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Dave_s theatre ghosts-mp3

Dave_s theatre ghosts-mp3




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I'm sure that, no, I can't, no, I don't know, I don't get this issue. Your boss? Well, he was, yeah, I guess he was the manager. I was, well, he was the, whatever. But, I mean, but he was part of the, uh, group of Times Square cinnamon sellers. Where did he go? Well, I mean, he was, you know, there was movement there, so he kind of rode ya. I don't know, but I haven't spoken to him since probably, well, when did the movie come out? I mean, when did we start seeing each other? Was it 2000-something? 2000-something, but yeah. You must have been screwing with your boss. He was in my book. Okay, this guy, he was younger than me, but he was, he was, uh, I told you, the manager and the cinnamony got fired because they stole the petty cash. They had nothing. And Adam was kind of like, kind of like the manager, or the manager of relief. And when, when, when the manager and the cinnamony got fired, I was like, hey, Dave, you want to run this place? I can't be here? Sure, whatever. You got promoted. I got, no, I didn't get promoted. I still made, I still made minimum fucking wage with no overtime. Working. So all the authority and no pay. Yeah. And probably no, no authority. No, no, no, I had authority, I had responsibility, but no pay. Gotcha. Yeah. So what happened with the ghost? Or Chris, or whoever? No, no, Adam, Chris was, no, no, no, Chris, Chris, Chris, no, I'm sorry, not Chris. My bad. Chris Cowell. Um. Did you work with Chris? Did work with Chris. Same theater years later. No, a year and a half, whatever. He, yeah. Um. Yeah, it was, you know, it was. I told you this. I mean, we, uh, things are always weird. That wasn't, uh. I don't really, we, we, everyone worked there was, with, I was the oldest in there. Was it an old theater? No, not really. I wonder why you were so haunted. According to someone I met, who worked at another theater in town. Um. Someone at another theater in town had a medical issue, had a heart attack, and they tried to revive her on a desk. This is all, um, this is all probably garbage. But that desk, and she died, and that desk got moved over to where we were. Wait, so the ghost in your theater was attached to the desk from another theater? That was, that's what I heard. Like a haunted object? I don't know. I believe it. I'm not doubting it. I'm just. I mean, I'm not gonna lie to you. There was, there was. Did you get weird vibes from that desk? It was upstairs. I got weird vibes everywhere upstairs. Hmm. You never told me this before. I did. Not about the desk. Uh. That desk got moved. Why did they take the desk from another theater? I can't. That makes no sense. I don't know. It's all probably garbage. Maybe they just. Maybe the other theater was closing down, and they just, like, got a discount. No, the desk was open, but, but also the guy from this was. Maybe because it was haunted, and they gave it, they got a good deal. I don't know. It was all, there was no deal. It was all just plain. She died on the desk? That was, that was what I heard, but also it's not, that can't be substantiated. And this desk was located in one of the rooms where you guys had activity? Or what happened with the desk? Well, it was just upstairs in the, in the, in the, uh, uh, projection booth upstairs. But, I mean, I mean, six, when Eric came to me, we were hiring a 16 to 22-year-old, whatever. And a lot, a lot of, a lot of high school girls would not go upstairs, would not go upstairs by themselves, because it was packed with people. I don't know. I had fun up there, because it was like, I, like, I'd go up there, and you'd see someone going around the corner, and no one's there, and you'd hear, like, hey, Dave. Okay, whatever. You had fun up there because the ghost knew your name? Oh, I did. Because the ghost was talking to you directly. It was probably a... Because I was, because no one, because no one buzzed me. I told you no one buzzed me. Except for the ghost. Except for the ghost. Yeah, the ghost was, was annoying. Dave was nice to me. So, they said hi, Dave, a lot? I heard, I heard it a couple, not a lot, I heard it a couple times. That's cool. But, like, out loud. Was it male? It was, it was female. That's cool. So, friendly, though. It wasn't, like... It was a female voice, yeah. It wasn't bad vibes? It wasn't bad vibes. Nothing, nothing, yeah, nothing, nothing angry. It was... And then I told you about the letter room. What's the letter room? Well, that, well... They all kept the letters from the marquee. Every time I'd go change, change the, the movies from the marquee. So, this is, like, a fancy, old-timey theater with a marquee? No, the marquee was, like, the marquee was, like... Like the show box marquee, or... No, no, no. The marquee was, it was not a fancy