Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The person speaking is 69 years old and has two children, a son and a daughter. Both children are in the military, one is a colonel and the other is a captain. They both have children of their own, an 8-year-old grandson and a 5-year-old granddaughter. The speaker is almost 15 years old. 大爷,您身体真好。您多大年纪了? 我今年六十九了。 六十九了。 不要! 我孩子都四十多了。 您有几个孩子? 两个,一个儿子,一个女儿。 他们做什么工作? 他们都是军人,一个是校校,一个是上尉。 他们都有孩子了吗? 有。 你看,你看,这是我孙子。 这是我外孙女。 他们几岁了? 孩子,孙子,孙子八岁,外孙女五岁。 你今年多大了? 我今年快十五了。