The audio piece titled "Encounter with the Wind - Flag Series 1A1" is an immersive exploration of the connection between one's sensory experiences and their memories. The piece begins with the faint rustling of wind, evoking the ambiance of a tranquil, isolated farm. The wind's intensity gradually increases, simulating the sensation of its cool touch on your skin and its ethereal presence around you. This ambient soundscape is then punctuated by the rhythmic waving of a flag. It serves as a metaphor for our encounters with the elements, grounding us in the present while stirring up traces of past experiences. There is an experimental edge to this piece, as it blends the natural sounds of wind and wave with more abstract elements. The memory motif is subtly woven into the soundscape, mirroring the complex and elusive nature of memories themselves. As the wind rustles and the flag waves, one might find themselves transported to a certain moment in time, or a specific place that holds