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episode 1




Talking about Heathcare and the election.

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The podcast host discusses two main topics in this episode. Firstly, they express their anger and disappointment after seeing a video of a home care worker abusing and assaulting a 95-year-old woman. They emphasize the importance of empathy and compassion for elderly people in the healthcare profession. Secondly, they discuss the upcoming election and criticize President Trump, urging listeners to vote for democracy and against his re-election. They encourage listeners to research both candidates and make an informed decision. The host emphasizes the significance of voting and urges people not to sit out the election. Hi guys Welcome to buckle up Podcasts with Shibley McGinnis your home. This is the first episode And I want to thank you guys for listening. I hope all is having a good day today For me, my day is going pretty good. I woke up this morning and my feet touched the ground So when that happens, it's always a good day I want to start our first Episode by talking about something that is very close and dear To me because I am a health care worker and I've been a health care worker for the past 24 years And I'm still working in health care and I I Was on the internet and I came across this video With Seeing a home care worker Abusing and assaulting an Elderly 95 year old lady When I looked at that video I Was furious Because this is the type of job that I do When I'm not podcasting so for me to see that kind of assault happens of this Elderly woman who is not able to fully defend herself from this strong woman Who is actually beating her with a pot? Hitting her with a pot Okay, that right there has me baking baking I feel like if you don't have the empathy and the compassion to deal with elderly people Then you should not be working as a home health aide As a home health aide worker period Period this is someone's grandmother. This is someone's mother. This is someone's aunt and If you don't have the patience to work with these elderly um People you do not need to be in Health care period I'm gonna continue on saying that because when I looked at that video I was Astoundingly mad As you can hear it in my voice it still upsets me So this woman got caught on surveillance home surveillance hitting this elderly woman With a pot there was like no video sound to it So you don't know what the conversation was about and why it led up to this health care worker attacking this 91 year old woman But the family had seen it on camera and one of the family members was at work So she couldn't get there soon enough to go help her Grandmother I'm assuming in the article. That was her grandmother But somehow I'm assuming that somebody called the cops. This woman was not arrested for it Okay What she should have been arrested? But she hasn't been arrested for in according to the article and you can find this article on CBS calm That I'm talking about if you haven't seen the video, but that is so cool crazy Crazy, I could not believe what I was actually saying like Really? I take care of people every day Every day and it doesn't matter if they got you upset or they worked your last nerve You still have to have some kind of respect and dignity for these people these elderly people senior citizens have worked Worked all their lives some of them half of them, you know, and They are looking forward to someone other than their family Taking care of them if they need help because they're not independent enough to take care of themselves So that's a lot for them to have someone come into their home who thinks that they're going to take care of them You know and they turn around and do something like this You know the lady on The elderly woman's arm in an article it said that you know, she hurt her arm because she was trying to Hit her back and trying to block the hits from the pot. That was being She was being hit with like this is ridiculous What do you guys think like how would you feel if that happened to one of your family members? I'm I know I'm not gonna be the only one that will be living hot under the collar Upset like that is so crazy What is wrong with people in this world? Why do they feel like they need to? harm the senior citizens The seniors they don't paid their dues to society You know when you come into these people homes They're looking they're skeptical number one because you're a stranger You know So then when they find the trust in you To come and do a job and you attack them because you having a bad day or because you don't like what they Said to you or you don't like that. They're not moving fast enough for you or they did something that Is in the description of your job or maybe not in the description of your job But common sense tells you you have to do it You know like I wasn't there I don't know But I'm just trying to figure out like what is the scenario that this woman would actually put her hands on a 95 year old woman It's crazy to me crazy to me I don't know what's wrong with people. I really really don't I wish I I wish I can go into that woman's mind And see like what was you thinking, honey? Like I hope that you don't ever get a job in health care Nowhere Nowhere, I won't even trust you with my my damn dog after seeing that video You know, that is so crazy to me But other than that Article That just really had me going. Oh my god. That was crazy We're gonna talk about this election with Trump, you know and Harris Vice President Kamala Harris, you know, I was looking at a video with Trump at one of his rallies and I didn't like the fact that he called Kamala Harris a bum like really She is more Credible than you She's more qualified than you and I don't know what these Trump supporters See in their candidate that they want to vote for because he did nothing but Terrible things than the four years that he had a term as presidency He was a horrible president and I don't