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episode 7 of the high yella podcast

episode 7 of the high yella podcast

Mr High YellaMr High Yella



in todays episode we talk about Niki Hailey's comments on racism police brutality of a baby, wrongful convictions and reparations and we also give some great advice to a young mother


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I'm just saying, I make things that you ain't asking for It is evident, I do fail to win I feel like the world against me and think I should never win Can I stop it? Pocket pop it every time I push a pin But I do not push a pin Fuck a pen and a pen That imprison all my kin And my potlucks and my plans Fuck the politicians that fuck with the prisons at the end I got cops that coming home from Rocking 20 in the pen Trying to make amends with baby mommas giving all they can And they can not sell no marijuana, blow on methamine And the crackers let a nigga out but will not let him in It is evident, I do fail to win I feel like the world against me and think I should never win Can I stop it? Pocket pop it every time I push a pin But I do not push a pin Fuck a pen and a pen That imprison all my kin And my potlucks and my plans Fuck the politicians that fuck with the prisons at the end That imprison all my kin Yes we is back in the building this Monday morning Yes we is All here, all accounted for, ready to go And ready to educate Educate, make you laugh Make you happy, make you sad, make you mad I'll give you all the emotions everyone Don't worry about me Cause what it is is The High Yellow Pocket is where you come to go To hear that good, good from Milo Alright I know that didn't make sense but We gonna keep on trucking along cause Like I said in previous episodes We are unedited, unscathed We are raw, uncut Just straight out the press Right out my mouth Into the mic Onto your screens That's what we are Alright so let's get started with our Monday motivation Or Motivational message Monday motivation It could be that, it could be whatever you want it to be Just know you about to get motivated Alright let's get motivated So today I want to talk about Acceptance and actualization A lot of times in life we want to Actualize what we want Without accepting our reality And that can be very detrimental For people who Because most of the time Others, everyone don't have the same Reality as others Some might be good Better than others And some might be worse than others And what a lot of us do when we are Worse off than others Is we try to count ourselves out And we try to count ourselves To a place where we We're basically We just make it seem like we don't Deserve to have What everybody else has So we just make excuses for ourselves not to get it And then we have Situations where we have Not so much But we have the confidence and The where of all to Believe that we have the ability to do it But our circumstances Are never ever ever going to let us Actually actualize The goal That we're trying to achieve And those people are delusional But they don't have to be delusional You have to weigh There's a way of doing things In these situations You have to weigh your options In the state and situation you are Currently It's all about weighing your options If you was homeless In a middle eastern country And that's the least of your worries Because there's several wars going around You could get killed at any time by The violence, the people, just the state around you And you have no money To be able to get out of that country And go to a better place The actualization is You need money to get out of this place And go to somewhere better And start a better life Yes, that's what you need How are you going to get that With no possibility of gaining money Because the war is raging around you You're having to watch your back every five seconds Because you fear for your life You fear for your life Because, like I said, there's a war going on And anything can happen You're implicated in that Not by choice But by happenstance Because your location is Basically Prime real estate for what's going on So, at that point in time Your reality is not cohesive with your goal I mean, there's always miracles that happen every day Prayer works And miracles can happen But, as far as that standpoint goes You are fucked There's no It's hands or butts There's no getting around it But, that doesn't mean that You can't work towards finding a way To get yourself out of that situation You have to look for it Even if it's just the first step Getting away from the situation If you can't go to another country To escape this war Honestly, I would say Get as far away from the situation as you can On foot or whatever means necessary that you have To get away from the situation Because that, in a nutshell, would be the most important part It's a start Solving your dilemma After that You just keep on making steps to get Farther and farther away from the problem Until you're You're making a way for a solution Because that's the problem You're further and further away You'll have the ability to have a clearer mind about the situation And A better ability to solve it more effectively So I think I went off on a tangent I don't know Really, honestly Truly what I just said But I know it made sense Alright I kind of got confused with being there But Basically, my motivational message for today is Think outside the box Try to figure out The things that you haven't thought before And the ways that you haven't Tackled the situation Before you give up Don't Throw the baby out with the bathwater Exhaust all resources Exhaust all options Because when it's all said and done You're going to wish you did If it doesn't turn out your way Alright Thank you That is our motivational message for this pod today And we are going to jump into our first topic Which is a good one Because a lot of people have discussed this topic And I'm going to be discussing it as well today Because These comments Disturb me It disturbs me living in America as a black man And having lived the life that I've lived The short