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Man 2 - The Composition of man

Man 2 - The Composition of man

David Adeniyi



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The speaker expresses gratitude for the word and prayers, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the composition of man to know how to work with God. They explain that man was created to depend on God and have the freedom to choose to depend on Him or the devil. The speaker mentions the need for teachings and questions to deepen understanding. They discuss the composition of man, including the body, soul, and spirit, and how God created non-living things, plants, and animals before creating man. They explain that animals have a physical and behavioral life option, which is their soul, while humans have a soul and are also spiritual beings. The speaker provides examples of animals displaying thinking, emotions, and decision-making abilities. thank you for your word that you just bring it to us and speak it to us we appreciate you father in the mighty name of jesus thank you lord because this morning in all again you will speak to us and our eyes of understanding will be enlightened in the name of jesus thank you for every person that you have used to speak to us today even before now we appreciate you lord in the mighty name of jesus thank you father for answers to our prayers in jesus mighty name we pray in jesus mighty name we pray last week we started this series about man and i understand that this this study is very important so that we will be able to know how to work with the lord and the expectations of god from us and we know how god created when he created man how he expected man to function if he helped us and guide us in relating with him last week i said that man was not created to be god god did not create another god according man he created a creature called man whom he made to depend on him god created us to depend on him solely he made us to be a dependent creation that means we are contingent upon something and that thing is a spiritual source and that spiritual source is god himself and we also mentioned that the spiritual source that we can depend upon and also be the devil god gave us a free will to make choices he gave us that freedom of choice to choose upon what or upon who we are going to depend upon are we going to depend upon him who created us or are we going to depend upon an alternative which is the devil praise god so for as many that shows the lord he lead and direct them by his spirit so that was his summary of what we did all last week and i said because of the time we may not be having opportunities to act because the lord actually instructed that we should have teachings in this in our services so it's not just a service where we just break and go so we need to impart this knowledge and when you are teaching there should be room for questions so i put it on the platform that if there's any questions that arise during the presentation on the platform so that as i'm bringing the summary of last week so today we'll be today we'll be looking at the topic the composition of man the composition of man so for this message is titled the composition of man the composition of man we we know that man is a great god and is created by god the almighty who created all things and we have also learned that we are created to depend on a source but now let us look at let us break man down into composite what are the compositions the compositions of man there are different ways men have defined the composition of a man some say that we are made up of the body and soul a man is a being that has a body and has a soul while the the the term we use is a spirit and so interchangeably that the spirit of a man is the same thing as the soul of a man so are we are we having just the body and the soul or the body and the spirit or are we having the body soul and spirit those are the things we'll be looking at today so all to understand the composition of man we must go back to genesis the book of genesis it is as we understand the composition of man that we know better how god intends for us to function praise the lord so how how does god intends us to function in the book of genesis genesis chapter one it is written in verse one that in the beginning god created the airboys and the head in the beginning god created the heavens and the head if we study the creation record but we discover that the creation of god the christian order is from the lesser to the higher that is god first created the non-living thing he made the heavens and the head the air there was just water that filled everywhere water is not a living thing this is categorized as one of the non-living things then he commanded the land to come out of the water and the water parted and there was dry ground dry ground is also a non-living thing so the first creation was a creation of non-living things so we have the rocks the mountains and every other things that are there after that when we move down a little bit to verse 11 of genesis chapter one it is the lord said let the earth bring forth grass let the earth bring forth grass the earth that gives seed and the fruit tree that gives fruit according to its kind whose seed is in itself on the head and it was so verse 12 and the earth brought forth grass the earth that gives according to its kind and the tree that gives fruits whose seed is in the in itself according to its kind and god saw that it was good after the creation of the non-living things the next other operation was the plant kingdom we have different species of plants so that the next thing that god said let the earth bring forth grass so the plants are organizing which are physical life options that is they are