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cover of Elizabeth


Christina Tarantola



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In a peaceful and worry-free place, there is a beach protected in a cove with soft sand. The speaker asks the listener to imagine floating on a cloud, which feels soft and comfortable. The cloud can carry them through time and space to a time and place where they see themselves as an African woman in a village. They describe their role as cooking and taking care of the household while the rest of the family gathers food. They also mention their relationship with their husband and their children who are now adults. They express contentment and satisfaction with their life and the strong sense of community in the village. They talk about a significant day when their husband dies and how their family comes together to support them. Despite their loss, they are not overly sad and feel that they still have a long life ahead. Their children now have families of their own and the speaker is proud of their accomplishments. beach protected in the cove. It has palisades and the water is coming up on the shore. The sand is very soft, very soft. No worries in a place like that. It's peaceful, where there are no worries and no problems. Just peace and quiet. Can you see the sky from where you are? Mm-hmm. Look up in the sky and see if you can find a big, white, puffy cloud. Mm-hmm. I'm going to ask you to do something that might sound a little strange. I want you to float up to that cloud and sit on it. Tell me what that would feel like to sit on a cloud. And you don't have to worry. It will hold your weight just like magic. What would that feel like to sit on a cloud? It's soft and warm and very comfortable and lazy. It's very, very light. Good. Some people think it feels like cotton or feathers, but it will hold you just like magic. It's very comfortable, isn't it? Mm-hmm. Now lay back on that cloud and just let it absorb all of your weight. It's such a beautiful, wonderful feeling. It's like you don't have any weight at all. You can become one with that beautiful cloud if you lay back on that cloud. Let it absorb your weight. If you want to, you can even wrap the cloud around you like a wool blanket and snuggle down into the cloud. That's such a beautiful, comfortable, safe feeling. And it's almost as though you don't even have a body. As you become one with that beautiful, soft, comfortable, safe cloud. And this cloud is floating through the air, carrying you with it. Soft and protected and comfortable and safe. Drifting and floating. Floating and drifting. And this cloud floats over the land and over the valleys, over the mountains, and even over the ocean if it wants to. Carrying you with it. Soft, protected, comfortable, and safe. Drifting and floating. Floating and drifting. Over the land, over the valleys. Protected and safe. And this cloud is like magic because not only can it carry you over the land and over the valleys, it can also carry you back and back and back in time and space. I'm asking the cloud to move and carry you back and back and back in time and space to another time, another place where there is information we would like to find to help you in the very best way that we can. The cloud is moving. It's carrying you back and back and back. We're looking for the most appropriate time and place to stop and look at and examine. The most appropriate time and place to stop and look at and examine. Now the cloud is slowing down. It's stopping at the most appropriate time and place. Now that the cloud has stopped at the most appropriate time and place, I want you to drift off of that cloud, back down, down, down to the surface. It won't be anything sudden. Just like a leaf drifting gently out of a tree, back down to the surface. And as you come back down, I want you to tell me the very first thing that you see down there below. Or the very first impression that you have as you come back down to the surface. I'm an African woman, a black woman, and I have a basket, holding a basket, like chafing or, I don't know, doing something with grains. Like separating the grains or something and sitting outside. It's very comfortable to be outside in the sun. What are you wearing? I have a scarf on my head and I just have a dress on, like a tunic and no shoes. And I have some beads, a bead bracelet, a couple bracelets on. Do you know what kind of stones? I think they were just like, they were kind of like presents or gifts, like for my birthday or something they were given to me. Maybe I got one, like with each, each child. I got a new, I got another bracelet, so. It's like there's one for each child, so it's always a reminder of my, my children. Any other jewelry? I have a necklace on. Maybe it's like a shell. And I think that was a gift, too. So they were all gifts. Is the hut, are you sitting in front of a hut? I'm sitting out by, just kind of, it's my, my home area. I'm sitting a little way from the hut. It's my, okay, my yard, I guess you would call it. And there's like several huts, it's like all family around us. And I'm sitting at the spot where I like to sit in the sun and I like to work when I'm getting ready to cook. Is there a fire that you all gather around? Not right now, because it's daytime. And I'm not at the point of making a fire yet. But I will be later on as I kind of separate the grains and then I have to cook things. And I like to cook. Do you go out and gather your food? Mm-mm. The rest of the family does. The kids, my sons go out and gather