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Accel World

Accel World


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Alright, so buckle up because today we're jacking into the Excel world, this wild fusion of like present day Japan, but with a whole hidden layer of virtual reality combat and not just any VR, we're talking insane reflexes, crazy battles, like the kind of stuff that could mess with your grip on reality. And that's what gets me about Excel world, you know, it's not just some game. You lose a fight in this virtual world, it can cost you actual memories, real world stuff. One minute you're this, like digital warrior, then bam, you can't even remember your childhood pet's name. That's messed up. No kidding. So we got to talk about our boy Haruyuki, right? He starts out, I don't know, pretty normal middle school dude, kind of shy, finds his escape in online games, sounds familiar to anyone. And then he gets thrown headfirst into the accelerator world, becomes Silver Crow. But it's not even just about him getting these like awesome wings and powers, it's how he grows as a person. Think about it. He starts as this uncertain kid, but navigating this world, all those insecurities, the friendships having to make life or death choices, that changes a person. Yeah, for real. And he'd be toast without his crew, right? First up, Kouryukidame, aka Black Lotus, the ultimate upperclassman mentor. Not just some skilled fighter either, this girl's practically a legend in the accelerated world. Black Lotus is fascinating, shrouded in mystery, powerful, strategic. Her past is like intertwined with the very creation of the accelerated world. You start piecing it together and you realize her motivations run deep. Her story is just as compelling as Haruyuki's. You got Takumu, the loyal best friend, fights a cyan pile, then Chiyuri, childhood friend who becomes Limebell in the accelerated world. Now that's a healer you want on your team. Don't forget, in Excel world, everyone plugged in as a burst linker, right? They're all competing, forming alliances, battling it out. And Haruyuki's allies each bring something vital, but it's not just other burst linkers they're up against. There are these shadowy groups, like the Acceleration Research Society, always pulling strings in the background. Okay, so it gets wild. In the accelerated world, winning equals leveling up. And the higher you climb, the closer you get to the truth of this whole thing, maybe even meet the creator. Talk about pressure. We're talking risking not just points, but actual memories, pieces of yourself. Makes you think, how far would you go for the truth? Would you risk losing parts of yourself, your past, to unravel the accelerated world? And this world, the accelerated world itself, is visually insane. I'm talking crazy landscapes. One minute you're duking it out in digital Tokyo, the next you're in this fantastical underwater world. It's nuts. The descriptions of these books are wild. We see Haruyuki and the crew up against some intense opponents, like the four holy beasts, legendary creatures, each representing a different element, earth, wind, fire, water. And they push Haruyuki and his team to the absolute limit. Then just when you think you've seen it all, there are the ISS kits, these messed up little devices, parasites that can actually take control of a burst linker, technological nightmare fuel right there. It's a chilling example of tech being used for all the wrong reasons. And it raises the question, who's controlling these things? And what do they want? We've got to talk about the incarnate powers too, these abilities powered by, get this, willpower, just pure imagination. The stronger your belief, the stronger it manifests in the accelerated world. Seriously. Like in volume 12, there's this amazing battle. Haruyuki, pure determination to protect his friends, manifests this shield of pure energy. It's incredible. The raw power of the human will channeled through the accelerated world. Speaking of willpower, let's break down the Acceleration Research Society a bit. They're like these puppet masters, experimenting with dangerous tech, yanking everyone's chains. But their goals? Still a mystery. What's clear is they're organized, resourceful, and they play for keeps. They're not just some techies. They've infiltrated every level of the accelerated world, manipulating events and people to get what they want. Whatever that is. The ultimate chess players. And we're all just pawns in their game. But what happens when you can't tell the game from reality anymore? That's what gets me. That's the heart of it. The further down the rabbit hole you go with the cell world, the more you realize it's not just about virtual combat. It's a reflection of our own world. Fears, what we want, the choices we make when things get big, too big. Makes you wonder, what would you even fight for if reality was up for grabs? What would you risk your memories, who you are, to protect the people you care about? And we see those questions again and again in these volumes, in these battles. Like the Chrome disaster in Ikebukuro, Haruki, and Black Lotus are pushed to the edge, risking it all. And not just for their friends, but for anyone caught in the crossfire. So it's like they're fighting for something bigger than themselves at that point. So the idea that even in this digital world, there's got to be some kind of line, right and wrong. You don't just abandon that. Right. Then there's the Hermes cord race. I see cross-country battle across a virtual Japan. It's brutal. A test of endurance. Burst linkers have to team up, sink on their feet, push themselves to the limit, physically and mentally. But it's not all about winning, is it? It's about how they get there. Those weird alliances, characters finding strengths they never knew they had. That's what grabs me. Yeah. The four holy beasts, for example. Those battles, they're brutal. Each creature, a force of nature, pushes Haruki and his team to the brink. They get beat down, face their fears, and realize strength isn't just about racking up wins. It's about getting back up, together, no matter how many times you fall. You see what they're really made of when things get tough like that? Their loyalty, how far they'll go for each other, this need to protect what matters, even if it costs them everything. Powerful stuff. And when Haruki has to fight Takumu, his best friend, who's been taken over by one of those ISS kids. Man, that's rough. Talk about a punch to the gut. That betrayal, it makes you question everything. Even the strongest bonds can be messed with, twisted by something you can't even see coming. And the Accelerated World trusts everything, and even then, it might not be enough. And the sun god, Antori, this massive, fiery being descends from the sky, ready to torch everything. Forces, Burst Linkers from every corner to put their differences aside, fight together for once. Epic doesn't even cover it. It shows you just how big the Accelerated World really is, the sheer power these Burst Linkers can unleash. But what gets me is the unity. Rivals, putting aside their crap because something bigger's at stake. And through it all, these characters, they're changing. You know, not just leveling up, but growing. Fighters, strategists, as people. New abilities, new techniques, constantly pushing the boundaries. Ever satisfied, always looking to improve, faster, stronger, always adapting. Makes you wonder where they'd end up if they didn't have to keep fighting. Look at Haruki, his laser sword technique. He keeps refining it, extending its reach, deflecting attacks, even transforming it into this laser lance. Proof that the only limits are the ones we set for ourselves, right? In the Accelerated World, it's about imagination, strategy, being willing to experiment. Find the hidden potential, even in the most basic abilities. Then you've got Black Lotus's swordsmanship. Next level stuff. Her death by embracing graceful and deadly. One strike, that's all it takes. She's an artist. Fight into this stance. Fluid, precise, deadly. Proves that raw power isn't everything. Finesse, technique, knowing your craft. That's where the real mastery lies. And Takumu. Signpile, the master of speed. He's a blur, impossible to track. Hits you before you even know he's there. His lightning science spike is legendary. One hit, cuts through anything. Speed and precision, just as deadly as brute force. Don't ever forget that. And Chiri, as Limebell. She might not be on the front page, but she's on the front page. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. She's got a lot of power. 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