life that I've lived But yet the life nonetheless So I want you to listen to this video Of Nikki Haley Saying some things about How she feels about racism In this country Alright Are you a racist party? Are you involved in a racist party? We're not a racist country, Brian We've never been a racist country Our goal is to make sure that today is better than yesterday Are we perfect? No But our goal is to always make sure we try and be more perfect As every day that we can I know, I faced racism when I was growing up But I can tell you today is a lot better than it was then She's faced racism in her life And she doesn't look not a day over Caucasian So I'm wondering exactly what racism did she experience But I digress, let's continue Our goal is to lift up everybody Not go and divide people on race or gender or party or anything else We've had enough of that in America Okay, so that's a contradiction right there So you say that this country has never been racist But then you say on the back end of that We've had enough of people dividing from race And other divisions that you said That's where you contradicted yourself Even though I just heard what you said It was so much of a lie that I can't remember verbatim what you said Because I'm just so confused of the contradiction That's being used in the statement You're proving yourself wrong with what you're saying I'm getting fumbled just by trying to explain The fuckery that you're trying to commit In this interview But let's continue Are you involved in a racist party? No, we're not a racist party I just started it over Basically, that was the end of the video But like, she's saying that racism never She's basically trying to sweep racism under the rug By also saying that we've had enough of it in this country So you're saying that racism exists while saying racism doesn't exist These Republican politicians Number one goal is to sweep any discomfort Any unrest about what has happened in this country Prior to their rule under the rug Like, you have to accept the good, the bad, and the ugly And improve upon that You can't just pretend something didn't exist And then improve upon the parts that you want to believe existed And actually happened It's a slap in the face to say that racism Was never prevalent in this country Because, in fact, racism was what founded this country And what built this country into what it is today Infrastructurally And ideologically And ideologically Let me stop I mean, laws were made Literally, people put pen to paper To the point where you can't deny what transpired Because it was literally set in stone Legally So, when I say this to say this When I say that to say this You can't contradict yourself on live television But that's all these politicians want to do And then they wonder why they can't They can't get a certain point past the polls Because people have watched you lie on national TV And they've watched You can't contradict yourself in a way where How can we trust you to be a leader? You're not qualified First of all That's why Trump's throwing her up under the bus now Because he knows that she will just say anything and everything To get her out of whatever predicament she's in She thinks she's got a silver sloop mouth I don't know I totally disagree with those statements being made And I believe that until we recognize The prevalent racism that is running rampant through our country Today As well as the racism that has plagued our country in the past We wouldn't get nowhere We'll have nothing to show for Racial tensions going down I don't see it happening in my lifetime Honestly But I do hope it does happen Do I have hope for it? Yes But it's going to have to happen with time And it's going to have to happen with proper knowledge Given to the right people Who are going to continue this country And Basically Bring it to a More glorious state But At this point in time, what we're doing is We're trying to Fight fact with fiction And We're not at that point in time where we can't Literally just look up what exactly happened They're trying to rewrite history When history is literally just happened It literally just happened In the sense of Months ago So it's like it happened months ago But in reality it happened Decades and Decades ago What I'm saying is they're trying to do A fucked up thing Too soon, like we're not dumb We don't have the attention span that flies They're trying to fuck up history While history just happened yesterday I'm trying to explain this in a way Where y'all understand I don't know if I'm doing it the right way but They're trying to rewrite history while history is still happening Pretty much And you have to give it some time If you're trying to fuck up somebody's mind And tell them lies and poison And brainwash You gotta put some time in between the actual event And what you want to lie about Because Once we lived it, you can't tell us what happened Because we lived it You're just Lying to us, to our face When we know exactly what happened Because we were there So That's all I got to say about Nikki Miss Nikki Haley And her comments A lot of people have commented on this topic And exactly what she said And how They share the same sentiment with me Believe it or not But These politicians They will just let anything come out of their mouth I just I don't understand it, I promise you It's a problem And I need y'all to stay educated In the sense of Know what's going on around you Know what's happened before you And Understand how to read between the lines When these people are talking to you about these These subjects where They think that you don't know anything Or they don't want you to know anything So they can tell you What they want you to know Alright, so that being said Let's go on to our next topic Police raid gone wrong Woman is suing An Ohio police department For a wrongful raid on her house Which a flashbang Injured her son Who was using an ICU ventilator At the time This story is Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually Actually 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