food or my daughters gather food or the other wives. They bring it back and I, that's their role and my role is to cook it. And I like to cook and I like to serve meals because that's when I get everybody together. Otherwise everybody's out, the kids are out doing their things, everybody's out kind of doing their things. So I like to make the meal because it brings everybody back together with all of their stories. Do you just sleep inside each of those huts? Mm-hmm. Is that your main job, just to cook for the community? I cook for my family and then I also clean, I mean do laundry. So that's like the two things. I get to stay, pretty much I stay put and then everybody else goes out to gather the food or the grains or the meat or the water and they bring it back in. And then I kind of stay and run the household and cook, yeah. Can you see how old you are? Are you young? I'm older, I have gray hair. But it's okay, I'm quite comfortable in my body and comfortable with my age. It's a good place to be in life because I'm respected for my age and looked up to. Does your husband go with you? Mm-hmm. Yes, he goes out with our sons and they go out hunting or he goes out just farming and working with the other men in the village. Mm-hmm. It's a good, we have a good relationship. He's a good man. Are the kids young or old? The kids are like, they're not little kids anymore, they're young adults. I still feel like they're children, even though they're big. I can't believe how big my sons are. They're very tall. They're good-looking men, but they're still my babies. They're always my babies. You're happy? Mm-hmm. It's satisfying. Everybody's healthy around me. Everybody gets along. There's no squabbles. Everybody helps each other, which is really nice. It's how I raise them, so that they would be kind to each other and get along. And that's what I wanted. I just wanted them to be good people. Will they be moving away or will they be staying with you? They all stay close. If somebody gets married or has a wife or whatever, they just, they will build another hut in our little village so that our little community will expand. Nobody ever really leaves. It's like we're the hub, we're the center, and it's like our little circle just expands, and that's fun, that's nice. So if there's a new house, it goes on the outer skirts of our little circle, our little community. So my huts in the center and the older huts are in the center, and then as it grows, the younger people are on the outer skirts. So that's how it expands. That's how it grows bigger and bigger. So it's nice to feel like everybody around me. Everybody helps each other out. Yeah, they want to help each other out. That's one thing they value and they feel good about, so helping each other out is very important. Doing for each other is very important. Because that's how we grow and that's how we stay strong is by being cohesive and sharing and helping each other out. That's what makes us stronger as a family, an extended family, and a community. And there's some babies, like one of my daughters is married and has little toddlers, and the little toddlers are running around, and it's fun to have little kids around that I don't have to care for because I don't have the energy to chase after them. I don't have the energy to chase after toddlers. Somebody else can do that. They can chase after the toddlers. But I can cook. I think I cook the dinner. That's my role is to cook the dinner, like the bigger dinner where everybody gets together in the evening. And then when my daughters have their kids in their families, they take care of their earlier meals, and I don't have to do anything for that. So I have all day that I can just kind of take my time to cook a nice meal. And that's nice because then I'm not rushed at all. It's a very easygoing life. Mm-hmm. It's very easygoing and very, very satisfying. And because we split the work and the chores, there's not too much work for anyone, any one person, because we all share the work. You were born there? You grew up there? Mm-hmm. Yeah, this is what I've known. It's comfortable to be in the same place where I've been. It's safe. Not much has changed, but that's very comfortable. Yeah. Good. Now, let's leave that scene, and I want you to move forward to an important day, a day that you consider to be important when something is happening. We've now moved forward to an important day. What is happening? Yes, my husband has died. He's laying on a cot inside the home, and everybody's gathering around me. All of my daughters are there, my sisters, his brothers. If anybody moved away from the village, they all came back to be with me because he died. I'm not too sad because he had a really good life. He had lots of children, and he got to see his grandchildren, and he got to see his family prosper, and he did everything he wanted to do. It was time, so I have a lot of family around me, so I'm not really sad. That's sad, even though I'll miss him. How's your health? My health is still good. I slowed down, but I'm still going strong for my age, and I feel like I have a long way to go. I'm going to see lots of grandkids and great-grandkids, so I have a long way to go. Your children, they're bigger. Do they have families of their own? They all have families now. They all have children. Some of their children are growing up fast, and in some ways, with my husband gone, I'm like the head of the household. I'm the head of the family. I'm who people are going to come to for wisdom, so in some ways, I know this sounds selfish, but in