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The Great Outdoors 14nov2024

The Great Outdoors 14nov2024

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Thursday’s evening programme ‘The Great Outdoors’ with Breandan O’Scannaill. Broadcast Thursday the 14th Of November 2024 https://www.connemarafm.com/audio-page/

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This is a radio program called "The Great Outdoors" on Calamara Community Radio. The host, Brandon O'Scannell, interviews Dave O'Halloran from Moyard Social, a group focused on community events and ecological initiatives. They discuss the history of the social events in the village and the importance of community. Dave also talks about their current project of distributing native wildflower seeds to promote biodiversity. They are also considering creating a corridor for bees in the area. The program aims to bring people together and encourage interaction within the community. Music This is the place where the great outdoorsman, Radio Phunnel Calamara was born. He was born in 1887 and died in 1886. Music Welcome to the great outdoors here on Calamara Community Radio 87.8 and 6.1 FM. Music Music Welcome to the great outdoors here on Radio Phunnel Calamara. My name is Brandon O'Scannell and I am the director of the programme. And I am pleased to be here today. You are very welcome to the great outdoors tonight with me, Brandon O'Scannell. And I hope you will stay with me to the end of our programme. In our eco-slot tonight we have an interview with Dave O'Halloran, who is a spokesperson for Moyard Social. This is a group, of course, who have got together. They have had great social events taking place, but they are doing a little bit more now towards the ecology of the area as well. We will also speak with Dr. Kevin Healy, who is from the School of Natural Sciences at the University of Galway. And we will be talking to him about tending extinctions. How do we react when we hear of animals becoming extinct? Joanna Cute, who is the acting PPN resource worker, is going to tell us about a winter plenary event in Fargo on Tuesday 19th of November. We will also have Ethel Aneith-Volker, who is a spokesperson, telling us about an artisan market being held in Kilkieron on Saturday. This is going Saturday from 11 until 4. And then later on we will have an interview with Francesco Fulana, who is a classical violinist, and he will be performing himself. And Alba Ventura will be performing on Saturday 23rd of November at 8pm at the Station House Theatre. And the last part of our program will be classical music. So, plenty to keep us going, but we are now going to go over to our eco-slot. A weekly program focusing on environmental and climate sustainability. This program is co-funded by commissioning amounts through the Sound and Vision Scheme. I'm delighted to welcome, no stranger to Connemara Community Radio, Dave O'Holleran from Moyard to talk to us about the Moyard Social and the work that he's involved with there. Dave, you're welcome to see us on Connemara Community Radio. Brendan, thanks for having me. Dave, the Moyard Social has been on the go now for a few years. Tell me about the background to that particular event. It was something that I remember in my youth, that there was always social events in the village, whether it was sales of work in the hall or bingo, or there would be the occasional social where people would get together at the end of the year. So, it kind of died out for a while. And I think around 2015, I said I'd resurrect it to see would it work again. And it did. I had small kids at the time and I wanted to let them see that there was a community. And so, I said we'd have a social event and get the village together. That was basically the start of it. And of course, it's grown then from that. You have a very successful event every year now. Yeah, we've leveled out really in numbers. The first year I was up in Ross League Manor, I'd gone up and asked Mark to pick a date for an event. He'd give us a date. And I was frightened that nobody would turn up. But on the first year in 2015, we had 120 people that showed up. It was beyond our expectations. And to start off the events, because a lot of people, they hate going to anything formal. So, in the first year, once I had the date picked and Mark gave me the date, I went around the village with the help of others, of course. And we collected old photographs going from the 1930s up to the 70s. And we festooned the interior of Ross League with photographs. So, as people walked in the door, they were looking at people who had passed on years previously. They'd looked at people that they used to know in their youth. And it broke the ice. Every year, we're still collecting photographs. And it's like, in a way, it's a reminiscence project or remembrance project for the community. And that was the linchpin of getting people relaxed at the first event. And we put photographs out at all the tables of, you know, very school photographs going way back. And stuff that came afterwards as well. And it was a lovely way for people to talk about growing up in the village and their memories of it. It's a really important thing, especially for smaller communities, you know, kind of towns and villages themselves. But, I mean, we are relatively scattered in the sense of there's lots of little villages all over the place. So, it's very important, I suppose, for them to feel a sense of community, where very often that sense now has changed. Yeah, but what I found in the years past, especially, you'd meet your neighbours in a shop more regularly than you'd meet them in their houses. Or you'd pass by them and give them a