not non-living things plant is one example of a living thing they are living because number one they eat and they are food they get it from the soil so they eat they produce they grow so growing also is a characteristic of a living thing so they grow and they also die so they have a physical life option what i've just described is what i mean by the life option physical life option that is they are able to grow they are able to feed on something in the soil nutrients in the soil and they are able to interact with the environment with the sun through photosynthesis and so on so they have that is they have a physical body they have a physical body by which they interact with their environment they are obvious that they are physical beings but they don't they lack behavioral their characteristics plant must not have behaviors they have physical body they have physical life option everything that a living thing will do they do that so they have that a physical body but they don't have a behavior and that behavior is what is found in the next created order of God because after God created plant he now created animals he said the sea should bring forth speaking things as swans in it and the sky should be filled with the flying creatures that is God so the God created animal kingdom after he has created a plant kingdom i want us to follow this process he first created a non-living thing then after the non-living thing the God created plant that only have a physical life option he does not have a behavioral life option he doesn't give if you slap a tree if the tree cannot react it will just be dead but it's a living thing then after God created the animal kingdom the animal kingdom now has a physical life option they also eat they grow they die they have physical life option but in addition to their physical life option they have behavioral life option their behavioral life option is what is called a soul because without a soul you cannot have you cannot have behaviors or emotions people have been saying also people have been saying that any man will not have souls but from what we have in the scriptures they are living souls they are physical body and they have a soul with the physical body they have physical life option by this they grow they eat raise a lot with their soul they have ability to think animals do think if you put if you put and okay for example you put maybe on the ground study the first hand that will come to that sugar praise the lord the first hand that will come to that sugar will look at it if it is not a sugar it will walk by it and go but if it is a sugar it will come carry it or even go back to call for this that he has found the food and they will shoot out and come and pick that sugar and take it to their uh to their home praise the lord so that means he has the capacity to think animals have the capacity for emotion i was watching a documentary some years back and they said that elephants have strong emotions elephant they have strong emotion an elephant a baby elephant was to be captured and then to capture that baby any time those people had to kill the mother and the father of that elephant so they killed that elephant parent right before the elephant and then they captured the elephant put it in a truck and transported it to him soon do you know that after many years when that elephant saw those people did who killed the friend he recognized and he was he was he became violent why he had emotions animals have emotions dogs the reason why people can eat those dogs do have emotions so all these animals their their level of emotions or of their behavior differs the it is okay let me put it in this way many okay many have said that animals do not protect the soul and that the institutional basis that differentiates an animal from a man is that a soul a man has a soul and are truly without and animals are truly with this without a soul but the truth is animals do have souls and as i have said that the soul function include mental emotional and volitional capacity that is it enables the animal to be able to think it enables the animal to be able to feel emotions and it enables the animal to be able to decide i i saw a documentary of a a tiger or a leopard he was trying to catch a prey a an antelope and he was going going under the gutter but the like inside the road in the forest itself so he was going on under the gutter and if he not to to see to be sure that the prey the antelope is in the spot and then he will move closer again and flip to see that the antelope is there and the antelope was also sensing that there is a danger around and the animal the tiger moved so close to the antelope and push was waiting for the right time to attack and by the time he realized that the antelope has been distracted eating grass then the tiger jumped out from the hideout and began to chase the animal he made decisions he decided that let me hide and and and swam through the gutter till i get closer to this animal and at the right time he knew the right time to attack that animal that means he has a capacity he has the capacity to make decisions and that is the function of a soul i did a little study about the soul i said that like the field of study called psychology the field of study called psychology is the studying of soul people who are studying psychology are studying the the behavior of man or they are studying the behavior of animal depending on what they want to focus upon so psychology is the study of soul it is made of two greek words psyche and soul or i think the best data for that is sookie that is sookie it means soul that is the greek word for soul and then locus or logic which is the greek word for what so psychology means the study of soul in Matthew chapter 16 