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Blessing Paradigm

Blessing Paradigm




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Daniel Rendleman discusses the concept of the Blessing Paradigm and how it relates to biblical teachings on blessings. He emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift in our understanding of blessings and highlights that blessings are not just about being happy or successful. The purpose of blessings is to glorify Yahweh and spread the message of salvation. He also addresses common questions about who receives blessings and uses the example of a fake Rolex watch to illustrate the value of genuine blessings. Hello, this is Daniel Rendleman with EMET Ministries and welcome to our teaching today the Blessed Paradigm or the Blessing Paradigm and thank you for joining us today as we look at this topic and as we discuss this very important issue of the Blessing Paradigm and today as we talk and as we share some time together we're going to be using some very special Hebrew words beginning with the Hebrew name of our Messiah the Savior his name is Yahshua perhaps you heard this during the Mel Gibson film The Passion of the Christ it's the name he was called while he was here on earth Yahshua which means Yahweh is salvation it was a name given to the Savior in the book of Luke and it's a Hebrew name given to the Savior that he was called while he was here on earth and of course we'll be using the name Yahweh, Yod-Heh-Wav-Heh, the ancient Hebrew name of our Almighty Father as given to Moses during the burning bush he said I am that which I am this is my name forever as a memorial to all generations and it's been hidden in our Bibles you might say well I've never heard the name Yahweh before well it's hidden in our scriptures behind a capitalized L-O-R-D or capitalized G-O-D almost 8,000 times throughout the Bible we'll be using the Hebrew term Elohim which is Hebrew for Mighty One often translated as God in our English Bibles it means the Mighty One and so today as we talk about the believer's life and the blessing paradigm now the dictionary defines a paradigm or a paradigm shift as a fundamental change in approach or assumptions an acceptance by a majority of a changed belief attitude or way of doing things that's what's called a paradigm shift because a pattern is something that serves a paradigm is something that serves as a pattern or a model now that being said we really need to experience a blessing paradigm shift and understand the blessing paradigm or the blessing pattern or blessing model that is laid for us in the scriptures the problem is friend we have got many different ideas about blessings in our minds that are not very biblical just to give an example you know people will believe just about anything you know what I mean I mean people will believe just about anything just recently in the news a image has drawn over 200,000 visitors to a small town in southern Mexico it's the image on a rock that some say resembles Jesus Gregorio Gomez a 57 year old Indian man living in southern Mexico said that a voice told him in a dream last month that he would find an image of the Messiah on a rock now since then he's found this image of what he calls Jesus and all these hundreds of thousands of people have come to southern Mexico they've been lighting candles they've been holding vigils they're looking at this picture of yeah on a rock okay similar story back in October 27 and 2005 a couple says they they found a fishbone resembling the image of the Savior in June 2005 a bunch of Catholic sisters saw the image of the Savior in a bunch of splattered paint on a wall as they began to paint one of their rooms and finally back in December 3rd 2004 many people began visiting a dentist office because in an x-ray they could see the face of the Savior people will believe just about anything wouldn't you agree well the problem is we'll believe anything but the truth about blessing which is why we need today a blessing paradigm we need a blessing paradigm shift to just to come into our mind and have our minds renewed to what the scriptures really teach about the concept of blessing and blessings and so we need to have our minds transformed and renewed to a biblical understanding and application to learn about this blessing paradigm and to begin let's just turn and let's go ahead and answer a deep theological question that many people have and it's this should I ask for the Father's blessings should I want to be blessed and why should the creator of the universe care about me and want to bless me that's what we're going to answer first and foremost today and to do so we're going to look to Psalm 67 and read a little bit here and in Psalm 67 to Helam 67 it says Yahweh be gracious to us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us say la that your way may be known on the earth your salvation among all nations that's what it says in Psalm 67 verses 1 & 2 and so with this we understand that the psalmist is asking for Yahweh's blessing he's asking for it the reason for it though it says in verse 2 that your way may be known on all the earth your salvation or Yahshua among all nations the psalmist is in effect saying bless me that I might glorify you and so we find that number one we are to seek the Father's blessings and number two the Father blesses us so that we may glorify him it is for our good for our toves and we also need to understand that the Father's blessings or blessing in a biblical concept is not just being satisfied being blessed is not about being happy you know you've heard these TV preachers that say oh when you get down you just need to say 20 times in the mirror look in the mirror and say 20 times real fast I'm too blessed to be depressed I'm too blessed to be stressed well come on folks you don't have to talk yourself into biblical blessings what we need to do though is realize and have a paradigm shift a total mind change to understand that you are blessed in the good and the bad what are the Father's blessings the good and the bad when you find a job and when you lose a job you are blessed when you are sick and when you are healthy you are blessed you know many times when we have car problems we don't consider that a blessing when we have bad hair days we don't consider that a blessing we have this this one-track