The audio titled "Rodents" begins with a high-pitched, sharp squeak, immediately setting the scene for the listeners as they are introduced into the world of rodents, specifically rats. This squeak, a signature sound associated with rats, is clear and distinct, effectively grabbing the listener's attention. As the audio progresses, the squeaking sounds continue, interspersed with the occasional sounds of scurrying or gnawing, painting a vivid picture of these small creatures in their natural habitat. One can almost visualize the rats darting around, their small, beady eyes glinting in the dim light. Suddenly, a scream pierces the audio, effectively shocking the listener. This scream, though unexpected, serves to heighten the sense of realism and urgency in the audio. It evokes a sense of danger, perhaps suggesting the presence of a larger animal or a sudden threat in the environment. The audio continues to alternate between the quiet squeaks and the sudden, shrill screams