verse 25 and 26 i'll read from here Matthew chapter 16 verse 20 verse 25 and 26 for whoever desires to save his life will lose it for whoever loses his life for my sake will find it for what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul or what will a man give in exchange for his soul the new testament is written in the greek praise the lord i hope we are not distracted the new testament is written in the greek and the word used that is translated soul in this passage is this is the same word called sookie so it is the same way that is so and now when the same word translated soul in greek in hebrew i'm going somewhere in hebrew is the same word that is translated nefesh i don't know if i'm pronouncing that word very well but the word soul in hebrew is nefesh and in greek it is sookie now when god was commanding the living things to come out in genesis chapter 1 verse 20 it is then let the waters abound with an abundance of living creature the word that was translated creature is nefesh and is the word soul so when god was breathing the animal the text in literal have the abundance of living soul and let god fly above the head across the face of the firmament of heaven verse 21 so god created great sea souls and every living soul that moves i'm trying to use the the evil word now that which with which the waters abounded according to their and every wing was according to his kind and god saw that it was to praise the lord verse 24 then god said let the earth bring forth a living soul according to its kind castles and freaking things and beasts of the earth according to his kind and this was so praise the lord so when the lord was creating the animal he was commanding living soul so the animal came forth with the physical body and he also posted his soul praise the lord he he he made them with the physical body and he also gave them a soul now let's just look at the man so the other things that we have just talked about is also differentiating between man and other creation created order so in genesis chapter 2 verse 19 he says out of the ground the lord formed every piece of the feet and every part of the head and brought them to adam to see what he would call them and whatever adam called his living soul that was in play so that is the part of the the proof that the animals are souls praise the lord so what then makes a man different what then makes a man different number one we human beings we have physical life option that is contains within our body we have physical life option that is contained within our body we our body grows our we eat into our body and we we have the physical we can interact with our environment through our body just in the same way that the plants have a physical body and the animals have a physical body so also mankind has physical body also like the animal kingdom man has a behavioral life option that is we have a soul we have a soul and through this soul we can we express our we have a mental expression emotional expression and volition characters do we are have extremely high capacity than the animals our reasoning capacity is far higher than that of the animal that is reason you cannot find any animal making an invention but man the lord has blessed man to invent things on earth the reason is that the soul that we are have a greater capacity for reasoning if we have a greater capacity for emotions than any other animal our emotion is stronger than the emotion of every other animal because we are of a idea created order and lastly what distinguishes us from other created order is that we have spiritual life option we have spiritual life option the plants do not have spiritual life option the animals they have body they have soul but they do not possess the spirit praise the lord but a man have body we have soul and we have the spirit let's open our bible to 12 let's open our bible to chapter 12 let us open our bible to chapter 12 verse one it is the building of the word of the lord it means israel just sees the lord who stretches out the heavens lays the foundation of the head and forms the spirit of man within him if he lays the foundation of the head and forms the spirit of man within him god almighty is the one who forms the spirit that is man so mankind has the capacity of life option at three different levels the body the soul and the spirit when paul was writing a letter to the ceterunians in chapter five of first ceterunian it is now may the god of peace incessantify you completely may you may your own spirit soul and body be preserved blameless so the scriptures confirm that the mind is of three parts the body physical which is visible the soul and also the spirit but out of this spirit out of the three only one is tangible only one of them is tangible and that is our body we can touch our body we can feel with our body we can see other persons because we have a body and yet we are of three parts the body has within it a soul and a spirit the other two are immaterial and invisible no wonder certain individuals concentrate primarily on their outward appearance they focus more on their body because they believe that their body defines yeah they give them the identity praise the lord they try to treat the body special you see people nurturing their physical body at the expense of their soul and at the expense of their spirit praise the lord so what i'm saying in essence is this the man is of three parts man man has a physical physical body man has a soul a man has a spirit and among these three parts only his body is visible and many people because it is only the body they can see they believe that their body is all interdictive of them they believe that their body gives them their identity it defines their identity so they try to make their body