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cover of Istanbul New Mosque
Istanbul New Mosque

Istanbul New Mosque


The audio begins with the ambient sounds of the bustling city of Istanbul. The incessant honk of car horns fills the air as vehicles navigate the busy streets. Amid the urban clamor, the faint, melodic chimes of a phone ring can be heard. This is soon followed by the indistinct murmur of human voices engaged in conversation, their words lost in the symphony of city life. Suddenly, the focus shifts to the sounds of a child's voice, light and carefree, a stark contrast to the adult conversations. The recording feels raw and unfiltered, a field-record capturing the authentic atmosphere of the city. The audio then transitions to the echoing call to prayer from the New Mosque, a notable landmark in Istanbul. Its resonant voice reverberates through the cityscape, its sacred tone rising above the urban chorus, punctuating the everyday with a moment of tranquillity and reverence. This is Istanbul, a city where the old and new, the sacred

Sound Effectscityphonecarringtalkingstreethumanchildfield-recordvoice

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