The audio titled "Broadcast" begins with a captivating fusion of noise and funkgert, creating an intriguing auditory backdrop. The noise is a blend of white noise, often referred to as rauschen, and a distinct sinus tone that oscillates rhythmically throughout the soundscape. This provides a steady, pulsating rhythm that anchors the listener's attention. In the midst of this, a series of beeps chime in intermittently, adding an element of surprise and unpredictability to the audio. These beeps, reminiscent of radio signals, bring to mind the classic image of a vintage radio set, adding an interesting retro touch to the overall experience. The funkgert, a unique auditory element, manifests as a subtle undercurrent that weaves in and out of the white noise and sinus tone. Its presence is almost ethereal, giving the audio a certain depth and complexity. As the "Broadcast" progresses, the elements of noise, funkgert, beeps, and white noise