look so good and beautiful they put so much attention on their body it must be such a thing and do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell so the the body should not cloud our height from our soul and from our spirit the body is very important but we should also realize that we have soul and spirit now the portion of the soul and the spirit are separate we have the body we know the portion of the body that's what we used to eat but now let us look at the portion of the soul the bible states in hebrew chapter 4 verse 7 it says the word of god will suffer that to any true expert to the piercing asunder dividing of spirit and soul that means there are two different things the lord jesus is the word of god he will separate the intent of the soul from the portions of the spirit and again where are the gracious things in chapter in genesis chapter 2 is it and the lord of forms man from of the ground and breathe into his nostrils his breath or the spirit of life and then man became a living soul at the creation the three empty pieces of man was mentioned god created man from the dust that is the typical wording he breathed his spirit into man and when the of god entered into man man became a living soul so this is a proof that as human beings we have three parts in us we have the physical body we have our soul praise the lord and we have our spirit from the statement of our lord jesus christ it shows that it is not the soul of a man that is redeemed at salvation i'm going to read that statement very soon it is our spirit when jesus was speaking to nicodemus he was telling him nicodemus was asking him about his ministry what he has come to do on earth and jesus christ told that except a man is born again he cannot enter or see the kingdom of god and he could important slogans as was added when a man put back on his mother's womb and jesus was not explaining in chapter 35 it is most assuredly i say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of god now when adam fell in the garden of eden the fall of adam is the fall of the spirit of god that was in him the spirit of god left him and the spirit became a dead man he said probably that he will die immediately in each of that fruits and immediately adam ate of the fruits the spirit man died and because the spirit has died it affected the soul and the body after about 900 years the physical body of adam died that was not the state of god when he created man we were created to live eternally but because the spirit has died there was no sustaining grace for his soul and for his body and because there was no spirit in him that is the spirit of god he was not he under the influence of the devil now when jesus was talking about being born again he was saying that it is the spirit of the man he said the one is that is born of the spirit is spirit and it is only those who are born of the spirit that we enter into the kingdom of god praise the lord so that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit a message is the wind knows where it reaches and you're and you hear the sound of it but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes so it's everyone who is born of the spirit so when our when we give our life to jesus the part of us that change is that invisible part of us which is our spirit praise the lord so our spirit man is the part of us that change so now as salvation it is our spirit that was regenerated so it is not our soul i want you to take note of what i'm saying because in the course of this study this is very important it is not our soul that was regenerated and it is not our body that was regenerated as salvation it is our spirit all the introduction i'll be making starting from the creation of plants animals is to bring up to this place that we are of three parts the body the soul and the spirit and at the fall of man it was the spirit of a man that died in a man so now even though we are seeing spirit being but the spirit is the dead spirits it was not active again the three could not accommodate the presence of god again the spirit of the man is the place where the three of us were we believe that our body is the temple of the holy spirit it is because our spirit is still within his body and in that spirit the spirit of god the presence of god is there that is the reason if a man dies the spirit of god is different from that man as well praise the lord so when we now give our life to jesus the first thing that we lost was our spirit it is that spirit that is now regenerated now let us see what we do with our our telepath with our body we are conscious of the world around us we can touch with our body with our soul we are conscious of our own personal life that is when you know that you are a man or you are a woman it is from your reasoning it is from your soul that is your soul compartment your your mental compartment is contained within the soul our soul helps us to know that we are human our soul helps us to be conscious of ourselves nobody wants to be who is that incompletion to make him or herself like a confession it is thought if you think about it so that quickly begins from the soul so our soul makes us to be conscious of our personal life whereas our spirit make us to be conscious of god our spirit makes us to be conscious of god and that is the reason when man just fell when adam's king and his spirit died man was when no more conscious of god it would be a normal human being is not a present in the world they are not conscious that god is looking at them the everything they are doing they are not putting god into the equation why because their spirit is there and once the spirit of the man is there he cannot connect or sustain the presence of god around him or her even when god brought the