The audio titled "Not Necessary" unfolds a riveting story, set against the backdrop of a narrative that is rich in emotion and depth. The story, originally in Urdu, has been beautifully translated to English to capture its essence, while maintaining its cultural relevance. The narrative deliberates on the idea that not all things, branded as 'Zarori' (necessary in Urdu), are truly necessary, a concept that is profoundly thought-provoking. The term 'Miny', used in the context, refers to an individual dealing with this realization. The character of 'Miny' significantly contributes to the narrative progression. The story is a compelling exploration of the subjectivity of necessity, striking a chord with the phrase 'Nahain' (not in Urdu) from the title, echoing the theme that everything deemed necessary might not be so. The audio is a compelling listen, inviting the listener to question and redefine their perspective on what's truly necessary in life.