opportunity. One life. One life to live, right? Isn't that a good? No? I don't know either. Now today there are many false teachers out there who teach several different things. Some say it doesn't matter what you believe just as long as you're a good person. In Kabbalah, spelled with a C, spelled with a K, spelled with a Q, however you want to spell it. A popular teaching is called Gilgal. It's a Hebrew phrase. It actually means to recycle. And many Kabbalists teach that there's a recycling of your soul until it is perfected. Not that you come back as a tree or a leaf or a branch, but you come back as another person until you perfect yourself and perfect your problems. That is error. Amen? Others teach that the Jews have Torah and therefore do not need Yeshua. I'm sorry, but that is error as well. Yeshua went to Nicodemus, John chapter 3, and he said, You must be born again. If the Torah would have saved him, why would he have gone to the Jew? Does that make sense? We each need Yeshua. Yeshua said in Yochanan 14.9, So there's a lot of false teachers out there. A lot of false messiahs out there. So as we look at this, we need to first look at what our foundation has got to be, the scriptures. Now, mainstream Christianity teaches kind of an easy, greasy, gospel, grace message. And I'm sorry, but it's false teaching to say that all you got to do is repeat a prayer and you're going to heaven. All you got to do is repeat a prayer and you're going to heaven. Or join a church. Join our church, not somebody else's. Join our church and you're going to heaven, right? Or confess to a priest, say five Hail Marys, don't drink, don't smoke, don't backslide, and you're in good shape. Make sure to tithe, by the way. Ten percent, make sure it's gross, not net. You want a gross blessing, right? You better tithe gross, you don't want a net blessing. I mean, I've heard this from the church, from the pulpit. And that the problem with that is, well, we'll get into the problem with that in a few minutes. We'll talk about salvation and what actually happens. The world's largest religion, the fastest growing religion in the world is what? Islam. Islam, that's right. Islam's doctrine of salvation is that unbelievers, or the kuffar, those who are ungrateful, and sinners are condemned. However, if you just repent, you have Allah's forgiveness, you'll go to paradise. But it takes faith and good works to get there. And by the way, as we all know, the martyrs are especially rewarded. You die for your faith, you get what? A bunch of virgins. Virgins. Hmm. That's what they're teaching. So Judaism teaches one thing, Christianity teaches sometimes another. Islam teaches another thing. We need to cast aside man's ways, amen, regarding this issue. And allow the Torah, the Word, to be our authority. Baruch Hashem Yahweh, amen. So what does Yahweh's Word have to say about this? So let's all say this, I am open, come on, I am open to Yahweh's Word. I am open to Yahweh's Word. His Word's got to be the authority on heaven and hell and life in between. So let me ask you, do you want the good news or the bad news first? Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Good, bad, some of you say good, some of you say bad, it reminds me of a story. You'll have to forgive me, I'm asking forgiveness already before I tell the story. So there's this man and his wife, they're just having a good conversation. And the wife says, dear, I've got good news and bad news, what do you want first? The husband says, well, give me the good news first. I want the good news. So she says, wonderful. She says, I have found a picture that is worth $500,000. We're rich. I've got a picture that's worth $500,000. The husband says, oh my goodness, this is great. This is wonderful, what's in the picture of? She looks at him and says, oh, it's of you and your secretary. That's not good, is it? That's some good and some bad news, right? They were typing, by the way, they were typing. So do you want the good news or the bad news first? The bad news, how about that? Here's the bad news. The bad news is that death and hell affect more people than heaven and grace. That's the truth. Yeshua said, enter through the narrow gate, because wide and broad is the path that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter in. Many are those who enter in. Many are those who go through that path. But the path of righteousness, the path through Shemaim or heaven, is straight and narrow and it actually says difficult in one verse. So as we look to the Torah, we see that the idea of hell and punishment after death is a little different than the devil and his pitchfork. It's a little different than eternal punishment and suffering. Indeed, it's much worse than that. The Torah speaks of heaven and hell, speaks of hell specifically, in the picture of the leper, the skin disease of leprosy. You had a leper, what happened there? The leper was cast out, were they not? Was not allowed to enter in to the holy place, even near the temple. They were not even allowed to be in the community. They were cast out of fellowship with each other, with other believers, and with Yahweh. But hellfire and brimstone is not just a New Testament or church idea, we actually see this in the Torah. Remember Miriam, Moshe's sister? She comes against Moshe. She tries to say, well this isn't right, this isn't good leadership. And she's stricken with leprosy. And