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*new  Eternal Son Ministries: The beginning of the walk

*new Eternal Son Ministries: The beginning of the walk

Eternal Son MinistriesEternal Son Ministries



A brief ministry introduction. The question of who Jesus is to you personally? What it is to move forward in Christ. Growing within the process that Jesus has you in.


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Welcome in everyone. This is an eternal sun ministries broadcast. We hope everyone is doing well today We pray our father's blessings on everyone here and anyone that's listening later in jesus mighty name Much love to everyone And again, we welcome in everybody This is our first broadcast in three years So grab you something to drink if you need to And we'll be back shortly, please enjoy the worship music and see you soon Is Me Oh Me Foreign Me You're doing Me Lord you're doing Me So Yes You Is We are moving we are Oh Child Is Is Is Is Is Yeah Me Lord I want to For your righteousness Take me into the holy Is The priest to sing your praise Holy Take me into the holy Yeah Take me After lord, I want to see your face For your righteousness Is Take me Into the holy I apologize for that since I can't help but sing on this So I hope everybody's doing well today We are a very small ministry, it's just my wife dana and I Until recently I'll explain more about that later But my name is david and I'm 45 years old I uh Got the name of this ministry Back in the 1990s when I was a teenager I didn't really know what to do with it. Didn't know what was going to happen And I went on a very long journey of learning and being qualified And going through chaos and tribulation Like most most of you probably did um, in fact, I think all of us have like whenever jesus says that We came out of the great tribulation he wasn't just talking about the seven-year tribulation he was also talking about life itself So with that said This has been a long time coming But it's just now getting started within the last three years We're kind of starting pretty slow But in all honesty When I started it was putting our father's hands and stayed there And It's his thing so We're just walking in whatever he leads us through It's all on him he opened the door so i'm just thankful to be used to be part of this My wife dana she's not here right now. She usually will be here with the broadcast this is kind of like a test broadcast, but It's the first one I've even attempted Probably in about three years So So this will probably be different than most of the other ones i'm just kind of trying to get everything figured out here Apologize early for that interruption. I hope I didn't blast your ears out in between songs Some of the people in cot they hear those they know what pbt means that was one of those moments It's cool We got through it but with all that said A little bit of background on me And then i'll get to the really important part because i'm not the important one, but I figured it's fair to at least know who's talking, right? I did go to liberty university and study and I also have learned by life I do have Credentials, but I really Don't need a title. None of that stuff really matters Because in truth, it's not about me. It's not about my wife It's not even about this ministry. It's eternal son ministry is basically named jesus because he is the eternal son and that's what it's all about so With that said I kind of forgot where I was going with that, but i'll get back to it later We're just thankful For this chance and this opportunity to be here to Help anybody that needs it to give advice anything I mean, it's really not about us And with that said let's get on to what we're actually here for So we've all been told That there's another way And there is another way Most churches fail In explaining that way And that's what we're going to try to do differently So the word of god says all who believe on the name of the lord shall be saved It even gives an example when jesus is crucified on the cross there's a thief on there with him And he said to him Today you'll be with me in paradise So That just proves that that true belief is all it takes And I honestly believe if that thief would have haven't gotten a chance to He might have actually walked out that lifestyle, but he didn't get that chance because he was right there right then on the cross But he believes and that's automatic That's where you start the belief Is a realization of coming to the knowledge that you're not from this world That you have a higher purpose And then whether we know it or not most of our lives Our father's been with us the whole time And he's kept us out of so many situations that we haven't even thought about to get us to that moment Okay, so what do you do after that you believe It takes more than just a belief Because honestly lucifer himself he believes in jesus he's seen him. I mean he's seen everything he was there So What exactly does that mean then it takes a hard belief it takes a true belief In what was done for you And in the words that have been spoken to you So it goes deeper Than to just believe on somebody You have to actually literally believe in them and everything they stand for and do And by that belief You'll start to walk that out for yourself and your family You'll start to walk