mind that says that success is a blessing we don't understand that failure is a blessing you see the psalmist here he's saying bless me that I may glorify you he is not saying bless me so that I can be comfortable he's not saying bless me so I don't have to work hard to make a living he's not saying bless me so others are envious of me he's not saying bless me so I can be successful in the eyes of the world and he is not even saying bless me so that I can bless others now we know that to Abraham Avraham the blessing was given you know I will bless those who bless you I will curse those who curse you however here in Psalm 60 it is Psalm 67 very important it says Yahweh be gracious to us and bless us that your way may be known on the earth your salvation among all nations that we are blessed primarily for the salvation the Yahshua the salvation the good news the gospel of our Messiah to be known in all of the world and we find this all throughout the scriptures we find in first Kings chapter 8 verse 60 that King Solomon is there he's offering a lengthy prayer asking that as they're there they finished building the temple and they're they're consecrating it and that he gives the reason why Yahweh should bless them he says so that all the people of the earth may know that Yahweh is Elohim there is no other so why does Yahweh bless you why do you go through the things you go through in your life why do you have a job why do you not have a job why do you have headaches why do you not have headaches it's so you will glorify Yahweh and praise him even our Messiah the Savior who said I'm the way the truth and the life no man comes into the Father except through me Yahshua when he is praying this is right before his crucifixion right before he is killed he's faced with a dilemma what should he pray for what should he ask for should he say bless me save me from this horrible death should he say bless me give me a long life Yohannadar John 12 verse 27 and 28 Yahshua is praying he says now my heart is troubled and what shall I say shall I say father save me from this hour no it was for this very reason I came to this hour father glorify your name but a voice came from heaven I have glorified it and will glorify it again you see our Messiah Yahshua he did not ask for physical safety or comfort he did not ask for success or status in this world he asks for Yahweh's glory Yahshua rejected the blessing of long life on earth he rejected the blessing of long life on earth so that he could glorify Yahweh and bring salvation or Yahshua to the ends of the earth so why should Yahweh bless you well he blesses you so that his glory is shown throughout the earth and we also see here in the scriptures that he does want to bless you and we talk about blessing and it's one of those subjects that it's kind of confusing because you know we ask ourselves well does Yahweh bless the sinners does he only bless the righteous does he only bless those who go to church does he bless these does he bless those and let's consider to answer these questions let's consider one of the finest privileges of a wealthy person think for a minute the the ultra rich lavish themselves with everything from expensive pleasures of Botox anti-aging treatment to you know Rolls Royce cars and one of the the things that the rich flock to one of the things that really you can tell a rich person when you meet one is what kind of watch they wear the really rich wear Rolex you see the Rolex is known for its style it's known for its perfection and it's known for its price new watches new Rolex watches start at $10,000 while older Rolex watches older which sell as collectibles they sell for even more now these exquisite timepieces and they are exquisite they have style they have elegance and it's reserved only for the rich and famous unless I said unless you buy a fake unless you buy a replica I mean we've all heard stories about you know how you can buy a Rolex on the streets of New York City for you know $200 $50 whatever you can even go to websites on the internet today and buy replica Rolex watches now at the casual glance the replica Rolex looks real at the casual glance the replica Rolex feels real it even works great yet to an expert Rolex collector to a person who really knows Rolex the difference is obvious maybe the difference isn't obvious to you maybe you bought one but the difference is obvious to a collector you see the differences in the details for example Rolex has a holographic sticker on the back of their watches the Cyclops little bubble over the date is is very different than on the cheaper models the second hand on a Rolex watch the one that ticks you know for each second it doesn't tick on genuine Rolex watches it sweeps and it's one constant motion it glides across the face without ever stopping and many times a replica Rolex is made with the same exact parts it has the same exact design it has the same purpose it has the same look yet one is real one cost $15,000 one cost $50 one is real and genuine and one is fake it's a replica it's counterfeit and friend one of the most recognizable and largest differences between Hebraic faith and many of the religions out there today is the concept of blessing and so we really need to clarify what the scriptures teach about blessing I mean let's think about that mainstream Christianity and Catholicism blessing is one of those words it's thrown around very loosely the the Catholic goes into confession and he says bless me father because I have sinned now I'm sorry but just think about this for a minute if you've sinned should you be seeking blessing or should you be seeking forgiveness well hmm interesting and we know that in many of the mainstream Christian churches you know we're taught to you know bless our food before we eat I remember growing up in the Baptist Church we'd always have grace before meal and we would you know say a blessing bless this meal I'm about received that was our blessing at home ever every meal the Episcopalians the Lutherans many times will bless their animals and they'll have you know a Saint Francis of Assisi meeting and they'll bless their animals crosses are blessed sacraments are blessed items are blessed over and over and over again and this idea it's kind of that blessing works like a magical spell that blessing can turn a Catholic sinner into a Catholic