israelites to him and he spoke to them physically they had them in their physical years and they saw fire burning on the mountain and moses went to the mountain for 40 days before moses came down the israelites had to make another trap another object and caught that object caught they have seen the fools that got this important yet they were still looking for other things to scam and what he had done why it is because their spirit is dead they were not conscious of god they were seeing attributes of god fire burning on the mountain they had his voice of god but because their spirit was dead yet they were not conscious of me so it is with our spirit that we become conscious of god and god intention in giving us the capacity for spiritual life in what is present to be able to dwell in us the reason the intention of god for giving us spirit it did not mean animal spirits you never hear that god entered into an animal have you heard of the only spirit possessing an animal the only spirit of god possesses an animal because the animal does not have spirit within it it is only a mountain in the created order of god that has a spirit within and the spirit of god comes into us into our spirit we know in the old testament that the spirit of god did not fall into the prophets but the bible will say that the spirit of the lord came upon them the reason is that their spirit was not yet regenerated their spirit was still in their spirit even though they are prophets so there is nothing living in them that we the spirit of god will come and dwell in so therefore the spirit of god will come upon them and minister to them and the spirit of god will lead them but when jesus was going he said in comfort that the only spirit will come not to come upon us but to come and dwell in us the reason is that the condition the reason the only spirit could not dwell in us the reason the only thing could not dwell in us would be taking it off by through the cross praise the lord when jesus died and resurrected our spirit man as many of us that believe our spirit man is resurrected the reason is the christian term is the regeneration the regeneration of our spirit man and we call it the inner man or the new man it is a is our spirit now coming back to life and now because we now have the spirit in us the spirit of god can now enter and dwell in us because the spirit of the lord dwells in our spirit praise the lord now when the spirit of the lord comes upon a man and begins to dwell in the spirit of a man through that spirit of a man the character of god that came with this the holy spirit will be expressed will be will be activated in the soul please allow us to follow this teaching the holy spirit comes into us into our human being we receive from the holy spirit by our spirit that is the reason the bible says that we should pray in the holy ghost growing in our most holy it is through the spirit when you are praying in the spirit you are setting up your faith your faith is getting more awakened to be attentive to what the lord is doing at that time or to know what the lord is sending you at that time by time you are praying in the spirit you are quickening your spirit awakening you are you are making the senses of your spirit to be sharper signal from god and when our faith takes signal from god whatever it takes from god we begin to activate it in our soul that is the reason we don't say that something tells me that something is coming from the spirit to our reasoning to our soul it is not just something it is the holy spirit speaking to our soul through our human spirit praise the lord the soul is activated by the spirit of god that is in us and when that our soul is activated we express those characters that the holy spirit is transferring to our soul we express those things through our physical body how do we show love we don't show love in our thoughts you may be loving somebody you don't love the person in your thought you express this friendshiply through giving through speaking through interacting with that person it is the love of god flows from the holy spirit into our soul it is contained in our soul and expressed through our body it is the way of praises man and the reason is that god wants a creation that will be on us that we express his character on us onto his own glory and that is what man loves at the core because the intention of god was that by the time he created man and he put his spirit in man through man the things on earth we see god when he said let us make man in our own image it was not in our own likeness it was not just in a typical appearance but in character and behaviors when god says let us make man in our own image he is talking about the character of god expressed through us and it is through this process that the character of god passes through us and is expressed out to him that is the reason it is called the fruit of the spirit because it is not something that is within us it is something that comes from god we are the characters of god no it is the character of god fishing is the character of god is the character of god and it comes to us by your spirit through our spirit into our soul and in our soul it begins to develop we begin to ponder or devout it that this is what the lord is saying in my heart that i should not eat my fellow i should love my enemies i should pray for those who hate me it begins to become activated it begins to become activated within our soul and then even unintentionally we begin to express them physically through our body our ultras begin to change when you hear a sinner speak the way he will speak the ultrasound that will proceed out of his mouth and you hear a man of needs to be utterly different that is the reason when you're your your dressing in