some ways, I will get more attention or respect because now I'm the oldest there in the family. That has a very reverent place there, so it's like whatever legacy or authority or power, it's not really power. It's not power over, but it's like whatever my husband held now goes all to me, and it's like it's mine, like the livestock and whatever he had, it's not going to another man. It goes to me. I'm rich by family standards. I'm very, very rich, and I'm rich in not only material things like animals and homes and land, but I'm rich in family with lots of family around me. I'm rich in influence and position in life, so I'm at the top of my game. I get to make some choices now that since my husband isn't there anymore, and maybe he would have done things one way, but I get to do them another way now. I get to do them my way, and not that he was ever wrong or bad, but I just get to have my own preferences for things and then watch the way things turn out, like maybe the way I want my sons to take care of the cattle or take care of the farming. I get to have more of a say, and then without doing the work, so I get to watch the way things turn out, which is very satisfying. Good. Let's leave that scene now, and let's move forward to another important day. Another important day to consider. Let's move forward to that day now. What's happening? There's a fire across some of our lands. It's been really dry, and it's like part of the farm is burning, and they have to move some of the animals away. I think some of the animals died in the fire, but it's a big deal because we haven't had a fire, and I don't ever remember having a fire like that. Are you safe? Yeah, we're all going to be safe, but it's just all the men are working really hard to put out the fire to save the crops that they can. I think there's more of a concern for the crops and the food because we usually have so much abundance. Even in the off-season, like the rainy season or the winter season, we have so much crop that we have lots of surplus, but it looks like this year we might not have as much surplus. There's just some concern for the food, and we'll have to make some different decisions this year about how we manage things. We usually give food to other villages that don't have as much, but I think this year we're going to have to keep everything to ourselves, which I'm sad for the other villages, but we have to take care of our family first. Maybe we even might have to slaughter more of the animals for meat this year, but that's okay because it'll be okay because next year we'll kind of replenish and grow. It's like it's kind of meant to be that the fire is kind of cleansing the land and there's a renewal there, so even though it looks bad at this moment, I'm telling everybody it's going to be okay. We're going to be just fine. We're always fine. We always make it. Are you older? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm much older. I don't do much now except give my opinion. I don't have to cook anymore. Are your children in charge more? Yes, they're in charge, but they still ask me a lot for advice and wisdom, and I get to have even more of a comfortable position of kind of just being the... Sometimes I'm like an oracle. I predict things for the future, tell what things are going to be happening, or I can say who's going to get pregnant next and say if it's a boy or a girl. So I get to have... I don't know why you want to say it. It's just more of a wisdom role and just kind of watching things unfold and play out in front of me. It's quite comfortable. And I don't cook anymore. Everybody brings me food, which is nice. I don't even do laundry anymore, so all the younger people do that work. I guess you could say I'm kind of retired. Nice. All right, let's leave that scene, and let's move forward to another important day, another day that you consider important that's happening. So what do you see? What's happening? So I'm on my deathbed. My hair is really, really white. I've gotten a lot shorter. My body's kind of wizard. I'm very, very old. I think I'm older than anybody else. We don't really count ages, but I'm older than... I think I'm like the oldest one for quite a while, quite a ways away, and everybody's around. It's kind of like a big family reunion. Everybody's there. People are singing. The kids are there. My children are older now. They look old, too. They have their own children, which are grown, and they come in and talk to me, so even though I'm dying, it's okay, because it's a nice day. Are you in any pain? Mm-mm, but I will miss everybody. I will miss everybody around me, and the village has gotten really big, so much bigger than I could have ever imagined. It's kind of hard to keep track of everybody. I can keep track of my kids and some of their kids, but beyond that, it's like, oh, God. I forget who's who anymore, but that's okay. They don't expect me to... I'm old, so they don't expect me to remember everybody, but it's like I know they're related because they're there, but it's like, oh, my God, I don't know who some of these people are. It's like, yeah, I've gotten to be so big, but it's okay. The women are really happy. I'm happy for my daughters. They've all got good husbands, and my sons all are married. They have good families. They have quite an operation with the farming and the livestock, and they've developed it way further than anything I could have ever imagined. They've got their own systems going there, and they're much better cooks than I ever was, and the food's much better because now they're