Saint and just a matter of you know snapping your fingers or saying a blessing it's the idea that you know a blessing can turn a pork chop sandwich into a holy meal or turn a cross of wood into a holy item or a person sneezing you get the point the biblical concept of blessing is just the opposite it's so different it's it's actually so different that we could call it the blessing paradigm shift we could call it a blessing paradigm we really need a blessing paradigm shift to go from one understanding of blessing to a completely almost opposite and different understanding of blessing in Hebrew the word for blessing is Baruch Baruch also the word Baruch or Baruch and it comes from the root word Baruch in Hebrew which means to bend the knee so the word blessing or blessed means to bend the knee and so we say you know bless this meal I'm about to receive you know we're actually saying in the Hebrew if we're going back to the Hebrew root of that word we're saying bend the knee to the meal think about that for a minute when you say bless this food I'm about to receive you're actually praying to that meal you're actually saying oh I want this meal to become holy the problem with that is that true biblical blessing Baruch Ha is not magical spells it's constant fellowship and prayer because number one we need to understand that when you bless that cross of wood or when you bless that holy water or when someone blesses that meal or blesses that sinner we're not to do these things you heard right we are not to bless items you see it is found in the creation account in Genesis that Yahweh creates the world and he declares it Tov in Hebrew or good he blesses it he doesn't declare it evil he doesn't declare it bad he doesn't say it's a need of blessing all of creation is blessed go back and read Genesis parasheet chapter 1 through chapter 6 creation is not a need of blessing over and over again because the Creator has already called it good it was the first day and it was good and it was the second day and it was good biblically blessing is not a magical spell but it's a type of prayer that lifts up the Creator it establishes Yahweh as the king of the universe and so we Baruch Atah Yahweh or we Baruch Hashem Yahweh we bless the name of Yahweh we bend the knee to Yahweh we don't bend our knee to our pork chop sandwich or to our McDonald's double cheeseburger we bend the knee to the Creator bless Yahweh oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name we are never told to bless our meals in the scriptures in fact it's just the opposite Psalm 103 one says bless Yahweh oh my soul you see this is a huge difference instead of thinking that we are blessing our lunch we are to actually see Yahweh as the source and bless him and thank him it's not about magic but about appreciation I don't really think most most Catholics or Christians believe they're doing magic but in a sense that's really what's going through their mind you know in a sense that that's really what they think that's happening there they can eat anything they can do anything if they just bless it you see the proper perspective when we say a blessing we're establishing proper perspective we are describing Yahweh as blessed we are saying that he is praised he is exalted we're not just saying oh blessed are you you know we are saying you are blessed you see this concept is one of the most well-known aspects of Judaism while in Christianity and Catholicism it's bless me father for I've sinned in Judaism the concept is known of saying a barakah saying a blessing you've seen it in TV and on movies you know maybe the Jews at a wedding ceremony Rukatah Yahweh Eloheinu Melech Ha'Alam you know they're saying the blessing over the cup of wine or they say well hi I'm and they drink the wine we've seen that over bread or wine you see to understand the concept of blessing in this ideal we really need to look to our Jewish our Hebrew brothers and sisters and understand what they say about this what they say about the blessing ideal it says in Romans chapter 3 what advantage then has the Yehudah or the Jew what advantage then has the Jew he says much in every way because he was entrusted with the very words of Yahweh the Jewish people have had the Torah the the teachings the instructions for living in mankind given to us from Moses given to us from Yahweh to Moses written down in the first five books of the Bible they've had the Torah the very words of Yahweh for thousands of years and they know how to keep the letter of the law they understand biblical worship in the concept of blessing barakah the Hebrews were entrusted with the words of Yahweh in his teachings and so they have an understanding of blessing and their understanding is in Jewish tradition is that we are to bless Yahweh we are to personally thank him and bless him for each and every detail of our day does that sound that bad does that sound legalistic to you my friend to just throughout your day just say oh thank you Yahweh Oh bless your name Yahweh Oh Baruch Hashem Yahweh which is Hebrew for blessed is the name of Yahweh you see the Talmud which is a book of commentary from the Jewish rabbis and teachers it says that we are to repeat at least we are to speak at least 100 baruchot 100 blessings a day now at first this might sound legalistic this might sound crazy yet compare it to Psalm 113 verse 3 to Helam 113 3 from the rising of the Sun to the going down the same the name of Yahweh is to be praised from the rising of the Sun when we wake up in the morning to when we go to sleep at night the mitzvah is the mitzvot the commandment is to speak a hundred blessings we're told that if you enjoy something in this world without saying a blessing that it is as if you have stolen it if you enjoy something in this world without saying a blessing it is as if you have stolen it and so imagine how a person's life and how a person's outlook on life would change if he was in prayer all day praising Yahweh for the little things for the good things for the bad things for the mundane things for the extraordinary things in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 12 and Devarim 10 12 it says and now Israel what does Yahweh your Elohim require of you in Devarim Deuteronomy 10 12 it says and now Israel what does Yahweh your Elohim require of you now the word for what can be translated