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Hi, I'm Kirsty and I'm Abi and together we are Dreams to Income Streams. As a dynamic mother and daughter duo we came together to help other women navigate the quarter life crisis and the midlife crisis by helping you transition from the 9 to 5 to build your dream life in your 5 to 9. We've come together in business to share our knowledge and experience to help other women just like us. Join us on this journey to help you do more, be more and achieve more by turning your dreams into income streams. Hello and welcome to the very first Dreams to Income Streams podcast. First and foremost we are going to introduce ourselves so you know exactly who we are before we start. We will explain to you how we came into business together and how we can help you. So let's dive straight into it. Who are we? Mother, I'll pass over to you. Okay, so I'm Kirsty and I'm Abigail's mother. So first of all, a bit about my family and background. So I'm 54 and I've been married to Tim, Abi's dad, for 31 years almost, childhood sweethearts. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. 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And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And I've got two children, my son Luke and Abi, who's just turned 5. And then, of course, the pandemic hit and everything changed again. And so we kind of rinsed and repeated, didn't we, with you? Yeah, so obviously at that point I'd been flying with BA for a year and a half, two years almost. And for me going into British Airways, it was never a long-term plan. It was something that I was going to do for a few years, just while I figured out who I was and what I wanted out of life. And a few things that I knew I wanted was, I knew I wanted to kind of settle down a bit more. I wanted to have my own home and my own house, rather than having a different hotel room every night. Another thing I wanted, I wanted a dog. I just wanted, I always wanted a dog. I desperately wanted a puppy. I couldn't have a dog whilst I was flying. So it kind of sounds weird to say, the pandemic came at a good time for me. For you, yes. That sounds a bit weird to say, because it kind of gave me options. I ended up furloughed for a bit. I opted into being furloughed. And the months prior to the pandemic, we were already kind of planning my next move, weren't we? And so I'd actually been accepted into the police early, early 2020. And so whilst I was furloughed, I was waiting for my vetting and for a start date, basically, with the police. And getting fit. Yeah, because that was my next kind of plan. It was kind of because it gave me the security of a job that I could buy a home with, obviously get a mortgage with. And it incorporated some aspects of the flying that I just thought, when I was flying, I really enjoyed the emergency procedures. So it kind of incorporated that sort of side of it. And as well, you said you wanted me to see the other side of life. I did. So I'd seen all of the high-end business, first class, flying around the world, nice hotels, all that high-end part of life. But this now would let me see the other end of life, the lower end of the spectrum. Challenges that people face. That life isn't all flying around the world, having fun, but actually there's some real challenges in life. And I want you to be, as a young woman, a rounded individual, didn't I? And so collectively, we agreed it was probably a good fit. Because actually knowing what you don't want in life is just as important as knowing what you do want. And also, it doesn't suit you working a desk job. You're not a desk-bound person. It's just not you at all. And you couldn't think of anything worse. You didn't want to go back into retail and things like that. So it was like another option for us to consider, wasn't it? Yeah. So that's what you do. So in 2020, I joined the police. And then September 2020, I got Murphy Knoop, who sat right beside us. He's not a sidekick. He is. He's not a shadow, isn't he? Yeah, so I think what we realised there, again, was we'd used the same process, hadn't we? We'd used the process of goal-setting, understanding your options, coming up with contingency plans, preparation, working through a process that we'd repeated more than once with you to help you figure out your life's path. And it had been very successful for you. And again, we looked back at your goal board and everything that was on it, you managed to achieve. So we realised we were on to something here and decided that perhaps we could help other people with what we knew, with our knowledge and experience and what we'd done together. And one thing that we did know was that we very much enjoyed working together. When we had done other businesses, we'd always enjoyed working together. We're kind of like best friends, aren't we? We are. So we are like best friends. And so I think it's really important that my generation, you know, at my age, in my 50s, that we do support young women to come through the challenges of being a woman in today's society, to achieve what they want. And there's lots of other women role models now paving the way. But then a lot of people just lack that support network of friends and family who've had businesses. Sometimes they come up against challenges with that. And we've just got a lot of knowledge, experience that we can help others. So we decided from that to start another business. So we started off, to begin with, we did some life coaching. We did some courses. And we called ourselves the Advanced Academy, didn't we? And we paid for some coaching ourselves. We developed an online course for people. And then later on, we invested a bit more in ourselves and got ourselves some business coaching. You did a master's degree. I did. You did a certificate, first of all, in executive coaching and NLP. And then you managed to pass your master's in business administration, your MBS. It was just kind of one of those things. I knew I was quite obviously young to say I'm going into either coaching or business coaching. So I didn't want people to kind of doubt me or kind of think less of me as a coach. And so I knew I had the experiences to help people. I just felt like I needed a bit of backup. That's right. A bit of social proof. A bit of social proof that I was capable of actually. Yeah. Coaching people. Yeah. Because what I found later, and I've done lots of coaching, because of your age, you didn't want to withhold that against you. No. So collectively, we decided we should do it. But we saw the skills gap analysis. We did. And we filled it. We filled it. Exactly what we did. And this is part of what we teach is how to really identify what your goals are and work out how to do it. So anyway, we've been on some business coaching ourselves. And then we decided to do a rebrand. Because one thing we realized about young people is whilst we would talk about life coaching, and it's a very important skill, and actually there's a lot to be said for life coaching, the reason we decided to focus on dreams to income streams is because the common denominator for people having a course life crisis is that they want more time, freedom, don't they? Yeah. Especially with your age. Don't want to be tied. No. To two weeks off a year. Yeah. Being an employee. No. Being told when I have to go in. Yeah. And what is it about money that you hate about being young, have you? But I don't have enough. You don't have enough money. And I think it's a really common thing, isn't it, that a lot of young people like see this, see other people working 30, 40 years in a career, and they look at them and think, I do not want that. No. And so we decided to focus on the common denominator for people experiencing a quarter life crisis, which is that they yearn more time and money, freedom. Yeah. And so what we did was focus in on the key things that we can help people with, which is developing income streams and things that they enjoy doing. Yeah. And that's how Dreams to Income Streams came about. It says what it does on the tin. Yeah. It does what it says on the tin. Yeah. I like that. Either way round. Anyway, it's fine. So that's an introduction to who we are. And so Dreams to Income Streams was started and we realized that we have some of our best ideas and thoughts when we're just out walking the dog, out in nature. Or in the car trying to be chatting to each other. Yeah. And so someone suggested to us that we should share some of that content on a podcast. So what can you expect in the podcast in the weeks to come? We're going to start off talking about the quarter life crisis. We're going to talk about the midlife crisis because it came to our attention really through my experiences that a lot of women in midlife have exactly the same needs as women in the quarter life just for different reasons. And we're going to explain that. So we're going to talk about embracing the quarter life crisis and the midlife crisis, defining success, how to use your passions to create income streams, and lots of other subjects around that to transform your life. So from next week we are going to start with the basics of what is a quarter life crisis, signs and symptoms, and then we're going to follow on with what you can do about it. So we hope you've enjoyed that little introduction and we would call upon you to subscribe or follow the podcast so that you don't miss any of our chapters in the weeks to come. And we hope to publish this on a weekly basis. Yes. More to come. More to come. Thanks for listening. Bye for now. Bye for now. And as always, don't forget to subscribe so you can be notified of new episodes when they are released. And if you've enjoyed this episode and would like to access free resources to help you live your dream life, then please visit our website at dreamstoincomestreams.com. Thank you.

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