she's sent out of the camp for seven days. That is highly symbolic. We'll talk more about that later, as a day is as a thousand years. But she's sent out for seven days. She was unable to be around others. She was hurt. A leper. Their fingers would fall off. Their eyes would sink back. Their extremities would shrivel up. They would be in pain, all of their life. If the leper was contagious, their skin was white, they could not be around others. If they were not contagious, they could be around others. Keep that in mind. The lost are spiritual lepers, and are outside the presence of Yahweh. I want you to look at this picture of this person with leprosy. And I want you to picture your lost family members, your friends, the people you work with. That is their soul. They are spiritual lepers. They are outside of the presence of Yahweh. So who do you know that's been stricken with spiritual leprosy? Imagine for a moment, Gilbert or C.C., that you've got friends and family that have this horrible disease that shrivels up your fingers and your hands, rots your skin away until you're nothing but dying flesh. You've got friends and family that have this. And you have the cure. Now imagine that you're so busy in your life that you never take the cure to them. You see them for Thanksgiving, maybe July 4th. You see them at work, maybe at Walmart. And you know you've got the cure, but you never take it to them. And you know you've got the cure, but you never take it to them. Sadly, that's us. We have the cure for spiritual leprosy. It's the blood of Yeshua. And many times we don't even try to share it, much less allow them to reject it. The lost are spiritual lepers. And this casting away is bad news, amen, from Yahweh's presence. And when a unrepentant sinner or a leper, a spiritual leper, dies, they are cast into hell, for lack of better terms, or Sheol in Hebrew. We'll go over a few words for you. And we see another precedent for this in the scriptures in Numbers chapter 16. So turn with me to the book of Numbers, in Hebrew, Bamidbar, chapter 16, 28-34. Number 16. And we're going to see hell in the Old Testament, in the Tanakh, in the Torah. We're going to see spiritual lepers who have cast themselves aside from Yahweh going down to hell alive. Number 16, verse 28. And in this chapter, there's an issue where Korach is trying to rise above Moshe. He says, I need to be the one that does the sacrifices. And he wanted to be the priest. He was already a Levite, but he wanted to be the priest. He wanted to do it all. He wanted to have the spiritual authority someone else had. He wanted to take over their role. He wanted to ascend. Sounds like pride. And here it says in verse 28, Moshe said, Hereby you shall know that Yahweh has sent me to do these works, for I have not done them out of my own heart. Verse 29, If these men die the common death of all men, or if they are visited after the visitation of all men, then Yahweh has not sent me. But if Yahweh makes a new thing, and the earth opens her mouth and swallows them up, and all that pertains to them, and they go down directly into hell, into the grave, into the pit, into Sheol, then you shall understand that these men have provoked Yahweh. Verse 31, And it came to pass, as he made an end of his speaking all these words, that the very ground split open that was under them. The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up, and their houses, and their men with Korach, and all their goods. And they, all that pertained to them, went down alive into hell, alive into Sheol, and the earth closed up among them, and they perished from among the congregation. And all Israel that were around them fled, and began to cry, for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up as well. And Yahweh, alive, cast into punishment. Now again, what if that's our friends and family? Are we not guaranteed the next moment? I mean, think about it. We don't know. But they went down alive into Sheol. The King James says they went down alive into the pit. The NIV says they went down alive into the grave. Some translations actually use the word Sheol. Sheol, everybody say Sheol. What in the world is Sheol? Hell. The word Sheol literally means the underworld of the dead. Strong's Exhaustive Dictionary calls it the subterranean retreat. Sorry. Sounds like a vacation retreat. A subterranean retreat. Grave, hell, or pit. It's actually a place of levels in which the dead inhabit. Now many modern Jewish teachers say that hell doesn't exist. Therefore there's no need for personal salvation. But the contrary in Hillel and Gemiliel and many of the greatest rabbis in Judaism have always taught about Sheol. The word Sheol appears 65 times in the Tanakh, in the Old Testament. Usually translated as pit or grave. In Isaiah 38.10 it says that it's a city with gates. In the book of Job chapter 30 verse 23 it says it's the abode of both the righteous and the wicked. Sheol. The Brit Hadashah of the New Testament tells us that the wages of sin is what? Death. Spiritual death is separation from Yahweh. Does that make sense? Just like a spiritual leper or a leper is cast out of the camp away from the fellowship of Israel. That spiritual death is a breaking away because of sin. First John 3.4. The wages of sin. Excuse me. First John 3.4. Sin is transgression of the Torah. When a man does not obey Torah, does not accept Yeshua. When the word tells us