little wave in the car. When I was growing up, we would have been in each other's neighbours' houses doing hay, helping with turf. You know, you'd eat in the house with your neighbours regularly. And that kind of stopped a lot in later years. So, really, the social was born out of the memory of what used to be harvest festivals, when people got together when all the harvest was done and the neighbours would eat together to celebrate the hard work that was done during the year. So, that was part and parcel of it as well. So, we usually have it in the end of October, November, when people don't have much on and the work for the year has been completed. Okay. Now, of course, something like this could be replicated throughout Calamara, like, I mean, throughout Ireland. It could be, you know, smaller areas certainly could get together and do something like that. But the idea then of the photographs, I mean, one of my favourite things of every year is the forum calendar. When you look back over the different photographs that you're doing on a smaller scale, but at the same time, a very important aspect. Have you taken records or kept records of all of those photographs? I have. What I'd done initially was I got photographs from people's houses and scanned them or photographed them myself. And we have a MyArd social page on Facebook. We have a WhatsApp group. So, we share stuff every now and then. And it gets people talking. And we've had, you know, people who've been living in England and America and abroad who've accessed the page and, you know, seen their relatives in the photographs. So, it's a great thing. You see Calamara Photo Memories doing the same thing as well. And everybody loves looking at old photographs. It's really a lovely thing. Absolutely. Dave, the other aspect this year, you've come up with another idea to try and bring it to a different level, but still keep it community. Yeah, this year, thanks to forum, I set up the MyArd social as a community group. And by setting it up as a community group, it leaves us open to get funding for different things. So, this year, just as the first thing, I'm very interested in biodiversity. I got funding from forum to get, I got 46 gram packets of seeds from a company called Connecting to Nature in Waterford to give out to each family or to individual people to plant these pollinators for bees, butterflies and moths. I noticed there didn't seem to be much of either this year. And it's just something that's been on my mind. So, these are native Irish wildflower seeds. So, hopefully, if everybody plants them in their houses, around their houses or in pots around the village, it will be some help to biodiversity in the area. Yeah. And then, of course, by getting everybody to plant, you're actually kind of creating a corridor for all of these insects. Because obviously, people are living quite close to each other. The bees, etc. can fly from one house to another and find their way across the village as well. Well, it's funny you should say that, because I've been in discussion now with Gerard Coynes from the native Irish honeybee society, Nibs. And we were talking about that, that we hope to maybe to get some of the farmers in the village to sign a pledge. That would be another biodiversity project. And the pledge will be that they won't put in hives with non-native bees on their land. If they do put in hives, it will be the native Irish bee, but also that they'll promise to support the corridor for bees in the area. So, that's another project that's kind of coming down the line, but it's being discussed. Okay. So, I presume this is the first, well, that was the first, and now you're moving on to something slightly different. But do you think that you're going to develop this more into a bigger aspect of the whole social? Yeah, well, I'm hoping there's going to be funding for various things throughout the year through different groups. So, there's no reason why we couldn't have, you know, in spring or something, have a nature walk in the village, or have somebody coming in talking about the archaeology of the village, or somebody coming in doing a slideshow or something, you know, photographs and talking about the history. There's lots of things out there, and I'm open to ideas, because if anybody has any good ideas, I'm willing to take them on board. But we will be doing something, and we will be trying to get, it's really about getting people together in spaces. We've been doing it once a year, but maybe we can do it more than once a year to get people in the same space together, and doing something together. You can get a lot of people who spend a lot of time in their houses alone. So, it's nice to get the people out and just to interact with your neighbours, and to give that sense of community. And hopefully, we're going to try to encourage families with younger kids to get involved in different things as well. Because I suppose that idea of, you know, as you mentioned there, you know, people used to work at the farms together and help each other out. You would be sharing stories about the animals and plants and birds, not necessarily in any kind of teaching way, but it was just a natural thing. So, by doing something like this, you're going to encourage people to find out more about their own area, which of course is all for the good. Yeah, and it's just, yeah, there's a lot in it. And, you know, we might do a lunch again later on next year. We've alternated occasionally with the social of having a dinner. We've had a lunch a couple of times. Because, you know, some people like to go earlier in the day. It's hard to accommodate everybody. But if we get a few more events organised in