The audio clip titled, "Dry-Crumbled Seaweed from September 7, 2014," is an immersive audio experience. The primary element is the sound of dry, crumbled seaweed being crushed. The crisp and rustling sounds are vivid, creating a mental image of someone walking along a beach, stepping on seaweed that has washed up and dried in the sun. This audio is a field recording, meaning it is captured in a natural, outdoor setting. The ambient background noise adds authenticity to the experience, immersing the listener in a seaside environment. Despite its natural setting, the audio also carries a chilling, horror-like undertone. The crunching and crushing of the seaweed sounds are amplified and drawn out, making them eerily reminiscent of bones being crushed, or dry leaves rustling on a haunted forest floor. The combination of these elements creates a unique, spine-tingling auditory experience.