so prosperous now that they can really trade, and they've been able to bring in a lot of other things, like spices, and even textiles and different types of fruits and foods from way far away because they can trade so much, and it's like a little... Gosh, it's like we have our own little market, and I like it because I don't have to do anything. Nice. Now, whatever's happened has already happened, and you're on the other side. Now, from that position, I want you to look back at the entire life and see it from a different perspective. Every life has a lesson and a purpose. As you look at the life, what did you learn? What do you think the purpose of that lifetime was? It was a nice balance between independence and dependence. Like, I was really independent. I made a lot of decisions, but yet there was also interdependence. I made a lot of decisions about the way my children would take care of me, and they would come around, and I gave them a lot of space. I didn't hover over them. I didn't force them to do things, and in that way, they stayed close, and they wanted to be with me. They wanted to be around me and take care of me, so it was kind of like a yin and a yang balance of being independent, but also being connected, and being independent in the sense of waiting for my time to come. Like, after my husband died, and then I was really the head of the household and the head of the business and the community, but then also giving up some of that power to the younger people so they could feel stronger. And so it was a nice flow of sharing power, independence, interdependence, loving each other, taking care of each other, and no one thing was too hard for any person. Yeah. So I'm a woman. I'm Caucasian, maybe English. I have very, very white skin, porcelain white skin that I work really hard at. I do a lot of milk baths to get that white skin. And I'm looking at myself in a mirror, and I have... Are you young or old? I'm youngish. Youngish. Considered young. I mean, not child, but not old either. And I have black hair with curls. Like, I work hard to make my hair look just right. And I'm taken care of. It's like I have servants. I don't do things on my own. I just sit around most of the day looking pretty. That's what I do. Do you have any jewelry on? No. What are you wearing? A very beautiful dress. It's like white with lace and kind of a tight corset, which I don't like tight. I don't like tight things, so I try to loosen it up. I do have some things in my hair. Like, I have a... Oh, I don't know what you would call it. Like, it's kind of a pin with a pearl on it in my hair. Just for, like, if that's any jewelry, I mean, wear it in my hair. Yeah. Do you have a family? Mm-hmm. Yeah, they're around. I think I'm single. I don't know. I feel like there's no... Okay, I do have a husband, but I don't have any children or anything. I think it's just us in the house. Are you happy? I feel like I'm happy enough. Yeah, I'm pretty lazy. I know I'm lazy. I could do more, but there's a lot of things that are not available to me. Like, I couldn't go to school or I couldn't get an education. I mean, maybe I could learn a musical instrument, but I'm not really interested in that. I do like my garden, but if somebody else works it, I just get to say what to plant where. So, yeah, I'm pretty lazy. Do you order people around? Yes, I do. They work for me. My husband has a lot of money, so we have servants and a very big house, a very beautiful house with all the finest things, really fine, fine china. I like to look at the china because it's so intricate and the patterns are so beautiful on it. Yeah. Well, let's leave that scene. Let's move to an important day. Another day that you consider important. What's happening? I don't know. It's kind of like a cold, rainy day outside. I'm inside looking out. I don't know what it's why it's so cold today. I think it's kind of unexpectedly wet, like it's raining too much and it looks like it's drowning the garden. Because there's so much water around, the critters are coming in the house like the rats are coming in the house because everything is wet. Everything is, how can I say, the water's rising. So, it's just really, I mean, I'm upstairs. I'm safe, but the basement is flooding and they're having to work to get the food out of the basement because it'll get all wet and then it'll rot. It's an unexpected amount of water. Are you older? No, not much older. It's just a real pain in the ass that it's going to take a while for everything to dry out. I think that the house is going to be damaged, so there's going to be, and then my husband had to come back from his work to kind of direct things, and some of my stuff is getting ruined, which is kind of a bummer just because everything's so wet. Are you helping? Are you helping clean? No, I wouldn't. I would be useless. I wouldn't know what to do anyway. I mean, I'm helping in the sense of I'm telling them what to save and what things not to, like, I'll tell them, like, yeah, I want you to save that rug, that's important, or no, I don't care about that box, don't worry about that. It's just kind of scary because we don't know when the, it just feels like we don't know when the water's going to stop there. Do you still feel safe? Yeah, I'm still safe. We're in a multi-level house, so I'm just going to go upstairs. The servants, obviously, are going to have to come up to the first floor, and that's okay. I don't care. They can't stay down in the basement, but I'll go upstairs. I'll go up in my upper rooms there, so, yeah, it's kind of unfortunate for other people, too. It's kind of making a mess in the town. Other homes are affected? Mm-hmm. Everything's just a mess, muddy. Horses don't like standing in water. I don't blame the horses. And then the hay's getting wet, so it's going to get ruined. It'll get moldy, and then you can't feed it to the horses because the horses will get sick. And then if grain's in the cellar, it's getting ruined, too, so a lot of things are getting ruined. I mean, we'll be okay. We have a lot of money, but it's going to be, I can see it's going to be hard for a lot of people. Are you helping your neighbors out? We help in that we'll let them take some of their important stuff and store it in the upper rooms and let them move their horses. Yeah, people are helping each other because it's just so unexpected. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe a dam broke. Maybe that's what it is. There was rain, but then something broke to put that amount of water in the streets all at once. Yeah. Good. Let's leave that scene and let's move to another important day. What do you see? What's happening? I'm in bed, and I'm sick. I got sick after the flood. After all the water receded, there was a lot of mold, and I'm sick off of the mold. It's like I got not just the flu. It's like it's in my, like a pneumonia, like it's in my lungs, and there's a lot of people got sick from it, too, with the mold, the black mold, and it's making me sad because it's like things didn't return back to normal. They got, things got damaged and moldy, and everything's just moldy, and it's making me sick, and I don't feel, I'm not strong enough to, I mean, not that I was sickly, but this, just because it's everywhere, and I can tell I'm getting, I'm getting weaker and weaker. There's really nothing anybody can do for me, and I just sleep a lot, and I miss my garden. I miss the sunny days, and I miss my garden a lot. Do you have your husband around, and the servants? Yeah, everybody, no, we lost a couple of the servants. They got, they got sick, too, like I'm getting sick with the mold, and my husband's okay. He's going to be okay, and I think he's even going to remarry down the road, and that's okay, because I want him to be happy. Yeah, this was just something, this was just unfortunate events that happened. Nobody could have done anything about it. Alright, so whatever happened, it's already happened, and let's go to the other side, and you can look back at your entire life. Let's see it from a different perspective, and then what lesson and purpose have you gained from that lifetime? It was kind of a boring life. Yeah, I didn't have to do anything. I didn't have to lift a finger, but there wasn't much I could do. I mean, I had like two choices. I could garden. I could play a musical instrument, but that was it. I could maybe socialize with my neighbors, but life was really small and limited, and it kind of felt like a waste, really, even though I had wonderful things around me. I had all the finest things. Did you have a purpose? No, I couldn't do much. I wanted to. If there was a purpose, it was building up the desire to be and to do things and to explore things, because I was really, really stuck with the time period. I couldn't do much. Now, if I were born a man, there was lots I could do, but not as a woman, so I feel like the life was just, I was resting, but then I was building up restlessness, because I wanted to do more. I wanted more out of life. All right, let's move away from that lifetime and let that person continue on their own path. Let's move either forward or backward to another appropriate time and place. Any information that's needed? Do you have another time and place? I feel like I'm on the spirit side. It's just light, light, light. It feels real good. It's real calming. It's good to be there. I'm kind of resting at the moment. I'm kind of resting between life. Is there anything that you want to do? Not really. Do you have a forum? I'm kind of, I'm form and formless at the same time, like kind of around my guides, and so I'm in form when I'm around my guides, because I can, I see them and I see me, but then also I'm in form when I'm around my guides. I'm formless, and it's okay. We're kind of around, I call it a bird path. It looks like a bird path, but it's not. I know it's not a bird path, but with my guides, and we're kind of looking at everything together, looking at all of my lives, thinking about things, deciding what to do next. I think I'm advocating for taking a break, and I'm like, yeah, those were fun. That was adventuresome. But those physical lives are really, really dense. It's like moving through quicksand or molasses. And I like the easier side of being, just energy. It's so much easier. How do you feel? I feel good. I feel light. Just easy to be easy. I kind of jokingly tell them, yeah, you go off and have a life, and come back, and you go muck around in the really lower vibration for a while. It's tiring. Jeez Louise. It makes me appreciate energy, and just so easy to move in energy. Are you going to stay there for a while, before you move on to your next adventure? Yeah, I think I'm going to be here for a while. I just want to play with the energy vortex and the bird path. I'm just like, this is much more fun. I can do so much with it. I just think, or feel, and the energy conforms to my thoughts and feelings. No work to do, no working for someone, no having to make things physically, no having to clean anything. It's just, energy is so much easier to play with. Beautiful. Okay, I want