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cover of Yell

The audio titled "Yell" begins with a loud, guttural scream, so intense it seems to echo off imaginary walls. This scream is a clear representation of raw pain and agony. It's as if the person screaming is going through an unimaginable level of discomfort, their voice reaching a screeching pitch that embodies pure suffering. The scream is then followed by a series of shouts, each one filled with unfiltered anger. The person's voice vibrates with an irate energy, their words coming out as furious roars. As the audio progresses, the screams take on a chillingly haunting tone, painting a vivid picture of terror and distress. The screams, initially throaty and deep, adapt a more high-pitched and frantic tone, reflecting the increasing intensity of the scenario. The audio's ambiance is reminiscent of a scene from a horror movie, with the person's screams and shouts echoing and bouncing off the walls, creating an intense, suspenseful atmosphere. In the background,

Sound Effectspain666moviescreamsagonyshoutangerscreamingscream

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