the public people will look at you and call you past up i remember a brother when he was in a recess he gave his life of life after a few months he came to me one day and said i broke him that today we were passing through old times and a man those people selling shoes and clothes called him and said pastor please come and he does give his life to us a few months ago but man do not ask me that do i look like a pastor now it will be visible in the house watch before the spirit of god has begun to possess you the spirit of the lord has begun to possess your soul and from your soul you are now expressing a praise the lord so this is his order by which characters to be expressed so because bible says that jesus is the express image of god jesus christ is the express image of god what does this the bible mean by jesus being the express image of god what the bible means is that the character and attributes of god in we cannot see we are finding them in jesus there are feelings as jesus in john chapter 14 i think verse 11 he says show all the father and if he survives us when he was telling them that i am going to the father and they were perplexed that what is this saying again but they knew he was talking about god so they now told him show us his father and if he survives us he will be contented and jesus told them have you seen me and you are still asking me to show you the father the father is in me and i am in the father i am the express image of god whatever you see me through is what god here is doing whatever you hear from my mouth is the same thing god is speaking everything my character my attitude my behavior they are bringing forth from his throne of god he was the express image of god so when men saw him they were seeing god incarnate and that was the purpose the station of god for the creation of man jesus christ came as the perfect man to this world he came and live on earth his grace operated us to live if we are not holy to express all the characters of god he saw sicknesses he used it he saw poverty he took it away he multiplied to five groups of grace and took it to keep us as own men no no bring the women and the children these are characters and attributes of god when you see a man of god speech and miracles are happy it is not because that man of god is special it is because god is expressing his character and attribute through that man of god he is only a vessel when you cook a soup and it's very sweet and the person you teach it to says that this soup is very sweet who cooked it uses the pot or the spoon you don't use the money that you had he will say he's a person who cooked it but he used some tools he used some instrument he used some ingredients in preparing we are like instruments or vessels through which god will play his character and glory on earth so he does not try to live on earth expressing and shining for the light of god everywhere he goes the reason is the spirit was alive and now for us as believers our spirit has been regenerated we are carrying a spirit that is alive that can now accommodate the spirit of god within and because the spirit of god is now within us though our soul was corrupt and our body defiled the spirit of god begins gradually the process of regenerating our soul that is the reason we don't condemn any believer who gives his death to christ and keep holding things into sin if the instrument has to work if the if the project not yet completed and if we meet jesus in heaven we are seeing good shit that is not yet completed but we are not to remain at the same spots we are ready to grow we relate with the holy spirit and that is one of the things we will be learning in the study of man how to relate with the holy spirit so that what the spirit of the lord is bringing to you you do not miss out of those and as much as we connect to the spirit of god that is so much we express the glory of god on earth and that is so much our life here on earth will be fulfilled praise the lord i'm running out of time in fact but i did not even check the time but that is that is the message for today so let me just take you through some bible scriptures then we'll end up second corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 second corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 whose mind because of this age has blinded talking about the of the elevated soul because of this so the devil has blended the eyes who do not believe let you see the light of the gospel of the glory of christ who is the image of god christ who is the image of god so in the scriptures jesus christ is presented to us as the image of god in first corinthians chapter 15 verse 49 first corinthians 15 49 this and as we have born the image of the man of dust we before we give we give our life to jesus we were bearing the image of the fallen adam that is the state of adam when he fell is the state of a man that is on regeneration you see a man who does all types of men casually abuses courtesies and we will not even feel any remorse right because he's hearing the image of at the fallen man we now say that we shall also bear the image of the heavenly man i've been born in the image of the fallen man when we're lost in sin now that we have been regenerated and the spirit of god us we are now to bear the image of the heavenly man which is the image of christ christ is the image of god we are now to be the image of christ on earth because the spirit that dwells in us is the spirit of christ and what christ is that is what we have to be yet or have the last bible passage romans 8 29 romans 8 29 for whom he foreknew he also predestinated to be conformed to the image of his son for whom he foreknew he predestinated we that have been here that have been caught and justified and we