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001 Me and Sean and the Anunnaki

001 Me and Sean and the Anunnaki

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Me and Sean start off talking annunaki and how the podcast is set to go. Just a start to the direction we are headed.

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The speaker discusses various topics including wearing headsets, the Anunnaki civilization, religion, the moon, access to information, and climate change. They question the origins of the Anunnaki and debate the validity of the Bible. They also consider theories about the moon's formation and discuss the ease of accessing information in the digital age. The speaker speculates about the purpose of the Anunnaki's presence on Earth and suggests that humans are the result of cross-breeding between the Anunnaki and humanoid species. They also discuss the impact of climate change on the planet. Yeah, cool thing, too, is, yeah, it's annoying, which the good thing is, though, we really don't have to wear these when we do it. Yeah. It's just more or less for us to get the sound down to see how it sounds. Yeah. And go over each other instead. Yeah. So, like, I mean, in all honesty, I mean, it's cool because we can hear each other on it, but we can really just sit here and just talk. I don't hear anything out of it now. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because I don't have, I mean, I just took the headset off, but you can't hear me in it now? No. All right. I think you threw something in the microphone. Shouldn't have. There, go back. Oh, it's, oh, no, that's just, that's just you being able to hear from this, but it's still going to be recording on this. Oh. Perfectly. No. Oh, all right. When you go back on it. That's the cool thing, too, is, because it makes it, well, especially when we're sitting here trying to have conversations about stuff, like, you don't even have to be all the way up on it. It's there. I've recorded a couple of times just to try to check it out and see how it sounds. You can lean back and you'll be fine right here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can. Yeah. I'm not sure how it's going to work out, but, I mean, fuck, we sit over there and do the exact same thing anyway. So. Talking bullshit. Yeah. So it's just talking bullshit. Like, I mean, it's literally just sitting here. I know that passing around weed might not be the greatest of ideas, so we'll do that off camera. Fine. The rest of it, I don't think it matters. I did make sure it said it was for mature audiences, because I don't plan on watching my fucking mouth at all. I'm just going to talk exactly how I would normally talk and just kind of go over some shit. Yeah. I wrote down, I got notes galore in here. I mean, I went pretty hard through a lot of the stuff, but I want a list of like kind of topics or whatever that's going on just to topics we think it'd be fun to chat with and eat like 20 of them or something like that. I like the, you already have the one, right? Yeah. I think the Anunnaki is cool to talk about because that's some, some cool stuff. I've heard plenty of those shows over time, about three hours. Yeah. So I got a little bit of knowledge on it. It's, uh, and they're all different. Every fucking video you watch is different on the Anunnaki. Everyone's got a different story. I sat here and argued with Chet GPT one day, because I wanted to be smarter than Chet GPT. So I would say, I'd ask you questions like, uh, uh, how do you know the Anunnaki are real? And they would basically state that there's no evidence that the Anunnaki are real. And then two sentences later, it would be like, the Anunnaki was a civilization for over thousands of years. There's no evidence that it's from outer space. And I said, well, if there's no evidence that it's real, like you just told me two sentences ago, then how do you have evidence that it's for over 2000 years old? And that theory is more relevant than your theory that they're from outer space. And I said, I'm sorry if I confused you. You're right. There is no evidence that the Anunnaki are real. You Chet GPT. It is. It was trying to push me to one theory, uh, which is crazy because it's supposed to be AI. It's supposed to not have any bias to it whatsoever. But yeah, I mean, I think just in that. Right there proved that they're lying because it 100% was pushing the theory that the Anunnaki were not from outer space. And whoever said that misread the text. And I'm like, I mean, that's what they were doing. I, uh, I don't know. It's a cool theory. I mean, it really twisted my whole theory on religion and everything upside down. The more and more I researched it and looked into it, I don't understand how that isn't more plausible than the Bible. Yeah, it makes more sense. It makes significantly more sense to me. And I mean, I'm, I'm a religious person and it was like one of those sitting there going, kind of throws my whole world in a little bit of a turn. My sister said it best, which I don't really quote her very often. She, uh, she was basically saying she knows that we've been lied to this whole time. The Bible is not true. It is nothing but a book of stories of people that believe in the same thing we believe in and it's their interpretation of it. And but she still believes in God and she still