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World Coin

World Coin


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The transcription is a discussion about the impact of new technology on society, particularly in relation to end times prophecy. The focus is on a global system called World, which includes a World ID, a digital wallet app, and blockchain technology. The potential implications of this technology, such as loss of privacy and misuse by governments or corporations, are discussed. The importance of education, conversation, and reliance on God is emphasized. It is advised to stay informed and strong in faith while navigating the changing technological landscape. Hey, everybody. Welcome back. It's wild out there, you know, especially for us believers with all this new tech stuff popping up. It's like every day there's something new. It really is remarkable. And today we're diving into something. It has people talking, that's for sure, especially in the church. We're talking cutting edge tech and how it lines up with, well, end times prophecy. A topic that understandably can get people a little fired up. Yes. No kidding. That's why we're here, right, to take a deep breath, look at it all through the lens of our face. Exactly. With a spirit of discernment, looking at what this new technology actually does and then, yeah, considering those bigger implications. Because let's be honest, it's kind of hard not think about those things, especially with a company like, well, World. Have you heard about that? World. Yes. Making waves, for sure. This global system they're building. It's got folks talking, especially in our circles, right? And the thing is, they're not just talking, they're doing it. Millions of users already, millions, and growing fast. So, let's break it down, piece by piece. What are we even talking about here? Okay. So, first piece of the puzzle, this World ID, basically, it's how you prove you're a real person online, not a bot. Which increasingly is going to be an issue, you know? Right. And they do it with this, Orb. Scans your iris. Sounds like something out of, like, Mission Impossible. I was just thinking that. It's funny, right? That used to be sci-fi, it's just Tuesday now. It's true. And maybe that's where the uneasiness comes in. Right. Especially for believers. Because when you hear about a system that can literally identify every single person on the planet. It makes you think about certain things. It really does. Revelation. Anyone. Yeah, you can't avoid it. That whole mark of the beast, being unable to buy or sell without it. It's right there. Now, look, we're not saying this is that. We need to be careful. Of course. Of course. Discernment, like you said. But, it's hard not to see the dot echoes, right? The dot echoes are there. So, okay. We've got this global ID, but it's more than that, right? Tell us about this world app. It's a doozy. All right. Imagine this. Digital wallet. Social network. Platform for other apps. All in one. They are going all in, huh? All in. It's like their own little digital world. And guess what? Tied right to your world ID. And don't forget, they're really pushing for a world where cash is dot obsolete. Digital currency only. Sounds familiar. Yeah. Revelation keeps popping up, doesn't it? That whole cashless society thing. It's like dot prophecy bingo, almost. Right. It's not always a literal checklist, but it makes you think, we've got to be discerning. We do. Okay. So, global ID, app, digital money. What else? The engine behind it all. The thing most people don't even think about is their blockchain technology. Oh, boy. Here we go. Blockchain. Don't worry. We'll keep it simple. Because I know some folks tune out when they hear that word. But, it's important, right? It is. So, blockchain, think of it like the tech behind Bitcoin and all that. World has their own version. World chain. It's what handles all the transactions, the data, everything in their little ecosystem. Okay. I'm tracking. But, give us the layman's terms. What's the big deal with blockchain, anyway? It's decentralized. That's the key. Not controlled by any one government, bank, whatever. It's spread out across tons of computers all over the place. So, let me put it all together and make sure I'm getting this straight. So, you've got the system that can identify anyone on earth, a digital wallet, pushing towards a world without cash. And it all runs on this super spread out network no one controls. You got it. And that, my friend, is why we're talking about it. Because, as fascinating as all this tech is. It brings up some big questions, right? Especially for us. Especially for us. Honestly, what gets me is just how big this all is. I mean, the world is really trying to create something that covers every single person. It's a lot. It's mind-blowing. And, you know, we always talk about looking at things through the lens of scripture, right? And when I do that with