are safe we are predestinated to be composed to the image of christ and the process of conformity of our conformity to the image of christ is what i have explained i know the the talking about the creation the animal kingdom then the plant kingdom other things were just introducing this point that i wanted to try the animal the plant they do not have the spirit of god they cannot show us the glory of god but because we are human and have the spirit of god in us we have the character of god finding expression through our life so in conclusion man is made up of three levels of life functions number one the is our body number two the behavior function which is our soul and number three the spiritual function which is the part of us that connect with god so we communicate with the world through our body we are conscious of ourselves through our soul and we relate with god through our spirit so not just the body requires our attention we should not pay attention to our body we should pay attention to what is in the heart of us we should grow our soul the way to grow our soul is by feeding on the word of god reading books present literatures academically we are growing our soul when we are going to school today it is our soul that is being trained also we can train the soul in the spirit of god now that we have the spirit of god in us if we are exposing our soul to the spirit of god the soul will be sharper to big signals that the holy spirit is sending through our spirit to him praise the lord so as we continue this study we get to understand many more things so in conclusion let us pay attention to our body let us take care yes i want some truth so let us pay attention to our body by taking care of our body making sure that we are living healthy eating healthy food let us take care of our souls so that we train our intellect we train our reasoning capacity we train our emotions so people's emotions are funny where any small things they are emotional but we can stream that part of us then we should also build our spirit by praying in their legos and as we do this the lord will help us in the name of jesus okay um yes that i never went to uh yes um yes okay so has stopped is of the game was just it's just within the soul of the animal he's not any passion with the spirit he does not have any faith and by the time he's opening his mouth to speak it was the hour we are speaking and thinking from our soul our thoughts our reasoning is from the soul compartment of the man so he was speaking from the soul processing what they are saying and erasing in fact when god created animal animal was created to speak to man it was when man felt that god will tell that characteristics of animal and the ability of animal to speak but in this case god opened the mouth of the animal he spoke to me the money you can say that the words that the animal spoke were reasonable it might not be donkey that you have been riding on it yet that mean he had memory that is the soul then he spoke back reasonably to him and without thought and he responded that is the soul of this animal it is not the spirit so it's called the angel but it is not because it's dream of the name i was able to speak it was the ability that god has returned from our animal that i will live for him to speak and some some people have asked about heaven they say even the drastic enable that means we have mouth to speak so god created all the animals the way the serpent was able to deceive him or because the serpent had a voice the snake are not found now by the way there is a snake running around this environment which has not been able to kill so they are not able to touch it or send it somewhere say so now it will not come and talk to you right because it doesn't have that capacity again but relation every animal has the capacity to talk to man do you wonder what happened in the act of noir it will be the restoration of the creation because he will be speaking to those animals and this he will be able to also know the feelings of the the thoughts of those animals when back to him he will be giving that ability to interact with them animals have ability to communicate now they communicate with these themselves if you study the family of monkeys of apes of gorillas you realize that they communicate they don't make home but they don't understand they are making a word in their own ears and their actions are also words that they are understanding as messages in fact so they have those things but they do not have the spirit so the donkey was not speaking from the spirit but his soul all right thank you man any other question say i just take it at random all right praise the lord let us rise up to our faith we have spent so much time today 15 minutes i have 17 minutes let's appreciate the lord for his word that we have heard appreciate him and giving glory because he agreed us to understand we are made of three parts and all these parts have specific functions in the life of a man our body we use it to interact with our environment our soul is where we receive is the place of our emotion and it is the place of decision making let us appreciate the lord for giving us a soul and let's appreciate him for making us human because he has given us a spirit the spirit of god dwells now in our spirit our spirit has been regenerated and the spirit of god brought in our spirit let us appreciate the lord for the capacity of giving to us in our spirit we have empowered our spirit to come back alive to come back to the place that god has made it to be so that we can interact with god and express the and character of god on earth father we give you the glory we exalt your holy name in jesus mighty name we are praying

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