Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The teacher announces that there will be no lesson today because Brother Jack had an accident and is unable to attend. Brother Jimmy also had a fall after surgery but plans to be back next week. The teacher found a replacement, Randy Draper, who will teach the class. They also mention a upcoming luncheon and a celebration of Linda Johnson's life. The parking lot on the northeast corner is closed on weekdays due to school construction. The teacher concludes with a prayer and announces the topic for the day's lesson. Good morning, good morning class. How are you? Happy Valentine's Day. Soon to be. Don't forget to grab your Valentine's gifts in the back. Went through a lot of effort to do this. Wasn't me though that did it. So y'all be sure to get it. Right out there besides the donuts too. No lesson today in the back. Alright? No paperwork. I know it's upset some of you but you'll get over it. It'll be here next week. Okay? Alright. We've already copied them so we're a week ahead. We'll be alright. The reason we don't have the lesson today is because Brother Jack called me about 6.30 this morning. He'd gone downtown last night and walked into his car and he fell. I tell you people not to be bawling. Well I fell too as soon as I said that. Karma came on real strong Randy. But he had to go to the hospital. They put stitches in his ankle. He's wearing a boot. He got home about 3 o'clock. So when he called me he wasn't prepared to be here. He had already sent the lesson out though. He was prepared. So y'all know him. He's always prepared with something. So we'll move things back or let him and Brother Jimmy. We'll call Brother Jimmy and just see how he was doing. He's undergone his surgery and then he had his fall. And his doctor, he saw him Thursday and his doctor said do not get out for two weeks because your immunity levels are down following that surgery. Well you know what he's going to do? He's going to get out after 10 days because he said he'd be here next week. You know how he is. So I'm going to try to convince him not to but I may not win that one. But we'll see. So you need to be careful about him. So I went into a moment of intercessory prayer for the class. Y'all are going to be stuck with me unless Lord you can help me find somebody else to teach. Brother Jack had already said, Eddie, you can do this. It's just read it in front of them, you know. Thank you, Brother Jack. I don't want to do that. But anyway, I called Randy Draper and Randy said yes. He'd come in here and teach for us today. Give him a round of applause. Appreciate it. Maybe we ought to wait until he's done too to pray for him. When you get up here, Randy, when you finish, just dismiss us in prayer. It's good for you to close it out. He was so kind to come here. Brought his adorable wife and she's got friends. She brought them with her today too. I'll let you introduce them when you get up here. They were expecting to go upstairs with you for sure but they're down here with us. So appreciate y'all being here today. Also, who am I missing? Any other visitors? We had a visitor last week, believe it or not, when we had the doors open and it was a big class. And so Terri, see you on the back row. Glad you're here this morning. Everybody give her a round of applause. Appreciate her. The luncheon Wednesday, the sign-up sheet is in the back. Some of you have already done it. Some others need to go ahead and sign up. Brother Jeff and his wife are going to talk about their love story. It'll be short. And I still think we need to, if you want to hear a love story, you need to hear Bob and Nell's love story. If you want to hear a real love story. But no, come to listen to them give their love story. And I think we all ought to wear Texas Ranger gear when we show up too. Or you could wear your Luka Doncic shirt to be the last time you get to wear it. You can do that. Sad thing. But that is Wednesday. Sign up in the back if you would. Last announcement. The parking lot up here on the northeast corner is closed during the weekdays. So you cannot get in the entrance up above the stairs just right here. Because Trinity is doing a school construction. And they're using the parking lot during the week. So you cannot park there. So you'll have to park over here where the chapel is and come in that way for the Wednesday luncheon. And it'll be that way for quite a while I'm assuming. Only on weekdays. So you're still okay on Sundays. So don't come after me and say how am I going to get to class next Sunday. Don't talk to me about it. It's only during the weekdays. Jim it's good to see you back. Did you get over that flu? Allergies and all that. Keep it away from me though. Appreciate you being here. Got it on the parking lot. What about Saturday? Weekdays. Saturdays are okay. Yep. Just a weekday. I also have one more announcement. Y'all remember Linda Johnson? Linda and John Johnson sat in the very back there on Carrie's row. And you remember she had a prayer with us for months there before. We prayed for her. She passed Christmastime or just after. I guess it was Christmastime. And they're having a celebration of her life. Just a meal at La Hacienda this coming Saturday. You know where La Hacienda is? I know you know where it is. And it's from 1 to 3. And everyone is invited. It's a come and go. Come and go. Y'all know how that is. Come and go. But John Johnson, he still wants to come in front of the class and thank us all when he can get his nerve up. So we'll be praying for him. And if y'all have an opportunity to do that, we'll do that. I'll put that on the prayer list, and we can put it out too. We've had it out before, but you've got to tell these people within 48 hours of things happening or they don't look up. Let's get our announcements going. Okay. Appreciate everyone here today. What are you going to do? What am I going to do? Are you going to do a surprise lesson? Are you going to do one you've done before? Is this the one you've got in your back pocket? Emergency lesson? Yes. Okay. I can talk to you a lot more. I'm going to do the are you over the hill or young at heart? I love it. I love it. Are you over the hill? Or young at heart. You can be both. It's your choice. Your choice. Okay. We'll be glad to hear that. Glad to hear that. Appreciate you being here. We're going to do mean strippers today. You live in assisted living like your dad? You do? Your wife takes care of you too? Yeah. Yeah. That's what I figured. And Brother Tom is copying it for you if you're wanting it or somebody was wanting it. So we have it copied every Sunday. So we'll be prepared for that. Appreciate you, Brother Tom, doing that. All right. I did talk to Barbara too when I was talking to Jack. You know, Barbara was feeling kind of down last week. But she's much better. She's doing assisted living today too. So she's taking care of Brother Jack. So I constantly pray for them. Anyone else I'm missing? Yes. Oh, great. Good, good, good. Been waiting on that leg to heal. Better wrap him up. If he makes it, he makes it. We're proud for him. All right. Let's go to the Lord in prayer and ask His blessings on our class today. Heavenly Father, in the recent weeks, we've seen situations around the world and in our country where people have lost their lives. People have lost all that they had for property both this year and last year. How wonderful it is, Father, to be in the hands of a living God, one that's willing and capable of protecting us. We ask each and every day, Lord, to live in your commandments, to trust in your way, and to know that your will be carried out in our own lives. We're thankful for Brother Randy today as he teaches, for someone that's willing to say yes and help us out. Appreciate him and his family. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.