the year, we can, you know, get different people we haven't reached to join us for something or other. And even if it's just sitting down some evening in a venue and having, you know, tea and cake with a little bit of music in the background or something, it's worthwhile. Absolutely. Well, Dave, listen, the very best luck to you and to anybody and everybody involved there with the project, because I think it's really, really interesting. I'd just like to thank you for being with us this evening. And as I say, good luck with this and keep me informed and we'll be happy to help out any way we can. Brendan, that's great. One little thing I forgot to mention. This year we had a raffle. We gave the prize money to St Vincent de Paul. We wanted to give something back. So normally a raffle would pay towards the band. But I got a few people this year to sponsor the band. We had music for about three hours. It was fantastic. Liam Hollerins from Westport and Seán O'Flaherty from Rhinveil. So the money we raised in the raffle went to St Vincent de Paul, which keeps the money fairly local. So that's something we're going to do each year as well. And I'd just like to thank all of the people who gave us prizes for the raffle. From Little Tin House, Beautiful You, Miller's, Supervalue and others. I better mention them all. Cottage Crafts in my yard, Country Shopping at a Frack, Cabo, Seafair, Supervalue, Rossig Manor and Miller's as well. And I would encourage everybody to support their local businesses and not just at Christmas. When I was going through and we were looking for prizes, there's such a great array of goods and shops in the area. And I would really hope that people, when they're looking for stuff for December, for presents, that they'll stick their heads into the local shops and pick up something. Absolutely. Well, we're always talking about keeping everything local. And of course, here with Calamara Community Radio, that's the whole idea, keeping community together. Dave, thank you and good luck. And thank you for being with us, as I say. And the best of luck in all of your future plans. And we'll talk again. Thanks so much, Brendan. Take care. OK, thank you. Now, there's Dave O'Holleran there giving us information on Mooyard Social, but all sorts of other aspects of it as well. So I'd just like to thank him there. And as I say, we will be in contact with Dave about other plans in the future when we get around to it. You've just been listening to The Eco Sloth on Calamara Community Radio, a weekly programme focusing on environmental and climate sustainability. This programme is co-funded by Commissioner Nauman through the Sound and Vision Scheme. Right. And as I say, that's Dave O'Holleran there. And of course, if any other community are doing anything like that, we'd be delighted to hear from you. If you've got a get together like that, especially anything to do with environmental issues. But also, I suppose, the whole idea of getting the community together is always very important, especially nowadays when so many people are isolated. And, you know, it's good to see that people are making that effort. And I know that the Clifton ICA are having their Christmas party for the senior citizens very shortly because the station house is not going to be available for people after next week. It's having a big major refurbishments done to it. But there will be parts that are open and some parts not. So you don't have to check out there yourself. But I know that the party for the senior citizens, I think, is coming up next week. And it's going to be very interesting. It's early in the season, but I suppose they won't worry too much about it. Anyway, we're going to go to our ad break. And after that, we hope to speak to Dr. Kevin Healy from the University of Galway. Job Spot on Connemara Community Radio. Clifton Town Hall is a busy community venue that provides for people of all ages. And we are looking for someone to join our team. The position requires great customer service, cleaning and maintenance duties, as well as helping to prepare for our numerous community classes and events. If you also have a friendly professional attitude and a great community spirit, then please email your CV to info at cliftontownhall.ie. Closing date for applications is Friday, the 29th of November. Cope Galway Domestic Abuse Service are hiring a fluent Irish speaker to join the community outreach team. This is an exciting opportunity to expand our services reach within North Connemara and the islands. The role will involve being proactive in raising awareness and promoting zero tolerance of domestic abuse, while responding to and supporting victims and survivors of abuse. For further information, go to copegalway.ie forward slash careers. Job Spot on Connemara Community Radio. 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Please note that to reserve a seat, you must book online where we charge a small booking fee. Irish CityLink. Good day to you all. Right, as I mentioned at the beginning of the program, we're going to talk with Dr. Kevin Healy, Dean of the School of Natural Sciences at the University of Galway, about the extinctions. How do we react when we hear of animals becoming extinct? And to tell us more about this, I'm delighted to welcome Kevin Healy to the program. Kevin, you're welcome to appear on Connemara Community Radio. Thanks for having me on. No problem at all. Kevin, what's the background to this study or how did you come about doing this particular piece of work? Yeah, so this is a piece of research where we were kind of interested in how people react to nature in general. So this kind of stems from other type of research about how