understand why these Trump supporters don't see the corruption Don't see the lies Don't see the narcissistic narcissistic attitude. He has the Disrespectfulness that he has when it comes down to women, you know, like I Would like to get into their minds and be like, why would you want him to represent you again? again No, we have to vote vote vote vote vote We have to vote to save our democracy Because our democracy right now is at stake and we need somebody that is Going to have the people's interest of this country To continue to run this country because if we have this man in it, it's gonna be so chaotic He's trying to trying to get that project 2025 going and if you don't know what that project 25 is, I suggest you guys do your research You know Do a Google search on it and read up on the things that they are trying to implement once he becomes president It's like we're going backward in time. If this man gets elected into office seriously Seriously, I can't even fathom Him getting into office. I Really can't I just pray that you know people get out and vote and they vote for democracy so that we can move forward in this country and Have this country be together because this country is so divided It is so divided and with that man being in office. It's going to be even more Divided, you know even more divided. So, you know, you guys got to get out you got to vote You know vote vote vote, especially you younger ones. I understand, you know We don't know who to vote for Because Biden dropped out. Okay, listen do your research do your research on both candidates and see which ones? Do you want to run this country? You know because it's a lot of things at stake This vote is very important and Biden and Biden and Harris From this country back in the three and a half years. Yeah, the food is up a little bit, you know But it'll go down, you know wages has been up a little bit as well I don't remember seeing that in a Trump president when he was president, you know All I remember is those years was being very tense and him being very narcissistic You know and violence happening in his presidency And I don't want personally me to do another four years under that type of leadership You know so it's really really important that we get out here and we vote and we let our voices be heard and You know, we fight for our democracy because again and again, I'm going to keep repeating it. Ah Democracy depends on it and I will have many people that are Trump supporters that may listen to this Podcast and say, you know what? I'm voting for Trump. I'm not gonna vote for Cara. Well, you know what? That's on you. That's all I have to say. That's on you I'm not gonna go in a debate with anybody about the two candidates. I'm just saying my opinion you know and Just telling people to get out there and vote because this election is really really Important and if you sit up here and say that you're not going to vote for somebody Because you don't like either candidate or you don't know if that candidate is You know gonna do anything for you or you don't know nothing about that candidate do your research Do it You know get out there and vote because your vote counts our ancestors did not struggle and shed Tears and blood and sweat for people to sit on their behinds and not exercise their vote You know, you have to vote You can't sit this out. You have to vote Because if you don't vote you don't have a say so and something that happens in your community, you know Because you're you didn't vote if something happens in my community and I Elected this politician to represent me in my community and it's something that happens To me that I don't I don't like I want to be able to go to my congressman and say I am a Registered voter and I voted you in and I have this particular problem that I would like to Address to your attention. I want your help in this Situation that is going on here. I'm a registered voter You know, you don't vote do not register to vote. You can't go and say that because you're not a registered voter so get registered people and vote because it's very very important and Learn about your candidates. If you don't know about them go on their websites. They have their little campaign websites You know, you can go on and read their record, you know read and see what they're doing For you know their community for the country for the people We need somebody who is going to represent the people and not themselves You know for political gain we need We are the people we vote you in we'll vote you out You know, so get out there and vote vote vote vote vote. I can't can't stress that enough So those are my little rants for this episode one if you have anything that You want to talk about? I Will have an email up. I haven't done that yet, but I will put one up I'm gonna work on doing that and then we can you know, you can shoot me an email and I Should address it on the next podcast You know, but before I leave you I want to end this first podcast with proverbs So in Proverbs, it says commit to the Lord Whatever you do and your plans will succeed so I Believe that The Lord is saying That you have whatever you do You have to be committed To the Lord if you ask him for a prayer you have to be committed to him And being committed to him is meaning that you have to trust him You have to follow his lead and once you have that trust and you follow his lead he will plan your steps accordingly Because sometimes it's not about what we want to do Because God's plans is bigger But once we have him enter into our plans and we follow his lead He will point us in the right direction And sometimes that direction is confusing. You may not know like what what is going on, but you got to trust That he's putting you in a direction where you would succeed so On that note guys, I hope that everyone is having a spectacular day today Keep your head up Keep your chin up and into next time. I'll talk to you soon. Goodbye for now

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