The audio piece titled "Hayabusa 3" begins with the distinct, grumbling rumble of a high-performance engine. It's a well-tuned motorbike - you can tell by the sharp, throaty growl that reverberates through the air. The sound is captured in a field recording, lending an organic, real-world touch to the audio. As the motorbike revs, the listener can discern the raw power of the machine, the Hayabusa 3. It's not just a bike; it's a beast on two wheels. The audio then transitions to the sound of the motorbike passing by. The Doppler effect is noticeable as the bike's sound changes pitch and intensity, providing a realistic sense of motion and speed. The audio doesn't skimp on the details of transport - the whir of the tires, the wind rushing past, the faint crunch of gravel under the wheels. It's a comprehensive aural experience that paints a vivid picture