marquee. It was, like, you had to walk, like, from here to... Not the time, but... Halfway between, like, a block and a half away to change the marquee. The marquee was just on the side of the road. On the side of the main road. Just, like, a sign? Yeah. Yeah, but it was, like, I mean... It wasn't on the... It was not on the theater, no. You had to walk, you had to walk down the main road. Yeah, it was halfway between here and... Halfway between that road and Pine. About that far. Because there was a... That's far! Yeah, and you had to take a little fucking luggage with you. And then, soon as you could change the sign. What's the letter... So, there's a room dedicated to holding the letters of the sign? Well, it was, it was past... It was past... It was past... You had to go to the... Go right by the big anti-administration area. And there was... And then you had... And then, yeah, it was right there. So, and all the signs... All the letters were lined up, but it was... Never felt comfortable. So, you had to get out as fast as you could. A lot of times, you had to go back and... Get the right ones. Yeah, and then... There was... This was... I was taking this... Winter night slip. I was not there. But I was there. But I was there. It was... I got a princess ship, because... I was... Coming for the holidays. So, I worked 3 to 8 on Christmas Day. Christmas Eve... Everyone was walking... Everyone wanted to watch... Some of the... I don't know what the movie was. But a movie came out. Not Scream. No. This was... Well past that. I think so. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what Scream is. But... I don't know. I wouldn't see Scream. That's all I know. No, he... He left it. Yeah. And... Everyone was down watching... This movie they wanted to see... On Christmas Eve. They had to... Watch it. To make sure... It was put together right. They came in like... 5 or 6... 7, 8 meals. To make sure... All the... Things were put together right. You guys all got together... At Christmas Eve? They did. I was not. Because I had... Family bullshit. I always had them in there. Um... Don't put that. Um... But... They were all... Watching the movie. And they see the light come on... In the projection booth. This was well after... This was well after... The movies were done. Doors were locked. Everything was locked. The light comes in there. And they just notice... Hey, the light's on. What the fuck's going on? So they go upstairs. And when they open the doors... To the projection booth... They go upstairs. The light turns off. So once they're up there... No, once they open the door... They go up. Bottom of the stairs. Oh, it's like somebody knew... They were coming. Well... The light turned off. The light's not normally on... During the film. No. It was off... Because they turned it off... Because they kind of... Cast a little... Light. And they wanted... You know... And so... Hoover Surrey came down... And watched the movie. And it came on. It came on... But it wasn't empty. But it was gone. And... So they open the door... The light goes off... And the light does not turn on... From the bottom of the stairs. So all lights go off... And they can't get... All the lights in the projection booth go off. Downstairs or front. So they go to turn the light on... From downstairs. I was not there... But I heard the same story... From Porter's booth the other day. Just... Just... I don't care. Next one. The switch going to the stairs... Wouldn't work. The switch... The light switch... Did not just... Nothing happened. Just flipped it... Flipped it... Flipped it... Flipped it... Flipped it... Flipped it... Interesting. Did they go up there and check on it? Well... There was a... There was a flashlight... In the manager's office. Another guy had a flashlight... In his truck. There's... I don't have a cell phone... So it was like... Mid-90s. Late... Late 90s. They go upstairs... Flashing everything around... And they hear a train whistle. Like a train... Toy train whistle. Ooooooh! Train whistle. I don't think he's talking about the train whistle. Yeah. They hear this like... Toy... Like a toy... Like a toy train whistle. Really? Coming from... And they're like... Where the... It's too hard to figure out... What the hell is this? What is this noise? What was it? Well... They go around... And it's totally coming from... The other room. But... The light... And the flashlight... Will not pass... The door... Of the doorway. So it's shining... On the room... But you can't see... Say there's... A haunted desk in your room... And you shine your flashlight... No, no... The one... The one thing is... You don't see... So... There's light... There's light here... Light, light, light, light, light, light... Light does not... There's no light in the door. Light here. So it's just a black hole... Where the door is. So... Light, light, light... Nothing... Light. So someone walks