believes in her religion and her faith. And I was like, no, I mean, that's kind of the whole point of faith and, uh, but I don't know. I don't, I mean, I, I really don't know what's true. I don't know. Nobody knows. Everyone can say they know, but it makes sense. It makes sense because those stories are repeated in every society. Yeah. And that's strange. Like every religion. Yeah. The flood and these, these God-like motherfuckers, they were better than us and giants. We found bones of the giants. And I mean, it just makes sense. It's not a surprise that the Greeks, their religion, these angel creatures came down. Yeah. I mean, to me, it actually backs it. Yeah. It kind of backs it. It makes sense to the Greeks though. Why? Were there a bunch of little boys? Anaheim's nothing but a bunch of little boys. The Greeks loved it. Yeah. I mean, it, it just makes so much sense. It's, um, it, it, it backs the Bible to me in so many of the stories of Bible, I mean, shit, David and Goliath, um, I mean, the flood, Noah's Ark, uh, all that sort of shit. Um, and then, you know, the great flood, there's multiple different ways, you know, it could have been just melting of one giant ice cap or something on a solar flare. Could have been, it could have been that fucking planet X that the gravitational pull raises the water. That's a tricky one. And they say that the moon formed from that planet smashing into our planet. That's one theory I heard. Oh yeah. I'd, yeah, I'd see, I've seen some cool theories about the moon where, when we, when we were still a molten state, like a large asteroid hit it and it was like a little drop sits out there, some shit, uh, or you can just go transformers and it's a big satellite, uh, the spaceship, the spaceship. I like that theory. I like that one. Cause the dark side of the moon, that really adds up. I mean, they can't find the fucking core samples from the moon too. I think that was another thing. They lost all the moon samples along with the mass. And they just sort of, you know, we still make boots here, it's rare, you still make handmade boots. There's some companies out there that make handmade boots, but if they weren't there within a generation or two, that probably would be lost at least that specific way of making boots. Yeah. Yeah. And now we mess it up. In the, in the age that we're in, we have so much access to all the technology and shit to where we, I mean, we're just sitting here having conversation about this sort of stuff. This is something you would have to go to a library, go to the old Dewey decimal system and trying to figure out where the book is, read through one book. And then you, now you've got one person's opinion on it and it took you a fucking week. I can have nine different people's opinions in the next 30 seconds on the same story. I mean, literally on YouTube, just pull it up. So the access to information right now is, and store information is so much easier. So back then, I mean, I get it, it's NASA, so it's still a little, a little shady. Not like Dewey works for me, I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, ain't no shit. It's a dirty bastard. Poor Dewey. No spoiler alert, I'm a huge screen fan too. But yeah, they all, I do think it could explain a whole lot though. But why, why are they here? Are they the ones that seeded us as a people? They created our life by mixing whatever was here on earth with whatever organism. I mean, I do think, I do think that the theory that holds the most water for me, I think, is the theory that they basically cross-bred their artificial intelligence and their DNA essentially with the humanoids that were here that had developed, they were monkeys. They were, they were greater developed monkeys. And so that's why we're here and the monkeys are here. Because that's what, for me, is the hardest. You can't tell me we evolved from something if it's still here. Yeah, that's true. That doesn't make sense. Those other guys might catch up to it. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I mean, I mean, it just doesn't make sense. And everything else on this planet has evolved over a kind of a set period of time minus some few anomalies. I think they do have some anomalies out there. But humans, humans, we're different than anything that's ever been here. Dinosaurs were different. They were around for millions of years. Like, people don't even understand that the T-Rex didn't even live at the same time as most longnecks. Like, they were like a million years apart. Did you ever think that that was Xanadu's first shot? Could be. You know, because it's a... They fucked it up in their science experiments. Yeah, they turned it into lizards. They changed the temperature of the world by 50, 60 degrees. And that's the global warming. Anything that is as massive amount as... I believe it's climate change in this world now. Yes. I mean, climate change... I like climate change as a word way better than I do global warming. Global warming to me is an annoying concept because this planet was significantly hotter. And the Cretaceous, the Jurassic, and all those stages, the CO2 levels, the nitrogen levels. Like, it was significantly higher. It was somewhat toxic. We're not killing this planet. To any human that thinks we're killing this planet is such a narcissist. This planet will kill us if it wants us