that out for yourself in your own life There's a part where jesus says if any man follow after me Let him deny himself Pick up the cross and follow after me And that's exactly what that means there's a place in our walk Where our father starts to open our eyes to certain things and then we start to see things differently So To me I think that's just an awakening to The spirit that he's already had within us that We just had to realize what was going on and what our life is for the purpose of life and personally, I mean This could just be an opinion but I mean honestly Our purpose of life is to see and experience to live and to feel And then to make a choice We've all seen chaos we've all seen darkness And then there's that time that comes along you see the light We've all had that moment in time if not, we wouldn't be here right now, right So that moment Is that life-changing moment that What jesus literally did on the cross wasn't just for everybody else, but it was also for you personally And then when you realize what you've done and who you were it makes it kind of hard to accept that For somebody that was perfect that didn't ask him To take our place to do that That's an important step One other thing Most churches don't really tell you is If you truly Choose to follow jesus You will have the biggest target on your back ever And that's where a lot of new christians fall When they don't know that every Part of darkness is going to come after them vengeance to try to keep them on their side Because they know once we know the truth, it's over. There's nothing else I can do Because truthfully darkness has no power unless we give it to him The blood of jesus christ is powerful enough to break any darkness And even the littlest faintest of light is enough to expel the darkness If you don't believe me Go into a dark room And turn a really small small light on You'll see what I mean So That's where a lot of new christians get crickled and that's where a lot of I hate to say it but kind of get tossed to the wolves in a sense Because nobody's really giving them any direction They just say okay say this little prayer at the front of the church And your life's gonna be perfect and i'm sorry to say but that's just not how the truth is I mean, I wish it was like that and I wish I could come to you and tell you that You know, whatever's going around that Everything's gonna be perfect and be happy, but I love you enough That I don't want to be a sugar coater And jesus calls us to be the salt of the earth which means Basically just to be as truthful as you can be The truth may hurt the wise destroy, I mean, that's just all there is to it So anyway, that's what we're here to do Just help anybody that we can in any spot or part of the process Of finding out who jesus is to truly realizing within your spirit That all of this true To just walking that out daily Because the truth is today is the day of salvation yesterday None of us can get back to it's impossible to do Tomorrow's night you get none of us are going to be able to get back to it Tomorrow's night you get none of us are going to promise that anyways So all we can do is focus right here right now today So, yeah, I gotta say it's kind of interesting i'm a very quiet person so It's not the easiest to do this but it doesn't matter because Everything that's done through this ministry has a high purpose And it's going to get done because our time is short So everything we do from here on out Is very important. It means everything So Let's see Give you guys a little bit more of who eternal sun ministries is We also have a telegram Where we have a few different channels We have a prophecy. We have a weathered natural disaster page And just a straight gospel page Where we post different parts of the word of god even from a proper apocryphal and Just lost books that are relevant to the time especially enoch and joshua stuff like that And we do have a website it's um I'll have to get to it. Give me just a second I'll probably have to put a link somewhere, but we'll get that figured out I'm actually still trying to figure out this program that I got on this laptop It's working pretty good. Um I'm trying to go around mixer for right now And just try to make stuff here on my laptop as much as possible eventually whenever I can get the mixer page up and everything We'll work on that We're also working on a youtube. We actually have a youtube channel that's just eternal sun ministries and We're working on making a weekly show where my wife and I are doing That's going to be interesting because i'm really not good at being on camera at all I find this kind of challenging sometimes If I have something to say I can talk I mean whenever I was in the world before I was really safe You couldn't shut me up And now if I have something to say It's the same way So if i'm talking about jesus or prophecy or something like that Good luck getting me to shut up. Otherwise, i'm just quiet. I guess that's what happens as you get older Let's see Um What should we talk about right now I think the biggest thing Other than The process of Following jesus from being a new believer All the way to the process until we finish our race Is one of the most important topics? or conversations That we could ever have And Another one's also Remembering that everybody around us