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L21P1 HW

L21P1 HW

Daniel McNeal



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The person is asking where to register for an appointment. They are a first-time visitor to the hospital and don't have a reservation. They are told that they need to bring their ID card for registration. They are asked which department they want to register in. They are unsure and describe their symptoms of fever, headache, and diarrhea. They are given the options of general outpatient or specialist outpatient and they choose general outpatient. They are informed that they need to purchase a medical record book when registering. They ask if a health insurance card is needed, and it is not necessary but they will need to pay in cash. They are also told that they can exchange for an old clinic card, which will allow them to make online appointments. They express interest in trying it next time and are reminded to bring the old clinic card and medical record book for their next visit. 你好,请问在哪儿挂号? 你是第一次来看病吧? 是的,我第一次来你们医院看病,还没有预约。 这样啊,你带身份证了吗? 第一次挂号,需要身份证。 身份证带了,你要挂哪一颗? 我还不清楚该挂哪一颗。 我有点发烧,头疼,还拉肚子。 应该挂哪颗?我们有普通门诊和专家门诊。 你想挂哪一种? 我的病情没有那么严重,就挂普通门诊吧。 挂号的时候,你得买一本病历。 医保卡呢?你们需不需要? 没有医保卡也可以,但你得付现金。 好的,谢谢你。 对了,你还可以换一张旧诊卡。 有了旧诊卡以后,你就可以直接在网上扫码预约了。 太好了,下次我一定试试。 下次看病的时候,别忘了带上旧诊卡和病历本。

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