this, foreboding is the right word. Intense, for sure. Yes. But there's definitely this sense of dart urgency. Like, okay, we need to pay attention to what's happening here. And we should. That's part of being watchful, right? Being aware of the times we're in. And this technology, it's got that potential. Both good and bad. Huge potential on both sides. So, let's talk about that. What are the, like, red flags? When you look at a system like this, what worries you? Well, first thing that comes to mind is misuse. I mean, imagine this tech in the wrong hands. A tyrannical government, for example. Oh, boy. Right. The control. It'd be off the charts. We're talking about a world where your access to everything, food, water, healthcare, all runs through this system. And they could just shut you off. With the push of a button. And it's not just governments, is it? It's corporations, hackers. I mean, the potential for abuse is just enormous. Exactly. And that leads right into the other big one, privacy. World says they're anonymous, that they're not storing your info, but... But how can they not? It's all right there. Right. Biometric data on this scale, there will be vulnerabilities. It's inevitable. And it's not like you can just change your iris scan, like a password. Exactly. And once that data's out there, it's out there. And even if world has the best intentions now, what if they change their policies? Or what if some government forces them to hand over data? These aren't crazy what-if scenarios anymore. This is real. And honestly, it can feel overwhelming. I'm sure some of our listeners right now are thinking, okay, this is a lot, but what am I supposed to do? So what do we do? Great question. And one we all need to be asking. I think step one is always education. We have to understand this stuff. The more we know, the better choices we can make. Right. No burying our heads in the sand. Absolutely not. Knowledge is power. And then we got to talk about it, not just here on the show, but in our churches, our families. How does this stuff line up with our faith? What does the Bible say? We need those conversations. 100%. I mean, that's what we try to do here, right? Bridge that gap between our faith and, well, the wild world of tech that's changing every day. Exactly. And navigating this new landscape, we can't forget what truly matters. Our trust isn't in tech. It's not in some company. It's in God. Yeah. Always. Always. He's our rock, no matter what craziness comes our way. Amen to that. And speaking of craziness, we were talking earlier about this whole cashless society thing. That's got a lot of folks worried, right? I mean, what are we supposed to do? Go back to hiding cash under our mattresses? Well, I don't think it has to be that extreme, but it is smart to think about it, like maybe keep a little cash on hand just in case. You know, like the power goes out, the systems crash. Exactly. And look into alternatives, cryptocurrencies, for example. There are options. So we're being smart about our digital footprint, thinking about alternatives, anything else. I know this can feel like a lot. It is a lot. And that's when we need to breathe. And remember, we're not in this alone. We've got God's word. We've got the Holy Spirit to guide us. This isn't about panicking. It's about being wise. Wise, not panic. I like that. Yeah. You know, sometimes I think about all this and I'm like, are we living in the Jetsons or something? Global systems, digital money, it's a lot. It really is. And I think that's why we got to keep coming back to, you know, the core of our faith. But the Bible's clear, right? The last days there's going to be deception, there's going to be upheaval, fear even. Oh, yeah. The Bible doesn't sugarcoat it. Yeah. But it also tells us to be strong, to have courage, right? The core of faith is our anchor, because God's got this. Amen to that. We don't have to fear the future, even when it seems shaky. Our hope, it's not in some company, some tech. It's in Christ, period. And he's the only one who delivers. So as we're wrapping up this deep dive, if there's one thing our listeners take away. What's the big one? Be vigilant, yes, but don't get swallowed by fear. Stay informed, engage with this stuff, but don't let it rock your face. So good. God is bigger than any tech, any system, any of it. He is, and he's with us, always lets that sink in. Amen. Well, folks, we went deep today. This whole world thing's got people talking, and for good reason. We looked at the good, the bad, the what ifs. Discernment, that's our key word. Going to God's word, going to the Holy Spirit for guidance, because our hope, it's not here anyway, right? It's in him. And on that note, that's a wrap on today's deep dive. We'll be back next week with another topic to help you navigate this crazy, ever-changing world. Until then, stay informed and stay strong in your faith.

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