That Like our war is not against People I know it's hard whenever you're out and something happens And Somebody might try to get in your face or something crazy like that And just remember it's not them that would actually be The spirit of darkness in that person that is not them causing them to do that or that is i'm causing them to do that And we have to remember that Because lucifer's biggest trick is going to be to try to get us against people And if he can do that then he's basically got us doing his job Because satan is the accuser of the brother and Because satan is the accuser of the brother and if we start accusing people we're just doing his job That's why it's important that's why I like Ephesians 6 12 a lot Because it says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the religious darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness and high places But that's The perfect description of what's going on behind the scenes in a spiritual realm Whenever something's going on there's spirits of chaos and darkness causing that to happen Once we know that it's easier to truly walk in love And to truly live out the gospel of jesus christ, which is mercy Forgiveness and grace to all And that right there is a really touchy subject for some people sometimes And I see it like this I am not perfect I haven't done A lot of things that a lot of other people have but once you've broken one sin, you've broken all the sins So therefore I cannot judge anybody ever For anything no matter what they do. I cannot do I fully accepted the sacrifice of jesus christ for my own life and for my own sins And if I looked at somebody else And did not give that same Love and grace and mercy to them Then I would be a hypocrite and therefore I would not even be saved And it goes the same way with forgiving people If you forgive somebody you're forgiven and if you don't forgive somebody You can't be forgiven because how could our father forgive us if we don't forgive other people So this is something important to remember But yeah In order to truly walk in true total forgiveness for people And to extend that grace to them and to extend forgiveness to them and mercy Mercy is Letting somebody go that deserves the death penalty And There's a thing that our father set up it's called sowing and reaping Whatever we sow we're gonna reap And the time that we need it the most If we sow mercy, we'll reap mercy If we sow chaos, we will reap chaos And that's just all there is to it And with the way things are going I truly believe that our time is so short. We're going to be pretty close to instant reaping But I mean it's just important to always Truly walk out what we believe and truly walk out that lifestyle that jesus modeled for us when he was here And it's truly amazing to see That even though god had a plan in the beginning with adam and eve Even though lucifer snuck in there And messed things up for a little bit Before that even happened Jesus already died for everybody So there was already a solution before the problem even occurred So If anything That should show you that we can trust our father with everything And we always will Especially in these days And don't be don't be worried about What's coming on us? I know it's easier said than done, but When you realize that jesus christ is the one opening the seals And he promised not to lose you but to raise all of us up at the last day We just need to endure it to the end He's with us the whole way All of this is for our salvation. It's all part of the same process that we're in And we're getting close to the close of it And it's crazy because Just like it says in the days of noah so shall it be in the coming of the son of man And that's pretty much how it is Everybody's doing everything and Not paying attention to really anything and If it doesn't affect them personally, it doesn't really exist or isn't happening And I hate to see it because everybody's about to awaken to the fact that By the time they see what's going on The ark door Like in the ark of noah It'll be closed It'll be closed And this time that ark is jesus christ And that door is grace and mercy And when jesus Comes back The chance to for that I think will be done And I notice that Every time god closes his word It's because we can't because we don't want anybody to perish But he knows that no matter what at some point there's a time that he has to close that door And only a perfect loving god could do that I believe So All right, let's see What else We have started partnering with the church in kenya it's called eternal sun ministries fellowship kenya And It's ran by pastor richard out there in kasi kenya he's a really good brother and We're enjoying working with him and his wife And they have a pretty decently growing church out there And they have orphans And just the whole nine yards, so we're just doing what we can to help out in that sense And there'll be more information on that later as well Like I said, this is a first broadcast and It's a test one. So It'll probably be Decent quality for you know, first time thing, but it's definitely not a council of time production or anything I'm just kidding. I love council of time that's a I'm gonna go ahead and just go ahead and mention that Five years ago we came across the best family we've ever came across and it just happens