Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the importance of grounding oneself and connecting with the breath in order to be present in the body. They emphasize the need to let go of negative thoughts and be kind to oneself. The speaker guides a meditation practice of extending loving kindness to oneself, loved ones, and eventually to all beings. They encourage listeners to carry the sense of peace and calm throughout their week. It's not true. No. Yeah, you know what we're talking about Angela, right? No. Smart decisions on the way. I know, right? All right, ladies. Well, I actually, Angela, I have a question for you. Could you sum up in one or two sentences for Stephanie what she's about to experience when she embarks on what's now to be called foundations of intuitive meditation, which used to be Med 1 and Med 2? Okay. Thank you very much. We're going to have fun. Sometimes programming just sits a little deeper and it's really hard to get to it on your own. So I understand where, you know. And even for me, like, it's not that I would ever be like a thousand percent aware of everything that's going on. And even if I were sitting in it sometimes, even if you have tools, you need someone else to give you a hello and say just like, hey, where are you going? What's happening? Let me help you move this out. So it's quite, you know. All right. That's a little treasure hunting beforehand. So let's dive into it since it's Monday and since it's the first Monday of the month, it's a loving kindness kind of a Monday. So let's go for it. I will record again. And I'll see you later from the other side. Good morning, everybody. This is our magic Monday morning meditation for May 6th, 2024. And since this is the first Monday of the month, this is your loving kindness Monday, so to speak. So if you want to go ahead and just take a really nice deep breath and allowing yourself to arrive in your body, in your space. Coming back to your breath. Noticing potentially that you are not home, meaning that you're a little further away from your body. Sometimes it may be difficult to ground into our bodies. There's a lot going on. A lot of energy is twirling. And this could make it sometimes really, really hard for us to come into our bodies and be home and use all our energies that we have to our highest good. Coming back to the breath is one way to acknowledge that we have a body. You can focus for a moment just breathing in through your nose and notice how this feels. How the breath expands your chest. After a few breaths to breathe in a little deeper, not just shallow on the surface. And if that's what it is, then just accept the fact that it won't go any deeper. Don't push yourself past something that's comfortable. Becomes triggering or painful. Just be aware of that. You might be more aware of when your breath out allows you to breathe out more. Visualizing letting go. On your breath in, you can just focus on the oxygen coming into your body. And on your breath out, you can focus on letting go of the old breath. Maybe even letting go of some energies and tension. Now, in order to create even more space for ourselves, we can add a grounding for our body to that breath work. You can imagine that grounding going from the base of your spine all the way down into the middle of the earth. And really make it wide and something that resonates with your body this morning. So since it's spring in the northeast of the U.S. finally, and we have a lot of flowers out there and blooming going on, you can use beautiful blooming trees, one or many. And just allow yourself to really connect with this image all the way down. Have the roots spread out so your body gets a sense of being grounded and connected with the earth. And notice that sense of calm that comes from connecting with nature, with all the wisdom of the earth. We are sometimes so stuck in our head with all the things we have to do and we have to adjust in our busy, technologically filled days. Sometimes we lose that connection. So notice as practice really brings you back to your body. Bring your body back to its roots. Start to let everything that does not support you in this present moment. This can be all your thoughts, all your feelings around certain things that are coming up in the future, that have happened in the past, and this could be as recent as this weekend or last week, or even way, way back. Or if you're going in the future and we anticipate a lot of work, a lot of things to do, just allow all of that to leave your space and focus on the connection of your body with the earth. Sometimes when we're all over the place and we're all ahead of ourselves or dragging our feet in the past, we tend to not be very kind to ourselves when we realize that. It's easy to put ourselves down for, you got stuck in that old thought pattern and those old limiting beliefs again. Look at you, you're never going to move further. You're still not 100% perfect. As a matter of fact, you're not even good enough for 20%. So just notice those sometimes really intense conversations we tend to have with ourselves. I always remind myself when I get into those conversations with myself, and it still happens, would I ever talk to a friend, to my child, my children, my family? Would I ever talk to them the way I tend to sometimes talk to myself? So the whole goal of energy work and everything around it is really not, or meditating for that matter, is really not to never do that again, but rather to realize a little quicker what we're doing and then not get stuck in it, but rather acknowledge it and then let it go. So with that being said, I would invite you to imagine this one particular person that's really nice and close and loving in your heart that you have a real deep connection with. Imagine that person with all their detail, meaning all their quirks, all the things you love about them. And then go ahead and extend those words of loving kindness to them. May you be well. May you have peace. May you be in love. May you be well. May you have peace. May you be in love. And just notice what that does to that, the image of that person that you're holding so dear in your heart. And then go ahead and extend that circle a little bit more to that bigger group of friends or your entire family, the ones that you hold dear to your heart. And notice in your heart space, as you're expanding that space, that circle of people you would like to include in that next round of loving kindness, notice your incredible ability to widen that heart space of yours. You may imagine those people sitting in a circle with you, each one of them having their own chair, their own space, yet they're all in that bubble with you. May you be well. May you have peace. May you be in love. May you be well. May you have peace. May you be well. And then go ahead and widen that circle even more for all the people that you come across in your everyday life. It could be the store clerks, your colleagues at work, people you deal with, or your family members, schools, doctors, your friends, your spouses, colleagues, anybody who on a regular basis, even if you just see them once a week or once a month, include them in that. And invite them in the space, not yours, but the space that you've created for everybody to sit in a circle. A big room, a big home, where everybody has a space and a spot and they can all come in and sit down. If you have a lot of people, then maybe you need Fenway Park, or you need a bigger stadium to fit them all in. And just from your very own space, have them all see, taking a seat as you're opening up your heart space. May you be well. May you have peace. May you be loved. May you be well. May you have peace. May you be loved. You may notice that the energy starts to soften. They find their own space. They relax. And allow yourself to take this one step further and include the entire earth and everybody who is on it. The ones who challenge you, the ones who are having different opinions than you, different cultures. Every single one of them, even if they've done horrible things. Let this span around the entire earth. You don't have to go there with your energy. You can keep it all in your own little space. But from there on out, you can send this loving kindness energy from your heart all around the earth. Allowing even the most challenging of people to receive a loving and kind hello. Don't get attached to the outcome. As if you're hoping to be able to change the world with it. It may not be the outcome that you wish it would have, but as soon as you detach, it may. Just without attachment, allow this energy to go around the world. May you be well. May you have peace. May you have love. May you be well. May you have peace. May you be well. Notice your heart space and all the possibilities and the quality of energy that you notice in your heart space. As you bring it back to the most important part, yourself. Allow yourself to fill that cup, that bucket that needs to be full of your own energy in order to be able to transform everything around you. Just by being. If we try to leave ourselves out of the equation, it's going to work for a long time. It only goes so far. So sit back, ground yourself and your body, and see as everybody leaves and leaves in the end only you. Beautiful, quiet space with your heart. May you be well. May you have peace. May you be loved. May you be well. May you have peace. May you be loved. And just let that sense of peace and calm sink into your space. And always remember you can always come back to that feeling. To that peace. As you're coming slowly but surely out of that beautiful space, take that feeling with you. Allow it to work its magic throughout your week. Anytime you feel you're being kicked out of your space, you're losing it. You're getting overwhelmed. Just remember to extend those words to yourself. Take a breath and enjoy that nourishing energy. Go ahead and take a couple more nice deep breaths. And you can start to move your body slowly but surely. Come back out of meditation. And I hope you all have a wonderful week. Sorry, that took a little longer. All right. All right, sounds good. I'll see you later. Bye, Stephanie.