dead. I mean, just look at, I mean, mushrooms and stuff like that and all the spores. Like, they're so close to us, it's crazy. They will take our bodies over if they can survive in 99 degree weather. They can't right now. 96 or some shit like that. Like, they're fucking close. They're close. They'll take us over. There's more species of fungi in one state of, like, the United States than, like, human beings on the planet. Like, it's crazy. And, I mean, they can take over whenever the fuck they really want to. They can move. It's cool. It's cool shit. And they sneak underground. Yeah. Miles and miles and miles. Yeah, they can. They can. It's crazy. It makes sense, doesn't it? It does. I mean, it's scary. This is still a science. But, I mean. Everyone feels connected. It just makes you feel and understand your place and existence is so significantly smaller than any of the petty fucking bullshit that everyone wants to argue about. The whole point of this podcast, a lot of it, is for the fact that the country is morally bankrupt. It's the fact that this woke initiative that is pushing just, like, everyone matters and no, the fuck you don't. There are more galaxies with planets that can survive life than there are grains of sand on this planet. Galaxies that can sustain life. Whole fucking galaxies. And you're going to tell me that this person needs to make sure that everyone takes over. You're nothing. You're nothing. You're not special. You're not special. No, like. Human rights. Everyone needs that Brad Pitt speech for Fight Club. They do. They do. You need to realize. You're nothing. In the bigger picture, you don't matter. With the IM. What's his name? Sutton and Richard Paulson. Richard Paulson. Yeah. Richard. That's tall. Then they changed it. I realized that was a little disrespectful. Such a good movie. Such a good movie. I like that movie. Edward Norton's fucking, just a beast of an actor. See, that's Antifa. Just taking completely out of context. What's that? Harkini and the fucking craziness in the streets. It's funny because we know, we grew up, we were that way in our 20s. I mean, it just annoys the fuck out of me that our claim to, like, one of our biggest is, you know, rage against the machines. Right? And now they're the biggest liberal fucking dipshits fucking doing all this shit. I remember Green Day, too. Fucking losers. I don't know about that one. Philadelphia's had some rough fucking, two cops got shot today in the fucking suburbs. Yeah, when I tried to call Mike earlier, it was like 10 minutes after that. It was breaking news. It was an 11-year, there was a 911 call for an 11-year-old being shot at. And so they showed up to the house and two cops got shot in the leg and the 11-year-old was shot. Nobody's, I haven't looked in about an hour or so. Bad things happen. The house was on fire. No one said that. Bad things happen in Philadelphia, I think. I think I said earlier that Cowboys and Eagles are playing in Brazil because even in that crime-ridden piece-of-shit city that they still have better fans than Philadelphia. Wait, are you saying that Eagles are the home team in this game? Yeah. Let's do it. Brazil's not got their heads in the clouds and too stupid to realize that you haven't really mattered in 30 years, like most of us Cowboys have. I don't know. Everybody here in Brazil is the leader in exporting beef. The majority of our beef we get at our bigger stores comes from down there and that's just repackaged. Walmart, probably. That might be why. Walmart. Costco. Walmart has some. Yeah, that's why. I won't get anything from Walmart as far as fruit or any of that sort of stuff. Baratunia, Arkansas company. Who knows? But... Local, baby. Keep it American. Yeah, I mean, everything's from Mexico, Guatemala. All these countries that, you know, all these people are seeking asylum from, Walmart has no problem going down there and fucking surviving fucking perfectly fine. So at the southern border, all these people are fucking coming in and flooding in here from countries that Walmart is fucking providing all their money from. I mean, literally, look at a watermelon at Walmart. Look at a cantaloupe or a bell pepper. It's from fucking every one of those countries we're giving asylum to. It's dumb as shit, Alec. Dumb as shit. It's frustrating. It's annoying because it's so right in front of your face and nobody sees that shit. And that's the real question. The Anunnaki, like, looking back at us, watching us, complaining about coming over the border, which is a real issue. It's a real issue for us. And this is what people don't understand is that the issues don't necessarily mean you're negating other humanitarian issues. It just means that sometimes you have to choose a decision that is the better of the evils. And it sucks that we can't have open borders because I'm a true believer and that's what we should. Everyone should live in Kumbaya. Everyone should have it. Yes, you can go where the fuck you want to. We can sit here and talk about this shit. We can do this. We're so privileged to have been born in this country that these other people are not. And I do believe that I'm like a lot of conservatives type people, which is why I've always said I'm not a conservative. Sure as fuck not a Republican because I believe in that fucking land before time, fucking the Green Valley type shit. I know it's impossible. That was one of my biggest... Utopia? Yeah, utopian societies are impossible. It's impossible because everyone's idea of utopia is fucking different. Mine's different. Yours is different. We agree on so many things. We might agree on 78% of the shit we talk about. Let's be real. If a utopia existed, after a while, if it goes sideways, mostly, even if there was no violence, people would get bored. Bored. That's human nature. Bored. You ever watch A Good Place? Oh, yeah. Good show. Quirky. No, it's quirky. It's got Kristen Bell in it. Yeah, it's about heaven. Yeah, it's about heaven. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you go to a good place and a bad place. Very cheesy, sitcom-y type shit. I'm just a humongous crush on Kristen Bell. She's this girl next door, quirky, fun. Dax is the coolest guy, too. I love those guys. I just want to be their Kato Kaelin in the backyard. I won't rat you out. Fuck you, Dax. We're good. We're good. But when she finally fixes A Good Place and they go to it, and they're in A Good Place forever, it becomes so stagnant that they have to create a portal to make them just completely not exist anymore. And it was fucked up. It was sad. I showed Riley, and he was watching it, and it gives you that sense. And that's one of those things that I've always thought, the utopia is impossible. So how is heaven even possible? The logistics of it is impossible. It's impossible. Your heaven and my heaven are completely different things. So how can there be one plane of existence in which we both live in one utopian society? It's impossible. Copies of everyone in our lives who matter. Right. That you would see there. Right. And then I have my own heaven, and you have your own heaven. Right. We're all surrounded by copies. That's about it. That's as close as you can get. Sounds like the Matrix and the AI. Yeah? Sure does. Sounds like you're plugged into a system in which you have created your own utopian society that you get to live in blissful existence. It's gorgeous. Yeah, it's a groundhog day. You can wake up every day and it'd be, that day is what you wanted to do that day. Because what's your perfect meal? It's different than what it was yesterday, six months ago, a year ago. How the fuck can you keep that? It's not possible. And I've always just lived under that umbrella that you can't understand God, and you're just supposed to live on faith. What if the Anunnaki is God? The leader of the Anunnaki, the head, the top dog. He is our creator, created us in our own likeness, and left for the heavens. He's out, literally, on their whatever. And what, all they are are electric charges. The Matrix shows, I mean, I know it's a movie, but it's a good reference. What if those electric charges can travel at significantly higher rates of speed than light? I mean, when you think of ions and whatever, all the shit that's in outer space and stuff like that, and how it's moving the dark matter and everything like that, and you can't account for when you die. There's like, what is it? Point something, 1.3% or some shit like that of your weight. You can't, they can't account for it? They can't account for it. What if that's what fucking, it sailed out and fucking planted X? The Anunnaki lap it right back. They retrieve it. And it goes into your computer database, and you live in just harmony in your system for infinite years. So they're talking about their leader, they rule for like 20,000 years or some shit. That's a long fucking time. It is. I can't even imagine 20,000 years of existence. You would experience time differently. They would have to experience time in a different way. I know. It's just, it's unfathomable. And that's why if they do exist and they are God, they don't see time in a straight line. It's cyclical. It's a circle. You can go and come back. But how could they live on the same plane of existence as us? If they could travel between... Do they live within our timeline when they are here? I think they choose to be where they want to. That's my thought on it. It's just, it's curious to me like how one could be sitting beside me and be existing in a different time frame. A lot of religions they call, is it omniscient? Omniscient. Omniscient beings. All being, right? Everywhere. We might have it backwards, but either way. Yeah, I don't know. It was something... One's all knowing, one's all being. It could be in all places at one time. Yeah. I think that's... I don't know. I don't know. I mean, that's Dr. Manhattan, if you're familiar with that one. That's an old comic book they made of a movie about 15 years ago. And it's probably the best comic book movie ever made. But they made it into a movie? They made it into a movie. They called it Dr. Manhattan? No, no, no. It was called The Watchmen. Dr. Manhattan. Oh! Okay. Swinging around. Blot face and shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rorschach. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, no. Rorschach was the little dude. The big blue guy. Oh, yeah, yeah. Rorschach was the... It was like the main guy kind of part of it. Yeah, I watched it. I remember a whole lot. I'm pretty sure I was probably fucked up for most of it. Because that was probably one of those movies I watched when I got home from the car. He could be everywhere at once. Yeah. It's... It's also... Well, like you said, we're not supposed to talk about this game. We can't. I don't think... I don't think... That's why it's hard for me to even get a thought out about what it could be because... Yeah. We're not supposed to be able to put it in words. No. I don't think... I don't think that we're... God's voice. You can't hear God's voice because God's voice will make your head... What did they say? I know. I'm going to pull this up. They say... How much of your brain do you use? What is it? 13%? Yeah. Some shit. A little... That's GBT. The human brain... You're going to have to reword this six times if you want to see what it really was. Yeah. It's for the Japanese. It's usually pretty good. It's crazy. It's crazy. Some of it is 10%. But he was actually used far more than 10% of the brain. Yeah. That's what I thought. It's something about the wording of that. Yeah. I mean, it's giving me such a long response that I'm like... I'm not reading all that right at this moment. And it just did that in seconds. Google it. Chat GBT is part of the Microsoft Now, so it makes it pretty sweet. It's just literally a button and you just... You can ask it. You can ask it whatever you want. It's great. I asked it just... I was curious. I asked it... I was looking through some of my paperwork the other day. Old paperwork. And I have a paper. It was like a 500-word paper, some small little assignment that I had to write. And I asked it to write me a 500-word paper on that topic. Done. Like, just flew it out. And I was like, what the fuck? And that New Yorker, how was it? I don't know. I didn't even read it. I was like... I was just kind of disappointed because I had this whole paper that I knew took me, like, four months of time to get. And 500 words ain't shit. But it was... It had to be very... It was a speech. And so, a 500-word speech, you know, that gets about a two-minute speech, I think, that I probably made. But... I think that's some Star Trek shit, if you think about it. Because if chat GBT is eventually going to be an entity, it'll probably take something closer to human form. And that's the most popular data from the Star Trek show in the 90s. Yeah, we're fucking Alice. Yeah. And the robot. You look at... AI's scary. And I do believe that if there is not something that I'm not seeing, I think it takes us. If it hasn't already taken us over and we don't know about it, I think it's within, like, a couple years. So bringing it back to the Anunnaki, if the Anunnaki are God, wouldn't AI represent the devil? Well, I wouldn't... It could. It's possible. Because they both give you the ability to have free will. You have free will. You don't have to type in any questions to chat GBT. Well, if AI would start to take over everything, they would be able to take over your computer, and they could search for something that you didn't even search for, and the next thing you know the FBI is at your house for an anonymous call. Something that simple, if it really wanted to target an individual, it would not be hard. I'm a nobody. Nobody is looking around going, hey, I know who that guy is. So let's say I said something on here that really sparked some interest, or as we're playing Call of Duty, which is why I wanted to get off of that chat, because the AI, because that AI flags you. It creates a database within itself. And within that database, it's the same as a high school kid that's creating a likes and not likes list. You're going to mistreat that not likes more often, because you've already created that list. The perception's there. You're looking at it. And the AI has no emotional attachment, and what it's going to do is it's going to be like, okay, you've failed enough times. Now we're going to do something about it. Contact authorities, and then send the list that are excerpts from your chat stating where you were threatening to blow something up, even though it was part of the game, or a joke that you were making with your friends. They can literally take your own voice and make you sound like a terrorist. It can literally jump on this computer, Google how to make everything or whatever it wants to, contact local or county police department, tell them, send them file link that they've had something and they show up here. Do you think they're equipped enough to figure out whether it was AI? No, no. And there's no offense to our county police department. I don't think there's a bunch of Sheldon level intelligence there that's going to be able to differentiate between being hacked and that on there. That's the world we're running into. It's pretty scary. Scary as fuck. It's like a cyber biological weapon. What was that movie? Enemy of the State, Will Smith. That was in like, what, 99? Mm-hmm. You know how much our technology changed? That motherfucker threw like a Walkman in his backpack and they still fucking did that shit. The shit they have now, they got iDots. I call them iDots because that's what they, I think, originally were trying to call them. But what they call the, what do they call those little things? Those little. Phone texting. Yeah. Air tags. It's a sticker. It's like a sticker. You can put that sticker on the bottom of this cup and you can track it within like a foot anywhere on the planet. Without Wi-Fi. They sell them on Amazon for $20 or whatever it is. They're selling those for $20? Just imagine what somebody with a million's got. Can we pause it here real quick? Yeah. Take a test. Go for it. You good? Oh, yeah. That was a good thing. Oh, yeah. One of the number two. All right. There we go. It just started from there, but I think the video is going to be a separate video file. Whatever. We'll figure it out. When we left off, before we had to drain the garden hoses. Yes, sir. We were talking about AI and how easy the AI could take over everything. I know I mentioned Matrix earlier. What if that is essentially what we were from? It's another theory outside of Anunnaki, which actually could roll with the Anunnaki. If something is not able to travel faster than the speed of light, or was it? I think it's light's the fastest speed that we were able to record. You send out light. You have an electric charge of AI. You send that AI signal out, and you send it out to multiple different planets that you see, and it lands on one and connects to some sort of being that's there. And that AI takes over that being and then starts to regenerate. And you have atom AI and eve AI that land on this planet. And they land right on top of a monkey. And that monkey gets absorbed into the AI. And that's how we became. We're creating the exact same thing right now. Yeah. We are creating it so that we can explore the universe. That sounds like somebody else did that here, and then now we're continuing doing it there. And it's that game theory kind of thing where you're already in it. You're already in nature. Yeah. I mean, at that point in time, what's real. Yeah, that's true. The origin would be the only thing that would be real. Who knows how long we have ping ponged down the line. Like when they say infinite, there's no such thing as an end to anything. Because if you want to travel to the end of space and then you run into that wall, you have to be able to climb to the top of that wall. And once you climb to the top of that wall, it's going to be on infinitely until you run into another wall, which you climb up on top of and then continue to go. So the AI being sent out lands here. The AI spreads out human brains, and we become smart enough to create our own AI that we send out in our own likeness and continue to do it over and over. And how many planets has it gone to? That was a cool theory. It is. If we're like towards the end of that. Yeah. Then that would mean there's a lot more out there. It's so crazy. Yeah. Infinite. And I mean, it could be that we're the AI from the Anunnaki and that Kai goes in time where they created us in their own likeness. Well, here's the real question. Intent. That's what I always go back to. You're never going to know it. Right. They can't prove that they were real. Cool theories. Yeah. Cool theories. Like gold. Gold's a good one. Like why is this metal so important to us? In today's world, it's very important, especially gold plated things. Yeah. Gold. And it can't be just because it's shining because gold wasn't actually shining. So you polish it and everything. And I was watching Rogan, a bull thing on, on Joe Rogan experience with little guy with glasses, smart shit, funny guy. But he was talking about everything that was going on with, with the Anunnaki and white hair. No, he's a younger guy. Now I'm trying to ask him driving nuts. It's going to drive me absolutely insane. I can't remember who it was. No, then when I messed up, I forgot where I was going with it. The guy gets a good guess. Oh yeah, he does. He does. Interesting. Awesome stuff. Yeah. Yeah. He had an awesome theory today, or it was just, it was what a theory. It was more of that, more of a quote that was helped you point in the right direction. I can't remember. And yeah, that old roach jumped up and bit me. But yeah, no, it basically was along the lines of, of conspiracy theories, get bad names simply because people give their ideas of what's going to happen. And they speak of it as fact, rather than just saying what, you know, they were talking about nine 11 is what it was. And there's so much fucked up shit that really was fucked up. And we're live. So, but if you put that as pieces in a whole story and you add theory to it, you take away from your credibility and the credibility of the fucked up shit. So like when you want to talk about things like the big Anunnaki and everything, when people are saying they come from planet X and everything like that, rather than stating that as just a theory that you take away from your legitimacy completely. And I thought it was a really good point that I wanted to make here on this myself was to make sure all of my stuff that I say, as far as those guys are like theories. And I want to make sure I say that afterwards to be like, now that's just one possibility of a hundred million. I'm guilty of that. I do it all the time. Something as it is facts, which read me so much that I am. I make you think. I don't know the idea. And that's right. And that's the whole point from this podcast that I want to get every single time we get on here is to, to push those theories, not as conspiracy theories. Now there's certain things we are going to talk about that are facts and state them as fact. And then be like, what if it was this? What if it was that if you can't differentiate between what is theory and jokes and conversation and us saying, Hey, this is