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The main idea of this information is that believers should strive to be good examples in their words and conversations. This means speaking words that glorify God and bring encouragement and transformation to others. It also means engaging in relationships and interactions with others in a way that reflects the love and grace of God. The standard for believers is higher than that of unbelievers, and they should strive to live according to the commandment of loving one another as Christ loved them. The Lord has a particular purpose and a particular reason why he points something out to us in the book of 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 10. 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 12 where it talks about you should not let anyone despise their youth. There are some key words that I want all of us to listen to very well which is very very important. Don't let anyone despise their youth but you should be an example, be an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. The first question I want to ask ourselves here is to despise actually means what? That word is very simple I think as an English word means to look down on somebody, to relegate somebody to the background. Who are you by the way? What do you have to offer us? That's to say they are despising that person. But that's not my problem. My big challenge now is but be down an example. To be an example means what? To be an example simply means to be able to do something continuously and consciously in order to produce a particular result all the time. Let me redefine it again. To be an example means that you are consciously and continuously doing a particular thing in a particular way to give a particular result. I want to say it again. To be an example means to be consciously and continuously doing a particular thing in a particular pattern and continue to have the same result. That means that if anybody follow that pattern they will get the same result that you are getting. You know a mathematist, for you to understand it very simple, in a simplest way, look at the examples, study it, take any question, follow the example, guideline, principles, you will eventually have the result. So why the issue of consciously and continuously in the issue of be an example? If you are not conscious of how you are doing a particular thing and you are not doing it continuously, you cannot be a good example because you are fluctuating. But when you are doing something consciously, I'm really emphasizing on the word, consciously, deliberately and continuously, you are going to be a perfect example. Why? Because an example must be able to point you to know how to solve a particular problem. So if you want to be a good example, you must be able to teach other people that if you do it this way, you can get the result. Because you are consciously doing it, means that you are aware of what you are doing and as you are following the process, you are memorizing the process, the process now become part and parcel of you. So you are not doing it continuously, let anybody come to you anytime, you will be able to repeat the same result. And let me say here, that is why, because of this lack of understanding, that is why many believers, we don't produce the right results that we desire to produce continuously. Some of us, we have seen God working the miracle, we have seen God doing wonderful things through us. But unfortunately, we are not a good example in producing the result because we cannot produce the same result. And if you cannot produce the same result, there is no way you are going to be a good example to us concerning that particular aspect of life. So to be a good example, you have to be what? Doing something consciously and continuously in a particular pattern. So you master the pattern and you keep on doing it and you continue to get the same result. So the Bible now says that we should be an example of believers. Now, not of unbelievers, not to unbelievers. Why not unbelievers, sir, ma? Number one, the unbeliever standard is very low, lower than the believer standard. Believer standard is the highest standard in the world, standard of living. This is how you must live your life. Believer standard is the highest standard. So I want to say to you, if you are following believer standard of the way, or let me say, of the way you must live your life, honestly, you don't need to reach any concern of any country before you begin to do things right. Why? Because you are following higher standards. There is no way you follow any higher standard and a lower standard, then you say, go and study lower standard for you to understand the system. You can't do that because you are above that standard. So let's be an example of believers because these higher standards. Let me quickly tell us the standard of a believer in the kingdom of God. You know, in the world system, there are so many constitutions, there are so many commandments. But in the kingdom of God, we only have one commandment and this commandment is superb, is powerful, is more authentic and more accurate than any constitution or commandment anywhere in the world and in any religion. And let me just tell you the truth, you can't find this constitution or this commandment in any constitution or in any religion. You can't find it. You can only find it in Christianity. And what is the commandment? Say, this is my commandment to you. Say, a new commandment I give unto you. A new commandment I give unto you. What's that commandment? To love one another the way I Christ have loved you. So it's a commandment that talks about we should love everybody the way Christ has loved us, which is very difficult for any human being to do. We can only do that by the help of the Holy Spirit, which helped Jesus Christ to love us that way. For God said, the Bible said that, for God so loved the world. For God so loved the world and He let solely because of His own died for us. While we are yet sinners, Christ died