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hero journey substack

Candis Fox



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The speaker, Candace Fox, discusses the concept of the hero's journey in mythology and how it relates to becoming our own money heroes. She explains the steps of the hero's journey, emphasizing the importance of receiving support and guidance along the way. Candace also shares her own approach to coaching and self-mastery, highlighting the significance of embracing discomfort and celebrating growth. She invites listeners to take a quiz to explore their money archetypes and offers free consultations for further assistance. Hi, this is Candace Fox, Financial Wellness and Integrity Coach, and today we'll be exploring how to become your own money hero. This one is particularly fun for me as it touches on something that I've loved for a long time. Mythology. Now mythology worldwide has one story that's been told every generation since humans have been telling stories. The hero's journey. It may look or feel a little different based on the region, but they all outline a guide to self-mastery and how to dance with fate, to embrace our destinies. Now I've been studying mythology since I began to read over 35 years ago. I've studied alchemical fractals, deities from as many homelands as can be translated into English, and origin stories as rich as the earth we stand on. Nothing makes me feel more connected to every living being that has ever lived on this earth than mythology. Because the stories are all so similar and yet so unique. Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar, the Western version of the hero cycle looks like this. The hero gets a call and they refuse it. Step one, they say no, and then they're forced into it by destiny. Second, they receive support and guidance. They find somebody who's skilled in what they're doing. They usually stumble into it or maybe they find a journey buddy. Third, they leave behind the comfort and embrace their journey. They just go for it. Fourth, they get skilled. They get skilled. They get skilled. They begin their journey of self-mastery. After that, the actual conflict happens. That just so happens to mirror the initial call that they refused in the first place, but this time they're able to move through it. And guess what? On the other end, there's a reward. And afterward, they go back. They go back to their origin. They share their story and there they have a death or a resurrection of some sort or some kind of celebration to really embody and solidify their achievements. And at that point, they're a hero. They have this cosmic achievement and power that others recognize because they see it in themselves. Now, while the hero's journey focuses on the hero or heroine self-mastery for sure, one thing is also clear and that is that heroes are not tempered in vacuums. They had help. So to me, with all of my study, the one piece of knowledge that I walk away with from those stories is that we cannot become our own heroes alone. Now as a coach, I get to be on my own journey often and embrace it as often as I have capacity and I get to walk with others as they go through theirs. And here's how it looks and feels, right? We all start with the same, oh, you know, I want to make a change, but I don't do it. I'm laughing at myself here at all the times that I've been like, wow, you know, it'd be really nice if this were different. Mm-hmm. Yes. Now those of us who are lucky can choose to make a change instead of being forced into it. From there, we hire a coach or a mentor or find a support buddy. Maybe that's a family member or an old friend or maybe even just somebody that you met recently who gets you and helps you see things in yourself that you've never seen before. And that's when we start getting skilled, really, really, truly skilled and embracing our natural gifts. Now here's how I like to do that for my own life and as a coach. I like three basic steps. The first step is to find the place where safety and discomfort meet. Ooh, isn't that something? Being uncomfortable and yet safe. With money that could look like for some people, you know, asking somebody to buy you a small gift that they think you would like, even though you could afford it yourself, just to get the experience of receiving that kind of intimacy and care. Now if that made you uncomfortable, let me know. Get on my schedule. The second part that I like to dive into is around self-mastery and fractal patterns. All right, we're gonna find that initial call, the thing that we've been refusing and we're going to gently touch up against it intentionally until it becomes easy and even fun. Third, I get to offer support and, you know, when I'm seeking my own coaches, receive support in overcoming what I sought to change and what you seek to change. Now, I don't know about y'all, but when I look for a coach, they need to be somebody that I feel good receiving guidance from. They could be the most skilled person on the planet at what I want to get good at. But if I don't feel good about receiving their wisdom or practices, then all I've done is give myself one more reason not to succeed and someone else to blame. And I am not about that life. Now, moving on in the hero's journey, we get to the reward. Oh my goodness. This is one of my favorite parts about being a coach because now we both get to see the new you, your new life. We get to play around and see what feels good. You get to grow, share your story with your loved ones, or maybe even go on a podcast, you know, get some feedback from your story, share it in a way that helps other people get on their own journey. And you might even get paid to do that. It's nice. It's nice when it works out that way. You can always ask, right? And then, oh, yeah, I mean I love every step, but the ritual for completion is beautiful. I love celebrating growth and change because it is a way of cementing that we are not going back to our old ways. We said that's enough. I'm not that person anymore. I'm something else. I'm more me now than I was back then. And that's when we really find our heroic self, our personal power, our sovereignty, and we craft this new world from within ourselves. It's beautiful. Now with money, we're both shaped by and can shape the world through our relationship to it because money touches on intimacy, power, the way we nourish ourselves in our communities, so many things. So my question to you is what kind of hero or heroine will you become? So I made a quiz for you, okay? Here's a challenge if you want it. I made this quiz, and I'd love for you to take it twice. The first time, now let me back up a second. When you take this quiz, it's not going to take more than like three minutes because if it does take longer than three minutes, you're overthinking it. There's three questions, okay, and it's all about how you feel. So boom. How do you feel? That's it. Now the first time you take this quiz, I'd love for you to take it as your most idealized, strong, heroic, favorite self. Tap into that person and take it from that perspective. Okay. Second, second time you take this quiz, I'd like you to take it as your most hurt, small, fearful, scared self. The things that really scare you and hurt you, take it from that perspective and see the difference because they're going to spit out different archetypes, right? There are money archetypes waiting for you to explore them and understand yourself better. Now, after you've taken that quiz twice, if your answers don't match up, I want you to get on my calendar for a consultation. They're free, free 30 minutes, right? We find out if we want to work together because I can safely say that my answers are the same because I have become my own money hero and my way of changing the world is to help others become the same for themselves. Hmm. Thank you and enjoy your day.

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