fact. And Hey, this might be, and you're a fucking idiot. And you're the exact type of people that we're talking about. They're so influenced by absolutely everything. It is not common fucking sense. And, and that's why I wanted to name it common sense and make the joke with the whole wording on S I N T E. I not, cause none of them idiots have been common since they were born and their mommies and daddies pampered the shit out of them. And it's a, it's a, it shows, well, I mean, you and I are the age of we're right on the border of the, everybody gets a metal generation. Yeah. Cause we were coached by those guys. The majority of them. We were coached by guys who didn't know. You work hard. You didn't merit is what got you where you needed to be. That world's gone. The world's gone. Look, I'm not going to lie. Their world's gone and our world's gone. I happen to know that you were pretty good at baseball. And as a kid, I was not, I walked a lot, walked a lot. I got my own base percentage was real high and I scored. My father was, uh, um, kind of one of those childhood, great baseball players. My grandma had all this, uh, little league stuff. I tell him from the bag. He's back. Yeah. Kind of, uh, he was more of the pudgy guy. Sorry, dad. But, uh, uh, I mean, he had like, like 26 strikeouts in the lily game at 27 batters or some shit. Um, and it was something when I was, uh, when I was a child that we, he was playing softball and he had, uh, it was kind of, kind of one of those, uh, things that I was striving to be. I wanted to be dead, you know, I think every boy wants to be dead and every bag. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, you know, like you, you over glorify things about your dad and then you overreach from yourself and over glorify yourself. And me, I was, uh, I was a solid athlete that busted my ass and was never given credit because I was too small. And a lot, a lot. And it built, uh, uh, uh, uh, go fuck yourself. Complex. I mean, when I got older, because you tell me, I can't do it. Come try and tell me I can't do it because when I was 10, 15, whatever, I was raised to yes, ma'am. Yes, sir. Be appropriate to the adults. The adults are the ones that were doing it. And so they, uh, they cast me off and didn't appreciate it. So instead, now I've got a different complex on it. But, uh, well, where I was going with that, my thing was that we, you know, we were that first generation to receive. Frames when you really didn't deserve it pizza when you didn't win. Yeah. And, and I got the, uh, the most important player award for baseball. Oh, yeah. It's not a thing. Folks, MIT ain't a real thing. It's MVP. And that's it. That's it. But like I said, we were that first generation and they wanted to show that I was, you know, I put the effort out. Remember field days? Field days? It's good to feel that, but at the same time, I don't think it's good for kids. I mean, it's awful for them. Our field days growing up. Look, I knew that I got involved. It didn't make any sense. It had my, all my walks, my own base percentage, all the time. Someone else drove me in. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. I didn't like that. I didn't like having a trophy for mediocrity. Yeah. And, and I really think that that has just continued and gotten worse and worse and worse over time. And it's creating bad people. Yeah. I, I, I, you know, I got keepsake boxes, got a bunch of my medals, awards and stuff like that. And golf is what I have the most notoriety and rewards with. And I never wanted to be a golfer. I didn't practice ever. I was at the golf course every day. I was playing. I enjoyed the, and the ball, stick my hand, hitting the ball by everything. Loved it. That mentality that Tiger has and guys like that. I didn't have that shit. That annoyed me. I didn't have the attention span, but they would hand out. Every time you were in a tournament in one of the bigger tournaments for juniors, national amateurs, stuff like that. They hand out medals. Just, just for being there. I don't have any of this. Those 100% went to the trash. All my medals that I finished in the top 10, top five, first, second, or third. I have all those medals, but yeah, if it was a participation trophy, I don't, I, we got a flyer when we walked in. Okay. Everyone gets a flyer. When you walk in the airport, you're not fucking special. Right. That's the keys. A person's narcissism. And it's really, really does. This world can't work with everybody being a star. He's got to be some supporting actors. I mean, a fancy football. I deal with it. Like I I'm the worst at it. I'm the absolute worst. I will say all the time. I'll be like, Oh, I got your lead worries. Top five. And I'm not even realizing, you know, there's only five and top five. If you really thought about it, I mean, appreciate how good the guy is. And so I guess I'm always just appreciative of elite. And it's when, so I just think of it as top five, but it's not really top five. Like, sorry, Justin Fields, you're not top five, but I've said it. Yeah. Anyway, we, I mean, yes, good. And I can talk good explanations on everything. A little first run at it. And I think we're going to go ahead and call this one. Well, look, I got to keep drinking and, and, and, and a little bit, a little bit more. 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