people have actually reacted to things like the Attenborough documentaries and things like that. So what we kind of wanted to understand was when a species goes extinct, and unfortunately we're living in a time where extinction is becoming pretty regular, do we actually care? Do people show, you know, bad reactions to it? What kind of reactions do you get and how long do those reactions last for? So what we did is we went to social media and social media is kind of a good way to capture, let's say, the zeitgeist of what's happening right now. So what's the general feeling in a population? And we went to Twitter, pre-Musk, so that turned out to be important in the end, to see how people reacted before and after extinction. How much they tweeted, how many times they retweeted, and just generally talked about when species went extinct and when they didn't. And we also went to a different website called Wikipedia. I'm sure people will be familiar with it. And that's kind of to get a different gauge of people because when you go to Wikipedia, you want to find out something about the species. So we kind of wanted to see how people reacted to those two different kind of avenues online. Yeah, go ahead. So what we found was basically that people do care, which is kind of a sad overall story about extinction. We do actually care. So on Twitter, we saw a really large increase after a species was announced to go extinct. In our study, we looked over a period of just over 10 years, and we had eight species that were in our criteria that we could follow throughout that period. And straight away after the extinction, huge peak on Twitter. People were really, really interested. But then it died off pretty quickly on Twitter. However, on Wikipedia, people did continue to actually go to that website long after the extinction of the animals. So the kind of way we kind of think about it is social media and all that is almost like the funeral procession of a given species. That's where we express our grief. While Wikipedia is almost like a tombstone, we go back there to kind of remember or learn about the things that are pretty much gone now. I'm just wondering, did you try to see how people reacted to certain types of things? I mean, you know, people would all say, God, if you got rid of the midges, we'd be delighted if every midge in the country was gone. But if every giant panda was gone, we'd be terrible. Is there a difference in what becomes extinct as to how we react to it? Yeah, so our data set was relatively small because it's a difficult thing because it's really, really hard to record when a species goes extinct. And that might sound a bit strange, but the reason for it is when we want to officially say that thing is no longer around, you have to go out and look for it and then go out again and look for it. And eventually you have to kind of call it a day and go, it's not there anymore. That takes a lot of time, a lot of resources. So what you tend to find is the species that we declare as actually gone extinct are those big charismatic species. So in our case, the species we had, we had the Pinta Island Tortoise, known as the Lonesome George. We had the Western Black Rhinoceros, the Rab's-Fringed-Limbed Tree Frog and a few other kind of charismatic enough species. So our data set is already a little bit biased in terms of we mostly have those nicer looking species. However, even within our data set, you could see that those species got a lot more attention than, say, the two snail species. We have the Bean Snail and the Yellow-Tipped Tree Snail as well. And they got a lot less traffic. So to answer your question, yes, we do tend to see those big charismatic animals, the kind of poster animals. When they go extinct, we really, really do care. When less known species go extinct, we do still care. We were actually surprised by how much people did react to, for example, the Bean Snail going extinct. People do care when they hear of an extinction, no matter what it is. But they care a lot more when it's something really big and charismatic. But as I said, the thing is, all those weird little worms and parasites and things that you mightn't particularly like, we simply don't really notice when they go extinct. They're barely recorded at all, unfortunately. It's a fascinating idea because, as you say, we all have this kind of connection with animals, whether they're domesticated animals or wild animals or something like that. And we have this real kind of almost like they become part of our lives. So I suppose a lot of people react very differently to all of that kind of information. I presume people take it in a very different way. Yeah, absolutely. So one of the things we're able to do now, it's kind of a big data approach. But what you can do is take those tweets, for example, and extract what's the most commonly used words and so on in them. And by and large, so we do see kind of some words that you would associate with like fear, that it's the end of the world type of thing. So some people may react a little bit in this kind of hopelessness kind of way. But the overarching kind of thing we got was basically grief type stuff, so RIP kind of in a lot of tweets and just general sadness about it. So while there is a little bit of kind of hopelessness, there is actually mostly just people are a bit sad about when they hear something like that, which really does show we care. That was the big thing we took out of it was mostly bean snail, tortoise, whatever it is, people just feel sad when they hear this news. And that kind of does back to that connection that we do have with nature. We do care, even if maybe not every day in our life you're