to be the council of time family Uh, like from around the world, it's a really good brother really wise guy and Really spirit-led and we just don't enjoy working with them and Just enjoy the whole family love everybody in there But their broadcasts are top-notch and I hope that maybe Maybe possibly one day Do that. Well, but I guess we'll see Um, i'm just trying to think to see if my father wanted me to mention anything Say anything else. Like I said, i'm a pretty quiet person. So Unless I have a purpose. I usually am mainly quiet So this will be interesting but I'm just trying to figure out what I want to talk about So As I look back just like many of you probably do You can see his hand in your whole entire life in places you haven't even thought about So i'm thankful for that I surely am And with that said I've definitely given the rest of the time that I have left on earth To fulfilling that great commission Of taking the gospel to anybody that wants to listen And not only that but being a watchman on the wall And covering news and prophecy and weather and stuff It's something new something we're Kind of being carried into it looks like and It's going to be interesting definitely interesting But that's why we do it because we love jesus because we love you guys And we just want to do what we can to Be a light and just be an encouragement to anybody that needs it It's hard especially when you're alone Um, we don't have very many people like minds around us Um, i'm one of the people it's been kind of hard to find a church home That you even fit in with little of the welcome to so with that It's just been kind of hard to Have people around us so I I get what it's like That's why the cot family is really important to us This ministry is very important to us But we're just thankful to be used and We just continue to pray every day that His will be done in this ministry and not ours We just want to get out of the way and really just be used and nothing more Because it's all about him anyways I think i'm going to go ahead and stop this broadcast and get everything ready and get it posted and Put up everywhere where it needs to be posted And Let me see what else do I need to say I'm going to stop this broadcast And And Let me see what else do I need to say I know I know there's something that's I got adhd so It's interesting to slow thoughts down sometimes to grab them long enough to speak them Oh, yeah, I was gonna say If anybody needs They can email me at minister of the gospel 2023 at gmail.com And with that said Look for New recordings and Pretty soon a youtube show coming up from eternal sun ministries with my wife dana and I and um, let's see What else is it And Pretty soon be looking for a song mixer again And we're trying to get that set up as soon as possible we just have a lot going on and It's going to get done though, that's all that matters Thankfully Everything that our father sets out to do will be done his will will be done In the earth as it is in heaven Just like the lord's prayer says and even in our personal lives When The days that are here begin to start being seen Every single person that truly believes in jesus in that day will be a different person So everything That we're worried about now, it's not even going to matter So just walk out each day you're given Fulfill your calling finish your race Finish your race and don't worry about nothing else Because he said If the birds are taken care of the way they are how much more would he not give you all the things Especially after giving them or giving us on a ralph but for us all Just a reminder to everybody But I think we're gonna go ahead and take off and I pray Our father's blessings upon everybody and then he keeps everybody Let's pray that everybody Actually, I'll go ahead and finish this up prayer father. Thank you for everybody We ask that you continue to lead us and guide us into your truth Help us To figure out whatever it is that you're trying to tell us in whatever situation That we may be going through right now And lead us and guide us into all your truth Give us wisdom and knowledge for whatever situation we need Give us boldness And help us to finish our race in jesus' mighty name amen Amen I'm gonna finish this off With a couple songs, I believe Let me see Hang on one second And I just pray that Everybody has a good evening and I hope to see you guys soon. So thank you everybody for Listening to this broadcast and I can't wait to really see what happens with these broadcasts and all the other things that we do So with that said I look forward to seeing everybody later And i'm gonna end this with this one Strange So Yeah With Me We're on our feet So So Show me Me Me So So So So So I I I Is Straight through the shadows Just wanna speak the name of jesus I Heal me Is Is Jesus in the street Over every She's in the street Is Your name is Through the shadows Is Break every Is So So All right, this has been an eternal sun ministries broadcast Everybody remember You do matter you matter to jesus christ and you matter to us Much love and blessings to everybody with many prayers in the mighty name of jesus If anybody needs anything A prayer request or anything else, please reach out. We're here for you. God bless and everybody. Have a good day

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