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Gnomes, Owls, and the Opera Singer in My Head: Tales of a Writer on the Verge of Something (Maybe)

Gnomes, Owls, and the Opera Singer in My Head: Tales of a Writer on the Verge of Something (Maybe)

Craig Tyson AdamsCraig Tyson Adams



So, there’s this writer dude, right? He’s parked at his desk, staring blankly at his screen like it owes him money. The sun’s setting is all peaceful-like, but this guy’s brain is a ghost town. Nothing. Zilch. The Big Zero. No ideas. It’s a creative drought worse than the Sahara. He’s still not sure he’s “excellent,” but he’s gonna keep trying.

Voice OverCraig Tyson Adamsvoice overcreativestorytellertaleswriter

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