thinking about the bean snail when you're going to work. Of course you're not. But when you hear of it, you kind of go, oh, that's sad. Yeah. Did you try to find out how people react to the idea, I suppose, in a way that we're very often the cause of these things going extinct? Did anybody kind of react or did people react to that idea that, you know, if we've changed our ways, we might save some of these things? Yeah, absolutely. So there was definitely, there was a sadness kind of section and then there's the other section that was obvious was that kind of hopelessness. So, for example, one of the species that got the most tweets was the western black rhinoceros. That went extinct back in 2011 from poaching. And there is a lot of, you know, people saying some pretty unsavory things about humans in general, you know, because that is a completely avoidable extinction. It was straight down to poaching. So, yeah, we do see that. So, for example, one of the largest tweets we saw in terms of the traffic it drove, so in retweets and people commenting and things like that, was from the comedian Ricky Gervais, who's a big animal activist, and he actually drove a lot of attention around that animal in particular. And his tweets don't tend to hold back, let's say, kind of dismaying the human species and what we do to other species. Yeah, I suppose that might be a good thing to have, would be to have a spokesperson for each of these animals that are going extinct and have somebody, you know, standing up for them and maybe being able to influence how they don't go extinct. Do you think, you know, that people might take on some sort of idea like that? Absolutely. No, that's a fantastic idea. And that was one of the other findings we found in it was the IUCN, which is basically the international organization around species conservation. So, for example, you might have heard the Red List, you know, when species are on the Red List and endangered. That's from the IUCN. When they issue their reports that a species has gone extinct, we see pretty much no reaction in people. Because, I mean, it's a pretty dry, you know, policy type of report. So people didn't really react to that. So one of the things we advise based on this research is, us conservationists, we need to get better at connecting with people about extinction. These are big events. So we need to be more on top of this in terms of a bit more media savvy, really. Doing things like that, for example, having spokespeople for species on the way out and so on. Because we do see that when there is people there to advocate, people react, people care and so on. Yeah. And again, I suppose it's that whole thing with people, how they react to these creatures. Because I recently, my brother who lives in Australia, this is a very interesting area, and he had these wonderful little kangaroos in his back garden. But he also had a brown snake, a wallaby. And then another day, he had a brown snake. And within the family, everyone was going, oh, the snake is horrible, the wallabies are gorgeous. And you kind of go, well, they're all gorgeous in their own way. So are we kind of ourselves as humans kind of programmed to look at the cute and cuddly and then to hate the bad things, if you know what I mean? Well, there is actually some evidence that there's some kind of reaction, an instinctive reaction to things that look like snakes and spiders, primates anyway. Some studies show that. It's like an innate reaction. It's just kind of almost built in. For good reason, right? There's some animals out there that are quite dangerous. Well, I can tell you for sure, there's very strong advocates out there for snakes and spiders. Some people I work with, they certainly don't think that they're not beautiful at all. And they're also really important. So that's part of the messaging we need to get out as well. So while these things might look yucky and kind of scary and whatever, these kind of species are still really, really important to ecosystems. So, for example, you mightn't like that snake, but that snake is probably eating a lot of mice. That's controlling that population there. You remove that snake, the mice population, rat population, or something like that might explode. And then you have another knock-on event. For example, this happens on islands, and a lot of extinctions are actually due to things like rat populations exploding, eating young or eggs on island systems, and so on. So basically, you mightn't like the look. Even parasites, for example. So it might sound very strange, but there is a parasite that we should think about conserving because they are fitting into the ecosystem in a very specific way. And if one of them goes extinct, it's very, very, very difficult to predict how the entire ecosystem might change. You knock out that one snake, parasite, spider, whatever, you might all of a sudden find a knock-on effect, a knock-on effect, and all of a sudden you've got a load of pests in your crops, or you have a new disease emerge because of movements of another animal, and so on. So these are things we do want to avoid, these types of extinctions. Yes, but I think we should love our creepy crawlies. Definitely. Kevin, the findings that you have, how are you making use of that, or what's happening to it as such? Yes, so in terms of the findings, so as I kind of said, one of the things is trying to change how do we perhaps look at communicating with people, and so on. Other things that we would like to drill into more, it's perhaps good that there's not more species that have gone extinct, but to have better data to get at some of the questions you brought up. So do we see people react differently to