As the audio titled "Game Mode 1" begins, the distinct and traditional sounds of a gamelan, an ensemble music of Java and Bali in Indonesia, instantly capture your attention. It's an intriguing blend of the old and new, where the ancient musical tradition meets modern technology. The audio feels budget-friendly, not in a negative sense, but suggesting its affordability and accessibility to all. The gamelan's percussive melodies are layered with cheap synth sounds, creating a unique auditory experience. The synth is reminiscent of the 80s and 90s, providing a nostalgic undertone to the composition. It's a fascinating fusion of culturally rich gamelan music with economical synth sounds, resulting in a catchy and immersive audio piece, perfect for any gaming environment. The title "Game Mode 1" perfectly encapsulates this audio's essence, setting the stage for an exciting gaming session.