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cover of Shattering a Wooden Table
Shattering a Wooden Table

Shattering a Wooden Table


The audio begins with the anticipatory sound of a game in play, the tension palpable. You can hear the distinct sound of wood and sticks being manipulated, hinting at the imminent break. Then, a powerful crashing sound echoes, resonating throughout, effectively conveying the shattering of a wooden table. The intricate design of the table seems to amplify the sound effect, making the breakage seem more dramatic. As the table breaks apart, the sound of wood splintering and scattering can be heard, akin to the sound of rain hitting a tin roof. It's a cacophony of noise, wood on wood, that gradually subsides into a softer, but still audible cluttering sound as the remnants of the table fall to the ground, ending up as nothing more than garbage. The audio concludes with a lingering echo, a testament to the table's former solidity. All these elements combine to create a vivid soundscape, painting a clear picture of a wooden table's journey from a functional piece

Sound Effectsbreaktablegamewoodstickssoundgarbagesounddesigneffectdesign

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