the consciousness and personality of Elizabeth to return to the body, and integrate into the body. And I want to speak to Elizabeth subconsciously. Do I have permission to speak to Elizabeth subconsciously? Yes. I respect the power of you subconscious, because I know the subconscious takes very good care of Elizabeth's body, and does a very good job at it. I also know the subconscious has records of everything that has ever happened in Elizabeth's life, and all of their lifetimes. I respect the power of the subconscious, and I'll always ask for permission to speak to it and ask questions. Do I have permission to ask questions? Yes. Thank you. I know the subconscious could have brought forth any lifetime for Elizabeth to see today, and you chose to bring her forward to see these lifetimes. Why did you pick this lifetime? Well, the second lifetime was to remind her that she chose to be busy in the current lifetime. She was sitting there twiddling her thumbs saying, I wish I could do more. So we wanted to show her that when she gets really busy in the current lifetime, and she feels overwhelmed, and it's like, what the hell? What is going on? Do I have to work this hard? We want to remind her that you picked this. You picked it for things to go fast, to be busy, to do all the things you're doing. You chose to do so much. And then the first lifetime, there was a balance. I know she's really independent and has done so much on her own, and it's felt like in some ways that has been a burden. But we wanted to show her that when she gets to be with family and have her kids and her husband, that there will be an inner dependence. And it will make things easier and pleasant, and it won't feel like a burden. It'll feel fun. So it won't feel like all the struggles of all the younger years. It will be much, much easier. And that day is coming very soon, so not to worry with how hard she's working now, because it's okay to keep working this hard, because very soon it'll be different, and it'll feel like a totally different life. Yeah, that was one of her questions. She wanted to know if she should be cutting back on the work. She should be cutting back on her hours. No, she can keep going, full steam ahead, because when it shifts, she will really cut back to have the time with her family, and then she will have the money, so she won't have to work like that, and she won't choose to work like that. So it's coming to an end very soon, so she doesn't have to worry about it. It's like the light is at the end of the tunnel, and she'll look back and be happy for that time when she could work all those hours, because she'll have gained a lot of experience that will pay off. And so then when she will work, she'll feel very experienced, and she won't be wanting or wishing for anything. She'll be like, when she does something, she'll have the experience she needs, so it's okay to see as many clients as she's seeing right now, just to get all the experience, so it's good. And she's going to have grandkids in this life, which is something she never thought she'd have. She's working hard for them, for her future family? Mm-hmm. She wanted to know if she should be working with insurance companies. Is that something that you could let her know? She can continue on, and it's okay to go after the Medicaid, and then drop the lower-paying ones, so she can maximize the money while she's maximizing her hours now. Because then when she gets to be where she's working less, she won't even do those other insurance companies. She'll just drop them away, or maybe she'll just do private-pay clients. So, it's okay to want to go after the higher-paying insurance companies, because the lower ones, they're going to start dropping away on their own, and that's the natural progression of things. It's okay. Good. Thank you. You won't have her work too hard, though. You won't have her relax too, as well, right? Yeah, she's still working from that energy of the boring life where she was so frustrated, so she'll know when she hits the end of that, when she'll say, okay, I've had enough. And that will be the moment when the family will be together, and then it'll be a natural transition, and it will be easy to let go of things. Yeah. She's interested in maybe bringing this QHHT to a women's prison. How do you feel about that? Is that extra work for her, or something that's possible for her to do? That is possible, and it will be easier than she thinks it will be. She doesn't need to think about the logistics of it, because how she'll start is she'll offer it first to the management, and once they do it and they like it, then they'll make it easy for her. They'll take care of all the red tape, so it'll be part of the experience that she wants to gain, and it's going to be really good. Good, yeah. So she just needs to get in there and offer it, and then the people inside the prison, they'll do it, they'll like it, and then they'll make it possible for her, so she doesn't have to worry about the logistics at all. She just needs to go in there and show her face. Mm-hmm. Put forth a proposal, and then they will, once they do it and they like it, then they'll make it possible, so it will be under the radar, because they'll like it. They'll just work around the red tape, so she doesn't even have to worry about the red tape, because it won't be there. Nice. She'll help a lot of people out then, yes? Mm-hmm. And they will start learning it on their own, yeah. Good. She was inquiring about her purpose, just to make sure that she's doing her purpose, fulfilling her