mammals in comparison to reptiles, or to fish, and things like that? So one of the things we might build on in terms of this research is looking at, for example, not just extinctions, but when things are moved into the category of critically endangered, for example, and those types of things as well. Okay. So if people would like to read more about this, is there a place for them to find this? Yes, sure. So this paper is published in the journal Animal Conservation. So if you typed in, trending extinctions, online interest in recent extinction animals, you should find that journal. I also have an article on The Conversation that kind of is a bit more accessible. It's not a dry publication. So that can be found on The Conversation website, so it's just The Conversation UK. Okay. Well, listen, Kevin, thank you so much for being with us, and continued success. It's fascinating how people react, but thank you for being with us this evening. No problem. Thank you for having me. Yeah, no problem. Bye-bye. That's Dr. Kevin Healy there, who's at the School of Natural Sciences at the University of Galway. Talking about that extinction, how we react to it, I know an awful lot of people love the big, fancy, cuddly, cuddly guys, and they're not so happy with all the other fellows necessarily, but every single thing plays its part, and that's the really important aspect to look at. And, of course, Dave was just saying there about the butterfly things this year and how there weren't so many of them around. And, you know, insects, if we don't have them, we won't have crops being pollinated, we will probably all die of starvation at some stage, not too far in the future, if we don't behave ourselves. So we really need to watch out for every little aspect of this. Everything plays its part. Right, we're going to take a piece of music, and we are going to listen to Gatehouse, a great group that come to Clifton quite regularly. They're from the North, Connaught, Roscommon, Sigo area, and this is from their album, Heather Down the Moor. We're going to listen to some reels, The Harvest Knot and The Healing Stone. The Harvest Knot The Healing Stone The Harvest Knot The Healing Stone The Harvest Knot That's a lovely group there, Gatehouse, from the Sigo, Roscommon area, and of course they've been many, many times with us here in Clifton, Connemara, and they're a wonderful group of performers, and as I say, they're just lovely to hear them there on that particular track, which are The Harvest Knot and The Healing Stone, a selection of reels. Now, and into the beginning of the program, we would have a look at this winter cleanery event which is taking place on Tuesday the 19th of November with Galway County Public Participation Network. And to tell us more about this, I'm delighted to welcome Joanna Hughes, who's actually a PPN resource worker with them. Joanna, you're very welcome to us here on Connemara Community Radio. Thanks very much, Brendan. Great to be here. Good. Listen, tell me a little bit, first of all, I suppose, about the PPN itself. I'm sure a lot of people would be familiar with it, but may not know much about it. Yes, this is the PPN, the Public Participation Network. It's a bit of a mouthful. In Galway County here, we've got our own PPN, and there are 31 PPNs around the country, one in every local area, and one in the city as well. So, the Galway County PPN, we have over 1,300 member groups or organisations in the network. So, community groups, non-profits, and just small little local groups, and bigger organisations as well in the network. And I suppose we have three aims all PPNs would have, and one is information sharing. So, we do a massive bi-monthly newsletter, emails for a database, social media, also communications and information sharing. And then the other aim would be capacity building. So, that would be we actually provide training to groups, and we share information about other training that's on, and other supports and resources to groups, in like how to be efficient, how to function, how to set up, just supporting them. And then we have representation. So, representatives get elected up through the PPN network to sit on a number of boards and committees, whether in the local authority or other boards and committees, and other structures. Okay, so it's a very wide-ranging work that you're doing, but very important because so many smaller, particularly smaller community groups, find it very difficult to kind of know where they are, what's happening around them, but of course, nobody's really an island on their own. There's other people doing more or less the same work. Exactly. And there'd be like smaller networks then of like community gardens, of men's sheds, women's sheds, you know, residents' association, different groups that are interested in different topics that sort of work together as well. Wow. So, this plenary event, what's actually involved with this then? Yeah, so the plenary, it's a meeting of the membership, essentially. So, it's sort of quite a unique thing. We try to have a bit of everything, but we have to tick a lot of boxes of doing kind of operational admin tasks for the PPN. So, it's quite a democratic structure. There's a secretariat committee that help oversee the PPN, and we have 11 on that voluntary committee, and then they help organise the events and oversee the operations of the PPN, and we have two staff members. So, the membership is the plenary, essentially, and all the groups would be invited. Now, we have 1,300 member groups, so we can't fit them all at the events, but we have a good representation from groups in different parts of the county would come along to the events, and we'd have