As the audio titled "Dawn of Robotics" begins, you can immediately sense an atmosphere of grandeur and anticipation. The pulsing hum of a machine, the rhythmic clanking of metal, and the subtle white noise of an industrial factory setting sets the backdrop. Gradually, the steady rhythm of machinery gears shifting and mechanical parts moving in harmony grows stronger, almost composing a metallic symphony. The occasional screech of metal against metal echoes through the factory, like a dissonant note in an otherwise harmonious melody, emphasizing the raw power of the industrial process. Suddenly, amid the cacophony, a distinct sound emerges. It's the sound of a robot, a being of steel and wires, coming to life. The whirring of its internal mechanisms, the hiss of hydraulics, and the subtle beeping of its electronic systems all blend together, creating a living character within this mechanical symphony. This is not just another machinery part, but an autonomous