two ways here it can be translated for what and it also can be translated 100 so we could read this and now Israel 100 does Yahweh your Elohim require of you this is where we get the understanding in the idea of speaking at least a hundred blessings every day it leads us to consider the will of Yahweh for every believer the believers everywhere are in search for Yahweh's will I mean let's just be honest here everybody wants to know you know his what is the father's will for my life what does he want me to do what is his will college students adults teenagers everybody's in search for his will for their life you know what does he want me to be when I grow up friend you don't need to be fooled by a fake Rolex his will is very clear don't go chasing after a picture of the Messiah in a taco shell his will is very clear first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 16 through 18 says this it's as well it says rejoice always pray without ceasing in everything give thanks for this is the will of Yahweh this is the will of Yahweh that in everything give thanks not just during the good or the bad not just when you're sitting down to have a meal do you say grace not just when you're sitting down to have that breakfast or that dinner you say a blessing but when you wake up in the morning before you even put your feet on the floor you're saying a blessing to the Creator you're coming before him we are to bless him always the story is told of a man who wants to ask a rabbi he said how is it possible to bless Yahweh for the bad news with equal fervor with equal excitement for the good news the rabbi said oh go ask my brother who's in the study hall go ask him that so when the man went to the study hall he looked at his brother and he could easily imagine the suffering this man had experienced in a lifetime the pain of illness and poverty were etched on his face the man proceeded to ask how is it possible that I can bless Yahweh for the bad news with equal fervor as for the good news and the rabbi's brother said why are you asking me how do I know the answer nothing bad has ever happened to me you see speaking blessings helps the believer view all things in life as neither good nor bad everything that happens is an opportunity for blessing Yahweh everything that happens is an opportunity for the light of Yahweh to shine and the Creator is blessed and exalted regardless of our circumstances think about this whatever is holding you captive to worry and fear and anxiety right now you can just kind of ignore that a little bit right now kind of suppress that idea and begin to thank Yahweh for what is good in your life begin to bless him think about how great he is how big of a reality he is begin to just put on maybe some praise and worship music or read a little bit of the Psalms and just begin to thank him and bless him and praise him what's going to happen is that big problem you have is going to look much smaller in comparison to the big Yahweh that we share and so the more the one repeats this truth the more one believes it and the more one understands it and so friend it's difficult to take time out of our busy day to thank Yahweh I mean we're so busy I mean we've got kids we've got diapers to change we've got houses to clean we've got bosses to satisfy we've got deadlines to meet we've got emails to read we've got messages to check we've got cell phones to answer I mean sure we all say grace before eating but what about before you put your feet on the floor in the morning while you brush your teeth while you're getting dressed while you're in the shower while you're walking around the house maybe in the morning you get up and you're all by yourself and maybe all the kids are running around crazy in your house while you're getting dressed while you're off to work while you're driving down the road we are so used to coasting on autopilot that we miss thousands of blessings every day and so to really live this blessing paradigm we need to slow down a little bit and see how blessed how fortunate how blessed we are and how great Yahweh is and so a question I want to ask you right now just take for a minute what did you see today as you were getting up and getting a shower getting ready for work or for school or whatever it was what colors did you see around your house what what sounds did you hear what animals did you see what what taste did you experience think about everything you've experienced today for just a minute whether you've had a good day or bad day think about the colors the the taste that you've the food you've eaten and how it tasted the sounds what you felt during the day your emotions what your hands have done so let me ask you this did you praise Yahweh for each one of these if you answer no then you need a blessing paradigm shift you need this dynamic to change in your life you need to take this ideal and you need to apply it to bless Yahweh for everything you see friend there are two ways to eat bread the first way is you know you can go into the kitchen and you can grab a loaf of bread a loaf of sandwich bread you know take out a piece of bread always make sure to tie it back you know but make take out a piece of bread and just eat it take a bite maybe put some peanut butter on it and eat it the second way to eat bread is you know go into the kitchen pull out the bread make sure you tie it back so it stays fresh and before you eat it just stop and think about it think about where did it come from how was it made how was it paid for what is it made of how did you get it what was it before it was processed how did it grow in the ground I mean think about it how was it fed by the earth the soil the water of the sunlight so where does it go back to what source does this food have Yahweh and then I think before you eat that bread or before you eat that apple or whatever it is you have a breakfast cereal whatever think about what you're going to eat think about its origin or how it was made how it was paid for what it's made of see Yahweh as the source and just say a blessing and say thank you Yahweh you see speaking blessing is a way to break the monotony of life it's a way to elevate the mundane autopilot that we go through so many days into spiritual experiences when we go to eat we're not just eating friend we should really view the dinner table as the altar during