for us. Can you die for somebody that's your enemy? Can you do good to your enemy? When you know this one will betray you, you still love that person? When this one is killing you, you still love that person? Wow, very high commandments indeed. But I'm not going to that today. But I'm just saying that the standard of the Kingdom of God is higher, stronger, heavier than any constitution, any commandment. So I should be an example to them of believers. Be an example of believers that people will see you and say, wow, this one is a Christian. That means that in the area of, number one, four, six things quickly. Number one, area that must be an example is in word. In word here means what? The only that must be proceed out of the mouth of every believer is what glorify God. It is what glorify God. While you are driving as a believer, negative word, curse word must not come out of your mouth. While somebody is provoking you, you must be able to let godly word that will glorify God proceed out of your mouth. In short, whenever you open your mouth, what must be coming is the word of God. Not that the word that they are writing down, it will be rhema, word of wisdom that will come out of your mouth. People must hear your voice. They must be happy. They must find a kind of peace when they are hearing your voice. People sometimes will be chastising them, correcting them, and they will still be happy. Why? Because your word is coming from the heart of love, not out of vindication, not out of hatred, but out of love, not from the heart of superiority. I know more than you. I will tell you that you don't know what to do. I will teach you how to do things. I will teach you a lesson. No. Such words, because the motive behind those such words, they are wrong. Such words cannot comfort, cannot encourage somebody. But if you are chastising somebody with the heart of love of God, to be sincere with you, that chastisement word that is going to that person, because it is going to his heart straight away, he will find a peace of mind. I see the way he is talking to me, and I don't know. I don't know if that thing is wrong. Thank you, sir. I will go and do next week's correction. Thank you, sir. The word that must come out of your mouth, say that, let it be the word that will glorify God. You know what the Bible says? The Bible says that, let the word of your mouth, this time you say that, let the word of my mouth and the medicine of my heart be acceptable in thy sight. There are some words that will not be acceptable in the sight of God. So, as a believer, you must always say words that will be acceptable before God. Likewise, the Bible says that, it says that he prays, Lord, let the word of my mouth be filled with grace and seasoned with salt. Why did he say that the word of your mouth should be filled with grace and seasoned with salt? Let me tell you quickly. To be filled with grace means that you are talking about your word as ability to address issues beyond human reasoning. Because grace means God is helping you to do something that you cannot easily do. So, grace, when your word is full of grace, your word will come out with power. You will speak and people will find direct answer or indirect answer to their problem because it carries grace. Now, that seasoned with salt, why the word seasoned with salt? Should I tell you quickly? You know, salt gives taste to life, gives taste to food. So, the word that must come out of your mouth must always give taste to life. Be an example to believers in what you are saying. What you are saying must give taste, must be able to protect because salt protects. Salt can also be a fertilizer. So, the word of your mouth must be able to fertilize somebody's life. That is, encourage somebody's life to do more better tomorrow. So, let the word of my mouth be filled with grace and seasoned with salt. That's it. So that I may be able to know how to speak. So that I'm able to know how to speak. So, the Lord said that you should be an example of the believers in words. Two reasons for that. Number one, to glorify God. Number two, to impart life, to bless life, to change life, to transform life. So, be an example to believers in what you are saying. Let me go to the second one quickly. See, in conversation. Here, I want to say that in relationship, the way you relate, the way you interact with other people, you must be a good example to them. How can you be a good example on the issue of interaction or in conversation? Let me tell you. The only way you can be a good example when you are interacting with people is coming from a background of love, background of doing everything to them, relating with them because you want to please God. Some people, they've been relating with you because of what they want to gain from you, what they want to get from you. That's not a good example. When you are relating with anybody because you want God to be glorified, the way you relate that person will be based on love of Christ. And what happens when you are relating with people, what God is expecting to do is that that relationship must glorify God. That relationship must save life. That relationship must bring somebody to Christ. That relationship must impart life. That is why you must be a good example when you are interacting with people. People must be able to interact with you and find joy in talking to you, in having a relationship with you. Some of us, we just know, we don't know anything, we just cross relationship anyhow. No, apart from that, the way we handle people when they are talking to us, when we are interacting with them, either you have met them for the first time, so bad, and you call yourself a Christian. No, you should be an example. You know the Bible says, by their fruits you shall know them. How can you know a fruit? You know fruits when they begin to display themselves. And it is easy for us to know the fruit of anybody through their character, through their actions, the way they are relating with you. You will know the type of fruit they carry. And