in Isaiah 59.2. Your sins have separated you from your Elohim. Your sins have hidden his face from you. You know if you were walking down the road and there was a leper. That leper was supposed to cry out unclean, unclean and you would hide your face from him. You wouldn't even want to look at that leper. It tells us in the book of Isaiah that our sin does that with Yahweh. But he's hidden his face from us. It's interesting that Sheol was spoken of by Yeshua. When he says that here in Mark 9.47 is where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. Korach and his minions you could say rebelled and were cast alive into Sheol. Separated. Remember Adam? What happened when he said he was cast out? Of the garden. But Tanakh, the Old Testament actually teaches that there are three divisions in Sheol. Three divisions. And a parted, two of these are parted by a gulf. But the spirit of the righteous, this is before Yeshua came. Before Yeshua came would descend into Sheol at death and take up residence where? Abraham's or Abraham's bosom. We know that Jacob, Yaakov, David, Ezekiel, even Jonah and others speak of going down into Sheol. Also called, this section of Sheol called Abraham's bosom, Abraham's bosom is also called Paradise. Paradise. Remember Yeshua said today you will be with me where? In Paradise. We'll talk about that more in just a moment. Sheol. In Hebrew it is Sheen Aleph Lamed. It's kind of like he's thinking. He's got that, what do you think? No? I don't know. Thinking about Sheol. Yeshua said in Matthew 23 today you will be with me in Paradise. So picture Sheol with three divisions. At the top is Abraham's bosom or Paradise. There's a gulf in between and then there are two more divisions below. Do you see it? So the spirit of the Zedek or the righteous would go into Abraham's bosom. What about the wicked? What about the wicked? At their death the wicked would be taken to the middle part of Sheol or in Hebrew called Gehenom. This is where we get the word hell from. Gehenom. This is where most Bibles translate hell. There are three Greek words used in the newer testament. Some of the manuscripts we have. Hades, Tararu and Gehenna. Well Gehenom was a special place. It literally means Valley of Hinnom. Literally means Valley of Hinnom. Gehenom was the trash disposal. Was the dump in Israel. It was in the valley of two mountains where they would take dead bodies of lepers and sinners. Sinners, people that had been crucified. Where they would take trash that had been collected in Israel and they would burn it. And there would always be fires burning. The smell would be horrible. There were literally gates to get into Gehenom. And archaeologists have discovered that guess what? The gates were wide and broad because of how much trash had to go in. But the gates into Israel were narrow and straight. Yeshua spoke of this department of Sheol. He said there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Gehenom. Constant burning. And it is actually here in this trash pit that the children were offered to Molech. Remember in the Torah where it says do not allow your children to pass through the fires and be offered to Molech? It was here in Gehenom where this would occur. Well let me tell you something friends. We don't need to allow our children to pass through the fire of Gehenom to go to hell. Below Gehenom was another level. Another section of hell. The sages of Judaism say that this lowest part of Sheol is the lowest part of the universe. In some places of the Bible this is called the lake of fire. The word used in our scriptures is Abaddon. Abaddon. You might have heard Abidin. However you say it. Abaddon. Which literally means destroyer. Now in ancient manuscripts and even mystical accounts Abaddon is spoken of as the Netherlands. The bottom place of torment prepared for who? Hasatan and his demons. Shadin. The adversary and his demons. And just as smoke of flames rise, the fires of Sheol were located here in the lake of fire. And would torment those who were above in Gehenom. In hell. Now we know that there was an abyss that separated those in Abraham's bosom and those in hell. We'll talk more about that in just a few minutes with a story Yeshua gave in the book of Luke. So turn with me to the book of Luke chapter 16. Yeshua taught there was a huge gulf that separated those in Abraham's bosom or paradise from those in the depth of torment. A story about a rich man named Lazarus. Luke 16 starting in verse 19. There was a rich man who was dressed in purple, fine linen, lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him where? To Abraham's bosom, Abraham's side, into Sheol, paradise. The rich man also died and was buried in hell or Sheol where he was in torment. Notice there are two separate places. He looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus, the beggar, by his side. He called up, he said, Father Abraham, Avinu Abraham, have pity on me. Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water, cool my tongue. I'm in agony from the fire. But Abraham replied, he said, son. So he had to be an Israelite. He said, son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things. While when Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. Besides all this, between us and you is a great chasm that is separated, has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot. Nor can anyone cross over from there to us. That here we see that those in the torment of hell could actually look up into paradise. That's hell, isn't it? To see someone else not suffering while you're suffering. And they could see it and he cried out where he was in torment. Where he was in torment. Now we know later there's a story where he said that he cries and he says, go warned by friends of how bad it is. I guarantee you, if the people in hell could speak to us now, they would beg us to go to their friends and their family and our friends and family and share the blood of Yeshua with them. Can we hear them? Can we hear the spiritual lepers crying out to us? They are. Sheol was this underworld, a place of the dead. It had several levels. There was that gulf. And until Yeshua's death and resurrection, it separated them. And we actually know that many people were actually rescued from Sheol. When Yeshua died, he went down. What about Jonah? I want to throw something at you here. Many people say Jonah was alive in the belly of the whale. I don't. I actually believe he died. I actually believe he died. What Tanakh says is it uses the word unconscious. Or actually, he went to Sheol when he was in the belly of the whale. Jonah 2.2 says, Read the book of Jonah, chapter 2. Now didn't Jonah say, didn't Yeshua say that the sign of Jonah was a sign of his death, burial, and resurrection? So just like Jonah, Yeshua himself died, went down into Sheol, and came back alive. And what did Jonah do after he came back alive? He went and he spoke. He was an evangelist. He didn't still want to do it, but he went anyway. And he warned them. 1 Samuel, 1 Shmuel, chapter 2, verse 6 says, 1 Samuel, 1 Shmuel, chapter 2, verse 6 says, The word tells us in Ephesians, chapter 4, that when he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts to men. And in Revelation, chapter 1, verse 18, it says that Yeshua holds the keys to where? Death, hell, and the grave. Right, Sheol, death, and the grave. But since the time of Yeshua, since Yeshua went down into Sheol, and did some rearranging you could say, that it now contains only Gehennaum and the lake of fire. That it went through a change. That Abraham's bosom was actually swallowed up. It actually tells us this in Isaiah, chapter 5, verse 14. Therefore Sheol, this is a prophecy, has enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure. And their glory and their multitude and their pomp and he that rejoiced shall descend into it. That Sheol expanded because what wide and broad is that path. That Sheol, the abode of the dead, has now become Sheol, or hell, the place of torment for the wicked. So when a person dies without Yeshua, they go into Gehennaum, or hell. They're not cast into the lake of fire, yet. They're still tormented in hell where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth. Sheol is now hell. And it's a trash dump. Understand that? That your unsaved friends and family are trash. They are spiritual lepers. What's worse than eternal burning? Is eternal annihilation. The Torah does not teach eternal punishment in hell. I'm going to show you what the Torah teaches. And this was an eye-opener for me. In fact, I shared it with Don. He says, Daniel, you're going to get tomatoes thrown at you. But it's the truth. Just as Sheol went through a change when Yeshua died, Sheol will go through another change. There will come a time when the lost souls will be annihilated. This is called the second death. Now, we've always been taught man is eternal. Man has an eternal soul within him. That's not true. But you've got to understand something. Yeshua, the wages of sin is what? Eternal life of punishment? No. The wages of sin is what? Death. What is the gift of Yahweh? Life. Why would Yeshua allow those who rejected Him to live forever, even in punishment? Aren't they still alive? Aren't they still alive? Think about that for a minute. The wages of sin is death. What does it say in John chapter 3, verse 16? For Yahweh so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him would not perish. Go to your strong concordance. The word for perish means to be annihilated and to be no more. It's there. Let's look at a couple other verses. Ezekiel 18.4 says that the soul that sins will be annihilated, will die. Ezekiel 18.20 The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of his father, nor the father share the guilt of his son. The righteous of the righteous man will be credited to him. And the wickedness of the wicked man will be charged against him. There is coming a time when Yahweh will make all things one in the whole universe. And He cannot be one with evil and sin and those who rejected Him. If eternal hell and torment was what the Torah teaches, why did Yeshua say this? Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather be afraid of the one who can destroy. Notice I said what? Who can destroy both the body and the soul in Gehennoam, in hell. Yeshua used His words very carefully. He said to be afraid of the one. Who would that be? Yahweh. Who can destroy both the body and the soul in hell. Revelation chapter 20 speaks of this as well. As we understand the events in Revelation, we understand that He could not allow those separated from Him to continue to exist. Revelation 20, Gil Yonah 20. Verse 6 says, Blessed and holy, kardosheth he that has part in the first resurrection. On such, the second death has no power. But they shall be Kohanim, or priests of Yahweh, and shall reign with Him for how long? A thousand years. Verse 14 says, Let's look at verse 12. Revelation 20 verse 12. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before Yahweh. Scrolls were opened, and another scroll was opened, which is the Sefer HaKaim, the book of life. The dead were judged out of those things that were written in the scrolls, according to their own mitzvot. Do you know what the book of life is? The Torah. That's what the book of life is. There's the Lamb's book of life, and then there's the Torah. The Torah is the book of life. It is the tree of life for those who take hold of her. Isn't that what it says in Proverbs chapter 8, Proverbs chapter 3? The book of life is the Torah. They opened the Torah, and each person is judged according to his own mitzvot. Did they accept Yeshua and walk according to the mitzvot? Verse 13. And the sea gave up the dead that were in it. And the death and Sheol delivered up their dead that were in them. It's spitting out the dead. And they were judged, every man according to his own mitzvot. And death and Sheol were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Totally gone. Annihilated. Your first death, you die. Your body's no more. Make sense? Your second death, if you're not born again, you die, and you are no more. Just like your body. And whoever was not found in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Later to be totally destroyed. Because we see in Revelation 21 and 22, heaven. We see heaven. We know that Yeshua conquered death, hell, and the grave. Amen? He paid the price for our sins. Praise Yahweh. But we don't have to face this. We don't have to face this judgment. At the point when a man wants to die, and then the judgment. Then as we go before Yahweh, we face the opposite. Do you understand that? If separation from Yahweh leads to eventual death, then the opposite must be true. To be one with Yahweh has got to lead to what? Everlasting life. Because again, if you are forever tormented in hell, then you're alive. Revelation talks more about that. So let's talk a little bit about the choice that we have. Deuteronomy 30 verse 19. It says, I call heaven and earth to witness before you this day. I've set before you life, Chaim, and death. Not eternal life and eternal death, but life and death. Blessing and cursing, therefore choose life that you and your seed may live. Hallelujah. We need to choose life, and we have that choice to choose life each and every day. To choose His ways above our ways. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of Yahweh is eternal life. So what happens when a messianic believer dies? I'm going to say a person who believes in Messiah Yeshua. Whether they call Him by another name, we'll deal with that at another time. But I want to tell you the truth is very different than what we know. First of all, death, when you die, Nicholas, when you die, it's just part of your salvation experience. But your eternal life began when you accepted Yeshua and began to follow after Him. So can we talk about that for like five minutes? So can we talk about that for like five minutes? What happens when you're born again? Because they said you had to be born again. The truth is, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of Yahweh is eternal life. We earn death. The gift of Yahweh is that. We're saved by grace through faith. We're not saved by Torah obedience, by church membership. We're not saved by being a good person or a faithful wife. We're not saved by tithing, by being celibate or snooty. We're not saved by some Gnostic knowledge. We're not saved by martyr. We're not saved by repeating some prayer. We must eat from the tree of life. Isn't that what it says in the book of Genesis? If they eat from the tree of life, they'll have everlasting life. And it's not as easy as a church may seem. I think sometimes we make it too easy for people. We don't tell them, count the cost, brother. Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want to accept Yeshua? Do you know what it means? The gospel again is not, it's not God has a wonderful plan for your life. You leave Jesus, you go to heaven. Or you get out of hell free card. That's not the gospel. Yeshua said the gospel is repent for the kingdom of heaven is here. There's got to be repentance before someone accepts the wonderful plan Yahweh has for them. Amen? Because if there's not repentance, then that person's not really born again. Now once they do repent, they accept what Yeshua has done. And the kingdom of heaven comes to live in them. A person is born again after labor pains. So let me ask you. If you didn't travail over your sins, then you might not be saved. That's tough, but that's the truth. We need to recognize that we are sinners. And the Torah helps us do that. Psalm 19, 7. The Torah of Yahweh is perfect converting the soul. Yeshua is the door to heaven. We must enter in through Him. There's not two doors. There's a teaching out there I want to warn you against. It's called two-door theology. The Jews have Torah. Christians and everybody else has Yeshua. It's not true. We all have Yeshua. He is the door. Amen? Turn with me to Ephesians chapter 2. Ephesians chapter 2. Ephesians chapter 2. Verses 7 through 9 shows us what happens when we are born again. When we are born into this world, Yahweh gives us a spirit. He breathes into us the spirit of