the during temple times where they would bring sacrifices because the majority of the sacrifices brought to the temple were eaten by the person giving the sacrifice and or the priest and so when we go to eat we're not just eating to fill our cravings we're eating to do a spiritual act of worship to feed the temple the body of the Ruach HaKodesh the Holy Spirit and so as we go to eat we can turn a mundane experience into a spiritual experience as we brush our teeth we can turn it into a spiritual experience as we listen to the CD we can turn it into a spiritual experience as we play on the computer we can turn it into a spiritual experience as we can see Yahweh behind every good and perfect gift everything in our life everything that happens this is how to have a meaningful life to view everything in your day as true dependence upon him now after we've eaten that bread or after we've had that breakfast or that steak for dinner it's appropriate at that point to bless the Creator again so before we eat we think about it we say a blessing we know Yeshua did this in the in the Gospels and the best I wrote we're told in the messianic writings that he would maybe lift the bread and maybe say the hamatsi and he would say a blessing and he would multiply and yet it says in Deuteronomy 810 and write this first down Deuteronomy 810 Devarim 810 after we have eaten and had our fill we will bless Yahweh our Elohim so we don't just bless him once we bless him again and it's after we've eaten and had our fill think about this for a minute what if every time you went to eat your meal and went to have dinner you would bless him after the meal not just before but after the meal maybe everyone would have to stay at the dinner table and have time together as a family and not be rushing off if you had to say a blessing together after we have eaten and had our fill we will bless Yahweh our Elohim you see his will is for you to walk in his blessings is to give thanks in everything and so it is our act of worship it is our act of sacrifice it is the fruit of our lips you see like during the temple times the the fruit of our lips now acts as a way that we offer up sacrifices of praise we are to bless him daily at all times the power of blessing is so vitally important you see Judaism has hundreds of blessings comprised for every event in life Orthodox Jews do not find it odd to recite praise they eat different types of food when they see a beautiful scene even if they go to the bathroom can you believe that and the most common blessing that the Jews have used is Baruch Atah Yahweh Eloheinu Melech Ha'olam which is Hebrew for blessed or praised or bend the knee to Yahweh our Elohim our mighty one Melech Ha'olam king of the universe and so this we can just bless him we refer to him as the king of the universe one worthy of bowing the knee to that we bless him and we say your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and so we use the fruit of our lips to bless him and to break the monotony of our everyday the scriptures tell us in Mishle in Proverbs 18 21 that the power of life and death is in the tongue as we speak blessings we support the life of faith the scriptures teach us that a wise man speaks blessings continually in Proverbs 12 18 Mishle 12 18 the tongue of the wise brings healing and it says in Mishle 15 that a wise or righteous person speaks the right things at the right times and these words are pure and pleasant so if we're depressed if we're sick if we're anxious if we're worried if we're upset if we're fearful we need to begin to speak blessings no matter what you're going through you are blessed this is not about saying oh I'm too blessed to be depressed and just walking around trying to repeat a mantra this is about minimizing your problem and maximizing Yahweh and magnifying him Mishle 15 for the tongue that brings healing is a tree of life and see blessings come in two categories we bless Yahweh and we bless mankind we bless Yahweh we say Baruch Atah Yahweh we say blessed are you Yahweh and then we also transfer blessings to our fellow friends and family members even to our enemies we bless them through the power of prayer now we're not saying bend a knee to this person we're not saying Baruch Atah John we're not saying Baruch Hashem John we're saying father bless this person father touch this person you see the story is told of a student named Yehuda and he traveled a great distance he wanted to go see a famous rabbi and when he arrived on a Friday morning he immediately went to see the rabbi and as soon as he walked into the room the rabbi said you cannot stay for Sabbath well Yehuda was shocked but rabbi I've come so far is there any way I could spend the night with you I can't go back the rabbi looks at him looks at him straight in the face eye to eye he says the truth is my young friend I see death surrounding you and you are destined to die this Sabbath it would be better for you to go into a small village and die there than for you to die here in my home well the man was heartbroken he had only one more day to live why couldn't he stay at the rabbi's house so he took his bags he dragged himself out of town while on the road Yehuda encountered a wagon loaded up with students and they were singing loudly having a wonderful time and they were heading to go see the rabbi the wagon stopped when they saw the man walking away from the city a friend they yelled out you're walking the wrong way the rabbi is this way come with us well Yehuda turned slowly he said I cannot go the rabbis turned me away so the students said but why this was astonishing the rabbi never sent anyone away Yehuda told him that he was going to die and the rabbi had told him to find a small village to die in the students at once said nonsense you don't have to leave why should you die by yourself where you don't know anybody maybe the rabbi was worried it would just ruin our Sabbath but it won't even if you die we'll have a great Sabbath come if you die we'll do it at the rabbi's table this way if you get sick and need help we'll be there to hold you up don't worry about anything so the story continues Yehuda joined this singing group and they climbed into the wagon they started down the town and one of the students said to him friend as long as you're going to die if you have any money we could sure use some