loads of information for groups on kind of like all the topics I would have mentioned there, and we'd have information tables about funding, about insurance for groups, sort of different support services and development companies that are in the more regional areas, taking care of groups. So, we'd sort of work a lot with other organisations like Western Development Commission, Forum Connemara, Auditorial Development. We've got the Volunteer Centre coming and doing an information table this time, which would be great, and then loads of teams from the county council as well will be there having an information table. And then, so we've got half an hour at the start for networking, the exhibitors' tables, and food and refreshments for people at six o'clock, and then we have about two hours of a meeting, sort of conference-style event afterwards. Wow. So, it really is a great opportunity for people to come along and learn a little bit more if they feel a little bit isolated. Now, I know that's because I've been involved in quite a few groups, and I've got all the information of this myself that comes out. People have to register, I presume, for this then, do they? Yeah, ideally, yeah. So, it really is for the actual registered members of the PCN. So, I suppose it'd probably be a bit too late for new ones to register now, but we wouldn't turn anyone away. But yeah, it is for the members, and yeah, we just want to register, just have an idea of numbers for the hotel, you know. So, it's going to be in Connemara Coast Hotel. Okay. That's in Fargo there, I think, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. So, as you say, 6 o'clock is the kind of kick-off time there for people to register, etc., and then guest speakers and the rest of the information from 6.30 to 8.30. So, there's a really good opportunity for people, and of course, networking, I suppose, is really important in that aspect as well, that people actually get to meet people of their own type of what they're doing. Definitely, yeah. There'll be a few information tables from local groups as well, smaller groups, so that will be really nice, and meeting with the bigger organizations, and then, like, the information tables from organizations that actually provide or administer funding. The groups will get a chance to chat to them and get some tips, like one-on-one and a little bit of advice, you know, around funding applications or different on-the-ground training opportunities for specific groups in different areas. Yeah, absolutely. So, it's a really good opportunity. So, Joanna, if people still want to get along, they can book or not, or is it too late? Yeah, they can still register, yeah. So, you can just email ppn at galwaycoco.ie, that's ppn at galwaycoco.ie, and you could call me, if they wanted, on 087-233-0720, and we've got a registration form link on our Facebook, which is Galway County PPN, on our website, which is www.galwaycountyppn. So, yeah, loads of ways to register. Okay. Well, listen, it's best to look to everybody involved there because, as I say, it should be a very interesting event, and hopefully a lot of people from the Calamari area will get along to it as well. But thank you so much for being with us on the program this evening. Thank you very much for having me. Okay, no problem. Bye. Bye. Bye. That's Joanna Chute there, who's acting PPN resource worker at the Galway County Public Participation Network. But if you were a community group or anything like that around you, you're probably a member of this particular network, and you will be well and truly there as to bombard you with all of the information, which is great stuff. There's always plenty in it, and certainly well worth reading some of the newsletters and stuff they send out because none of us are kind of working as, as I said, there's an island on our own. We're all doing stuff that everybody else is doing in some other parts of the county, or even just up the road. We may not be familiar with something that might be happening in Roundstone or might be happening in Zeenan, but they might be doing the same thing we're doing. So it's always a good idea to meet up with people and to try and share and to help out. As I say, that PPN meeting, and the informal on Tuesday the 19th of November from 6 to 8.30. And if you are interested, as she said there, just go on to ppn.galwaycoco.ie or www.galwaycountyppn.ie or her numbers, Joanne's, would be 0872330720 and try and join there in that. Now we're going to take our break for our ad, and we will be back hopefully with Esther Nicodochre talking to us about the artisan markets taking place in Gloucester-on-Don. Tickets now on sale at wildlands.ie Engulfed in the homemade delight of the Calmore Kitchen and explore the best of Irish brands and local crafts in our craft and design shop. Create timeless memories at Calmore Abbey. Plan your visit now at calmoreabbey.com Calmore Abbey, history so timeless, it's still being written. Clifton Supply Centre, Galway Road, Clifton provide building supplies, plumbing and heating supplies, fuel merchants, DIY and general hardware. Contact the Clifton Supply Centre on 09521476. Welcome back again to our programme. We got a press release in which was talking about a market artisan in Kilkeiron, and to get more information about this, we have Esther Nicodochre with us on the line again. Esther, you're back here again on Radio Foil for tomorrow. Thank you for having me. What do you know about the artisan market here in Kilkeiron? Where are you from? Well, the thing is, it's a place for artisans to come together whether they have a small group or they're in small groups and they're doing art in the bubble. And that's