life. Amen? That is who we are. We have our body. We have our mind, our will, and our intellect. When a believer... Excuse me. When a person sins, that spirit that Yahweh has given them is disconnected from Yahweh. That... Because the soul in sin will die. That spirit dies because of sin. That's the old man. And it dies. That's the breath and the shama in Hebrew that Yahweh has given us. And it dies when we sin. Because of the endemic nature, every person is separated from Yahweh. However, when we are born again, new life is brought to us in the shama and it is connected back to Yahweh. How was a person born again? Ephesians chapter 2, 7 through 9. Not of yourselves any man would boast. It is a gift of Yahweh. Not by your mitzvot. Look at verse 10. We are recreated. We are born anew. Born from heaven. Born again. By His blood. By His chesed through faith. Grace. Grace is that Yahweh has provided salvation for everybody. However, we're not just saved by grace, are we? Because if everybody was just saved by grace, then all you'd have to do is just be born and you'd go straight to heaven. It's by grace through faith. Each person has to put their faith in the grace of Yeshua. Grace in Hebrew is chesed or chen. It's Yahweh's favor. It's His promotion. It's His privilege. You've got to have grace and faith. Faith in Hebrew is emunah. Emunah or faith disperses grace. We respond in faith to what Yahweh has done for us by grace. And it's not just a statement of faith, but it's tangible evidence. But you've got to have both. It's not enough that Yeshua died. Yeshua's death doesn't save everyone. They have to accept Him personally. Don, what's sodium chloride? Salt. What's just sodium? If you have nothing but sodium. If you drink nothing but sodium. Poison. What's chloride if you have nothing but chloride? Poison. But put together, it's salt. Grace and faith is like sodium chloride. If all you have is one, it's poison. If all you've got is faith, faith, faith, faith, faith, and you don't ever accept Yeshua, you just believe, oh, I'll be good. I'll go to heaven or this or that. But you've got poison. If all you've got is grace, oh, God loves everybody. Everybody's going to heaven. You've got poison. But put together, what is it? Salt. We are the salt of the earth. We are the sodium chloride of Yahweh. Yeshua said, Yahweh said in 1 Peter 2, 24, by His stripes we were healed. Everybody say were. Were. That's past tense. We were healed. By His death, Yeshua provided for everything that we needed. We were saved by grace through faith. And it tells us in Colossians 2, 8, that as you have received Yeshua Hamashiach, so also walk by Him. We are to walk in faith. We are to walk in grace. How many of you had to beg and plead with Yahweh to save you? And how many of you believed that Yahweh saved you when you asked Him to? Now, most of you have probably believed that when you asked, when you asked His blood to cover you, when you accepted Him into your life as your master, as your Messiah, but it was instant. You were born again in that moment. You didn't have to beg and plead and fast and all of that, did you? Did you have to pray in tongues for 14 hours to get saved? No. Now why is it then we think that we've got to do all that to be healed? I just got to go there. If Yeshua provided our salvation with His death, burial and ascension, doesn't it tell us that He provided our healing the same way? By His stripes we were healed? Think about that. It's tough. It's tough. Because I deal with sickness too. I'm not Mr. Perfect up here. We've got to trust Yahweh and receive what He has already done. The word emunah in Hebrew is similar to emanut, which means to create. That faith creates in us new life. That we are a new creation. That faith creates in us new life. And when you're born again, you are ready for heaven. And as soon as you accept Yeshua, you get raptured and you go, right? No. As soon as you accept Yeshua, you go sit on the train stop and you wait for the rapture. No. Come on. At salvation, the power of Yahweh, the Ruach HaKodesh, comes to dwell within us. It tells us that Messiah in you, Christ in you, the hope of glory is in us. 1 John 4.17, As He is, so are we in this world. When we die, our body, our dust, goes back to dust. Amen? But our neshama that has been born again goes to be with Yahweh immediately, directly. There's no soul sleep. There's no waiting around. Three hour tour. This is some good news. Everybody say good news. Good news. The Hebrew word for heaven is shamayim. Shamayim. Do you see the word shah? Do you see the word mayim? Hebrew actually means fiery waters. Heaven is a glorious place. Yeshua's been preparing for us. Better than you'd ever think. Yeshua said, In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I wouldn't have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And He's been building for 2,000 years. In the Hebrew logic, He's actually building the consummation room onto the Father's house. 1 Corinthians 2, 9. Can we read it together? Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which Yahweh has prepared for them that love Him. Think of your best day, your best picture of heaven. No pain, no problems, no tears, no bills, no in-laws, no, excuse me, no problems whatsoever. And it's a billion times, a billion times that. Judaism speaks of seven heavens. The Torah speaks of at least three. There's the Shemaim of the earth and atmosphere around the earth. Genesis 1, 20. It's where the birds fly in the Shemaim. There is the Shemaim of the universe, the realm of the sun and the moon. Revelation. Genesis 1, 14. And then there is the Shemaim of Yahweh's abode, which is in where? Heaven. So when we are born again, Yahweh comes within us. The kingdom of heaven is here, is near in us. And as you know, but when you die, you go to the true heaven, it's more about a person than a place. It's Yahweh's presence. It's His abode. Imagine your best, most awesome worship experience or dream that you had or vision you had where you just felt Yahweh's presence close to you. And that's not even one billionth of how it's going to be when we die and go to heaven. And guess what? We don't really go to heaven. It comes to us. How about that? Revelation 21, 2 says, I saw a holy city, new Yerushalayim, coming down from heaven, prepared as a bride. That when we die, it's translated in that instant, in that moment, into the shamayim, into the heavens with Yahweh. And the word tells us that it's a place of beauty. Revelation 21, verse 10. It's a place of immortality. There'll be no death. It's a place of light. It's a place of perfection. It's a place of joy. Eli, it's not just a hammock between two clouds. You don't just get your wings and go flying off. Heaven is awesome. It's great. It's better than you could ever imagine. Yeshua's been preparing it for us. 2 Timothy, chapter 2, says, It will rain with Him. I don't know about you, but sometimes, as a kid, I used to think of heaven as an eternal church service. Right? Come on. I didn't want to go to heaven. I'm like, I don't know. Yeah, I'll go for the Jesus thing, and I want to go to heaven when I die. I don't want to go to hell. But I don't want to go to eternal church service. My preacher preaches long enough as it is. Right? Come on. Amen, right? But it's not just an eternal church service. We're going to be occupied with living and enjoying life without sin. Life without sin. No curse. We'll be with loved ones. We'll get to study Torah. We'll get to have fun. I think it's going to be better than we ever imagined. 2 Timothy says, If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him. Now, hear this. The events foretold in the Bible or spoken of in order to change our present lives. Let me say that again. Future events foretold in the Bible or spoken of to change our present lives. The rabbis say that this world is like a lobby before heaven. You've got to prepare yourself in the lobby so you can go into the banquet hall. Now, I like that. Because what's going to happen in that banquet hall but the marriage supper of the Lamb? And I don't want to go with the tattered garments. I want to go with clean, pure garments. So I've got to prepare myself in the lobby. That when we die, we go to heaven. To be absent from the body is to be present with Yahweh. Tell that to your Jehovah Witness friends. 2 Corinthians 5.8 Tell that to the group of Karaites. Tell that to the tons of Messianics that believe in soul sleep. That idea is that when you die, you sleep until Yeshua comes back. Then He wakes you up. At the end of tribulation, Messiah is going to return. When? In the beginning? Come get us? Okay, here's a problem with a couple things. Number one, if He comes back at the beginning of tribulation and then comes back again at the end, then He's had three comings. So if you believe in the second coming of Yeshua, then it's got to be a different time. So He returns for His people. But dead in Messiah will rise first. Those who remain will be caught up in the air and will be changed. We're going to reign with Yeshua here on this earth for a thousand years. And we'll be keeping Torah, Isaiah 66. And then after a thousand years, get this, the heavenly Jerusalem is going to descend and is going to become echad with the earthly Jerusalem, with the recently cleansed temple. This is powerful. Heaven will come to earth. This is the renewed heavens and the new earth. Because don't we know, we said before, what does it mean that heaven and earth will not pass away? And many times we think, oh, there's going to be a whole new heaven and a whole new earth. Heaven is a lot more earthly than what we think. Heaven is not a toilet paper commercial where we're floating around on white clouds and got our wings like little naked babies. In Hebrew, this is called the Olam Haba. Everybody say Olam Haba. The world to come. Olam Haba. And it's when all things will be restored. That's why the lake of fire has to be destroyed because Yahweh will become one with His creation. As before sin. It will be glorious. Zechariah 14.9 Yahweh shall be king over all the earth. In that day there shall be one Yahweh and His name one. Remember Miriam was struck with leprosy for how many days? Seven days. First Peter tells us that a day is a thousand years. So that is a prophetic picture of this world lasting 7,000 years. There will be 6,000 years of man, then 1,000 years of Messiah says the Talmud. There's 6,000 years of man. 1,000 years of millennial reign. And then at the end of that Miriam the leper is allowed to come back in. Because why? Because the lake of fire is destroyed and Yahweh is one with all and His name is one. This is our future. This is great news. Every year we go on a summer vacation. It's an interesting trip. My idea of a vacation is I have it planned out two weeks