more drink to keep us all warm so indeed he did have some money so they stopped at the first store they bought a great deal of wine and each time someone lifted his cup he he turned to the benefactor every time he lifted his cup he was going to have some of this wine he turned to Yehuda and cried out L'chaim! L'chaim! may you live healthy a long life L'chaim! that's the blessing in Hebrew for to life one after another these blessings were said they rang out and cried out Yehuda actually began to get rosy in the cheeks he forgot what the rabbi had said everyone was having way too much fun drinking and having a good time they weren't getting drunk and were just enjoying the fellowship in the community so round after round the blessings poured on for him L'chaim! L'chaim! they arrived at the rabbi's home in a very happy state as you can imagine when Yehuda once again went to greet the rabbi the rabbi looked at him with great amazement the rabbi's large eyebrows arched he said it is wonderful my dear friend the angel of death is gone what a rabbi cannot do for his students they can do for one another through the power of blessing through L'chaim! now that story is told to remind us that the power of life and death is in the tongue we sow life when we speak blessings over other people and to Yahweh for example at his deathbed Yaakov Jacob blessed his sons Moshe Moses he too before his death he blessed the twelve tribes there's a pattern set for blessing others in verashit in Genesis 48 20 it says and Israel shall bless all young men in this way may Yahweh make you as Ephraim and Manasseh the fathers of our faith and so you read in Genesis 48 20 about how we are to bless our sons and so we can lay a hand upon people or we can just speak blessings to people and say may Yahweh make you like Yeshua may Yahweh bless you and keep you we're told in Numbers chapter 6 verse 24 may Yahweh cause his face to shine upon you and look graciously unto you may Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you shalom just another blessing that we can repeat and recite to others what a powerful blessing the Aharonic blessing in Hebrew the word berekah or blessing it literally means to draw down it literally means to pull down so when we speak a blessing towards another person we are pulling down we are drawing down from the spirit realm the potential of that blessing so if someone needs help and we bless them with health then we're pulling down that help from the spirit realm through the words that we're saying the power of life and death is in the tongue any prosperity or joy or wisdom or peace of mind or knowledge the potential is there when we speak a blessing we make that potential real and want to talk for just a minute about this idea that the power of life and death is in the tongue we are able to not only bless Yahweh and bend the knee to him but we're able to bless others again we're not blessing them and bending a knee to them but we are imparting blessings to them and this is just part of our faith you know we are we are Yahweh's workmanship created in Yahshua to do good works or tov works which Yahweh prepared for us in advance to do and one of those blessings is just speaking blessing that we've been saved to serve and been called into blessing that Yahweh in his chesed or grace chose us even before we were born and called us to serve him that's Galatians chapter 1 verse 15 and that we are told that in Romans 8 9 that Yahweh himself lives in you and so the power of Yahweh is within us to bless others Yahshua said that greater things that I've done you're going to do so that Yahweh has given us the spiritual abilities and powers he's given us all authority on heaven and earth and has told us to bless others it says in Colossians chapter 4 verse 17 take heed to the ministry you've received from Yahweh to fulfill it and so we need to take heed for that knowing that the body is needing blessings knowing that friends and family are needing blessings and that we are to speak those blessings to each other even our enemies we need to pray for those who despitefully use us and bless those who curse us we know in the scriptures that it's even a concept it says whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for Yahweh not men's you know that you will receive an inheritance from Yahweh as a reward that we will be rewarded will be held accounting accounted for to the blessings that we do and for giving away those blessings to others and so what is that blessing what what can we do we are to speak those blessings to others and it really begins with the Aaronic Barakah that's found in the book of Deuteronomy and it says Yahweh bless you and keep you Yahweh causes face to shine upon you and look graciously into you Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you Shalom and I want to sing it let you hear it how it sounds in Hebrew to feel the power of this but you know what you can impart blessing to others impart the face of Yahweh the countenance of Yahweh the full presence of Yahweh upon others and his Shalom so the world needs is his peace his blessing and his wholeness Yibarekakah Yahweh v'shmerekah Ya'er Yahweh p'navaleka v'chuneka Yissa Yahweh p'navaleka v'yasem lecha Shalom and that is the blessing the blessing that we can impart to others that we can speak to others and give them that blessings we know in the scriptures that there are different kinds of supernatural blessings but the same spirit that gives them there different ways of service but the same Yahweh is served there are different natural abilities to perform service but the same Elohim gives ability to each and everyone's blessing we are shown that the Spirit's presence is shown in some way in each one for the good of all that's first Corinthians chapter 12 verses 4 through 7 very important to understand that the blessing is there you can impart that blessing to others and that you know we're called to do so to to bless others to pray for them and to minister to them to minister hope and healing to speak blessings to them and to lift them up as we said drawing it down pulling it down from the potential to the reality blessings are we going to pull down the power of those blessings you know the scriptures say bless Yahweh oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name you see we are to bless Yahweh and then