the thing, it's a place for artisans to come together with the artisan market here. Okay, and is it on this Saturday? It's on this Saturday in Kilkeiron, on the top of Kilkeiron, from 7am to 4pm in the afternoon. Okay, so that's great. And there's a lot of different pieces there, there's beer and there's charity and so on. So, you know, people have a chance to buy things and to buy things, maybe for Christmas. That's right. Well, as you know, Bernadette, there are a lot of artisans here in Kilkeiron at this time of year. But it's a bit different, it's a bit different at the moment, as you say. Because this is what we're trying to do a couple of times a year, if we can. We've been talking about it for 30 years now. And we're going to do it, we're going to do it every month or every other day. And it shows that people are doing, you know, different things, all together. And that's great. And, of course, there are a lot of things on sale, such as beer, and how to get the beer and so on. And clay and iron, and a lot of different things like that. Okay. It's not like a car boot sale, it's not a kind of jumble sale here. So this is something you're doing yourself, is it? I don't know. No, it's not, without a doubt. These are people who are doing things for themselves, you know, maybe at home. And maybe they're thinking, maybe they're doing it for themselves, or that they want to do it for themselves. And that they want to, you know, put it in the corner of the house, where there's a patient. Okay. And that's what's happening here. And we'll see, you know, we'll see people come out and see what's on sale, what different things are on sale. I mean, there are a lot of things that people can do, you know, between themselves and everyone else. Yeah. And are people, do they have to make a book, or is it possible to just be there in the day? Yes, of course. It's possible to go out in the day, but it's more important, I don't know, that people come out. You know, there's a lot going on. And, you know, it's very difficult to do it by myself, by myself, 97, 98, 98, 97. You know? Yeah. And is there a cost to the people who come out, but you have to do it in the day, isn't there? Well, yes, there are barriers, but you have to do it yourself, in the day, and it costs 50 Euros in the day. In the day and in the night. Okay. In the day and in the night. Okay, that's very interesting. Let's turn to Béarla for a moment, because I suppose some people may not know exactly what we're talking about there, but this Marcus, Artists and Marcus, you're trying to start this up as a regular piece, then, in Cill Fiorán. We absolutely are, yes, Brendan. It's the concept we have, working closely with Ferbert Clamare-Laur and Udraith McGregor, it's really to support local industry and local small, you know, producers and that, bring them together, and to give them a space and place, you know, to advertise their products, I suppose, and whether it's food or whatever, crafts, you know, to bring that together and, you know, to make sure that, you know, it gives them a good opportunity to get out there in the public domain. It also exposes them to the audience, because very often, craft workers or artists are doing things for themselves, and they don't necessarily get reaction, so it gives them some sort of an idea of what they're doing, and also then it gives the buyers some sort of an idea of what's available in the area, so it's a kind of win-win for almost everybody. It absolutely is, and then really, like, I mean, home industry is such an important part of the economy, and always has been, you know, since they left, so it's important that we give that opportunity for people to come together. So let's say, for instance, we have, you know, Maru from Karno, the beautiful cakes and that, she'll be there with the sound, and a fantastic project. The same with an issue there, you know, Theresa and Mary Casey from Karno, brand and economic printing, with Leticia, who's an artist and designer, a jeweller, and we have, you know, we also have Laura Stanton and Ben coming there from, you know, High Vibrations, and they're based up in the Recess, but they're going to give a 15-minute opportunity for people to, you know, kind of test out the whole energy concept with them there at the venue, so it's a brilliant opportunity if you're interested in your health, you're interested in your well-being, and you want to know more about how to live a good life, I suppose, and be healthy, which is what we all want to do at the end of the day, like we have Laura there and we're rubbing up Marianne Yacolilla who's tried with Marianne also there on the day, so we have a lot of people like that, so it's a mixture of food and well-being, and believe it or not, there is a huge emphasis, as you know, on health and well-being and, you know, being out and about and that kind of thing, so we're making, it's like building a bridge between healthy eating and healthy living and energy, you know, your own health and well-being as well, so it's a great opportunity for people to come together and see what is there, you know, in our local community. Okay, well I suppose that's all and thank you very much for being on the show again tonight and I hope you enjoyed the story with people and I know that it was a bit short this time but thank you very much for being on the show. Thank you very much to you too, and thank you Thank you very much to you too, and thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. 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Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much to you too. Thank you very much

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