before. At 2.20 we'll be doing this. At 3.15 we'll be doing that. At 4.30 we'll be doing this. At 5.30 we'll be eating lunch or dinner. You know at 6 o'clock from 6 to 6.05 there'll be a break time. At 6.06 we'll catch this movie. I have it all planned out. I even get coupons beforehand and know where we're going. It's Hades. I mean it's interesting. Okay? But don't you know when you go on vacation after you've been gone three or four days you get to missing your bed. You get to miss your house a little bit. You get to miss your pillow. It's like, this is nice but boy I sure miss home. That's like our life today. Not that this world's a vacation but we're not with Yahweh. We're not home yet. We're not home yet. So we don't just give up and just wait to get home. We gotta set our minds on things above. That's Galatians 3.2. Look to what Yahweh is doing. Expect it but get busy working in the field of souls. The Talmud says that this world is like the eve of Shabbat, the day before Shabbat. And the Alam Haba or heaven is like the Shabbat. Makes sense, doesn't it? He who prepares on the eve of Shabbat will have food to eat on the Sabbath. We've gotta prepare now. That doesn't mean you find a hearse and you put a trailer hitch on it. That means you prepare now. Introduce people to the real Yeshua. Help them come in contact with Him. Hell is real. Amen? And what's worse than hell? Not even being remembered but you existed. Heaven is real. Shemaim is great. And we have a moral obligation to share Yeshua with others. Maggie, if you're in the front yard, you're just kinda walking around at my house. And there's some kids across the street. They're playing in the road right at the grass where the road is. And here comes this SUV piling, you know, driving auto parts. We have auto parts stored in our house and they come 90 miles an hour down the road. Here they come, 90 miles an hour and they're gonna hit those children. Don't you have a moral obligation to say something to them, to shout, to yell, to scream, to run over there, to send Daniel to save them, to do something? Right? Well, guess what? The SUV's coming and it's coming for our friends and our family. We have a moral obligation to share Yeshua with them. I wanna share this with you to finish up because this is the good news and the bad news. Some really good news I wanna share with you. Matthew chapter 10, verse 5 through 7. The bad news is there is a hell. There is eternal life. That's the good news. The really good news I've got for you is in Matthew chapter 10, verse 5. Matthew 10, Matthew 10. Real quick, show of hands. Who wants more power from Yahweh? Who wants to be able just to speak to the demons and let them flee? Who wants to be able to lay hands on the sick and let them recover? Who wants to be a shining light, a glorious fire for Him, a witness, an example? Who wants to be used by Him for all of what Yahweh wants for you? Raise your hand, come on. Who wants to be all of what Yahweh has planned for you? Who wants to be that? Amen. Alright, you just stepped into it. Matthew 10, 5 through 7. But 12, Yeshua sent forth and commanded them, saying, Go not in the way of the Gentiles by staying away from pagan practices. Do not enter any city of Shomron or Samaria, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel that have strayed. And as you go, proclaim, God loves you, has a great plan for your life. Note, as you go, proclaim, the kingdom of heaven is offered. Is at hand. Verse 7. Verse 8. Heal the sick. Cleanse the lepers. Cleanse the lepers. Raise the dead. Cast out the Shadim, the demons. Freely you've received, freely give. Neither take gold nor silver nor brass of your purses. Yeshua speaks to them. He says, don't go in pagan ways. Go out. Preach. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This is the way to Shammai. Isn't that what he said? He says, Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse the lepers. As we go out and share Torah-based evangelism, as we go out and share Yeshua with people, we are cleansing the lepers. We are helping those who don't know Yeshua come to Him. Their spiritual leprosy is being healed. They are being set free. They are being changed in that instant, in that moment, healed of that leprosy. But notice what precedes this extra power. What precedes it? He said they had to go and teach, repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. If you want to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out the demons, if you want to go out and be all that Yahweh has for you, if you want all in your life to be what He has for you, then we've got to do what He just said. Go, teaching people the kingdom of heaven is at hand. That the extra power follows the obedience to share the good news. Do you know what that word is? Good news? The gospel. People say, what is gospel? It means good news. There's good news and there's bad news. And as we share this message with others, we are empowered by the Ruach. That's good news, don't it? That's good news for what Yahweh has for us. That's CD copies of this teaching are available for free by submitting a request at the website or write to us at EMET Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108 That's EMET Ministries, 1310 Trent Street, Newberry, SC 29108 Thank you again for listening to Finding EMET with Daniel Rendleman. May you find the EMET and may the EMET, may the truth set you free.