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We'll be discussing the link between astrology and astronomy. How are these two topics connected and how do they affect our lives? Our signs really affect everyday human behavior. We'll share our own personal experiences and get really dig deep with what the zodiacs means to us.

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The podcast hosts discuss the connection between astronomy and astrology, focusing on how the positioning of celestial bodies affects our personalities. They explain that astronomy studies the universe, including planets, stars, and constellations, while astrology studies how these positions and properties influence humans. They discuss the 12 zodiac constellations and how people identify with their signs. They also talk about how elements (earth, wind, fire, water) contribute to the personality of each sign. The hosts mention that astrology is based on real observations of celestial events and is not a completely made-up science. They discuss the significance of sun, moon, and rising signs in determining personality traits, emotions, and social behavior. They conclude by emphasizing the correlation and depth of the link between astronomy and astrology. ♪♪ Hi, I'm Sarah. Hi, I'm Chelsea. And welcome to the TEON. Astrology! Yay! We're not only going to be talking about astrology, we're also going to be talking about astronomy and, like, the connection between the two. When we say the connection, we're referring to the link between astronomy and astrology, how a lot of these things are interchangeable and connect. You know, the idea of how the positioning of celestial bodies affect our personalities. So, Sarah, what is astronomy exactly? So, when we're talking about astronomy, we're talking about the subject of the universe, everything in space. Actually, just, like, the universe as a whole, so that's not only just space. We're talking about planets, stars, and constellations. Funny you bring up constellations, because that's what I'm going to be talking about in a minute. Constellations, basically, they're just groups of stars that make up patterns or shapes. You know, we like to look at them, and scientifically and, like, back to, like, myths and stuff, people have been known to, like, create names for these things, make stories about them. Yeah, and bring a lot of meaning to... Yeah. So, basically, what I want to go into, though, is the 12 that we know. Because when we're talking about constellations, you know, famously, we know about the zodiac constellations, whether that's Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. You know, these celestial bodies are often what we look at when we're trying to determine our personalities and how, you know, the positioning of different stars and planets and constellations affect who we are as people. Basically, how we identify ourselves with our signs. That's really the base of all of it. But isn't it crazy how all these things, like the positioning of the stars, the constellations, like we've talked about, affect who we are as people, like our personalities, our behavior? You know, like, everything that has to do with our signs, that's where it comes from, everything. You know, it's crazy, because in astrology, we're studying how these positions and properties affect people and events on Earth. And it's crazy, because astrology is literally just the study of how celestial bodies and the positioning of them influence us as humans. So, Chelsea, do you think that your sign portrays, like, do you see any part of it in your personality? Actually, I do. Cancers, which is my sign, are often described as emotional, crybabies, and, like, just very in touch with their emotions, and I identify with that. I'm very emotional. What about you, Sarah? Well, I'm a Capricorn, so what does that say about me? You want me to tell you what your sign does about you? Capricorns are very down-to-earth, and they're going to tell you how it is. Very blunt, straight to the point. That sounds a lot like me. Wow. Yeah, I just think that in today's world, people really talk about how astrology happens, like, in our everyday lives. Like, how, oh, I'm unorganized, that's my sign. Like, I don't know if it's true 100% of the time, but I would say that it's a pretty big point or a big reason. Mm-hmm. I feel like there's always this, like, debate, though, that, oh, your signs aren't real, or how would that affect your personality, that. Mm-hmm. But I feel like when we're talking about our signs, we're not saying, oh, yeah, every single part of our identity comes from what sign we are, because, like, obviously it's not true, because, you know, every single thing, every person's life is different, there's different things that affect them, there's different things that make up their personality. We're just talking about, like, a small part or characteristic that occurs just because of the relative position of stars or planets. Yes, I completely agree with you. It's just certain things that, like, you could go up to a person and have one conversation with them, and you could automatically try to guess their sign, and most of the time you're right, because there's so many things that just stand out in a person's personality that also identify with their sign. 100%. So when we're talking about signs and the categories they fall under, we think about elements, like earth, wind, fire, water. All of those elements also contribute to the sign's personality. Like, if you're a water sign, you're more emotional, you're more, you know, sensitive, and it just makes sense because when you think of water, you think of more, you know, very soft, very emotional, very, you know, sensitive. The fire signs are more bold and more out there and more confident and brave, and they're very, very passionate, like, another level. Like, Aries and Leos are, like, known to be the most boldest out there personalities and signs, and the earth signs are more down-to-earth, and they're more grounded, and they're more logical and practical, and they just try to find sense in situations. And