The audio titled "Supernatural Interference" begins with an eerie, ambient soundscape, establishing an immediate sense of dread and unease. The chilling drone sound that underpins the audio track generates an atmosphere of suspense, suggesting the presence of an unseen, otherworldly entity. Intermittent paranormal sounds, like ghostly whispers and subtle echoes, punctuate the drone, evoking images of spectral apparitions and unexplained phenomena. As the track progresses, elements of science-fiction are introduced. These include digital distortions, reminiscent of malfunctioning machinery or perhaps signals from an alien entity. The audio builds a sense of foreboding, creating an auditory experience that is both unsettling and intriguing. The listener is drawn into a world where the supernatural and science intertwine, blurring the line between what is known and what lies beyond our understanding. Towards the conclusion, the drone intensifies, and the paranormal sounds become more p