the fruit is talking about what is embedded in your heart. But the Bible says, from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. So, every action is being prepared in the heart, in conversation. Now, in charity, which means in love. That is why I am trying to turn away from it from the beginning. Now, I will talk about in love. In love, be an example of believers in love. Which kind of love is it talking here? It is talking about the love of Christ, love of God that we call agape kind of love. Love that always have beneficiary interest of other party in its mind. Love that is not related with anybody because of what we gain from you. Love that we give without expecting anything from you. Love that we bless you without saying, come and pay something back. That is love that is talking about. Be an example of that believer that will continue to demonstrate the love of God, the agape kind of love of God with everybody. That people will see and say, wow, how can someone love somebody so much like this? Thanks to all that he has done. See, he still continue to love him this way. This can only be God. So, we should be an example of the believers in love, in showing love to others. Then to pass away with your money, with your clothes. Christ, if somebody ask you, beg you for one cloth, give him two. Love, love gives. God's kind of love gives and don't expect return from you. But the world system, their own love also gives. But they give based on the two conditions. Either because of what you have done for them and because of what they are going to get in return from you. But the love of Christ, love of God does not depend on what you have done for them or what they are going to get from you. So, in love, every believer must be able to practicalize love because they want to please God. I must love you sir. I must love you ma because I want to please God. I must bless you sir. I must bless you ma, not because of what you are going to give to me, but because I want to please God. In a particular place in the Bible, let me declare that we should do everything as unto the Lord, not as unto men, as unto the Lord. So, be an example of the believers in love, in agape kind of love. In spirit. Now, this one is talking about our spiritual life. We should be an example to believers in spirit, in our prayer life, in our study of the Word of God, in our fellowshiping with other brethren. I want to ask you, how is your spiritual life growing? Can somebody say, sir, I find that you are praying more. I want to pray more. Are they seeing good results of your spirituality? If you are not growing spiritually, if you are not growing spiritually, there is no way you will be a good example. I'm doubting that. Would you be an example of the believers in spirit, believers that grow spiritually? How can you know that you are growing spiritually? Remember I've said that an example means to be consciously and continuously doing a particular thing in a particular way and producing results. So, in words, you must produce a particular result that the word system cannot produce through what they are saying. If you are an example of the believers in conversation, in relationship, you must be able to produce results that ordinary person cannot produce. If you are saying you are believers, you want to be an example of believers in charity, your charity must produce the results that such anybody cannot just wake up and say, I want to produce it. The same thing with in spirit. Your spiritual life must produce certain results that people say, whoa, I want to be like him. Ah, he's my mentor. I want him to be my disciple. Wow, I want to follow his footsteps because they are seeing a certain result and you can teach them because the result is constant and you can explain why you are getting that result because you are consciously and continuously doing that thing that produces results. So, your spiritual life, how can you know that you are growing spiritually? Number one, your prayer life. How much do you love God in the place of prayer? How much time are you giving God in the place of prayer? And even what is your main request in the place of prayer? If your place of prayer is a place of asking God, bread, bread, bread, you are not growing spiritually. You may pray for 30 minutes, one hour, three hours, but if it's all about bread, what to eat, what to wear, what to do, no, you are not growing spiritually. Your prayer life was a prayer that focused on the kingdom. Your prayer life must be a prayer life that focused on issue of pleasing God. Likewise, in what? How much love do you have for the Word of God? You can't read the Bible for long? You can't study at all? There's fellowship. How often are you fellowshiping with the brethren? All these things, if you are doing them and there's no result that's different from other believers, you are not growing spiritually. See, I'm praying, I'm reading my Bible, I'm going to fellowship all the time, but my life is not changing. It means that you are not doing those things very well. There's something wrong with your spirituality. You have to go back, look for somebody that will mentor you, that will disciple you, so that you know how to grow spiritually and produce results that will glorify God and that will bless life. Then the next one is faith. Let me quickly tell you, in this kind of faith, we have two faiths in the Bible. We have one gift of faith, and we have one, the faith as the fruit of the Holy Spirit. So here he's talking about faith as fruit of the Holy Spirit. So, it must be an example of believers in faith, that is, in your confidence, continuous having confidence in the Word of God that God has declared to you, and you are taking corresponding action and you are getting results all the time. I just define faith for us indirectly like that. Let me repeat it again, so that you're able to get it very well. Be an example of the believers in faith by saying that you are able to continuously have confidence, trust in the Word of God that God has declared to