the air signs, they don't really fall under any category. They're very flexible, and they're just, you know, Very emotional as well, but, like, more intuitive. And sociable, really. And they attempt to, like, correlate the celestial events with earthly events and human affairs. So, like, we try to get, like, an understanding of how things that aren't happening around us, but, you know, the bigger thing is, like, spaces. The bigger thing, it's bigger than the picture, bigger than what we're really seeing, and how this affects us as people. You know, like, not only is, like, we can see, like, of course we know, like, the zodiac is astrology, but we're also seeing this in astronomy, because, like, in astronomy, there's people. We're seeing how people use it to, like, help understand, like, how the sun, earth, and, like, stars all move in relation to one another. But when we look at it from a, like, astrological point of view, Astrological? Astrological point of view. We're looking at, you know, how the sun, earth, you know, stars move in relation to not only one another, but how they correlate to us. Astrology was originally derived from, like, constellations in the sky. So it's not like what we're talking about is, like, a complete, like, made-up science. Like, a lot of astrology comes back into astronomy. Like, this is, like, the science that we use to, like, back it up. Exactly. It's not like, oh, yeah, we're talking about how, oh, yeah, this is your sign, this is exactly who you are. We're talking about how these things that are real, these things that can be scientifically proven, affect who we are. Like, even, like, people in ancient times, they would observe, like, seasonal patterns, and they would see these patterns, and they would, like, designate it to, like, characteristics at each time. Like, when we talk about, like, modern astrology, most people know their sun signs. But we can broaden that and talk about, like, our moon signs, our Saturn, Jupiter, all the planets are basically in our house. Our ascendant, like, all the twelve houses, basically. All right. So, we all have a big three. Our sun, moon, and rising. Which is your ascendant. Right? So, I'm a sun in Capricorn, which basically means, like, this is who I am as a whole, right? Yeah. So, people would, like, describe Capricorns as calm, cool, committed people, you know, high attitude. They can, like, be lonely or, like, selfish people at some times. You know, I really, like, do understand that. Like, certain aspects of myself I really do see reflect off my sign. Okay. And then when we go into, like, moon signs, what do our moon signs tell us? The placement of the moon, like, in your zodiac or in your house, it tends to, like, describe your emotional life, your feelings, your desires. Like, everything that's happening, like, below the surface, like, that you don't even know. Like, you could have, like, internal feelings, but you might not know how to talk about them. It just describes that. Like, what is your moon sign, for example? I'm a Cancer moon. So, a Cancer moon would be more emotional and very, like, they'd rather be by themselves to reflect on their feelings rather than with other people. And they just find comfort being alone. And that's you. You'd rather not talk about your own feelings to other people, but you can reflect on how you feel by yourself. So, what about, like, rising signs? Because we know, like, rising signs is our social personality, also ascendant, right? You know, it's like how what? It's how you dawn on people, like, how you perceive yourself to other people. And it's just, like, your physical body. You know what I mean? So, what is your ascendant? I'm an Aries rising. So, that means you're more of a bold and brave and opinionated, which is very true. And you're independent. You don't really need anybody. And you're kind of seen as intimidating to other people. But it's just more, like, you know, the outward part. Like, your moon sign is inward, what's happening below the surface, and then your ascendant is what's happening outside. I feel like that just makes, like, a lot of sense. Because I feel like when people first meet me, they are intimidated by me. And I'm just like, why? But then I feel like when you really get to know me, then you really get to see, like, a whole different side of me. Because it's, like, as intimidating as I can be, like, at first. Like, once you, like, really get to know me, I feel like I'm just, like, pretty, like, chill or whatever. Yeah. It's just, like, your sun sign is a Capricorn, obviously. And your moon sign is often, like, the opposite of that. Like, it's just, like, everything that's happening behind the scenes. You know what I mean? That's the best way I could describe it. I feel like it's, like, the perfect balance, though, right? Because we're talking about two different, like, different traits. It's something that you, like, you wouldn't expect for you to be a Cancer moon. Because of how you perceive yourself to others. You're very bold and you seem independent. And it's just certain things are different with your moon sign and your sun sign. But certain things are the same. Like, you're independent towards people. And you're also independent with reflecting on your feelings. So, this is the end of our podcast. I feel like we touched on every point that we had to touch on. Yeah. Now, I feel like we both understand, you know, the link between astronomy and astrology better. And I feel like we really, like, just... Went into depth. Went into depth. I agree with you completely. It was very interesting talking about the... Correlation. The correlation in all... Yeah. In all the different, like, signs, elements, houses, attributes. All the different attributes. That's what I was trying to say. All the different attributes that basically make up this link. Which is very strong. As you can see, there's a lot of things that are similar and different. And how they come together. All in the end. Alright. So, this is Sarah. This is Chelsea signing out. XOXO.

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