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Ten years ago, people in China relied heavily on the postal service for various tasks such as buying stamps, sending letters and packages, making long-distance calls, and even sending money to their hometowns. However, the invention of email and the emergence of mobile phones and WeChat have significantly reduced the demand for postal services. Additionally, the rise of express delivery companies has also impacted the postal service's courier business. To adapt, the postal service expanded its services to include insurance, selling mobile phone cards, collecting salaries, and utility bills. This helped to revive the postal service and make it busier again, especially with the addition of their own express delivery service. Now, the postal service is thriving and is even referred to as the "national team" in the express delivery industry. 说起十年前的中国邮政,四五十几岁的人都会记得那些虽然不大,但是非常繁忙的邮局。 那时候人们每隔几天就要去一趟邮局,买邮票,寄信,寄包裹要去邮局。 打长途电脑,发电报也得去邮局,订报纸,杂志,往老家汇钱,还要去邮局。 去邮局,邮局和人民的生活正是太密切了,但是电子邮件的发明使邮局减少了大部分的邮局业务。 手机、微信的出现更使邮局失去了几乎所有的电信业务。 另外,快递公司的出现也使中国邮政的快递业务从而减少,邮局在人民生活中不那样重要了,去邮局的人也越来越少。 为了说下去,邮局扩大了自己的业务,代理保险,代售手机卡,代收工资,代翻工资,代收水电费等等。 各种代理业务再次把人们的生活和邮局联系在一起,邮局又慢慢而慢慢忙起来了,邮局还摆进了自己的快递业务。 十年快递中达到了四百亿钱,现在邮局不但活了下来,而且发展得越来越好,外人们叫做快递中的国家队,生活中的万能手。