purpose in this lifetime. She's doing it, and I think that taking the hypnosis into the prison is going to be a real shift for everybody. It's going to be really impactful, because it's going to change how people think about lives and their karma, so it's going to be really big. She's going to touch a lot of people, so that's her purpose? Mm-hmm. She's doing it now, right? Mm-hmm. It's going to be bigger than the therapy. The therapy's just going to drop away on its own, yeah. Thank you. Can you give a time frame? No. Just keep having her do what she needs to be doing? Yeah. Because she's wanted to make a big purpose, and this is going to be it. Mm-hmm. She said she's feeling a little bit tired and low energy. Is there any way that you can help increase her energy? Help increase her energy? That's because she hasn't hooked into more of her purpose, and the therapy is getting draining. Because it's like the comparison of doing things in the lower vibration versus higher vibration. As things shift into doing more past life regression, things will be so much easier, really easier. She's not doing anything bad or wrong. It's just that the therapy is about lower, denser, coarser vibration. She's been taking on some of that energy of the clients, and she's been feeling that. Mm-hmm. That's what's been draining her, and we've been showing her how to put up a mirror there so she doesn't take it on. It's okay to say no to some clients, too, and turn people away that she can't help. Thank you. There's no shame in saying to somebody that she can't help them anymore, because we don't want her taking on more of their negative energy when they don't know how to do their own work. She can pass those off to somebody else, and that's okay. So the more she does that, and the more she taps into doing the past life, she will get more and more energy, so it's a transition stage right now. Good, good. They want her to be full of energy and not tired, right? Yes, and it will be. She'll have energy to keep up with the kids. Good. Very good. All right. I'm going to ask the subconscious to receive, and where it belongs, with much love and thanks for the help and information that you've given Elizabeth. I know she's really going to appreciate it, and I want the entities or entities from the other lives that we were speaking with to receive into the past, to the time where they belong, with much love and much thanks for the information, all the information that they've given Elizabeth. And remember, the things you are watching from the past, they belong in the past. Leave them in the past. We only brought them forward as a curiosity to learn from and to have information to help Elizabeth in this present lifetime. They're valuable and have importance, but as Elizabeth listens to the recording and goes over the material and puts it into place, it will not bother her mentally or physically. That is very important. It will not bother her in any way, mentally or physically. I want all the consciousness and personality of Elizabeth to return and fully integrate back into her body completely. All of the consciousness and personality of Elizabeth is once again fully integrated back into the body, replacing all of the parts that we were speaking to. Now I want Elizabeth to move up, up, up through time and space and orient yourself back into the present day. June 9th, 2024. You're lying here on your bed, and you had a very interesting experience. I want you to remember that the present life you're living now is the most important life of all, because it's the one you are focused on at the present time. And any information we can find in this way is valuable, but it will not bother you in any other way, mentally or physically, as you understand it and put it into place. That is very important, and it will not bother you in any way. Now in a moment, I'm going to count to ten. And on the count of ten, you'll be wide awake, feeling wonderful all over, as though you've had a nice nap, a nice sleep. You'll feel truly rested and refreshed. When you do this, it will always be an enjoyable experience. Now follow me up as we go. I'll count to ten, and you'll be wide awake, feeling wonderful all over. One, two, you're beginning to breathe a little faster. Your blood is beginning to circulate a little faster, because you're beginning to wake up. Three, four, you're becoming aware of your physical body, very much aware of the physical body. You can move your arms and legs around, get the muscles working, blood circulating. It gets tiring being in one position. You're getting everything moving again, because you're very much aware of the physical body. You're focused on it now, and you're beginning to wake up now. Five, six, you're becoming aware of the sounds in the room and the sounds outside of the room, and you're very much aware of the physical surroundings. You're oriented back in this time and place, and you're beginning to wake up. Seven, eight, you're coming up, very nicely now, very nicely. Nine, ten, wide awake, wide awake. Feeling wonderful all over. Feeling like a bag of cement, oh my God. Well rested. I feel like I was in the bed, not on the bed, in the bed. That is always so wild. I can see why they say don't do it with people that have multiple personalities and are not good with reality. Okay, how do I stop this thing? Stop. Did it stop? Oh, it stopped. Menu. No. Menu. No. Okay. I think that's it. Thank you. Wow. Wow, dear lady. Okay, you want to take this microphone off, but I don't.

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