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Nothing to say, yet
A wise old man asked what happiness is and promised to reveal the secret to eternal life if someone could answer correctly. One man thought it was the satisfaction of completing a day's work, but the sage said that wasn't quite right. Another contestant suggested that it was having a loving family, but the old man dismissed it. Then a stranger stepped forward and said that happiness is praising and worshiping the Lord, and that eternal life includes everything that brings happiness. "'What is happiness?' asked a wise old man. "'Can anyone tell me?' he asked throughout the land. "'For the soul that can answer, and answer me right, I'll tell you the secret to eternal life.'" One man raised his hand and asked, "'Is it when you've completed a long day's task? When you're tired, but good tired and ready for bed, you contemplate your day and remember how it was led. "'No,' said the sage, "'though close you are, but I'm afraid that you get no cigar.'" Contestant number two had his own theory to spout, "'Is it the love of your family that you're talking about? Having a good wife and obedient kids, come on old man, that's what happiness is.'" The wisened old man just cackled with glee, "'That's a good honest answer, but you can't beat me.'" Then from out of nowhere a stranger did stand and accepted the challenge that the wise man did hand. He said, "'I'll answer your question and get it quite right, and I also know your secret for life.'" Said the stranger, "'The answer is simple and plain. Happiness is eternal life, and eternal life the same. And happiness is praising and worshiping the Lord, and eternal life is everything that happiness affords.'"