you, and you are not doubting Him, and you continue to take corresponding action that gives you a particular result. Let me give you an example. How can you be an example of the believers in faith if you don't have faith for God to provide you money to eat, if you don't have faith for God to bless you, if you don't have faith for God to open doors for you, to heal you? And it's not continuous. You don't have faith that continues to produce results that God can bless, God can heal, God can deliver. And you say you want to be an example to believers in faith? No! You must grow. They must see it working in you. That is wow! I want to be... Ah! Look at my sister. She has straight toes. What are you doing? I actually want to grow in faith. They are coming to you because they have seen a good example from you that you grow in faith. Let me tell you one thing. We are saying Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Nisi, all those names, they are coming from the result that they produce in putting their trust in God's Word and taking corresponding action. Let me give an example now. Jehovah Jireh means the Lord will provide. Where is it coming from? It's coming from the experience of Abraham which knows that God will always provide for himself. He will always provide. That is when Isaac, his son, asked him, my daddy, this is wood, this is knife, where is the lamb? He said, don't worry, Jehovah Jireh, hallelujah, the Lord will provide for himself. You are quoting that. You are crying that Jehovah Jireh will provide for me. You know one thing? That word is coming from the example of somebody that starts to practicalize continuously, consciously that God can always provide for his people and he will always provide. So, you must be an example to believers that don't worry in faith, I know God cannot fail, he will always provide. Somebody grows legs that don't worry, concerning healing, don't worry, God will heal. I've worked in that to them before and I'm still working that to them that God can heal by faith. Be a believer, be an example of the believers in faith. Lastly, impurity, impurity, talking about living only, being only, doing things right, doing things that pleases the Lord, impurity. Purity means doing things that God has said that it is correct. Let me just give that simple definition. Don't let me go to complex definition. Doing things that God said that this one is clean. And how can you do that man? Let me give us a way out. Number one, you must know how to constantly run away from the appearances of evil. Consciously, look at me very well, hear me very well, I keep on saying the word, consciously and continuously for you to be an example of believers of believers, impurity. You must know, you must demonstrate it, you must come to practicalize it that we can consciously run away from the appearance of sins. You can fall into sin today, you can die tomorrow, you can fall today, you can rise tomorrow. We are not talking about that example now. We are talking about example that knows that it is possible for you to be pure. Number one, you run away from what appearances of evil. Number two, you must be able to know how to resist evil, how to resist devil, receive devil and he will flee away from you because what exact devil is sin and when you know how to resist sin, how to say no to your enticement, devil I reject you, I can't go that way. You will live a pure life. We have example in the Bible, we have example now, Jesus Christ said that, get behind me, he received the devil and was able to live a pure life and he lived that life continuously, consciously. That is why when they come to tempt him, he was still able to overcome them. A perfect example of our Lord Jesus Christ. And for you to live, to be an example in purity, you must determine to do everything to please God. You must determine to do everything to please God. I try to define purity for all that, whatever you do that God approved that it is right. So before God it is pure. People may accept you as what you are doing is wonderful, is good, is blessing life and God may say no because you are doing wrong things. So you must be able to say I want to do everything to please God. So if you can continue or consciously do everything to please God, what will happen? You will be pure, honestly you will be pure. Before God and people begin to look at your life, this man doesn't sin, this man doesn't commit fornication. How is he doing it in this midst of the corrupt world, in this corrupt society? This lady is not a wayward lady. How is she doing it? It is because 1. He knows how to run away from appearance of sin. 2. He knows how to resist devil. 3. He knows that he must do everything to please God. Where is that example in the Bible? Joseph said that how can I do this sin and sin against God? That is why if you look at the Bible very well, Joseph is one person that there is nothing negative they recorded against him. There is no single sin that they recorded against Joseph. It is only Joseph. Concerning Moses, they recorded was anger. Concerning Abraham, they recorded was disobedience. So concerning Joseph, I didn't say it, maybe it is there, I don't know. But from my own little understanding, there is no negative remark about Joseph. Why? He has to make up his mind. I will do everything to please God. How can I do this sin and sin against God Almighty? So he knows how to resist devil. He knows how to run away from appearance of evil. And he knows that everything that he does, he must please God. The Lord bless you man. The Lord bless you sir. Be an example of believers in wars, in compassion, in charity which is in love, in compassion which is in communication, in relationship, in interaction with other people, in spirit, in your spiritual life, in your spirituality, in faith and also in purity. The Lord bless you sir. The Lord bless you man. So next time, I believe the Lord will help us to come out with other things. It is well with you. God bless you.

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