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The speaker discusses their preferences for various activities and forms of entertainment. They enjoy chocolate for its health benefits and stress reduction. They like reading books to expand their knowledge and learn about personal finance. They are not interested in video games and prefer reading, studying, or spending time with friends. They enjoy watching movies to experience different emotions and escape from reality. Music helps them relax and forget about work stress. They enjoy traveling to learn about different cultures and become a better person. They are not skilled at cooking but enjoy gardening as a way to unwind. They think hiking is thrilling and may try it in the future. They love attending concerts, especially if it's a Taylor Swift concert. They are not interested in playing video games and prefer reading, traveling, or gardening. They are selective about trying new things and prefer familiar environments. They rarely go to restaurants but enjoy trying new foods. They Do you like chocolate? Well, yes, I really like chocolate because it gives me an opportunity to improve my health. For example, when I eat chocolate, it can help me to reduce stress and control my cholesterol in my body. In addition, it also helps me to behave in some situations, like in an exam, for example. The second question is that, do you like reading books? Yes, I really, really like reading books because it is a great way for me to enrich my knowledge and widen my horizons. For example, when I read some finance or economy books, it can help me to learn how to set my personal goals or how to control, how to manage my money. Do you like playing video games? Personally, I know that I don't spend a lot of time to play video games and I'm also not a big fan of video games. So, instead, I prefer to spend my time reading books or studying. Do you like watching movies? Yes, maybe I really like watching movies because when I'm watching movies, I can feel like I'm living that and I can experience a lot of feelings that I've never tried before. So, I really like that from the main characters. And also, it is a great way for me to relax and unwind and temporarily escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, escape from the reality. Do you like listening to music? Of course, I really love listening to music. I think music is an essential part in my life. It can help me to reduce stress after long stressful days. For me, each musical which I have been listening is attracted to a different memory in my life. So, it is a great way for me to temporarily forget all the pressure and worries about my working. Do you like traveling to new places? Yes, I really love traveling to different places because it gives me the opportunity to meet different people and learn more about various different cultures and traditions. From that, I can widen my horizon about the world and become a better version of myself. Do you like cooking or baking personally? Well, actually, I'm really bad at cooking. So, I really rarely go to the kitchen to cook. I can say that my mother is very good at cooking. Maybe in the future, when I grow up, I can learn about many skills. I can learn various skills in cooking sometimes. Do you like swimming? Of course, I really love sports, especially swimming because it is a great way for me to build up my muscles and strengthen my physical health. And from that, I can prevent various diseases, various health problems like heart attack, high blood pressure, or even cancer. Do you like painting or drawing? Personally, I'm not good at painting. I've never painted before. I don't have any skills in painting, so I think it's really boring and it's really wasting my time. Instead, I prefer to do my favorite activities like reading books or studying or watching movies, for example. Do you like gardening? Yes, I really love gardening. Being in nature is also a great way for me to escape from the reality and temporarily forget all the pressures and worries about my daily life and my working. And yeah, it is a great way to unwind. Do you like hiking? Actually, I've never tried hiking before, but I think it's very interesting. When I read about hiking, I feel like it's extremely thrilling and exciting. So maybe in the future, I will try it one time. Do you like attending concerts? Yes, I really love attending concerts, especially if it's a music concert from Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is a really famous singer, and it is my dream to go to a concert of hers one time in my life. I think after a long, exhausting day of working, we can sit together and maybe go to a concert with my friends. It's a great way to relax. Do you like playing pop games? Actually, not really because I'm not a big fan of games, everything kind of games. I never play games. Instead, I prefer doing my favorite activities like reading books or traveling to new places with my friends. And maybe just spend my time to gardening with my family members. Do you like trying new things? Actually, not all new things that I like because I mean I don't like all new things. For example, I like traveling to new places, but I don't like to learn in new classes because when I do something a lot of times, it gradually becomes a habit. So to stop a habit or to change a habit, I think it is really hard to adapt to a new environment. Do you like trying new restaurants? I rarely go to restaurants. So for me, all the restaurants is a new thing because maybe it is a good thing to try new restaurants because it can give me an opportunity to try new food from various people from various cities. Do you like dancing? It depends on the situation. For example, I really love dancing with my friends at my home in my comfort zone. And we usually dance random, like we don't have any regulations or follow to any people, follow to any shambles. But when I have to dance in a place that a lot of strangers surround me, I feel like uncomfortable. So I don't like dancing at that place. Do you like solving puzzles? Actually, I think I am a short person. So for me to solve a big puzzle, I think I cannot do that. But I think it is really interesting and it is a great way to develop our mindset and solving problems skills. Do you like speaking or slow talking? Actually, I never ever tried that before. So I don't know whether I love or not. But I think it is really interesting. I just see people playing, slow talking in the TV shows. But I feel like it is really interesting. So maybe if I have a chance to try that, I will definitely try. Do you like watching sports? Actually, I don't like watching sports because I feel like it is really boring to see people playing sports. I just like to play sports by myself. Do you like action movies? I really rarely see watching action movies because I feel like it is really violent. Because in the action movies, it contains a lot of fight scenes. So it is really violent. What is your opinion on classic films? Well, personally, I think classic film is really peaceful. And I think I love some types of film like love topics rather than classic because it is really boring for young people to focus on that. Are you a fan of horror movies? Yes, I really love watching horror movies, especially with my friends. At my home, we are gardening together and watching a horror movie together. It is really thrilling and really exciting. And I think it is an activity that people must try in their life. How do you feel about romantic comedies? I feel like I don't like comedies and I spend very little time for watching comedies, especially if it is a romantic comedy. I think comedies are really boring for young people like me and we tend to watch some reality shows. Are you a fan of watching documentaries? Yes, I really love watching documentaries because it talks about reality. It talks about real people, real situations. So I think it is a great way for me to enrich my knowledge. Documentaries usually talk about various types of topics about life, about the world. So I think it is a potential source for everyone who wants to improve their knowledge. What are your thoughts about animated scenes? Yes, I don't really care about that. But I think it is a very interesting innovation because for some young people, they really love animation. Young people are big fans of animation. So turning things into animated, turning classic themes into animated themes, I think it is really attractive to young people. Are you interested in foreign language movies? Yes, it is a great way for me to improve my language ability and post speaking and listening. So I think it is very helpful to do, helpful activity to do. Do you appreciate Indian films? I don't know. I never, I'm not trying new types of themes. I just see some Korean movies. So I don't like, I don't know whether I like that type of theme because I never seen that before. So I don't know. What do you think about superhero movies? Actually, I don't like superhero movies. And I think it is really childish. It is just for children. Because it does not contain any potential message on that. And it is not really deep. Does watching scientific movies appeal to you? No, because I think it is really boring. It just barely talks about knowledge, about science and about scientists. So for me, I'm not a big fan of science. And so this type of theme does not really attract me.