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Money Magnet - self hypnosis

Money Magnet - self hypnosis

Carine C.Carine C.



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The speaker discusses the idea of becoming a money magnet by changing one's mindset and beliefs about money. They suggest replacing old negative thoughts with positive ones and using imagination to visualize abundance. The speaker describes a scenario where money appears effortlessly and abundantly in various situations, reinforcing the belief of being a money magnet. The speaker encourages the listener to embrace this concept and let it become a reality in their life. So, in a kind of way, we are beginning to be dealing with it. It comes from the order of desire to be experiencing some positive changes, positive changes for forward movement in life. When it comes to money, it seems there are people who no longer have issues of any kind about money. And there are some people who never had issues about money. And it is possible to be learning something new about money, like beginning to imagine about someone who no longer has any issues with money. Perhaps it might have something to do with replacing old lack and delay, ways of thinking and feeling about money with new, more positive ways. Maybe to be getting downright silly about it, making it more fun, easy, effortless, bringing a sense of freedom about it all and having fun with it. So, let's invite the deeper mind, the subconscious, assisting and helping as it likes to do, by imagining it providing some better images around money. And we've resolved that the past is over, done and gone, over, done and gone. Let's begin moving forward. Calm and comfortable now, getting ready. When the door of imagination opens wider, any or all of the senses adding and just imagining. Wonder what it could possibly be like being a money magnet. Wouldn't that be something? Remember, in the imagination, anything can happen. Maybe like this. So, this someone seems to be walking down the street. And tens, pennies and hundreds seem to be appearing out of thin air, flying through the air. Money simply sticks, as though being a magnet. Like a magnetic pull happening. Pulling and drawing money with ease, on the grace, in just right ways. Continue imagining there's, here's that someone putting their hands in pockets and putting out gobs and gobs of money. Wherever this someone turns, at home for example, opening a dresser, drawer and then find more piles and piles of money. And in the laundry bin, bundles and bundles of money. Walking into the kitchen, they are opening cupboards and instead of plates on the shelves, it's more and more money stacked up high. Putting down the cover on the bed and the sheets are made of money. Yes! It just seems as though anything and everything is money goodness. The bank of imagination is on the side table in the bedroom and so there's recording these amazing and wondrous happenings before sleep. It's money here and money there, going everywhere. Money simply attaching in an easy and effortless way. And could it be? Seemingly impossible good is happening as though this someone is in a state of becoming a money magnet everywhere they go. Imagining, waking up in the morning, already smiling because of being released and letting go of old ways about money in an early morning venting dream. Feeling good, feeling happy, feeling free. Embracing this next wonderful day where money is flowing all around and all through. Finding that in the car there are bundles, bags, backpacks, suitcases, filling the car, opening them and yes, more and more and more money. It's as though the world is simply throwing money on the path everywhere. As though it's being made so easy to simply be receiving and allowing all around and all through, becoming a money magnet. Going to the bank and the bank manager showing the account room. Yes, it is. This account takes up a whole room. Stacks and stacks of money on shelves and tables all around. Stacked up to the ceiling. Money all around and all through the account room at the bank. And at work, becoming entirely amazed because all over the desk tons and tons of files. The files are chocked full of money. It's all part of this idea of becoming a money magnet. So now, at the top of my beautiful staircase of 21 steps, let the affirmation becoming a money magnet be an idea easily embraced by this imagining and remembering anything that has ever been anything in reality has always started like this in the imagination. Every step down, it is reinforced. 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Going forward into the positive domain, negatives have disintegrated. Becoming a money magnet is in process as an idea for fully being believed. Each and every time believing is reinforced, it is more strongly believed and becomes a foregone conclusion. Certain without doubt. Certain. And for now, let yourself feel the positives in this imagining. You might even bring a smile with it as you appreciate the wonders of your imagination. The imagination that creates reality. Let the conscious and subconscious work harmoniously with these ideas as we begin to come up and out now at 0 and now at 1 2 3 4 5 Eyes slightly open and allowing yourself to go into a deep sleep. Deep. Sleep. And as you fall asleep Corinne, you are going to be reinforcing these ideas and eventually renting out the bad ones and just increasing the belief that you are indeed a magnet of money.

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