This audio titled "Tallying Remarks" initiates with a soft humming effect that gradually builds up, creating an atmosphere of suspense. It feels as though we are entering a world of a high-stakes video game or a decision-making situation. The primary sound effect is a crisp, clear metallic scratching sound, similar to a pen marking a tally on a hard surface, resonating and echoing in the background. This sound is repeated several times, signifying the act of counting or keeping a score, intensifying the aura of a competitive game. Intermittently, there are other sound effects - a low, rumbling undertone and a faint, high-pitched whirring, giving the impression of a busy, engaging environment. The overall tempo is moderate, with a constant rhythm, making the audio captivating and immersive. Towards the end, the sound effect of tallying becomes more frequent, alluding to an impending final result or decision. The humming effect gradually fades, leaving behind only