The audio experience titled "Igniting Iceberg" begins with a chilling, haunting resonance, akin to the cold echo of an iceberg. Through the silence, a distant, dry sound emerges, like ice scratching against a hard surface, embodying the starkness of the title. As the audio progresses, a soft piano melody weaves its way through, providing a stark contrast to the raw, brittle sounds that preceded it. Suddenly, the piano notes morph into a screech, as if the keys are being abused, the harmony morphing into disarray. It's jarring, almost painful, like the scratchy echo of something beautiful being marred. Yet, there's a strange beauty in the chaos, a testament to resilience, perhaps, or the power of transformation. The audio then transitions back to the initial sounds of dry ice and scratching, but this time, there's a warmth interlaced with the cold. It's as if an iceberg is igniting, the heat and ice