we are to take that blessing that we speak to him but we're also to bless our friends and our family people that we pray for even our enemies it says in Ephesians 1 verse 3 it says blessed be the Elohim and father of our master Yahshua who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Messiah Yahshua you are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places but perhaps you're not walking in those blessings perhaps you're allowing anxiety or worry perhaps you're allowing what you used to think about blessing to stop you from walking in the blessings and really understanding that you have been blessed with every spiritual blessing you are more than a conqueror through Yahshua who gives us his strength you see blessings are in the heavenly realms they're in the heavenly places when we speak them we pull them down into this reality to review we said that blessing or berekah in Hebrew is a constant reminder describing Yahweh we said that we're not actually blessing items but we're blessing Yahweh we're thinking of him as a source we say berekah Yahweh we're calling him blessed are you Yahweh Melchizedek the king of the universe we're establishing him as king and sovereign you see this is the will remember we said that this is the will of Yahweh for your life in the good and the bad to see it as a blessing you see we compartmentalize everything and yet we really need to see with open eyes yes something might happen it might not be good but friend it's going to be for your good what you go through in your life maybe you were beaten up as a child maybe you were abused that is not good don't let somebody tell you oh just don't speak it don't speak it don't let somebody tell you that foolishness I was involved in it with the minister one time and you couldn't even say you were sick because you were giving the the adversary glory by saying that you were sick and I know that the scriptures teach us that those who came to Yeshua that you know they had to admit that they were sick before he healed them on many occasions they came to him and he healed them as they admitted that they were sick and so we need to come to Yahweh and we need to admit that you know what there's some bad stuff that happens in our life there there is stuff that just happens it's not good yet we know that all things work together for for our good that doesn't mean everything is good but everything's going to work together for our good and so everything is not going to be perfect in your life yet you are to look past it and see that no matter what it is it is a blessing from Yahweh because he's blessed you with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places amen and so we also know that we are to bless Yahweh 100 times a day recognize him as king of the universe we've been Yahweh has given us power to bless others and to pull potential from reality I remember the story of Yeshua he said let the little children come to me and it says he laid his hands upon them and he blessed them and so we know that Yeshua also he laid his hands upon his his Talmudim his disciples they told them to go out and go forward and do the same and we know that we can also bless others and speak blessings upon others we know that the Jews have understood the power of blessing and they've acted upon it for thousands of years and they they are in constant fellowship and blessing with Yahweh and so with that they've composed hundreds of blessings thanking him in Hebrew and in English and just to give an example of some of these blessings that they've composed one of the blessings is the blessing over bread and the blessing over the bread one of the most popular and this blessing is in English it is blessed are you Yahweh Elohim king of the universe who brings bread from the earth and in Hebrew it is Baruch atah Yahweh Eloheinu melech haolam hamatzi lechem min haretz and I'll sing it for you so you have an idea of how it sounds Baruch atah Yahweh Eloheinu melech haolam hamatzi lechem min haretz amen which is blessed are you Yahweh Elohim king of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth and so before having a meal we can say that blessing over the bread of that meal and then afterwards after we've eaten and had our fill we will bless Yahweh Elohim with another blessing if we even look at this blessing that the Jews have have written blessed are you Yahweh Elohim we bend the knee to you the creator of the universe the master of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth now understand this Yeshua our Messiah he said I am the bread from heaven I am the true bread and so we know that he came as a spiritual bread he came as a true bread he said this is my body broken he said eat of it and so we also know that when he died they put his body into an earthen tomb they put his body into the earth and so we also know that he didn't just stay in that tomb he didn't just stay in the earth but Yahweh resurrected him from the dead so blessed are you Yahweh who brings forth bread the true bread Yeshua from the dead from the earth hallelujah isn't that good even in blessing of bread every day when we go to eat bread we can remember the resurrection and the life of our Messiah Yeshua the most popular blessing probably in all Judaism the what's called probably Judaism's a pledge of allegiance what should be our pledge of allegiance is what the Messiah called the greatest commandment and it is it is hero Israel Yahweh is our Elohim Yahweh is one they came to Yeshua and they said what is the greatest commandment they were trying to trick him he said oh Shema Yisrael Yahweh Eloheinu Yahweh Echad hero Israel Yahweh is our Elohim Yahweh is one and you are to love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart all your soul with all your strength and these words which I'm ordering you today are to be upon your heart and you are to teach them carefully to your children you are to talk about them when you sit at home and when you are traveling on the road and when you lie down and when you get up tie them on your hand as a sign and put them at the front of a headband around your forehead and write them on the door frames of your house and on your gates and the second is likened to it is equal unto it you are to love your neighbor as you love yourself and all the Torah and the prophets hang upon these it's the Shema