up and goes... So there's like... No light coming from the flashlight. No, no, no... No, no... No... Someone walks up and says... Light is on their hand... But if you shine the door... There's no light on their hand. So... This doorway... There's nothing... And the sound is coming from... Well... Either... They could have... The hand went in... They're like... Fuck it... They couldn't see their hand? No, no... No light... They could see it themselves... I mean... But there's no light... In their hand... Almost like a portal... Right? And they're... Hoooo... And they're like... And we're like... Now that... Did you fix the movie? They're like... Hell no! We didn't fix the movie... And they all like... They... They made it... So the movie didn't snap... They're like... Fuck it... Tomorrow... We're gonna start it in the morning... If it's messed up... We'll lose half the tickets... And we're going everywhere else... They were late... You can't... You can't stop a movie... A film movie... In the middle... Without the movie snapping... So they kept... They checked... They did what they could... To get the thing to stop... And they said... Fuck it... And they... Re-spot it... Done. What's the deal with the letter room? I don't know... It was a... It... All the... The letter room... I never had a problem going upstairs... Except for the fucking letter room... And the escape call... Every time... Now... And the desk was not located in the letter room... The letter room was... No... The desk was located at the top of the stairs... To the left... There was a big ass fucking... Big room... I don't know why even... There was a desk there... I have no idea... No way... Why that room was there... I have no idea... But the desk was probably there... And there was a big dark stain on it... I don't know what the hell that meant... But there was a big dark stain... And another fucking desk... But we don't think that the desk was the problem... I don't... I don't think so... But I don't know... But that place was... Because the letter room was... That place was weird... And there was... And then... And then... When I went back... I went there... Worked there a couple of summers... Over college too... And Chris was the guy that came... He worked at a theater... In College Station... Except for some reason... He moved to fucking Thailand... Which is... Dumb as fuck... But he said... That place also has... Fucked up shit going on... At a theater in College Station... And a fucking mall in College Station... Like... That dude... There were times... Where you would... Just... It's like... Someone's like... Crawling up the fucking... Crawling up... The carpet... The drapes on the wall... And like... What the... What the... I mean... Something about theaters... I don't know... Yeah... I was just gonna ask you... Like... What do you think is the deal... With theaters? Because you always do hear... About like... But also... There's a lot of fun... Horrible shit happens in movies... Oh... You know... It's like... I don't... I don't know if it's a... If it's a... Like an egregore... Like people are projecting... Their fears... And trauma... Or something happens... From the trauma... That they're living... You know what I mean? Yeah... It's like... 300 people... Are like... Anticipating... This terrible situation... And then... 300 people... One show... That's a lot of energy... To build... Yeah... What a cool concept... I never thought of that... I don't know... But... But... Actually... Those are the only two people... Those are the only two theaters... I've been in... Where I... Worked in them... I mean... One of them did... Yeah... Talk... You hear a lot about... Ghosts in... In... Broad... Like Broadway theater... Like... Academy theater... But like... You know... You have the ghost lights... And things like that... But... I feel like movies... Is even more intense... Absolutely... It's more intense... Because it's... Because it's... It's amazingly... But people just... Get so involved... That... They... I mean... I don't know... Maybe they... So what... I don't know... I don't... The energy... People put out... That is so... Fascinating... Dave... I mean... That's my idea... But I don't know... That's a good theory... I can't believe you never told me about that before... I have! I told you so many times! But not... Your theory... I... Yeah... I don't know... That's... That's my... That's... That's my... I mean... That's your ghost story, huh? Before that... Eric... Eric and I... Saw something... In his window... When I was... Six years old... No... Six... Sixth grade... Yeah... We'll save that... We'll save that one... But... That was all... That... It's all... Fairly... Far out... That... Most people don't ever see shit... That... They just... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... Don't... 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