In the audio titled "Squawk of Beetle 4," the main highlight is the remarkably unique and distinct sound produced by a beetle. The audio begins with the sharp, piercing cry of this insect, a sound that is both fascinating and somewhat unsettling. This cry, or rather, screech, is very similar to a squawk, which is quite unexpected from a creature as small as a beetle. As the audio progresses, the beetle's screech starts to transform, taking on a different tone that bears a striking resemblance to the deep, rumbling trumpet of an elephant. This transition is both surprising and intriguing, given the stark contrast between the beetle's initial squawk and the subsequent elephant-like sound. Further into the audio, the beetle's squawk evolves once again, this time turning into a squeak. This sound is softer and higher-pitched than the previous noises, providing a stark contrast to the more intense screeching and trumpeting sounds heard earlier. Toward