and so in reciting that Shema Yeshua said that's the greatest commandment and even in the Shema you can find it in the book of Deuteronomy it says you shall talk about it when you sit at home when you are traveling on the road when you lie down and when you get up and so it's interpreted to be when you lie down as would be at night and when you get up would be in the morning to repeat the Shema when you lie down every day every night when you go to bed to sing the Shema or say the Shema and say how did I do today did I love Yahweh with all my heart did I love him did I love my neighbors myself or was I selfish today and so to sing it I'll sing it for you here O Israel Yahweh is our Elohim Yahweh is one blessed be his name whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever another blessing that is said many times is the blessing referred to earlier the blessing of L'chaim to life and of course you can make up your own blessing it can be very simple Baruch Atah Yahweh Eloheinu Melech Ha'olam and fill in the blank you could even say Baruch Hashem Yahweh fill in the blank you can say Todah Yahweh or thank you Yahweh another blessing that is spoken many times the blessing over lighting candles the blessing over drinking wine the blessing over blowing the shofar the holy days the blessing after the meal the Hebrews have come up with so many many various blessings and their guides for us and they can be used to encourage and strengthen our walk with the Savior you see the Father has blessed us so greatly he and he wants to continue to bless us in Psalm 67 verses 1 & 2 it tells us Yahweh be gracious to us not just to me but to us bless us and cause a face to shine upon us that your way may be known on the earth and your salvation among all the nations and so that's the reason why Yahweh wants to bless us and why does he bless us we're told in the scriptures number one he blesses us as we seek him in 1st Chronicles chapter 4 verse 10 Yahbez or Jabez called upon Yahweh of Israel saying oh but you would bless me enlarge my territory and that your right hand would be with me he would keep me from harm so that might not bring me pain and Yahweh granted what he asked you see Yahweh will grant that blessing as we walk in covenant with him as we seek the blessings from us and as we go ahead and open our eyes wipe the sleep from our eyes and we have this paradigm shift of understanding that we are blessed we are blessed so part of our prayers needs to be that Yahweh opens our eyes and we see that we are blessed and that we glorify him among all of the nations it is so important friend to experience this transformation this renewal of your mind and in the scriptures you know we're told bless Yahweh oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name forget not I will not forget his benefits and so in the scriptures we are told that he leads us in paths of righteousness for his name's sake that Yahweh will lead us and he will guide us in paths of righteousness for his name's sake though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death he's going to lead us in paths of righteousness and friend we might see that valley of the shadow of death is bad but it's a blessing we might see the the path of righteousness as just oh it's good we know it's a blessing so we begin to see everything in life as a blessing we begin to see that there's a fake blessing out there is that fake idea that fake Rolex out there we just need to understand the Hebraic idea the Hebraic power of blessing and of giving that blessing to other people praying for them blessing them as we're taught in the scriptures and as we have the power to do the scriptures call us that we are a royal priesthood a peculiar people a chosen nation that we may bring glory and power to Yahweh thank you for joining us today during this study in this teaching I pray that it's opened your mind to the power of blessings to recognizing and realizing blessings that you are blessed we pray that you've been blessed and encouraged by this and that you will bend the knee to Yahweh a hundred times today a hundred times tomorrow that you'll continue to study continue to be encouraged in the word please visit our website at www.findemet.com and emet of course is a Hebrew word for truth Yahshua said I am the way the truth and the life no man comes into the father except through me and so let us pray right now father Baruch Atah Yahweh Eloheinu Melech ha-olam blessed are you Yahweh our Elohim the king of the universe we say Baruch Hashem Yahweh blessed is your name when we're walking down the path of righteousness when we're in the valley of the shadow of death when things are great when things are bad father help us to bless you and to experience this paradigm shift of blessing you just before a meal to blessing you a hundred times a day to saying praise to your name to speaking praise to your name and to speaking blessings over others that you've given us power to bless other people and to speak blessings and so father we just pray right now that we would understand that the power of life and death is in our tongue that father we would be changed into your image and we know that Yahshua often spoke blessings to you he often spoke Baruch Ha so father help us to do the same we thank you father for all of your faithfulness we thank you for your word but it will not return into your void and father we thank you father that you have set us free from this world system of darkness and religion we don't need a fake Rolex a blessing we don't need to go out looking for the Messiah in a in a nacho cheese pan or on a rock that we have we have believed and your word tells us blessed are those who do not see and yet still believe and so father we thank you for the Beatitudes the blessings father that you tell us that we are blessed when we mourn we're blessed when we're peacemakers we're blessed when we walk in covenant with you we are blessed when we seek you we are blessed when we hunger and thirst for righteousness for we shall be filled we bless your name right now we praise you this day Baruch Hashem Yahweh Baruch Hashem Yahshua Amen amen thank you for joining us today may Yahweh bless you and keep you and call his face to shine upon you may Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace

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