"Ghostly Disturbance" is an intriguing audio piece, combining various elements to create an immersive experience. The track begins with an ambient sound that sets an atmospheric mood, hinting at the presence of something otherworldly. This is followed by a drone effect, which provides a continuous, hypnotic hum that adds depth to the soundscape. As the title suggests, there is a distinct experimental theme, where traditional musical norms are defied, making room for unique and unexpected sound combinations. Field-recordings are cleverly integrated into the piece, providing an organic touch that contrasts the electronic elements. These include everyday sounds, subtly distorted to fit the eerie theme. The audio is punctuated with chilling sound effects, adding to the horror aspect of the piece. These come in the form of sudden, startling noises, the occasional echo, and some unidentifiable sounds that keep the listener on edge throughout the track. The use of noise is particularly str