The audio titled "Rusty Wheels" begins with a series of resonating, metallic sounds, akin to the creaking and groaning of old, rusted machinery. This immediately brings to mind a vision of a robot, moving in a somewhat jerky manner due to the rust on its wheels. As the audio progresses, the sounds of the robot's movements become more pronounced. You can hear the grinding of gears and the whirring of motors as the robot attempts to maneuver. There's an echo of mechanized effort, reflecting a struggle against the rust that binds its wheels. The soundscape is filled with clanks and squeaks, reminiscent of a busy mechanic's workshop. The robotic noises are punctuated by the occasional low hum, possibly signifying the persistent efforts of the robot to keep moving. The movement of the robot is not smooth but rather halting and staggered, a testament to the rusty wheels it moves on. The audio continues to loop these sounds, creating an atmosphere